Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 17

Postby Crunky on Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:42 am

1. We need an option to tilt the floor if for example we see lebron isolating on one side of the court, we can hit quick play "Tilt Floor", which will tell all weakside defenders to sag off their man and be ready to bring immediate help against lebron if he decides to go to the basket

2. There should be a "Double-Off ___ player" option. For example if I'm playing the grizzlies and Z-Bo gets the ball down-low, I want to be able to set my defensive settings for Tony Allen to "Double-off Tony Allen". So that the player defending Tony Allen is the one who comes over for the double team, not the guy guarding Mike Conley who can actually shoot.

3. Introduce something similar to the VIP system where we could download online players or our own VIP profiles and assign them to any team. To prepare us on that players tendencies or just to give us the feeling of playing online, offline against the cpu

This idea is about the VIP System or Adaptive AI for RisingStar mode and Dynasty mode. It would be cool if the ai was able to adapt to your playstyle in Dynasty mode and RisingStar mode using your season tendencies and gameplanning against that. Like putting a certain defender on player X or attacking a player on defense that has been giving up alot of points recently. If there is favorite spot you like to score from the ai would adapt and have a help defender zone you or if your in a cold shooting slump the defender will sag off of you. This will all possible if you brought in the VIP system the competition had years ago.

4. Not every team pushes the ball on a break so how about this idea. Have a walk the ball up the court/fastbreak tendency for user/cpu for sometimes you want CPU to just slow things down ( MIGHT BE CONTROLLED BY COACHING TENDENCY)

5. Being able to call timeouts midair when ball goes out of bounds or attempt to throw ball off of of other team players. Just thinking maybe things could move in slow motion for a bit, just brainstorming on this idea off the top of my head please NBA Live expand on this further.

6. There should be a switch button for ex rondo is guarding lebron I should be able to run over with butler and press the switch button to get rondo to switch. It would really help on pick and roll defense

7. This rating, badge, tendency or option is for bigman like Ben Simmons, Draymond Green that like to push the ball in transition after a rebound, there should be a rating, badge, tendency or option for players like that. "Bigman one man fastbreaks"
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 17

Postby Crunky on Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:55 am

1. Also, we should have a sort of "Help Defense Attention" meter for every player in the Coaching section of the pause menu. So, like, if we're playing against Cleveland, we can set LeBron's Help Defense Attention to 100, so that everyone will be focused on bringing help defense when he drives, but we can set jr smith to like 50, so when he drives, help defense will come, but not as strong as when LeBron drives.

That's how it works in real life. As of now, our only option is to set help defense strength to the same value for everybody, so that the help on a jr smith drive will look the same as on a James drive.

Hell, to even add to that, if you set someone to 100, the defense should shade, tilt the court, whatever you wanna call it, toward that player when he gets the ball in position to make a play (i.e., at or inside the three-point line).

2. This idea is for SimHeads, Player Breather Meter for players that abuse the turbo button. Similar to how the gatorade icon pops up warning you of your fatigue level, this instead will have a meter warning you to take a breather. Just like in real life players will take plays off when their winded, the same result will take place in the game but as you become stationary and layoff the turbo your players breather meter will regenerate. Once you abuse the turbo again the meter will decrease leaving your player with signs of sluggishness.

As the meter depletes fully it leaves your player vulnerable on the offense affecting the players strength in the post position and boxing out. On defense a winded player will be more susceptible to fouling offensive player for example hand-checking fouls on defense and holding offensive cutter like players do in real life when they need a breather. As an off-ball player for both offense and defense your player will compensate by having moments of bending down hands on knees gasping for air. Please expand on this idea further

3. User Controlled tap back rebounds
6. Ability to split the defense on a pick and roll 12. Manually trigger a protect the ball animation when driving to the hoop ex marbury
13. Alley Oop spin out post position animation like Blake griffin
14. More signature walk/run animations, dribbling, layup and post up
19. Hack a Shaq strategy should only be used in the last in the 4th qtr to avoid cheesing
21. Add an animation to completely stuff a dunk at the highest point by going straight
1. NBA TNT style presentation and abc
2. For Franchise add a weekly wrap up show like NFL 2k5
5. Pre game presentation show players in dressing room with headphones putting on their sneakers
7. Add press conference interviews for playoffs/final games
8. Post game interviews in locker room for regular season games
9. Pre game presentation show announcers talking
10. Post game interaction with crowds throwing jersey in to the stands, high fiving fans and signing sneakers and posters
14. Pre game presentation have players rocking their suits/glasses/head phones coming to the games in the walk way area at the arena
15. Post game interviews have players rockin their signature fashion glasses/suits/watches
16. Add the champagne shower celebration in the locker room when you win conference/finals games on the road
17. Post game trophy ceremony for MVPs of all star game
18. Show the curry family watching from the stands
19. Pre game players huddled together giving motivational speeches
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 17

Postby Crunky on Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:07 am

Referee Mode where you have the ability to officiate the game from all 3 of the referees eyes. All you do is press X to change from one referee eye view to the next referee eye view. Also you have one button for whistle and your able to select the foul or violation. For fouls/violations there will be colored markers underneath player that lights up a certain color alerting you of the foul/violation. For example red =travel, blue=blocking foul you'll have a certain time limit to call the foul/violation. For plays in the paint the camera would zoom in on the action and the game would slow down at the point of contact and it will be up to your discernment if the contact was a foul or not. Your performance would be graded on how accurate you are in calling fouls/violations between the time limit. Please expand on this great idea further, instead of colors underneath player it will be a random button that pops up randomly underneath player that you have to press before time lapses. So if it says press button B for the foul you have press it before button under player disappears. Every game you recieve scores your high scores are based on how accurate you are calling fouls. Your also competing against other fictional referee crews around the league. The referee crews with high scores get to referee the playoffs and the remaining crew with the highest score get to referee the finals

2. Call this rarely but flop button for the offensive player to draw fouls. For example james harden is driving into the lane with shotblocker like deandre jordan in the lane so double tap B button to initiate contact with defender and you end up grabbing your head in pain or flailing your arms or you end up falling on the floor. Make this a risk reward where not all the time you get the call and by flopping you risk turning over the ball

3. Reggie Miller leg kickout animation included in flop button on jumshots. Have it rarely called but it just adds a new layer to game play

4. For classic teams how about some old school presentation, example NBA on NBC theme tune and how about add generic commentators to freshen things up

5. Better halftime analysis, have game breakdown rather than random clips, breakdown the 1st and 2nd quarters for the halftime show, 3rd, 4th and overall game for the post game show analysis

6. The little things add championship gear to players that win the last two rounds of the playoffs

7. Tripping Foul calls ala Grayson Allen of Duke

8. This might already be in the game, we'll I know that the crowd in the game already stands up during end of game situations. But how about a big shot during the end of game you should have to crowd standing up actually jumping up and down punching their fist in the air in excitement

9. Implement player headfakes

The Little Things Wishlist Pt1

1. Players/Coaches that complain to the ref should recieve technicals
3. Players dropping accessories on the court floor for ex headbands after a hard foul
4. More highfiving teamates after trying to score on foul calls
6. During player interview segments have players wiping their head with a towel and have players change posture bending forward to hear sideline reporter better due to crowd noise
8. Make games more chippy and dirtier ex after a hard foul players confront each other ref steps in to break confrontation
9. Have bench players interact with in game players walking to the bench with high fives and chest bumps
10. Add this layup animation where player leads with their knee causing an offensive foul
11. Power dribble animation after an offensive rebound or a pass
1. Dynamic Ref Crew Personality Badges/Tendencies. 3 different Ref crews, one ref crew calls game tight the other lets you get away with contact/shoves/jersey holding and the other calls the game 50/50.

2. Option to play the pre-game shootaround drill option to turn it off as well. Before the tip off

3. Add ricky rubio fake behind pass into layup animation (The Little Things)

4. In a blowout win or loss and james harden is pulled out for the rest of the game have him laying down on his back near the bench area (The Little Things)

5. Players utilizing and getting away with moving screens ala draymond green

6. Players hands slapping backboard on missed block attempt in the low post area (The Little Things)

7. Recreating certain era dunk contests from the 1990's era Jordan freethrow line dunk to the 2000's era dunk contest with Vince Carter. Even the 2008 dunk contest with Dwight Howard dressed as superman recreating his dunk moments

8. During freethrow shot show a cutscene of player X discussing things over with the referee sometimes for example a foul called against him

9. For playoff presentation when a game is over show a camera shot or cutscene facing the team walking through the tunnels untucking their jerseys like a real life presentation. If its the losing team have them walking through the tunnels with their heads down with untucked jerseys

10. Program the AI to perform drive and kick ending with a touch pass shot. Also more pullup j's off of pick and roll for players like steph curry, damian lillard and brandon knight
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 17

Postby Andrew on Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:24 am

Some very solid suggestions there. Welcome to the Forum!

Suppose I better go ahead and change the title of the thread, too.
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Crunky on Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:18 am

They seriously need to be innovative I'm talking a grand theft auto style career mode where you could drive around to your home or to the home arena. Have a cell phone a laptop for on the go and a computer for home. Have minigames at your house like a pool table stuff like that. Also a barbershop you could drive to. Different venues in the community maybe walking distance like movie theaters with movies included in game, a gym to work out to build muscle or get lean and ripped or have film study breaking down your opponent on film for the upcoming game, basically stuff like that.
Here's a basic version of my idea.

Create your Crib in RisingStar and make it interactive - A Door: to play your next game - A Computer: is your NBA .com - A Closet: is your edit player - A Television: could be your highlight or recap of the week in the NBA - A Bed: where you can simulate to the next day - A GYM: where you can edit and assign your skill points and do drills - A Shrine: as you complete milestones and win awards - A Phone: so you can contact your teammates, your coach and agent - Mini games: like playing pool, poker that you can play in your spare time.

Let's get innovative how about during halftime shoot a halfcourt shot with a fan for a cash prize.

NBA Live 18 has to have an All Star Game Mode with Dunk Contest instead of having to SIM midseason just to play it we can have it as a game mode.

Can we finally get some towels in the game.

Have cut stoppages like real life.

Have NBA players sitting courtside during dunk contest celebrating, jumping out of their seats giving that holy ish face like Kevin Garnett did in that picture.

Have players who seriously injured their lowered extremities carried off the court and wheeled in a wheelchair to the lockeroom.

Make the sideline's and baseline more interactive jumping into crowds to save loose balls, jumping into cameraman etc.

Coaches being restrained, receiving technicals and ejections has to be put in the game.
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Crunky on Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:20 am

Custom Music like MLB The Show needs to be included.

Referees need to be more than props have player interacting with referees.

Players interaction with referees during dead ball situations.

Have coaches talking to referee.
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Crunky on Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:52 am

Show shots of coaches calling plays from bench area.

NBA won't allow this but player to player staredowns.

NBA won't allow this but players being restrained from going after each other.

Mycareer Interactive Trophy Presentation make it so we can control our player and walk to the podium to get the trophy, walk around the arena floor celebrating with the trophy, highfiving and chest bumping teammates, standing on top of scoring table pumping up the crowd. When you've played an entire league season you deserve more than a 5 minute cut scene to end your season

standing ovations from home fans when a player gets up from injury or returns from injury. Also if a star/role player has a big game in a blowout and is subbed out should get a standing ovation

During timeouts they should show animated commentators talking

Post game analysis by animated commentaters should show barely any fans in arena. Just have commentaters discussing basic stuff like what both teams need to work on
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Crunky on Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:55 am

During freethrow shot show a cutscene of player X discussing things over with the referee sometimes for example a foul called against him

during the finals show a cutscene of the league commissioner in attendance and have a sit-down interview with him. Could be a voice over and not his real voice

For MYGM have a tribute night for the Legends where they are honored pregame and maybe show live footage of their highlights

During timeouts have a little camera box on the bottom right part of the screen showing highlights sometimes

When a player gets hurt show him getting helped by trainers all the way to the lockeroom in a picture in picture box window and if injury not serious show trainer getting him stretched or iced up near the bench area

During halftime when players are walking off the court I want them high fiving home fans and too be heckled,booed by away fans. You should show a cutscene of the away fans animating the boo sign while players walk off the court

With the picture in picture box window during timeouts you guys can be creative with it by having 3 picture in picture box windows. One picture would have in game highlights another picture would have cheerleaders dancing. The third picture would have animated commentators maybe discussing the highlights or going through the stats of the game. While on the big picture would be the players huddled up with their coach
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Crunky on Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:27 am

Have coaches writing on clipboard during timeout's.

Add a sports ticker that show's other game scores around the league and scheduled tip-off times the game's around the league will be playing especially during freethrow attempts and timeouts.

More stat overlay's during game's showing win streaks, losing streaks, league leaders and more stats in general etc.

Being able to call timeouts midair when ball goes out of bounds or attempt to throw ball off of of other team players. Just thinking maybe things could move in slow motion for a bit, just brainstorming on this idea off the top of my head please expand on this further.

This rating, badge, tendency or option is for bigman like Ben Simmons, Draymond Green that like to push the ball in transition after a rebound, there should be a rating, badge, tendency or option for players like that. "Bigman one man fastbreaks"

Pre game presentation show players in dressing room with headphones putting on their sneakers

Post game interviews in locker room for regular season games

Pre game presentation have players rocking their suits/glasses/head phones coming to the games in the walk way area at the arena

Post game interviews have players rockin their signature fashion glasses/suits/watches

Add the champagne shower celebration in the locker room when you win conference/finals games on the road

Post game trophy ceremony for MVPs of all star game

Pre game players huddled together giving motivational speeches

Post game interaction with crowds throwing jersey in to the stands, high fiving fans and signing sneakers and posters

Pre game presentation show announcers talking
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Crunky on Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:05 am

Not every team pushes the ball on a break so how about this idea. Have a walk the ball up the court/fastbreak tendency for user/cpu for sometimes you want CPU to just slow things down ( MIGHT BE CONTROLLED BY COACHING TENDENCY)

Call this rarely but flop button for the offensive player to draw fouls. For example james harden is driving into the lane with shotblocker like deandre jordan in the lane so double tap B button to initiate contact with defender and you end up grabbing your head in pain or flailing your arms or you end up falling on the floor. Make this a risk reward where not all the time you get the call and by flopping you risk turning over the ball

Reggie Miller leg kickout animation included in flop button on jumshots. Have it rarely called but it just adds a new layer to game play

The little things add championship gear to players that win the last two rounds of the playoffs and maybe the NBA champions photo pose.

NBA won't allow this in game but
Tripping Foul calls ala Grayson Allen of Duke

This might already be in the game, we'll I know that the crowd in the game already stands up during end of game situations. But how about a big shot during the end of game you should have to crowd standing up actually jumping up and down punching their fist in the air in excitement

Referee Mode where you have the ability to officiate the game from all 3 of the referees eyes. All you do is press X to change from one referee eye view to the next referee eye view. Also you have one button for whistle and your able to select the foul or violation. For fouls/violations there will be colored markers underneath player that lights up a certain color alerting you of the foul/violation. For example red =travel, blue=blocking foul you'll have a certain time limit to call the foul/violation. For plays in the paint the camera would zoom in on the action and the game would slow down at the point of contact and it will be up to your discernment if the contact was a foul or not. Your performance would be graded on how accurate you are in calling fouls/violations between the time limit. Please expand on this great idea further, instead of colors underneath player it will be a random button that pops up randomly underneath player that you have to press before time lapses. So if it says press button B for the foul you have press it before button under player disappears. Every game you recieve scores your high scores are based on how accurate you are calling fouls. Your also competing against other fictional referee crews around the league. The referee crews with high scores get to referee the playoffs and the remaining crew with the highest score get to referee the finals

Make games more chippy and dirtier ex after a hard foul players confront each other ref steps in to break confrontation

Have bench players interact with in game players walking to the bench with high fives and chest bumps

Option to play the pre-game shootaround drill option to turn it off as well. Before the tip off ala College Hoops 2k8.

Players utilizing and getting away with moving screens ala draymond green

Players hands slapping backboard on missed block attempt in the low post area (The Little Things)

For playoff presentation when a game is over show a camera shot or cutscene facing the team walking through the tunnels untucking their jerseys like a real life presentation. If its the losing team have them walking through the tunnels with their heads down with untucked jerseys

Program the AI to perform drive and kick ending with a touch pass shot. Also more pullup j's off of pick and roll for players like steph curry, damian lillard and brandon knight

Add NBA players signature handshakes

Make it rare but possible to bait the offensive player into a offensive foul by using the flop button. If abused in game you could recieve fines

Protect the ball animation after rebound you should be able to press a button to protect the ball from being stripped

players/coaches should be seen signaling timeouts in animations

a button or badge for players that use their off-hand on drives to create seperation like melo/pierce

Add this animation in the game where the offensive player hold's the ball like a football runningback when driving to the hoop

The little things when a player falls to the ground I want them to get up and brace their wrist shaking it a little wincing in pain like its hurt and checking their fingers like if they jammed them. They don't need to miss any plays because of it but little things like this go a long way when it comes to immersion

Recreating certain era dunk contests from the 1990's era Jordan freethrow line dunk to the 2000's era dunk contest with Vince Carter. Even the 2008 dunk contest with Dwight Howard dressed as superman recreating his dunk moments

layup modifier I want to be able to place the basketball during a layup/floater high off the glass
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Mgomrjsurf on Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:16 am

Be like OTTP with League Evolution,Edit League Structure and so on.
The problem with PC version is Graphics Card because with 2k17 my Intel HD Graphics Card might not work be ause it does with last years version
Also All-Time Great Teams,Drafted by Teams and so on.
Adam Silver answering Media Questions at All-Star Weekend.
At Draft more Trades in second round including Stash and Draft guys because 2K doesn't.
DL? WNBA? The new 3 on 3 League and so on?
Combined ESPN Guys with NBATV/TNT Guys and have the ability for Teams have contracts with Local TV/Radio Stations and Annoucers/Studio people.
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby ThaLiveKing on Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:01 am

They have players being restrained in 2K17, so I'm sure it would be allowed in Live
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby 22cedric on Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:34 am

Via @Swaggyp_lino Active member of the NBA Live Veteran Committee

First and foremost! A full definitive vocabulary of signature, player differentiation, and "emphasis" in player likeness and personality/tendencies!
This is the foundation for success! Without the principle of "full signature gameplay", NBA LIVE will continue to struggle being competitive in a market where signature gameplay is already well defined.
Improvement in the defensive structure in relation to positioning, ball tangibility, anticipation, and fluidity in movement / defensive responsiveness (i.e., the defensive philosophy of NBA LIVE 15)
Firm principles in rebounding, wishing to see characters respond effectively to the basketball even after physical contact has been initiated. Want to see players fight and jostle for position while boxing out. Hoping to see an expansion in rebounding animations and sequences. This would be revolutionary for the series.
Wishing to see an improved transition game after turnover sequences (such as steals, interceptions, etc.) has been confirmed. Would love to see players burst out the gate in transition by having characters execute the fast break with the intent to score by having the characters "aggressively" push the ball down the court.
Improved basketball awareness/ reactionary responses to the ball when loose or out of possession as a result of a turnover. Would love to see the characters "hustle" after loose balls and try to retrieve the basketball with a sense of urgency. This was lacking tremendously in NBA LIVE 16.
This is the tip of the iceberg, and are my opinions. Nevertheless, it is my hope that NBA LIVE will be that "foundational" product that will perpetuate a market that will no longer be just one sided.
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby StyxTx on Fri May 05, 2017 11:40 am

Good thing I don't want to read anything. I have to scroll forever to get past all the pictures.
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby itr_k1lo5 on Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:41 pm

My wishlist items almost done watching the gameplay out atm.

- On Ball Defense 1 v 1
- Better 'Big Man' animations
- The Drew
- Tech Fouls! being able to Hang on rims and Taunt!

Loving the Loot box system also!
Just an OG online baller from wayyyy back!
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Re: Official NLSC Wishlist for NBA Live 18

Postby Andrew on Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:27 am

We'll be starting our NBA Live 19 Wishlist soon. In the meantime, I'll lock this up for archive purposes. Apologies for any confusion, I forgot to do it when I did the same for the NBA 2K18 Wishlist.
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