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HI!You guys!

Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:32 am

HI,everybody.I'm a rookie here,and I'm Chinese.
I wanna make friends with u, if anybody wants to know about China or make a friend with a foreigner, please contact me! Thanks!

P.S. my email address: tianboguang8610@163.com
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Postby [Q] on Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:08 am

where's Jing? you can talk Chinese with him. you don't wanna make friends with me I'm a twinkie.
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Postby Patr1ck on Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:11 am


Yellow on the outside, white on the inside? (No offense intended, I just never heard of a twinkie before)
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Postby [Q] on Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:32 am

yup. or a banana.

I remember this math teacher at my high school. this fobby Korean guy jokingly called himself a banana.
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Postby J@3 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:42 am


NLSC Admin wrote:NLSC Forum Rules

Welcome to the NBA Live Series Center Forum!

The mission of this Forum is to provide a platform to talk about the NBA Live Series and to form a community amongst NBA Live users. You may discuss each NBA Live title, ask for technical help, announce new sites, leagues and patches and discuss ideas about upcoming NBA Live titles.

There are also some general forums for discussions regarding the real National Basketball Association, sports other than basketball, other video games and other general topics.

There are some rules that need to be followed in order to be a good forum citizen and ensure that we maintain a positive, friendly atmosphere here in the NLSC Forum. Please take the time to read these rules, as frequent rule violations will lead to your account be deactivated or removed.

General Posting Rules

There are a few general rules to observe when posting in the NLSC Forum.

  • Post topics in the appropriate section of the forum; please post a topic only in the appropriate forum.
  • Do not flame other members. This includes (but is not limited to):
    • Insulting criticisms or remarks
    • Profanity directed towards another forum member
    • Racial/ethnic slurs
    • Using your signature/avatar/custom title to insult others
    Also, do not start topics simply to flame or "call out" another member of the forum. Do not use the Private Messaging system to flame or bypass any of the forum rules.
  • Do not post hate speech
  • Do not request/discuss illegal downloads (including but not limited to NBA Live CD Keys and No CD cracks)
  • Do not post adult images or link to adult content
  • Be civil and offer constructive criticism when a forum member announces a new patch or website. Please refrain from insulting comments; help out new patchers by providing useful feedback.
  • Heed requests and warnings from moderators and administrators when rules have been broken. We reserve the right to ban or delete members who continually cause problems in the Forum.
  • Do not spam the board with advertisements. Try to avoid making one or two word posts in discussions. Use common sense when bumping up a topic.
  • Use the Search feature before asking a question and/or check the stickied help and FAQ topics.
  • Signature images are limited to 450 pixels wide by 100 pixels high and may not be larger than 50 kB in size. These limits are automatically enforced by the forum. Your signature must be no larger than this:

    Please note that any attempt to circumvent the signature control may result in the loss of your signature privileges and repeated violations may also result in further punishment.
  • Avatars are restricted to 90 pixels wide by 90 pixels high, and no larger than 60 kB. These limits are automatically enforced by the forum.
  • Custom Titles are currently reserved for members who have been registered for one year and have a minimum of 500 posts. Exceptions may be granted.
  • Above all, have fun and be civil and respectful towards your fellow forum members. Heated discussions are fine, but simply trading personal attacks and insults is not. Treat others as you would like to be treated, show the appropriate respect for Forum leaders and don't forget, you have the right to appeal a decision if you feel you were treated unfairly.

The Rules Explained

Below is a more lengthy explanation of the Forum rules and the action that will be taken when they are broken.

Post topics in the correct area

The Forum is divided into several categories for NBA Live topics. This allows easier searching and prevents certain topics from dominating others, such as patch announcements. We ask that you always try to post a topic in the correct section of the forum. Should you accidently post a topic in the wrong section or are unsure of where a topic belongs, a moderator will move it to the appropriate section.

Please don't post topics about older NBA Lives in the sections dedicated to newer titles in the series. We understand that the older sections don't get as much as attention, but this does disrupt the organisation of topics that we are trying to maintain. Unfortunately, interest in the older titles in the NBA Live series declines as the new games are released.

Breaking this rule will not result in severe action being taken, although if you make a habit of posting in the wrong section the moderators may actively encourage you to try and post in the correct section. For the most part, we will simply move the posts and if need be, post a brief explanation as to why a topic belongs in a particular section of the forum.

Flaming (And why it is unacceptable)

Flaming should not be confused with intense discussion. In-depth discussions are to be expected, especially in the general forums, but flaming is not to be encouraged.

Flaming may be defined as "making insulting criticisms or remarks, as on a computer network, to incite anger". Put simply, flaming involves making personal attacks and directing insults towards other forum members. Such behaviour is unproductive and disruptive to discussion. Flaming will not be tolerated in the NLSC Forum, and will be dealt with by the moderators.

If members involve themselves in flaming, a moderator will ask them to cease and request that they get back on-topic. Should flames start dominating a discussion, the offending posts will be deleted and a firm request to remain on-topic will be posted. Should a flame war break out and the discussion cannot be salvaged, a topic may be locked. If the topic itself is responsible for the flame war, it will be locked and posters will be discouraged from continuing it in a new thread.

Members who make a habit of flaming and causing trouble may be subject to harsher penalties, such as suspension or banning. These measures will only be used in extreme circumstances and when a member is frequently causing trouble while making little or no positive contribution to discussions or the atmosphere of the forum. Please note that we take the liberty to permanently terminate a member's account if they are disturbing the overall atmosphere of the Forum.

Please don't spam

Not every post that you make need be a thought-provoking essay, but we encourage you to post on-topic and avoid making one and two word posts as much as possible. In most cases, if you are taking part in a discussion in the general forums and provide little or no constructive contribution to the discussion, other forum members will either ignore you or request that you post on-topic. However, if it is getting to the point where you are disrupting good discussions, a moderator may politely request that you put a little more thought into your posts.

Please try to avoid going completely off-topic. Sometimes discussions take twists and turns as other points and issues are raised. This is absolutely fine, but please use good judgement.

Also, please avoid bumping up a topic too quickly. It is customary to bump up an urgent or interest topic with a post that simply says "Bump", but please don't do this every hour or every day. We also ask that you use good judgement when resurrecting a topic that hasn't been active for a while. In most cases a gentle reminder will be issued, but as always if it becomes a problem a moderator might be forced to post a polite but firm request to adhere to the rules.

Make constructive comments; behave in a civil manner

The main aim of these rules is to ensure that everyone may post here without feeling harrassed, so that everyone may get the most enjoyment possible out of the Forum.

When commenting on an idea or a newly released patch, please try to be as constructive as possible. If you do not like a patch or see problems that should be fixed, please use constructive criticism and avoid using rude or hurtful remarks. We would like to encourage new patchers to try their hand at making updates, and making fun of other's work does not make for a friendly, helpful atmosphere.

If you have suggestions or complaints regarding the forum, feel free to raise them privately with an NLSC Team Member/Moderator/Admin, or use the NLSC Issues section of the forum. We ask that you approach the matter in a mature, civil manner. Bombarding us with insults and personal attacks is not an appropriate method of appeal or providing us with feedback. We are very much open to feedback, but we would much rather discuss issues in a polite and civil manner.

Follow the moderators' instructions and warnings

The moderators will try to keep order by preventing flame wars and enforcing the rules to the best of their ability. If you have been involved in a flame war or have broken one of the forum rules, we ask that you comply with the requests and heed the warnings of moderators.

Failure to cease behaviour that is in violation of the rules may be met with action such as account suspension, deletion or banning. These are extreme measures that will only be used if a member refuses to show respect for forum leaders and adhere to the rules.

Remember that you do have right of appeal and if you feel that you are being treated unfairly by a moderator, you may speak to them privately to explain your position or raise the issue in NLSC Issues. If you do wish to appeal privately or publically, we again ask that you behave in a civil manner.


Profanity is tolerated on the forum, but we ask that you try not use it in excess or unnecessarily. If you direct profanity towards other members, it will be treated as flaming and you will be asked to cease such behaviour.

Do not use racial or ethnic slurs/make fun of nationality

Racism will not be tolerated. While we cannot stop you from holding certain personal racial viewpoints, we ask that you keep these in check when posting on the forums. This kind of behaviour will be considered flaming, and will be dealt with accordingly.

Do not use the forum to post hate speech

We do not want to promote any kind of hate speech or hate propaganda. Again, you are entitled to your own beliefs, but please show common decency when posting in the forums.

Do not post adult links or images

To avoid legal issues and offending members of the forum who may object to such content, we ask that you do not post adult links or images in the forum. Offending posts will be deleted and warnings will be issued. Members who sign up only to distribute adult content will be banned immediately, as they clearly have no interest in participating in the forum.

Do not post/request information or links regarding illegal NBA Live downloads

Out of respect to EA Sports and to avoid legal issues, we do not promote the use of illegal NBA Live downloads such as No CD cracks. We also do not condone the distribution of CD Keys. Topics that request this content will be locked, and a reminder of the rules will be posted. We also ask that you do not discuss other illegal software downloads.

Do not post only to attack another member/incite a flame

This will be considered disturbing the peace, as there is nothing constructive about publically attacking a fellow forum member or attempting to start a flame war. These topics will be locked and warnings will be issued. Frequent troublemakers will be dealt with more severely.

Do not use the Private Messaging system to attack other members

It is much more difficult to moderate private messages as we cannot monitor the contents. Therefore, we must rely on members reporting abuse via private messaging. This will be treated as flaming and warnings will be issued. Continued use of the private messaging system to flame other members will result in private messaging being disabled for the offender's account.

Do not sign up for more than one account

As you may freely change your username, there is no need to register more than one account. Members who sign up for more than one account will have their additional accounts deleted, and will be reminded of this rule.

Do not use your avatar/signature/custom title to break the rules

If your avatar, signature or custom title contains material violates the forum rules in any way (such as flaming another member or expressing a racist viewpoint), you will be asked to remove it. Refusal to do so will result in its deletion by an admin. Restoring the offending avatar/signature/custom title will result in harsher measures.

Do not post only negative/derogatory comments

While feedback is welcomed and may certainly have a negative opinion about certain topics, we ask that you make an effort to contribute to the forum. Criticism is welcome, but please do not just post "I hate this forum" or "All of the topics are boring". Suggest what we can do to make this forum better or start a discussion on a topic that interests you. Negative feedback is useful, but flames and insults are not. In order to fix something, we need to know what is wrong and why you are unhappy.

Try not to post a topic that has already been answered several times, or has a dedicated "sticky" thread

Whenever possible, please search for an old topic before asking for a help on a patching issue, bump up old topics to ask for help, or use the provided sticky thread dedicated to an issue. Although we aim to be a helpful community, posting the same answers and guides over and over again does get tiresome. Please make use of the Search feature. If a fellow forum member has the time, they might point you in the direction of an older thread.

Avoid advertising in the forum

Please do not post advertisements all over the forum. If you would like to let everyone know about a new patch that you have created or a new site that you have opened, please use the appropriate Announcements section. You may link to your website in your signature to encourage more traffic. Please refrain from advertising products that are for sale and completely unrelated to NBA Live; if in doubt, please check with the administration, exceptions can be made.

Observe limits on avatar/signature size

Avatars are limited to 90 pixels wide by 90 pixels high, and may only be 60 kb in size. The forum software automatically enforces these restrictions.

Signature images are restricted to 450 pixels wide by 100 pixels high and may not be larger than 50 kB. These limits are enforced automatically by the forum. Please note that any attempt to circumvent the signature control may result in the loss of your signature privileges and repeated violations may also result in further punishment.

Please also note that you must be registered in the forum for one year and have a minimum of 500 posts before you can use the custom title feature. Exceptions may be granted.

A final note

Even though moderators and admins will do their best to uphold the rules and treat everybody equally and fairly, please remember that we are only human and do make mistakes. Also remember that frequently breaking the rules and causing trouble will attract our attention, and we will be inclined to watch you more carefully. Above all, remember that you have the right to appeal and raise issues, providing you do so in a polite and civil manner.

That's about it! Thanks for reading, and enjoy your time here at the NLSC Forum! :)
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Postby BIG GREEN on Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:12 am

Now that right there...is a true welcome to the forum on behalf of Admin Jae. (y)
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Postby ixcuincle on Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:24 am


Happy year of the rat
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Postby Jing on Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:37 am

Someone say my name?
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Postby JaoSming on Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:03 pm

run along jing, go be friends, :lol: play nice
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Postby Abctest123 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:56 pm

Jao, your avatar and sig are awesome :lol: . Are the models from NBA Street? And how'd you do it?
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Postby JaoSming on Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:41 pm

yea Street vol 2

its from this promo video for E3 from EA Sports Big

http://files.ea.com/downloads/easportsb ... /e3_hi.mov

so random, I love it
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:20 pm

Thanks for all of u.I'm not a banana, I'm a student majored in English in China.I came here for I love NBA GAME and NBA LIVE.I'm glad to feel your friendship. thx again.
P.S. Though I majored in English,I'm not good at it, if I made some mistakes, I mean in spelling words or grammar, please forgive me.
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Postby BIG GREEN on Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:25 pm

Even if I majored in chinese I doubt i'd do as well as you're doing with english.
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:44 pm

ixcuincle wrote:(Y)

Happy year of the rat

Amazing! U did know something about Chinese custom.Unbelievable.
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Postby BIG GREEN on Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:19 pm

You'd be suprised with the amount of information available on something called the internet.
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Postby J@3 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:31 pm

What the fuck is the internet?
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:00 pm

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Postby JT_55 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:04 pm

Your english is fine. Better than what some other forum members who are raised in the predominantly English-speaking countries can do.

michael8610 wrote:Amazing! U did know something about Chinese custom.Unbelievable.

So I was walking through the mall a few days ago, and saw this big billboard "Chinese New Year Celebration: Year of the Rat". Although I don't really know if ixcunicle is Asian or not, it's not uncommon for people who are not Chinese also to be aware of the Chinese zodiac years. I knew a guy (Caucasian) who could tell what zodiac year a person was born in the moment he was given the birthday of that person. Even I can't do that.
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:49 pm

thanks for your praise. u know , i'm new here, so i wanna make a few friends here. I would like to make friends with u , can i?!
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Postby Gundy on Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:15 pm

I'll be your friend. :hump:
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:30 pm

thanks. how can i contact u except for on the forum?!~ :wink:
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Postby JT_55 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:33 pm

Wow, I bet even Gundy didn't expect it to go this well... :lol:
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:04 pm

JT_55 wrote:Wow, I bet even Gundy didn't expect it to go this well... :lol:

Excuse me for my poor english, i really don't know what do u exactly mean
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Postby michael8610 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:07 pm

I sure need to work hard to improve my english ,both oral english and written english in order to communicate with you guys without problems. :(
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Postby jenz on Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:13 pm

ohh..michael8610, it's just not usual for members here to make a thread like this just to look for friends...but this is better than spamming the forum.. :mrgreen:

your english is good my friend..
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