Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

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Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Rodzilla91 on Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:13 am

hey everyone, I don't know if there's been a definitive answer for this, but I think the wiki has something written about it.. I thought it was me running it on Windows 7 (and then now, recently, Windows 10) that was causing this issue for some reason.. considering it's a game over 20 years old, but even with VMWare & running Windows XP it still did it, but the text was different? (it would switch through characters, while on W10 it was roughly the same exact thing).

Did anyone deal with this before and do they know the solution, if there is one? Thanks.
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Andrew on Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:39 am

Haven't seen that on Windows 7. I get the garbled graphics during the pre-game loading screen, but text is always fine. Do you have a screenshot?
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Rodzilla91 on Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:57 am

Andrew wrote:Haven't seen that on Windows 7. I get the garbled graphics during the pre-game loading screen, but text is always fine. Do you have a screenshot?

Yeah, here you go


when I hovered over the last option, it bugged out to that, it would do the same thing if I then hovered over "Simulation"

there also seems to be an issue with the detail settings not letting me select anything past medium, and the resolutions don't go far either, I know there's been fixes for those but it seems like I must have done them wrong or they just don't work on my end for some reason.

the VMWare with XP solution gives me the higher settings, but it also has similar issues where the text bugs out. Maybe an indication that having it at modern resolutions isn't the greatest idea? lol
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Andrew on Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:12 pm

Yeah, that's definitely something different. I'm running it under Windows 7 using nGlide these days, but I haven't seen anything like that. Do you have any mods installed that might be causing a conflict? That's the only thing I can think of, unless it's a issue with video card compatibility. Obviously we're trying to run these games on hardware that came out much later, so 100% compatibility isn't assured. That being said, it's the first time I'm seeing that particular glitch.
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Rodzilla91 on Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:21 pm

Only thing i have are a couple patches, like backboard, indicator, and then one of my rodman faces I made a few yrs ago.

But it has the same issue without them, if my graphics card has updates I'll update it, but it seems like running it through a VM is a better idea.

Also I use nglide.. At least I think I do? Not sure if it's been working, it shows the 3DFX logo, but I haven't been able to max out the settings, live 98 on the other hand I believe did let me
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Andrew on Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:26 am

That would be the nGlide plugin, yeah.
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Rodzilla91 on Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:49 am

Whenever I open up VMWare I'll try it out on there with lower settings and see if there's any text issues
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Pep on Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:03 pm

I've got same bugs with text and pre-game graphics. I'm running Live 2000 on XP as a XP, not on virtual machine, but this bug never bothered me, because rest of the game works fine. Sometimes this bug appears only when I slide cursor on text If I don't do this text is shows correct.

I guess newer type of Hardware/Software causing troubles, many games got problem with that. You can try with emulate Win98 instead of XP.
Sorry for my bad English.
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Rodzilla91 on Thu Feb 13, 2020 1:38 pm

Pep wrote:I've got same bugs with text and pre-game graphics. I'm running Live 2000 on XP as a XP, not on virtual machine, but this bug never bothered me, because rest of the game works fine. Sometimes this bug appears only when I slide cursor on text If I don't do this text is shows correct.

I guess newer type of Hardware/Software causing troubles, many games got problem with that. You can try with emulate Win98 instead of XP.

I'll try W98 and report back with what happened with it. it seems like I can only max the graphics out without hardware acceleration, so basically without NGlide/3DFX.

also it seemed like the text glitch only happened in the main menu when you boot up the game for XP, but I didn't navigate far thru any menus so I might be wrong, but it seemed to be ok outside of it.. unfortunately I didn't check for it
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Pep on Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:13 pm

This bug appears in every menu including in-game pasue menu.
Sorry for my bad English.
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Re: Text errors in NBA Live 2000?

Postby Rodzilla91 on Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:45 pm

Pep wrote:This bug appears in every menu including in-game pasue menu.

oh I know, you're absolutely right. It was happening to me while trying to start a franchise save, but for some reason it seemed like in that case it wasn't doing it for every menu? Haven't gotten around to confirming that though
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