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Re: The Friday Five: 5 More Basketball Games You May Have Forgotten

Postby [Q] on Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:54 pm

benji wrote:There's a roster editor for Action '98. And someone attempted some graphic patches.

but I was used to Live 98 and being able to change everything in-game other than a player's name
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Unlucky Moments in NBA History

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:13 am

Forgot to post a bulletin about this when it came out last Friday.

June 13th, 2014: 5 Unlucky Moments in NBA History

I was originally going to write about the five best things to come out of E3 2014 in this week’s Friday Five, but neither NBA Live 15 nor NBA 2K15 were on display at the event, so there still isn’t too much to talk about just yet. We do have our first screenshot of NBA Live 15 of course, but I feel that I’ve said just about all that I can say about that in the Forum and in Episode #82 of the NLSC Podcast (which I naturally invite you to check out).

It then occurred to me that today is Friday the 13th, which of course in Western superstition is meant to be the unluckiest of days. I’m not one for superstitions myself – except for yelling at the TV at just the right moment when a player is taking a free throw, because that totally works – but nevertheless, in honour of Friday the 13th, I’m taking a look at five unlucky moments in NBA history.
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Re: The Friday Five: My 5 Favourite NBA Jerseys

Postby Andrew on Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:20 pm

June 20th, 2014: My 5 Favourite NBA Jerseys

I must admit, owing to the fact that I’ve been a little busy with a few other things this week – NLSC related and otherwise – I’m writing The Friday Five very close to it being “due”, which initially left me wondering what to talk about today. However, with the Charlotte Hornets unveiling their new uniforms (which I quite like), one topic immediately jumped out at me when I glanced at my list of potential Friday Five ideas: my five favourite NBA jerseys.

Now, this is obviously subjective and in no way intended to be a definitive list of the best jerseys in NBA history; they are simply my personal favourites as of this moment, according to my taste (or lack thereof, as some of you may be inclined to say). No doubt we all have very different top fives when it comes to our favourite NBA uniforms, and I certainly invite you to share yours as well, but before you do, here are the five NBA jerseys that I like the most.
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Re: The Friday Five: My 5 Favourite NBA Jerseys

Postby [Q] on Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:05 am

You lose all credibility with the homer pick :lol: and the Brooklyn mention!
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Re: The Friday Five: My 5 Favourite NBA Jerseys

Postby Andrew on Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:22 am

Ah but remember, "you lose all credibility" immediately loses you the argument. ;)

For some reason, Brooklyn's jerseys have grown on me.
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Re: The Friday Five: My 5 Least Favourite NBA Jerseys

Postby Andrew on Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:29 am

June 27th, 2014: My 5 Least Favourite NBA Jerseys

Since I’ve previously put my taste in uniforms out there for everyone’s consideration with my 5 Favourite NBA Jerseys, I figured it only makes sense that I also mention the designs that rank among my least favourite. After all, why embarrass myself and expose my lack of design and fashion sense by only talking about the jerseys that I do like, when I can go for broke by criticising a beloved throwback or alternate?

Once again, this is all subjective and in no way intended to be a definitive list of the worst jerseys in NBA history. These are just five jerseys that I’ve never particularly cared for, so by all means feel free to disagree and tell me about the jerseys that you can’t stand in the comments section below. Having said that, here are my 5 Least Favourite NBA Jerseys.
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Re: The Friday Five: My 5 Least Favourite NBA Jerseys

Postby [Q] on Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:47 am

Yeah the Thudner jerseys are a blatant rip-off of the old Royals jerseys... usually when teams try to go retro, they have history they can go to. OKC obviously doesn't, but that still doesn't excuse the lack of creativity and innovation for all of their jersey, logo and court designs so far. Seriously, a 12 year old could have designed all of it.
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Teams Built for Basketball Video Games

Postby Andrew on Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:37 pm

July 4th, 2014: 5 Teams Built for Basketball Video Games

As we all know, while some teams that look great on paper do indeed go on to win a lot of games and even championships, plenty of others do not live up to their potential and find themselves broken up sooner rather than later. Regardless of how they fare in the real world, teams that are stacked with talent usually become powerhouses and fun squads to play with in basketball video games.

In fact, some stacked teams can even look like they were put together in a video game. With rosters so deep, assembled with moves so shrewd, it’s as though a gamer has taken advantage of the CPU many times over. In this week’s Friday Five, I’m taking a look at five teams that were seemingly built for the enjoyment of basketball gamers, while reflecting upon how they fared in reality.
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Re: The Friday Five: Clearing Up 5 Rumours Surrounding NBA 2K15 PC

Postby Andrew on Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:16 pm

July 11th, 2014: Clearing Up 5 Rumours Surrounding NBA 2K15 PC

I’m doing something a little different for this week’s Friday Five, as I want to address a few rumours about the PC version of NBA 2K15 that are currently making the rounds. If you frequent the NLSC Forum, you may have seen some of those rumours discussed here. While they have led to some enjoyable and lively debate, it’s important that we separate confirmed facts from mere speculation.

Unfortunately, there are some websites and individuals out there that have no qualms about spreading blatant misinformation. Some of them simply enjoy riling up and trolling gamers, while others are resorting to cheap tactics to get hits and video views, at the expense of maintaining any level of integrity. As such, I’d like to do my part in putting out some honest and reliable information for PC basketball gamers. Of course, this information is all subject to change as more details become available, but right now, this is what we know about NBA 2K15 PC.
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Re: The Friday Five: My All-Time Starting Five

Postby Andrew on Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:09 pm

July 18th, 2014: My All-Time Starting Five

Here’s a topic that I’ve somehow overlooked in a little over a year and a half of writing The Friday Five: My All-Time Starting Five. I’m not sure why it hasn’t come to mind sooner, as “Who’s in your all-time starting five?” is a very common fantasy related question among basketball fans, and one that lends itself quite well to an article in which I’m talking about five items.

For a long time, my answer to that question hasn’t changed: Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Scottie Pippen, Larry Bird, and Bill Russell. While I still believe that to be a tremendous lineup, and a few of those players are still in my all-time starting five, I’ve decided to swap out a couple of others upon further reflection. Read on to find out my current selections for my all-time starting lineup.
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Re: The Friday Five: My All-Time Starting Five

Postby Kevin on Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:52 pm

Andrew wrote:Shooting Guard – Michael Jordan

I knew it. Although I wouldn't consider Kobe surpassing MJ, he is close to being equal to MJ.

Andrew wrote:Point Guard – Magic Johnson

Sad to see his career end because of AIDS/HIV.

My ALL-TIME Starting Five

Point Guard- Isiah Thomas
He was a feisty defender and a tough competitor. He also fit right in with the rest of Detroit's "Bad Boys". I really love the way he plays the game and how he gives his opposing guard many problems.

Shooting Guard- Michael Jordan
Yes, MJ not Kobe, not Drexler or even Iverson. Even though I'm a Lakers fan, I am a fan of MJ too. I can even say that he is undoubtedly, "THE BEST NBA PLAYER OF ALL TIME". HE.JUST.CAN.DO.IT.ALL. but of course, my second pick after Jordan would be Kobe.

Small Forward- Julius "Dr. J" Erving
With his spectacular athleticism and creativity, he paved the way to the modern era of basketball. I just couldn't pick who I like most, Bird, Erving or Wilkins. But at the end of the day, I still like Dr. J's sweet moves/dunks rather than Wilkin's explosive windmills and Bird's dead-eye shooting

Power Forward- Timmy!
Same reason

Center-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Kareem is the complete package. He has won many championships, and a number of MVP awards, to go along with a ridiculously 20-NBA season long career. He was a superstar the second he stepped on the court.
Rest In Peace Kobe
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Thoughts You Have When Playing Old Basketball Games

Postby Andrew on Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:41 pm

July 25th, 2014: 5 Thoughts You Have When Playing Old Basketball Games

As much as I like to play new and recent video games, I also have a fondness for retro gaming. This extends to my basketball gaming habits as well, as every so often I’ll dust off an older basketball game and spend a little time with it. In fact, through writing The Friday Five and creating content for our upcoming celebration of the 20th Anniversary of NBA Live, I’ve been going back to some old basketball games fairly regularly to grab screenshots, or simply to refresh my memory.

And of course, once I’ve fired them up to do that, I find that I have to indulge my nostalgia by playing an exhibition game or two. Upon doing so, plenty of memories come rushing back, and I can’t help but make a few comparisons and observations. You can probably see where this is going, so without any further ado, here are five thoughts that come to mind when playing old basketball video games.
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Things That Make Dynasty Mode So Much Fun

Postby Andrew on Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:39 am

August 1st, 2014: 5 Things That Make Dynasty Mode So Much Fun

Seeing as how it’s my favourite game mode, I’ve naturally written a couple of Friday Five articles about Dynasty Mode in the past. I’ve talked about some of the improvements that were made in NBA Live 14, as well as what I want to see added in the future. This week however, I thought I’d talk a little about some of the things that have made the mode so much fun for me over the years.

In a nutshell, the key to making a mode like Dynasty fun and enjoyable is for it to be both deep and immersive. While there is obviously still room for improvement in that regard, I find that a lot of enjoyment actually comes from the basics, not to mention the right approach. Without any further ado, here are five things that I believe greatly contribute to the fun of Dynasty Mode.
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Biggest Leaps in Basketball Video Game Sequels

Postby Andrew on Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:46 pm

August 8th, 2014: 5 Biggest Leaps in Basketball Video Game Sequels

Like any enthusiastic gaming community, we sink a considerable amount of time into the basketball video games that we play, to the point where we know them inside and out. We know what we like, we know what we don’t like, and we ultimately know what kind of experience we want to get out of them. As consumers, we understandably want to see constant improvement, as well as get value for our money.

Of course, while it’s important that we maintain a critical eye, at times we can be too cynical to see some of the genuine improvements in basketball video games. Despite the challenge that all annual sports games face in the form of a compressed development cycle, we’ve seen basketball titles that have shown considerable improvement over their immediate predecessors. To that end, I’m counting down what I feel are some of the biggest year-to-year leaps in basketball gaming. Let’s get started with number five.
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Biggest Leaps in Basketball Video Game Sequels

Postby [Q] on Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:06 pm

No Street Vol. 2 love ? :lol:
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Biggest Leaps in Basketball Video Game Sequels

Postby Andrew on Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:28 pm

You know I'm all about Jam when it comes to my arcade titles. ;)
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Best Things We Know About NBA Live 15 So Far

Postby Andrew on Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:57 pm

August 15th, 2014: 5 Best Things We Know About NBA Live 15 So Far

As you may already know, Episode #90 of the NLSC Podcast featured a lengthy interview with the Executive Producer of NBA Live 15, Sean O’Brien. Sean answered our many questions honestly, and in great detail; as such, we learned a lot about this year’s game, as well as the future of the NBA Live series. This was naturally a very big deal for us, with a lot of good information coming out of the interview.

If you haven’t listened to it yet, I certainly encourage you to tune in when you get the chance. We will be compiling a written recap of everything that was discussed during the interview, but in the meantime, I want to use this week’s Friday Five to talk a little about some of the noteworthy points of interest. To that end, here are some of the best things that we know about NBA Live 15…so far.
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Re: The Friday Five: Top 5 Favourite Experiences Running the NLSC

Postby Andrew on Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:43 pm

August 22nd, 2014: Top 5 Favourite Experiences Running the NLSC

On August 26th, it will be thirteen years since Tim handed me the reins of the NLSC. Since then, we’ve certainly had our fair share of ups and downs. While I’ve greatly enjoyed running the site, there have been times when I’ve come close to resigning my position. Gaming communities all have their own politics and run the gamut of personalities, so naturally there have been moments where the fuss and drama has left me thinking “Do I really want to keep doing this?”

I’m very glad, and admittedly just a little proud, that my answer has always remained “yes”. The tough times have been valuable learning experiences, while the good times have been very rewarding and a lot of fun. I’m not planning on going anywhere, but since another anniversary has come around, I thought that I’d take some time to reflect on my Top 5 favourite experiences running the NLSC. Let’s begin with number five…
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Re: The Friday Five: Top 5 Favourite Experiences Running the NLSC

Postby The X on Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:43 am

Lucky 13 :P

I must admit I was very envious the first two years you went to the event, especially the draft one, but well deserved nonetheless.
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Re: The Friday Five: Top 5 Favourite Experiences Running the NLSC

Postby Andrew on Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:44 am

I'm sure more than a couple of people were. ;) It definitely was a great experience on top of the event itself.
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Re: The Friday Five: Top 5 Playoffs BIG Moments in NBA Live 14

Postby Andrew on Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:31 pm

August 29th, 2014: Top 5 Playoffs BIG Moments in NBA Live 14

While Dynasty remains my favourite depth mode in NBA Live, I’ve very much enjoyed BIG Moments in NBA Live 14, and was definitely glad to hear that it will be returning in NBA Live 15. Back in March, I posted a countdown of my top five BIG Moments to that point, but plenty of new Moments have been added to the game since then, right through to the end of the 2014 NBA Finals.

So, with the 2014 season in the books, and the 2015 season almost upon us, I thought that I’d take a look back and rank my top five BIG Moments in NBA Live 14 from the 2014 NBA Playoffs. Last year’s postseason gave us quite a few memorable games and moments, and these are the ones that I personally found the most interesting, challenging, and enjoyable to re-play in NBA Live 14. Let the countdown begin!
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Ideas for the Future of NBA Live

Postby Andrew on Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:16 pm

September 5th, 2014: 5 Ideas for the Future of NBA Live

Information and preview media for NBA Live 15 is starting to flow more freely, as we’re coming up on a month left until the game’s release. I definitely liked what I saw in the Visuals Trailer, as I feel that the game is looking like a big improvement over NBA Live 14. As I mentioned in Episode #93 of the NLSC Podcast, I’ve pre-ordered my copy of NBA Live 15 and am really looking forward to October 9th, which is when the game will be available here in Australia. If you’re in North America, you can of course get your hands on the game come October 7th.

However, as we see more of and learn more about NBA Live 15, I’m not only eager to get my hands on this year’s game and see how it plays, I’m also thinking about what can be done in future games. After all, as we get a clearer picture of NBA Live 15, we’re also finding out which things have had to go on the backburner during this production cycle, with an eye towards implementing them in NBA Live 16 and beyond. So, for this week’s Friday Five, I’m taking a look at some ideas for the future of the NBA Live series.
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Patches I Always Wanted To Make

Postby Andrew on Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:33 pm

September 12th, 2014: 5 Patches I Always Wanted To Make

As I’ve mentioned before, unfortunately I’m not able to commit to any big patching projects these days (particularly any current roster updates); as such, my output has slowed in recent years. While I’d never like to close the door on patching completely, it’s no longer the main content that I’m producing here at the NLSC, and I’m mostly focusing on smaller releases when I do get time to whip something up.

Of course, even while I was still patching more actively, there were ideas that I just didn’t get around to doing due to other commitments, or the project being too difficult or too time consuming to make happen. I thought I’d share some of those ideas in this week’s Friday Five, mostly just for fun and to wonder what could’ve been, but also to put the concepts out there in case anyone else in the community wants to give them a shot. So, without any further ado, let’s take a look at some patching ideas I haven’t been able to do anything with.
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Re: The Friday Five: A Five Part Challenge

Postby Andrew on Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:41 pm

September 19th, 2014: A Five Part Challenge

If you caught my guest edition of Dumb Mondays last week, you’re probably aware that JaoSming is a bit tied up at the moment. As such, his weekly articles are currently on hiatus, though I’ll certainly see if I can fill in for him if I think of a topic that doesn’t quite fit the Friday Five format. However, for those of you who have been enjoying the Beat Jao challenges, I thought that I’d go the other way and adapt one of JaoSming’s concepts for this week’s edition of the Five.

As you’ve probably guessed from the title, the challenge I’m putting out there is comprised of five separate goals, all of which are to be attempted in the same game. I’m interested to see who can top my marks in all five areas, and given the way some of you have performed in the Beat Jao challenges so far, I’m sure that someone will indeed be able to surpass my efforts. At the very least, hopefully it’ll provide you with something fun to do while you’re waiting for the new games to come out. Let the challenge begin!
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Re: The Friday Five: 5 Things to Remember About Overall Ratings

Postby Andrew on Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:54 pm

September 26th, 2014: 5 Things to Remember About Overall Ratings

As we get closer and closer to the release of NBA Live 15 and NBA 2K15 – October 28th and October 7th respectively – we’re receiving a steady stream of information on both games. Some of the facts and figures that we’re leaning about at the moment are the overall ratings for all of the current NBA players in both titles. 2K Sports are close to revealing their final batch of player ratings, while EA Sports will be revealing lists of ratings on a daily basis through to October 16th.

Back in July last year, I wrote a Friday Five which outlined some of the problems with overall ratings in NBA Live and NBA 2K. I thought that I’d revisit that discussion in this week’s column, as I’m reminded of those issues whenever new ratings are revealed, and debate inevitably arises because someone’s overall rating doesn’t seem quite right. So, without any further ado, these are five things to keep in mind when we’re evaluating overall ratings.
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