Trump 2016

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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Axel on Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:26 am

bigh0rt wrote:
Axel wrote:
bowdown wrote:No, your ignorance is disgusting.

Get your facts straight. The violence is coming from the left. It's not at all surprising that the most egregious violence is coming from California.

"The" violence? Like, all of it? What a statement. To pretend as if there's a group of innocents here, and that they're representative of an entire 'side' or party. This is lowest common denominator rationalization.

The silliest thing is to pretend this isn't happening on both sides. It's disgusting on both sides. A lot of the sentiment is good, and solid, and reasonable on both sides. But unfortunately, it isn't the best and brightest that are often taking to the streets on both sides. I saw many protesters, in person, both at Trump's rally at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, NY, and at Bernie Sanders', at Marist College; of which I attended both, to take in the scene, see what it was all about, etc. They're idiots. Both sides. I promise. One group's idiots are in no way superior to the other groups' idiots. They're equally ignorant and repulsive, shouting rhetorical nonsense that makes no sense. Yup, both sides. The thought that only one of them are is a large, sadly laughable part of the problem. "It's them, not us." Please. Unfortunately, instead of using protest as a means for actually urging change and highlighting issues, those protesting generally seem to be only wanting to incite incident/riff raff for the sake of it, and try to get in the next featured YouTube video that catches on. Trump supporters. Hillary supporters. Sanders supporters. There's violent, dangerous idiots among each camp, and they're out in full. The individual media outlets report whichever one supports their stance, and the others are just conveniently not reported. This happens on both sides. The violence is coming from everywhere, I assure you. I witnessed it, first hand. Watching only the media outlets who point at the other side, and plugging your ears about your own side of the aisle doesn't change that. You can't really think that it's a one sided thing, right? That's dangerous and divisive, at best.

I posted what I did because I haven't seen sufficient evidence to the contrary. Can you provide evidence of Trump supporters invading Hillary or Bernie's rallies, and assaulting them? The left has definitely instigated the violence and it's because they're aggrieved by Trump's presidential campaign. Sure there are idiots on all sides...lone wolves you could say. However there has been large scale violent protest only from the left.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby bigh0rt on Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:16 am

Axel wrote:I posted what I did because I haven't seen sufficient evidence to the contrary. Can you provide evidence of Trump supporters invading Hillary or Bernie's rallies, and assaulting them?
Yes. I witnessed it, first hand. With my very eyes. Nothing got out of hand to the level that it did in California, and some other locations; but there were physical altercations spurred by protesters and supporters alike at both Trump's and Sanders' rallies. Largely, everybody behaved themselves, and the supporters acted in line, as did the protesters, who were generally respectful of everybody at both rallies. The idiots came out of the woodwork, screaming in faces, shoving, throwing things, etc. at both rallies though. All races, all genders, all parties. It was just garbage people behaving like garbage. Some in Trump shirts, some in Sanders shirts, at both events. The funny part was each side, afterwards, tried to claim that the other side had hired the protesters, citing Craigs List ads offering $15/hour to protest. You can't make this stuff up. Literally identical claims, down to the dollar amount, from both sides.

The left has definitely instigated the violence and it's because they're aggrieved by Trump's presidential campaign.
They absolutely have. And it's discouraging to watch as an American regardless of which candidate you support. And they're scum. That being said... So have the Trump supporters, who were urged by Trump himself, to violently remove protesters from rallies. Offering to pay the legal fees of those who violently remove protesters a few months ago, etc. Can't just pretend that didn't happen. It's on tape. It'd be convenient to, but ya can't. People being assaulted and sucker punched as they were escorted from arenas. They're also scum. So to say that the bulk of violence has been perpetrated by one side over the other is really just an unsubstantiated statement meant to support one's predisposition and 'side'; and it's not really accurate. It's a blanket statement meant to make one side look 'right' and the other side look 'wrong'. There's a whole lotta wrong happening everywhere, and everyone is at fault, and it's quickly going well beyond the laughable and into the concerning.

This woman is garbage.

This guy is also garbage.

Anybody taking a violent stance against somebody else because they have an opposing viewpoint is, objectively, an idiot. It's the lowest form of disagreement, reserved for the uneducated and mentally ill. Simpletons. I'd even extend that to say that anybody who can't even wrap their mind around why somebody with an opposing viewpoint may have said viewpoint, even if it is directly opposed to one's own beliefs, is also an idiot. I understand vehement disagreement. Being incapable of understanding why somebody may have a differing view, as radical as it may seem, is the sign of a moron. There's countless things I unbearably disagree with, but understand why somebody else may agree with, but at the same time does not bring me any closer to agreeing with. You don't need to be a rocket scientist; but with the way people are behaving... maybe you do.

The "omg you like Trump, you're a racist", and the "enjoy your socialism while you feel the bern" and the "enjoy voting for hilary just cause she's a woman"'s of the world. Anybody spewing any trite nonsense like that is a simpleton, plain and simple. Incapable of anything other than basement level thought and rationale. There's an obscene amount of it going on, and it doesn't look like it's slowing down any time soon.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby bowdown on Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:27 pm

With these terrorist attacks adding up Trump is looking more and more likely to be elected.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby [Q] on Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:51 pm

The attacks by the police? sUre, I would imagine a lot of Trump voters support that sort of thing.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:24 pm

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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:25 pm ... ion-afraid
by Ezra Klein on July 21, 2016, 1:20 p.m. ET @ezraklein

Tonight, Donald J. Trump will accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president of the United States. And I am, for the first time since I began covering American politics, genuinely afraid.

The simple fact of it is that Donald Trump should not be president of the United States. That is not because he is too conservative, as some Democrats would have it, or because he is not conservative enough, as many Republicans would have it. It’s because the presidency is a powerful job where mistakes can kill millions, and whoever holds it needs to take that power seriously and wield it responsibly. Trump has had ample opportunity to demonstrate his sense of seriousness and responsibility. He has failed.

It is said that the benefit of America’s long presidential campaigns is they offer the candidates time to show us who they really are. Trump has shown us who he really is. He is a person who should not be president. That he is being brought this close to the presidency — that he is one major mistake by Hillary Clinton away from winning it — should scare us all. It certainly scares me. ... ump-speech
Donald Trump doesn’t want to make America great. He wants to make it afraid.
Updated by Ezra Klein on July 21, 2016, 11:54 p.m. ET @ezraklein

Speech was a success before it was made!
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Lamrock on Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:56 am

I'm rooting for Crooked Hillary to win, but voting for Gary Johnson because if Washington goes Republican, Trump has already won in a landslide.

This election cycle I haven't really posted on here much at all because I tend to make a fool of myself when discussing politics, which is fine. I follow it the same way I follow sports - water cooler talk - celebrity gossip for men.

This is pretty bonkers though. I guess I should have seen it coming - in 2012 the Republicans were dying to choose someone silly but nobody quite had the staying power. If Herman Cain hadn't had his sex scandal it would have been something else. Now, the Republicans are kicking themselves for not having a system like the Democrats to prohibit primary voters from choosing someone other than the one of their choosing.

I was definitely rooting for Trump in the primaries - I certainly wouldn't in a million years want him to become president, but it was very entertaining to watch him roast the GOP establishment. I'd still prefer him to the Zodiac Killer, but it would be pretty bad if he actually won. Obviously he wouldn't be making any meaningful decisions, but as a lower middle class white male, I'd prefer things to keep going the way they're going. Hillary's gonna be pretty bad, but I'd still take her over a racist reality TV star.

In conclusion, I think we need to dispel with this fiction that Obama doesn't know what he's doing - he knows EXACTLY what he's doing!!!!!!!
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby [Q] on Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:38 am

Lol I just saw a "losing" bumper sticker with Obama's logo in the word "gone" dated January 20, 2013 :lol:

I wouldn't have the heart to leave a bumper sticker on if I lost
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Book_Gazette on Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:43 pm

Lamrock wrote:I'm rooting for Crooked Hillary to win, but voting for Gary Johnson because if Washington goes Republican, Trump has already won in a landslide.

This election cycle I haven't really posted on here much at all because I tend to make a fool of myself when discussing politics, which is fine. I follow it the same way I follow sports - water cooler talk - celebrity gossip for men.

This is pretty bonkers though. I guess I should have seen it coming - in 2012 the Republicans were dying to choose someone silly but nobody quite had the staying power. If Herman Cain hadn't had his sex scandal it would have been something else. Now, the Republicans are kicking themselves for not having a system like the Democrats to prohibit primary voters from choosing someone other than the one of their choosing.

I was definitely rooting for Trump in the primaries - I certainly wouldn't in a million years want him to become president, but it was very entertaining to watch him roast the GOP establishment. I'd still prefer him to the Zodiac Killer, but it would be pretty bad if he actually won. Obviously he wouldn't be making any meaningful decisions, but as a lower middle class white male, I'd prefer things to keep going the way they're going. Hillary's gonna be pretty bad, but I'd still take her over a racist reality TV star.

In conclusion, I think we need to dispel with this fiction that Obama doesn't know what he's doing - he knows EXACTLY what he's doing!!!!!!!

Hey heres what matters, the timing needs to matter. If you get the swinger states, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Wyoming and Nevada need to be about filled, and Obama only lost one of these states, replenished it from California and other states.

If those states are fulfilled by the candidate, so check who's winning there to find a good prediction
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Axel on Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:17 am

Lol. At the end it says... "This is Horrifying!"

At least they're admitting the fear mongering this time.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:37 am

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Re: Trump 2016

Postby ThePointForward on Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:28 am

So the elections are around the corner and with all the crap both (major) sides did, we're apparently looking at pretty close result.

Any last comments? Should people decide enough his enough, end this social experiment and return under the rule of the Queen?
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:42 am

Dommy73 wrote:Should people decide enough his enough, end this social experiment and return under the rule of the Queen?

Yes, Hillary is likely to win.

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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Lamrock on Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:05 am

I'm pretty nervous. Hillary is terrible but Trump would be such a disaster.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby [Q] on Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:41 pm

Hillary has the edge, but Trump is a couple of swing states away from making it a contest
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Axel on Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:08 pm

I'm ready for this to be over with. I'm all in for Trump, but its difficult living in the most politically liberal city in NC. Even the businesses here are swearing allegiance to Hillary with no concern over losing customers. Can't even go into my favorite beer bar anymore because they've got Trump stickers lining the inside of the toilet and "Trump is a fascist" signs all over. I've been heckled by those "get out the vote" people walking up and down the street, given dirty looks and the finger by many a driver, countless hateful FB posts, and our local Republican HQ was firebombed and covered in graffiti...ugh. Just showing the same support for my candidate that others do for Hillary feels like walking down the street with a scarlet letter emblazoned on my forehead. I've met many people afraid of putting bumper stickers on their car for fear of vandalism.

Our country needs some serious help. I'm afraid it will only get worse after the election regardless who wins.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby bigh0rt on Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:37 pm

[Q] wrote:Hillary has the edge, but Trump is a couple of swing states away from making it a contest

We should know once Florida reports whether it's a wrap, or if we need to keep watching. If Trump takes it, he's a few other swing states away from potentially getting to 270. If he loses it, it'd be next to impossible. Last I saw, Hilary was -250 or -300 to win, substantially down from the -450 she was prior to the last leak. Still, that's about a 65% chance to win. If you were going to put some money on Trump, the time to do so was a few weeks ago. Not nearly as much value to be had now; though you're getting much better odds on HRC than you would've gotten a few weeks ago, for those interested in trying to make a few bucks on this carnival.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:49 pm

We'll know not long after 8 because all the states Trump needs close at the same time (and Ohio and NC will probably also be ready to be called):
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Lamrock on Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:50 pm

Predicting a 307-231 win for Clinton, but we'll find out soon enough...
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:06 pm

That map seems alright, Hillary just over 300 seems about right. Nevada might be tricky. The key is that you tagged Ohio red, because I think people tagging it blue are being way overconfident.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby [Q] on Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:48 pm

Even with OH & FL red, she still wins. She just needs to hold MI & PA

So I'll know the results by the time I clock out work? That's cool, no waiting for me.

Really interested in the local stuff for me. There's a plastic bag ban, requirement for condoms in porn, abolition of the death penalty, marijuana legalization, and background checks for ammo purchases all on the line tomorrow. Also rooting for the underdog to fill the House of Representatives spot in my district. Voted for Bao Nguyen, a Vietnamese Democrat who's gay, fluent in Spanish, and was the former mayor of my city after winning by 15 votes. He's the first politican who I think would actually vote the same way that I would if I were in Congress. It's a long shot, but I hope he wins.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby zzcoolj21 on Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:11 am


I voted for Hilary in spite of Trump. I honestly dont agree with most of their agendas but Hillary seems like likes of a threat to my brothers and sisters. Don't want them to grow up in a world where you can openly be a bigot/racist and people are ok with it.

Also grab 'em by the pussy is a really bad campaign slogan.

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Re: Trump 2016

Postby Cpt(K) on Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:16 am

I wrote in Evan McMullin (I wonder what sort of pejoratives the Clinton or Trump crowd would use for him and his supporters), while it certainly won't make a difference in Illinois, it was nice to exit the polling station knowing there actually was another option than those two (write-in's do count in this State). If only the rest of the nation would refuse to vote for either of the two loudest candidates.

If Clinton wins it, well, I think tighter restraints will be inflicted upon individuals to conflate themselves with a herd-mentality (the very type of constraints the fringe of the left has pulled over the Democrats already- toe the line or else). If Trump wins, I think it'll be more like Clinton (I believe they are semi-different candidates cut from the same cloth, but with their buddy-buddy relationship still intact), but with a little more individual liberty left alone than otherwise. Only because of the diverse arrays of influence involved though. What I can appreciate about the GOP, is that they contain many different subgroups that battle things out. Often times we hear how there's no unity in the GOP, it is actually a good thing to a degree. Intellectual diversity is as valuable if not more, than its counterpart.

If anything, I really would like everyone to have the epiphany that:

Trump is not a conservative
Clinton is not a liberal (in the classical sense)

They both have run similar lives, above everyone else, and do not possess the character to "represent" many of America's citizens. The constant pandering, and condescending lip-service is appalling. The way they try to appeal to minorities is especially disgusting. Alas, these appear to be the two choices we have. As the voting populace, again, decides to not chance a third-party candidate. Then again, the third-parties had a colossal failure of an effort to be as effective as they could have been.

I'm disappointed with all of the options, pretty much. McMullin received my vote only because, I hope by some miracle that something different happens this election (maybe, neither of the two main candidates reaching 270).

Don't want them to grow up in a world where you can openly be a bigot/racist and people are ok with it.

I do not understand the fear of America regressing in race-relations if Trump is elected, BLM has already accomplished that to a degree. :wink: Yeah, David Duke and other fellows will persist to exist, even under a second Clinton presidency.

If anything I'd be more worried about my relatives growing up in a world where anyone can hold contempt for someone, opposed to something, and be okay with it. We definitely don't like people harboring disdain for us, just because we disagree on something; so it should extend to those who are racist, sexist, or whatever. Not just because it is fair, but because it actually isn't detrimental to society. If people would vigorously make an effort to explain why someone's wrong, then it would be better. Some of us believe racism is in itself, stupid. The belief that your pigmentation (or lack thereof) gives you superiority over another, is absolutely false. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, in a world where there are bad ideas, perhaps showing why someone is wrong is better. Otherwise contempt boils over, and bad things happen. Eventually a certain group of individuals may get the reigns, and can run over anyone they deem as unfit. That isn't virtuous, it is actually what has lead to many atrocities in history (e.g. The Holocaust).

The concept is true for politics too, as we've witnessed (I myself no better than anyone else) a number of demonstrations of contempt for persons- opposed to bad ideas has taken place. Wouldn't it be strange if all the candidates talked about was how bad the other one was, and we never really got substantial information on their policy? Why, they could get away with a lot of things when given the chance to act once elected. The populace wouldn't know in great detail what the candidate actually intends and . . . yeah. :roll: That is kind of what has happened. Both of them conduct themselves in a deplorableway, and solely focusing on character as opposed to character and policy is not beneficial.

I wish someone would go back in time, remind everyone what we already knew about: "they're going to lure you into deciding which candidate is a worse person! They're going to turn disagreements into threats! "They're going to try to make you hate each others' guts!" :(

If you don't agree with me, you're obviously an unpatriotic, baby-eating, God-hating communist! Or maybe you're a homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic, item in a basket-of-deplorables! :lol:

I'm assuming this election will result in either a Trump or Clinton presidency.
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Re: Trump 2016

Postby benji on Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:53 am

eastern kentucky sure loves them some trump wow at dem margins

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