Monday Tip-Off: A Requiem for ICQ

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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Disposable Games & Always Online Pains

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:23 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Disposable Games & Always Online Pains

I've been working in IT since 2005, providing technical support and PC repairs. In that time, I've noticed a change that has likewise been a trend with other devices, from phones and televisions to major appliances. While hardware repairs are still sought out and provided, we've trended towards being a throw-away society. Expense or difficulty in performing repairs makes buying a replacement - presumably a newer model - a more common and desirable solution. Buying a new system also seems more likely than upgrading existing hardware, again due to convenience or feasibility.

So it goes with products such as video games, too. There is inevitability to this, of course. Nothing lasts forever, and manufacturers and software developers naturally want to sell new products. More than ever before though, basketball games are being designed to be disposable. The reliance on server-side content, necessitating an "always online" approach, is the reason for this. While this content has enhanced titles and eventual server shutdowns are understandable, the way that it's made games more disposable is nevertheless unfortunate. If nothing else, it's a tremendous blow to a community that does have a contingent of retro gamers who like to dust off old titles.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: How NBA 2K23 Would Win Me Over

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:27 pm

Monday Tip-Off: How NBA 2K23 Would Win Me Over

Let's be clear about this. In the grand scheme of things, NBA 2K23 doesn't need to win me over. I'm just one person, and I'm not one of their big name influencers. The game won't need my stamp of approval in order to sell at least ten million copies. Furthermore, given that I am a collector and still a content creator, I'll be contributing to those sales figures anyway. In that respect, you could argue that it makes me part of the problem, but hey, like I said, I'm just one person. In short, I acknowledge that whether or not NBA 2K23 wins me over, it will be a success by almost every metric.

That goes without saying, but that's not the issue here. This isn't about what NBA 2K23 must do to be successful, but what it would take to get someone who has greatly preferred to play NBA 2K14 over NBA 2K21 and NBA 2K22 to get hooked on a new game once again. It's an uphill battle, because some of the changes I'd love to see will never happen, due to business reasons. I'm obviously also very enthusiastic about this retro kick with NBA 2K14. However, I do aim to approach every new game with an open mind, and a willingness to keep playing if I'm enjoying myself. To that end, with the right changes and improvements, I could definitely be won over by NBA 2K23.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Zero-Sum Thinking & Basketball Gaming

Postby Andrew on Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:40 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Zero-Sum Thinking & Basketball Gaming

In case you're unfamiliar with the concept, zero-sum thinking involves perceiving situations as a zero-sum game; in other words, a scenario where a gain for one side means a loss for the other. Needless to say, this leads to a belief that mutual gain and benefits are impossible. Our success must come at the expense of someone else's failure, and every situation involves a winner and a loser. Obviously there are zero-sum games and scenarios where this is true, but a bias towards zero-sum thinking does result in fallacious assertions.

Needless to say, zero-sum thinking occurs in a number of matters, many of which are more serious than basketball gaming. However, since that's what we cover here at the NLSC, that's the context I'm discussing here today. If you've observed or partaken in the discourse in the wider basketball gaming community, you'll have encountered zero-sum thinking, even if you didn't recognise or label it as such. Again, it's hardly unique to basketball gaming, and is inevitable when passionate people have different ideas about their hobby. That doesn't mean we can't call it out though, because it does foster toxicity, and doesn't help in the development of better basketball video games.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Retro Basketball Gaming Is Filling A Gap

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:10 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Retro Basketball Gaming Is Filling A Gap

Unfortunately, we are not in a golden age for basketball gaming. Sure, NBA 2K is more successful than ever as it sells millions of copies, makes bank with recurrent revenue, and enjoys mainstream popularity. However, when you glance at Steam reviews and user scores on Metacritic, it's obvious that gamers are far less satisfied than they used to be. With NBA Live faltering, collapsing, and failing to rebuild properly, 2K has no competition. No other publishers are jumping into the space, and the one major release we did have - NBA Playgrounds - was swallowed up by 2K.

If you want a new basketball video game every year, there's only one choice. It's not the worst choice we could possibly have - better to have NBA 2K in its current state than NBA Live in its most recent form - but even if this is the best monopoly possible, it's still a monopoly. For younger basketball gamers, NBA 2K being the only viable choice - or indeed, the only choice, period - may be all they know. Those of us who remember a time when several developers were producing basketball titles are much more likely to feel wistful at the lack of choice. On the plus side, retro basketball gaming is now more frequently filling that gap, and giving us something else to play.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Hitting The Modding Wall

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:38 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Hitting The Modding Wall

Modding can be a ton of fun. To that point, there have always been people in the community that have enjoyed modding games more than playing them. In fact, it's not a stretch to say that some people would prefer to tinker with a broken but moddable game than play a great game that isn't modder-friendly. I personally prefer the latter, but I do understand the thought process. There's tremendous satisfaction in crafting fantastic mods, particularly comprehensive projects. As long as you're modding for the right reasons, by all means indulge that creativity!

Of course, like just about any creative endeavour, there are tedious moments. Hitting the modding wall takes a few different forms, but it usually comes down to reaching a stage in the project that isn't fun, or is technically challenging. It may be repetitive work, or a limitation that you have to find a way around before you can continue. The modding wall will often delay projects, and in the worst case scenario, derail them and cause them to be dropped altogether. It's not a good feeling, especially when you've been so excited about an idea and sunk hours into a project. It's possible to break through the modding wall, and the first step is to realise that you're not alone.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Without Quality, More Is Less

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:45 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Without Quality, More Is Less

One of my recurring criticisms of NBA Live throughout the eighth generation - and it also applies to games in the seventh generation to some extent - is that they're lacking in depth. Modes have been barebones (or "streamlined", as promotional material likes to call it), and games have also been light on additional content and features compared to NBA 2K. While problems with NBA Live's gameplay have ultimately been larger issues, the lack of depth unquestionably contributes to them being subpar. It's felt like there's been minimal effort beyond including the basics.

However, while NBA 2K can boast greater depth from its historical content to a wide variety of intricate modes, it has a recurring problem of its own. While there's far more to the average NBA 2K release than just about any NBA Live game to date, not all of that content is well-made and of high quality. The lack of attention to detail in certain areas makes it seem as though content and features were added for the sake of padding the game and looking impressive at a glance, without implementing them properly. That may seem harsh, and it's not my intention to imply that the developers aren't working hard or don't care. Still, without quality, more is undoubtedly less.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: A Court to Call Home

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:23 pm

Monday Tip-Off: A Court to Call Home

As you can probably glean from how often I've talked about an extended playthrough of MyCAREER in NBA 2K14, I'm enjoying the experience immensely. For years I snubbed the mode, and NBA 2K14 in general. I'm not too proud to admit that I was wrong about both of them. While NBA 2K14 does have its quirks, its gameplay still holds up tremendously well in 2022. As for that first MyCAREER story, it isn't as "on rails" or as intrusive as I'd long believed. Again, I do have some criticisms, but after finally giving it a chance, my impressions and experiences are largely positive.

On the subject of my criticisms however, there's the matter of what I do between games in NBA 2K14 MyCAREER. I check the league leaders of course, as well as the stats for my MyPLAYER and my teammates. I keep tabs on the standings and the emerging Playoff picture late in the season, envisioning my likeliest path to the NBA Finals, and the opponent that I'll probably face for the championship. I'll check the news, and track career milestones. Something that I don't do, however, is partake in a shootaround. I don't do that because, quite simply, I can't. For all the great aspects of NBA 2K14 MyCAREER, it unfortunately doesn't have a court that you can call home.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Whole World in One Basketball Game

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 22, 2022 3:49 pm

Monday Tip-Off: The Whole World in One Basketball Game

Since 2010, the NBA 2K series has done an impressive job of fleshing out its extra content. The old All-Decade teams and Draft Class squads were dropped (though the former would eventually return) in favour of classic teams, beginning with those that were included as part of The Jordan Challenge. The roster of retro squads has since expanded, with All-Time teams also being added. We've also seen Olympic teams, EuroLeague teams, and now the WNBA represented in NBA 2K. If the series was to expand its bonus content further, what else could it possibly include?

How about the whole world in one basketball game? Yes, I'm talking about a FIFA-like representation of other prominent professional leagues, in addition to the NBA. Now, I believe that the NBA should always be the priority given it is NBA 2K, and expanded bonus content isn't a vital improvement. Still, it's an intriguing possibility, especially with NBA 2K's dominance in the basketball gaming space. Outside of management titles, or indie efforts such as PBA Basketball Slam, it's unlikely to see other leagues licensed for their own games. However, the success of NBA 2K, and strength of the NBA brand, could buoy an all-encompassing pro basketball title.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Hyped for NBA 2K23, But...

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:48 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Hyped for NBA 2K23, But...

Yes, I'll admit it. Over the past few weeks, I've started getting hyped for NBA 2K23. That's not to say that I don't have my concerns, or that I'm uncritically accepting that everything I've read in the developer blogs will come to pass. I've been playing and covering basketball video games for too long to believe that everything will be just as good as advertised. Nevertheless, there are aspects of NBA 2K23 that look very good on paper, and so I'm getting hyped. Well, certainly more excited than I have been in a number of years, at any rate.

Honestly, that feels great! I love basketball and basketball video games, so I never want to feel negative about my hobby. Obviously, over the past twelve months or so, I've found great enjoyment in making old favourites (and a few new favourites) part of my gaming rotation once again. I don't expect that to change, regardless of whether or not NBA 2K23 lives up to the hype. However, I absolutely want to be impressed and enraptured by new releases as well. After primarily using my PlayStation 5 to play a PlayStation 4 game for the better part of the last couple of years, I'm hyped by the distinct possibility that NBA 2K23 could end up monopolising my gaming time.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Year 4 Recap

Postby Andrew on Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:44 am

Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Year 4 Recap

Can you believe that I've played through four full seasons of MyCAREER within the past twelve months or so? It's true! This is what happens when you're not forcing yourself to grind to level up a player as quickly as possible in the latest game, all the while knowing that your progress will be reset to zero in a year's time. Given my lack of enthusiasm for either version of NBA 2K21 and NBA 2K22, I've greatly enjoyed NBA 2K14 PS4 providing me with a basketball gaming experience that's been so engaging. It's unquestionably picked up the slack.

With NBA 2K23 looming and its previews inspiring some cautious optimism, I did want to wrap up Year 4 in NBA 2K14 MyCAREER before the release of this year's game. I have no doubt that I'll pick it up again to play through Year 5 - I still have one more Hall of Fame Milestone to achieve for 100% completion in that regard - but I do want to spend time with NBA 2K23 and give it a fair chance to impress. Even with the deadline of NBA 2K23's release however, I still took the time to enjoy the journey in Year 4 of my NBA 2K14 MyCAREER. As I prepare to take a break from NBA 2K14 in the near future, here's a look back at how the 2017 campaign went down.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Bringing Online Team Play to NBA MyCAREER

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:54 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Bringing Online Team Play to NBA MyCAREER

When MyCAREER in NBA 2K17 brought us Orange Juice - both the story and dual player controls - I figured that the mode would continue to innovate in its mechanics. The ability to control two players and switch between your MyPLAYER and Justice Young was a novel concept, and underscored the theme of becoming the next great duo in NBA history. However, the NBA side of MyCAREER neither repeated nor built on this creative idea. Instead, the focus has been on mechanics such as Takeover and the online meta. It's about finding the most powerful builds for online team play.

On one hand, this is understandable. The online scene is extremely popular, while NBA MyCAREER is beginning to gain a reputation similar to franchise modes, i.e. "that's something for old heads". That's not to say that younger gamers don't play the NBA side of MyCAREER, but gamers young and old are more frequently using it to level up their player for online team play. I believe there's a missed opportunity here, for both gamers who prefer the online scene, and those who enjoy NBA MyCAREER. What if the two could be merged? No, I'm not talking about 2K Pro-Am, The Rec, or The Playground. I'm talking about an online multiplayer element to an NBA career.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: How Many Patches Is Too Many?

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 19, 2022 1:17 pm

Monday Tip-Off: How Many Patches Is Too Many?

One of the interesting changes within the basketball gaming community is the general reaction to official patches. In the early days of the genre, when patches were only available for the PC releases, we were usually excited and grateful to get them. This of course can be ascribed to their rarity. It often took petitions and prompting from the community to get those title updates, usually accompanied by a laundry list of bugs and other issues. Even so, not every NBA Live, or other PC release for that matter, would receive an official patch.

While we're still glad to see official patches and desire the fixes they potentially bring, it's fair to say that there's more cynicism and wariness surrounding those updates. It's not unheard of for patches to break the game, either by introducing a new bug, or by making an undesirable change to the gameplay. It's raised the question as to how many patches per year are ideal. Between their size on console and the possibility of unwanted changes, too many patches can potentially lead to inconsistent quality and cumbersome downloads. On the other hand, too few title updates can leave several issues unresolved. With that in mind, what is the ideal number of patches to receive?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Who Put Basketball In This NBA Game?!?

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:06 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Who Put Basketball In This NBA Game?!?

A few years back, I wrote an article questioning whether basketball gamers were still simheads. It's one of those topics that I always want to approach carefully, so as not to fall victim to the same gatekeeping nonsense that I despise. While some games are for the "strictly hardcore" crowd, most genres should be welcoming to everyone. That doesn't mean they can't have a learning curve and competitive play, but they should be accessible to newcomers, and fun for all. Furthermore, it's vital that a game like NBA 2K is able to cater to different tastes, within reason.

However, we've reached the stage where prominent voices in the community - and their fanbases - are actively pushing back on the realistic depiction of basketball in an NBA game. As someone who has been playing hoops games for decades and seen the rise of NBA 2K and the fall of NBA Live owing to their respective abilities to deliver sim titles that are both fun and realistic, it's dismaying to see some truly terrible takes receive the amount of support that they do. The notion that an NBA sim game doesn't need to strive for any sort of realism or basketball strategy is absurd. It speaks to the downside of NBA 2K's broadening popularity, and catering to a wider audience.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:55 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

There's an old episode of The Simpsons­ - a Season 1 episode in fact, so a very old one indeed - wherein Marge contemplates having an affair with her bowling instructor, voiced by Albert Brooks. Lisa recognises that Marge is showering her and Bart with treats out of guilt; predictably, Bart is only interested in reaping the benefits, leading Lisa to explain that he's still in the denial stage, whereas she's already feeling fearful. Later on, when Bart reaches the fearful stage, Lisa says she can't help him because she's already moved on to a new stage: self-pity.

Look, I'll take any excuse to make a Simpsons reference, but that scene aptly sums up what I want to talk about today. For years, many of us have been pointing out the greed and anti-gamer/anti-consumer approach in NBA 2K. We've been shouted down time and time again, with predatory mechanics and subpar design being defended with every clichéd argument in the shill's handbook. This isn't to say that there hasn't been successful pushback - hey, haircuts are free now, whoopee! - but way too many people were comfortable with VC-related issues, until suddenly they became too much. For those people, and for those who still shill: don't say we didn't warn you.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Trading Cards

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:50 pm

Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Trading Cards

I'm wrapping up my kick with the PlayStation 4 version of NBA 2K14 with a month of Wayback Wednesday features, but I also wanted to pay further tribute to the fun I've had in MyCAREER. Playing through four full seasons was an absolute blast, and I look forward to continuing the journey in Year 5 when I'm ready for a break from NBA 2K23. Although I'm putting the game and my story topic on the shelf for the moment, I've created one last bit of content based on my NBA 2K14 MyCAREER: a series of trading cards.

Now, graphic design certainly isn't my forte, and the layout I've chosen is not exactly original. Indeed, it's intended to pay tribute to a series of cards by Fleer that were one of the last sets that I actively collected as a teenager back in the late 90s. NBA trading cards hold a lot of nostalgia for me, and playing through NBA 2K14 MyCAREER was a throwback experience, too. On top of being an older game, it also reminded me of the importance of enjoying the journey rather than mindlessly grinding, and feeling enthusiastic enough to create a story topic. As such, these virtual trading cards are meant to commemorate what's been a fun journey in NBA 2K14 MyCAREER so far.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Comparing VC to In-Universe Salaries...Again

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:11 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Comparing VC to In-Universe Salaries...Again

It's been three years since I've broached what was once an annual topic: comparing VC earnings to in-universe salaries. The reason for that, quite simply, is that I didn't play much of NBA 2K21 and NBA 2K22. After playing through four years of college in NBA 2K21's The Long Shadow, I didn't touch the game much after that. I wasn't a fan of NBA 2K22, so I wasn't able to get far enough into MyCAREER to have an NBA salary. However, on top of enjoying NBA 2K23 far more, this year's mode gets us into the league much quicker, giving us access to all of the necessary figures.

In case you're not sure what I'm getting at here, I'm comparing the VC earnings that are your MyPLAYER's base salary to its reported amount in dollars, as per the listing in your player card. Obviously, the issues with VC are readily apparent when you compare your VC salary with the prices of items and upgrades, not to mention the real world cost if you pay to skip the grind. However, looking at the in-universe value of VC really drives home how ridiculous the prices are, while hitting back at the shills who try to use "paying for things is realistic" as some kind of gotcha in defense of 2K's greed. With that being said, let's compare VC to in-universe salaries...again.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Best Basketball Video Game Debate

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:11 pm

Monday Tip-Off: The Best Basketball Video Game Debate

Our need to rank, rate, and put everything into historical perspective as it happens, is the bane of discourse these days. We see far too much of it in discussions about real basketball. Who is the greatest player of all-time? Everyone weighs in, with varying degrees of insight and intelligent argument. Aside from disrespecting eras either way, it means that we're less inclined to live in the moment. Instead of enjoying a fantastic performance and marvelling at the feats we've witnessed, we're trying to decide where everything ranks in NBA history.

With that being said, comparisons are inevitable, and a talking point. So it goes with basketball video games as well. There have been many of them over the years, and some are parts of long-running series with annual instalments. Given that technology has unquestionably improved during that span, in theory the newer games should be superior to earlier titles. In practice, technological improvements haven't always resulted in better games. There are parallels to real basketball that we could make here, but let's keep it to the virtual hardwood today. To that point though, how do we settle the best basketball video game debate? Or indeed, can we single out a title?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Three Years Later, No Developments

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:46 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Three Years Later, No Developments

That's right. It's been three years since the official NBA Live Twitter posted an update on the series. The Tweet confirmed that there would be no NBA Live 20, while also stating that they were "excited by (their) progress", having been "putting in reps on (their) console basketball games". At the time, it sounded like they might be changing direction, or at least opting for a longer development cycle, after NBA Live 19 failed to move the needle as hoped. The series' struggles were cause for scepticism, but the fact that they were addressing the future also invited some degree of optimism.

Three years later, with absolutely no further developments or announcements, it's much harder to be optimistic. EA Sports' message to NBA Live gamers three years ago acknowledged the need to get everything right and "earn (their) future". It was an honest statement, though nothing we hadn't heard before after previous games failed to live up to expectations. More to the point, there was also an explicit promise to provide regular updates, which obviously didn't happen. Indeed, the only activity on the NBA Live Twitter since then has been to re-Tweet a tribute to Kobe Bryant from the main EA Sports account. So, three years later, what do we make of this?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: A Failure to Communicate

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:20 pm

Monday Tip-Off: A Failure to Communicate

Social media has granted us more access to brands than ever before. Whether it's getting in touch when there's a problem, or staying up to date on new products and services, it's as simple as following an official account. The way that we interact with brands is a reflection of online discourse in general, running the gamut of friendliness and respectfulness. It's why I'll always advocate for constructive feedback and not stooping to the level of personal attacks. Of course, I also understand feeling so frustrated that your words end up being terser than you perhaps intended.

How about the way that brands interact with us? While many official social media accounts stick to professional, PR-friendly posts and replies, some brands have developed a reputation for being provocative. The official Wendy's account has built an online brand of sass, poking fun at its competitors and involving itself in trending topics with an assortment of zingers. Other accounts have followed their lead, with mixed results. After all, a corporation jumping on memes is often a "How do you do, fellow kids" moment. Even if it's not, it can come across as tone-deaf, particularly when a company like 2K has demonstrated a failure to communicate with respect.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: A PSA About NBA 2K Custom Images

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:12 pm

Monday Tip-Off: A PSA About NBA 2K Custom Images

It's easy to take features such as face scanning and custom images for granted, as they've been in NBA 2K for years now. In particular, the level of customisation that image uploading facilitates is a clear advantage that NBA 2K's modes have had over their NBA Live equivalents during the past decade. Sure, it's fun to get your favourite team's logos and jerseys for your squad in the card collecting modes, but it's even better when you can design your own uniforms and use a custom logo! The default expansion team assets are nice, but custom images take things to the next level.

And of course, since those customisation features are already in the game, they're naturally a part of creating your own Pro-Am squad as well. In fact, it's one of the features that have separated it from NBA Live's online team play modes. Just as in MyTEAM, being able to use your own logo and decorate your arena with unique assets adds a personal touch that current and historical NBA branding just can't offer. Sometimes custom images have been more difficult to unlock than they should be, but at the same time, I can't blame 2K for making us jump through hoops. To that end, I'd like to put out this PSA to be more responsible and mature about custom images.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: A Reunion With 2002

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:06 pm

Monday Tip-Off: A Reunion With 2002

The song changes from "Without Me" by Eminem to Junkie XL's remix of Elvis Presley's "A Little Less Conversation". Speaking of remixes, Scooter's take on "The Logical Song" by Supertramp is also on the playlist, along with "By the Way" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. There's even some Avril Lavigne, among other chart toppers. And speaking of music, that NBA Live 2003 soundtrack is incredible! It's one of the games that I'm playing, along with its immediate predecessors, NBA Live 2001 and NBA Live 2002. Even NBA Live 99 PC gets the occasional spin. The year is...2022.

Needless to say, I'm experiencing those things a little differently than the first time around. Those hits that were charting in 2002 are on a Spotify playlist, rather than CD or radio (or, more honestly, acquired via LimeWire or Kazaa). Those games are being played thanks to fixes that allow them to run on modern hardware far better than what I had at the time. Thanks to emulation, I can even run NBA Live 2002 on my PC if I'm getting screenshots, or if it's more convenient than firing up my PlayStation 2. In more ways than one, I'm having a reunion with 2002. Despite what you may think, this isn't a cry for help from a Grumpy Elder Millennial who's edging closer to forty.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: I Still Can't Put NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Aside

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:57 pm

Monday Tip-Off: I Still Can't Put NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Aside

We're approaching the tenth anniversary of NBA 2K14's release. Not only was the PC version one of the most well-received and heavily-modded games in our community, but the PlayStation 4/Xbox One version was one of the most impressive launch titles in basketball gaming history. Of course, NBA 2K14 hasn't been a frequent part of my rotation for the last ten years. As I've discussed in several articles and on the NLSC Podcast, sourness towards the brand and some iffy first impressions turned me off the game for years. Revisiting it on a whim in 2021 completely changed my mind!

Despite my burnout on MyCAREER, revisiting an earlier iteration of the mode in NBA 2K14 reminded me of why I was drawn to the career experience in the first place. When NBA 2K21 and NBA 2K22 failed to hold my attention, playing through multiple seasons in NBA 2K14 MyCAREER became a staple of my gaming habits for over a year. I put the game aside when NBA 2K23 came out, wanting to give the new release my full attention and a fair chance. Although I've enjoyed NBA 2K23 far more than its immediate predecessors and it remains in my rotation, so does NBA 2K14. Even if I'm not playing it every day, it isn't long before I fire it up again.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Fixing & Enhancing Old Mods

Postby Andrew on Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:07 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Fixing & Enhancing Old Mods

It's vital to know when to step back and stop working on a creative project. You may be familiar with the phrase "put down the brush"; the advice given to painters so that they can declare a piece finished, and avoid ruining it with unnecessary changes. The brush is quite literal there, but as a metaphor, it applies to any art or creative work. In video game and software design, it may take the form of "feature creep". Just as extra brushstrokes can spoil a painting or stand in the way of its completion, a game or app can become bloated or delayed indefinitely if you don't "put down the brush".

The same goes for a creative endeavour that our community enjoys: modding. It's all too easy for projects to be pushed back, or indeed never released, because we get hung up on minor details that aren't a problem, or can be fixed later. It's the reason why Version 1.0 doesn't need to be the best and definitive version of a mod. To that point though, once the work is out there, we can always go back and try to fix a minor issue, or add further detail and content. This obviously happens quite often, but what about particularly old mods? Frankly, I'm all for it! Just because a mod is old and largely "finished", there's no harm in releasing new fixes and further enhancements.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Focusing On What I Find Fun

Postby Andrew on Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:13 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Focusing On What I Find Fun

I realise that sounds like a strange thing to say. Whether it’s a video game or any other hobby, the point is to enjoy the time you’re spending with it. It doesn’t make sense to not have fun! And yet, that is something that happens with video games, particularly newer releases. I promise this isn’t just another rant about microtransactions, although they undoubtedly play a major role in this. Modes like MyTEAM and MyCAREER are designed in a way that intentionally limits the fun if you intend not to spend, and that’s an issue that was created by the adoption of recurrent revenue mechanics.

However, it’s bigger than that. Even when you’re past the unpleasant grind, indeed even if you pay to skip it, modern basketball games aren’t as fun as they should be. Moreover, ideas that should be fun in theory end up detracting from the enjoyment, either because of the looming shadows of microtransactions and FOMO, or simply less than optimal design. The frustrating part of that is how easy it is to get hooked despite these obvious pitfalls, which of course is completely intentional. However, once you can break free of that spell and start focusing on what is fun, basketball gaming will return to being the enjoyable pastime that it should always be.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Forgetting The Community You Came From

Postby Andrew on Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:13 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Forgetting The Community You Came From

This is one of those articles that are difficult to write without sounding bitter, grinding an axe over sour grapes. And, to be fair, there is a touch of bitterness when it comes to this topic. However, while "you sound bitter" is a tired yet effective ad hominem, it doesn't disprove a point; particularly when someone has a legitimate grievance. As someone who has tried to represent the community to the best of my ability whenever I've had the opportunity to do so, I have strong feelings about the way company reps handle themselves...especially if they were once "one of us".

Things have unquestionably changed in the community since I took over the NLSC in August 2001. Companies are more selective about whom they work with, but not in a way that benefits gamers. Instead of connecting with people dedicated to constructive and honest feedback on behalf of gamers, they grant access to content creators who are willing to promote - or indeed, shill - and have a big enough audience to make it worthwhile. It makes sense from a business standpoint, but it's eroded the goodwill that community programs once fostered. When it's someone you used to know as a member of the community, it's hard not to feel like you've been stabbed in the back.
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