The Movies Thread

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The Movies Thread

Postby Jackal on Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:43 am

Most of you guys must know it by now, I love watching movies. Whenever I can steal a couple of hours, I watch a movie.

Now I could've just kept Jugs' thread going, but that was basically movies of 2005 and I'd like this to be movies in general. So we can keep discussing movies we'll keep watching & movies we've watched in the past.

I'll probably end up keeping it alive given I'll keep watching movies & I'll try to write atleast a little something about the movie.

Now in Jugs' thread, this was the list of movies I'd seen of 2005:

Superb Movies:

- Batman Begins
- King Kong

Great Movies:

- Harry Potter
- Crash
- The Interpreter
- Munich

Good Movies:

- The Chronicles of Narnia
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- Lord of War
- Constantine
- Hostage
- Four Brothers
- The Transporter 2

Time Pass Movies:

- 11:14
- Coach Carter
- White Noise
- Assault on Precinct 13
- Hitch
- The Pacifier
- Guess Who
- Sahara
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Unleashed (a.k.a. Danny The Dog)
- The Skeleton Key
- 40 Year Old Virgin
- Flightplan
- Jarhead

Bad/Desperate to watch something Movies:

- Napoleon Dynamite
- Sin City
- Fantastic Four
- Hide & Seek
- The Ring Two
- xXx: State of the Union
- Mindhunters
- Monster in Law
- War of the Worlds
- The Island
- The Loooong Weekend
- Two For The Money

Awful (Horrible) Movies:

- Revolver
- Elektra
- Boogeyman
- Son of the Mask
- Cursed
- The Amityville Horror
- House of Wax
- Stealth
- A Sound of Thunder
- Dirty Love
- Fat Albert (What a waste of money.)

Unseen (wanting to watch) Movies:

- Cinderella Man
- The Dukes of Hazzard
- Red Eye
- The Brothers Grimm
- A History of Violence
- The Legend of Zorro
- Saw II (Given I haven't watched Saw I yet.)
- Casanova
- The New World

I have Serenity on a CD, I just haven't gotten around to watching it.

Looking Forward To Movies (2006):

- Hostel
- Dirty
- Glory Road
- Underworld: Evolution
- Big Momma's House 2
- Ice Age 2
- Basic Instinct 2
- Scary Movie 4
- Mission Impossible: III
- The Da Vinci Code (May 19th, 19 years old!)
- X-Men: III
- Cars
- Superman Returns
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
- Miami Vice
- World Trade Center
- Rush Hour 3
- The Visiting
- Saw III (After I've seen Saw I & II)

I've placed Munich & Jarhead in categories.

Guess I'll start off with those two.

Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx & Peter Sarsgaard.

I was expecting another war movie when I started watching this movie. I never did like Gyllenhaal so I didn't really expect great acting from him, I do feel I owe it to him to say this much, he impressed me.

I think a big factor that drives me to not like him was the ever so depressing movie Donnie Darko. I liked him in The Day After Tomorrow only because I'd forgotten he was in Donnie Darko. Another thing that annoys me is his hair do. Elvis is dead, leave him be bastard.

Anyways, on to the movie. Basically it's one guys story about his time in the Marines. He made it as a sniper & it's his journey during the war between the US & Iraq. (Not this one, the previous one.)

Foxx plays Gyllenhaal's staff sergeant & Sarsgaard plays one of the other marines. The story builds up the expectations of seeing Gyllenhaal in combat, sadly that never happens. The whole movie through you wait for a combat scene or something that resembles it...but sadly that never comes.

While it's sad, it's also another side of these kind of movies. Most of the movies really make the guys out to be Rambo style kickass dudes...this one showed that this dude is the main character but he didn't get to do much during the war. Before he could, the war was over for him.

Sarsgaard did pretty well, I liked his acting, he's been in quite a few movies in 2005, Skeleton Key (where he didn't get much scope but was useful none the less), Flightplan (where he played the negative role quite well) and now Jarhead where he played the part of a marine with a criminal record quite well aswell.

Foxx was natural, he didn't do any attention-whoring and was pleasantly funny. Quite a change after all the dramatics he's done as of late. (Ray & Collateral come to mind.)


Later, that movie was mentally tiring.

Probably by tomorrow - Into The Blue. (Alba :drool: )
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Postby Blasphemy on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:01 am

Jackal, nice list you got there! :P But you say you have never seen saw 1 so you want to see saw 2. THen you say you want to see saw3. How do you know you even like the first 2?
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Postby J@3 on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:14 am

I'll take your list and cut out the movies I haven't seen:

Batman Begins - Great movie, really enjoyed it from start to finish.
Coach Carter - Decent feel good type movie, I've seen better though.
Hitch - It was ok, funny in parts but not really that great.
Napoleon Dynamite - Piece of shit.
Sin City - Piece of shit.
Fantastic Four - Pretty decent, I kinda enjoyed it.
The Island - Not bad really. I liked it, but it got weird towards the end.
Elektra - Not even sure what to think of this. The hand, THE HAND!!
The Amityville Horror - Yeah, pretty average. Sex scene made it watchable.
The Dukes of Hazzard - Surprisingly funny. I thought it was cool, some people may hate it.
In Good Company - Not a bad movie but probably only worth renting.
Star Wars Episode 3 - Good with shit dialogue. "You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!" :lol:
Wedding Crashers - Brilliant movie. Best of the year, one of my all time favourites.
Memoirs Of A Geisha - Not bad, I kinda enjoyed it. Bit boring in parts though.
The Girl Next Door - Good underrated movie I bought on DVD. Some great characters.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Scary. Very bizarre and disturbing.
Bewitched - Shit. Not as shit as Sin City/Napoleon Dynamite, but fairly shit allt he same.
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Postby Jackal on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:14 am

Movies don't have to be good in order for me to watch them. If it has a sequel, means it did good business for a reason, which means it's either a good movie or something worth watching. Besides, my sisters + brother in law's have seen the movie and call it a sadistic, gorey fucked up movie. Something I'd thoroughly enjoy, they say. :wink:
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Postby Doobie on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:33 am

Have any of you guys seen Antwone Fisher? Thats an excellent movie. (Y)
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Postby cyanide on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:54 am

I love movies too, so I'll be around here :mrgreen:

Jae wrote:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Scary. Very bizarre and disturbing.

:lol: Serious?

I don't usually watch movies in the same year, but usually watch older movies but here's what I've seen for 2005:

- Batman Begins: Not too bad; I'm not much of an action movie guy.
- Crash: Excellent movie. Well done, though the Asians were the only race that were discriminated and didn't have resolution. Seriously.
- Constantine: It was weird, but I thought it was ok. It's not a very memorable movie.
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Good for kids, but watchable for adults too. Enjoyed Depp's performance.
- Coach Carter: Inspirational, but I wouldn't watch it twice.
- 40 Year Old Virgin: Funny, probably the only movie I've seen that has a reference to sex in every second. It's not laugh-so-hard that I choked funny, but good for a bit of chuckles.
- High Tension: Rivals Saw II for best horror movie of the year. I thought it was good for a psychological horror.
- Napoleon Dynamite: Sad funny, not ha-ha funny.
- Elektra: A piece of shit movie. Jennifer Garner could not express a single emotion.

- Mr. and Mrs. Smith: Have it, haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
- Sin City: Have it, haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
Last edited by cyanide on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Scotty on Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:28 pm

Hey Jackal, u'll definately have to see Red Eye-full of suspense :shock:
And i didn't even know there was gonna be a Scary Movie 4 nor Rush Hour 3, so that's good to know. Have u seen Fun with Dick and Jane? that's pretty good.
Also Dukes of Hazard is pretty shit for a remake, Starsky and Hutch is the way to go (Y)

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Postby Colin on Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:38 pm

It's a hell of a lot more fun to quote Napolean Dynamite than it was to watch it. eg. "Colin if you could have anything in the world what would it be?" [nd impression] "Wicked bowstaff skills."

Anyways...I'll take Jackal's list and do what I've seen. I don't wathc a lot of movies...
- Batman Begins - Great. Just fantastic in every sense of the word. I ended up buying the special edition of this and watched the movie twice, and all the special features in two days.
- The Chronicles of Narnia - Good movie. It's been a while since I read them, but it seemed to capture the book nicely. The CGI for Aslan was great.
- The Transporter 2 - Meaningless unrealistic action. Loved every minute. Especially when he went off the jump and the crane took the bomb off the underside of his car. :lol:
- Hitch - Surprising. I enjoyed.
- Napoleon Dynamite - Like I said before, funnier to quote than watch.

I watch a lot more TV than movies. I usually watch the TV DVD's in my collection.
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Postby Jugs on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:07 pm

I watched Fantastic 4 the other day, I felt that the movie was too short, the fighting scene took like 2 minutes to "clock" the bad guy, but I suppose the movie was meant to show how they became fantastic or whatever.
Napoleon Dynamite is just crap.
Batman Begins was definitely a great movie, loved it.
Hitch was okay, kinda over-rated but Eva Mendes convinced me to watch it.
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Postby J@3 on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:29 pm

As far as Saw goes, I was a bit apprehensive. I'm not really into mindless gore and violence, ala Sin City.

However... my brother bought the DVD and I've gotta say it's a fantastic movie. It keeps you guessing right until the end, you think you've got the plot and all of the twists figured out then you get hit by another one. I loved it, I might "get" Saw 2.
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Postby King James #23 on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:44 pm

Anyone seen Saw 2?
Thanks to Ruff Ryder for the sig! (y)
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Postby magius on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:49 pm

i thought saw was the cheesiest suspense movie i've ever seen. entertainment value came from moments that probably weren't supposed to be funny, so it wasnt as bad as alexander. eurghnc

i just watched walk the line, that was pretty good. cindarella man was also good, and finally watched brokeback mountain,it was good too. the best movie i watched last year was definetely crash.

i still want to watch munich, and yes, into the blue for the birds. also still have to watch match point. and im being forced into underworld:evolution, i guess its worth it for kate seeing as angelina is preoccupied with brad. selfish bastard.

also, a movie i am really looking forward to is bubble by soderbergh. it comes out in theatres, tv, and dvd simultaneously.
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Postby dada on Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:54 pm

king_james23 wrote:Anyone seen Saw 2?

Nothing special. I didnt really like either of the 2. All my peers loved it and recommended it but I got this blah attitude when I watched it. Very disappointing.

@Jugs- Hostel wasnt anything special either.

The most recent movie I have seen is Big Momma's House 2 which was so painstakingly crappy. I had no other choice because nothing else worthwhile was out and I needed something to pass the time.
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Postby Axel on Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:07 pm

Sin City was the worst movie of all time.

I just watched Dead Presidents last night... I should have watched it earlier, but never did get around to it... good movie...
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Postby dada on Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:33 pm

Axel wrote:Sin City was the worst movie of all time.

Why? I liked it. Why didnt you?
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Postby Axel on Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:37 pm

dadamafia wrote:
Axel wrote:Sin City was the worst movie of all time.

Why? I liked it. Why didnt you?

I couldn't keep up with the plot for one thing. All I could gather from it was the main character (forgot his name) needed a group of prostitutes to perform some sort of task... people kept dying and coming back to life... and in one incident another person wouldn't die no matter how many times he was beaten up.

Also, what was with the freaky yellow guy at the end? The cannibal guy who kept coming back to life?

Oh, and I also hated that it was in black and white.
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Postby dada on Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:42 pm

Axel wrote:Oh, and I also hated that it was in black and white.

I thought that was the best part. :(
Your eyes would grow so used to the black and white that when the red of the blood and such presents itself it is even more illuminating....added to the dramatic effect.
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Postby Axel on Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:22 pm

dadamafia wrote:
Axel wrote:Oh, and I also hated that it was in black and white.

I thought that was the best part. :(
Your eyes would grow so used to the black and white that when the red of the blood and such presents itself it is even more illuminating....added to the dramatic effect.

I think there was more red from the blood than there was black/white.
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Postby J@3 on Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:23 pm

I didn't mind the black/white thing, I just thought the plot was shit and it was completely unnecessarily violent.
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Postby Fitzy on Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:34 pm

Get Kung Pow and all of steve oedekerks thumb movies :D
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Postby Axel on Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:36 pm

Jae wrote:I didn't mind the black/white thing, I just thought the plot was shit and it was completely unnecessarily violent.

Same. I prefer it to be in color, but if it has a good plot I don't mind black and white so much.
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Postby Laxation on Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:02 pm

omg, so not a good list
no team america, no baseketball... wheres your sence of great, mature comedy :x

but seriously, team america is my fav movie... i reccomend it to anyone (Y)
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Postby Jugs on Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:37 pm

Team America: World Police was okay, some what mediocre but still funny nonetheless.

Kung Pow's a heap of shit, so gay. Not even funny, maybe a little.

The Nugget is a good Aussie Comedy, you wanna hear some aussie accents, watch that movie and also Take Away.
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Postby Fenix on Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:29 pm

I've become a big fan of zombie flicks in the past couple of months and these are definitely worth of watching: Dawn of the Dead (1978), Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead (both versions), 28 Days Later... Land of the Dead is also semi-decent, but it's not remotely as original as the Dead trilogy (Night, Dawn, Day) was. I tried to watch the Evil Dead trilogy, but it just isn't what I hoped it to be. It's more of a parody (Dead Alive anyone?) than 'realistic' zombie movie with too many mistakes for my taste. Ash is da man, though. "Hail to the king, baby!" :lol:
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Postby Jugs on Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:33 pm

Has anybody seen House of a 1000 corpses? That's the most whacked out muthafuckin' movie of all time. 'Nuff said.
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