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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Regional Exclusives & Late Releases

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:08 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Regional Exclusives & Late Releases

The basketball gaming landscape has changed drastically since our choices were whittled down to just NBA Live and NBA 2K, culminating in a virtual monopoly for the latter. When a handful of developers and publishers were throwing their hat into the ring with hoops games, we received a variety of titles of varying quality, but most brought something interesting to the table. Of course, not every game was available worldwide. While NBA Live and NBA 2K stood as examples of global brands, other games were regional exclusives, usually only released in North America.

On top of that, if other regions did receive a particular game, it might not be until several months later. It may seem like a terrible marketing decision to release an NBA game well after the season has tipped off, but there are titles that have come along quite late in a campaign, even with their domestic release. Indeed, not even NBA 2K and NBA Live have been immune to late releases, if only outside North America. It's an interesting difference in the way that basketball video games used to be handled, so let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA 07 by Sony Retrospective

Postby Andrew on Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:37 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA 07 by Sony Retrospective

With the lack of options in the basketball gaming space nowadays, I'm often wistful for a time when several NBA titles were on the market year after year. Of course, not every game was available to me. Some were North American exclusives, unavailable to those of us in PAL regions unless we had the hardware to play imported games. This included a majority of Sony's NBA series, making it both a region and console exclusive. In hindsight, that was never going to realistically allow it to challenge the dominance of NBA Live and NBA 2K!

Developed by San Diego Studio - probably best known for MLB: The Show - the NBA series only saw one official worldwide release, namely NBA 08. Mind you, given that the PlayStation 3 was region-free, that didn't have to be a barrier for anyone who was willing and able to import games! Since adding a PS3 to my collection, I've been able to pick up some games that I never had an opportunity to play when they were new, such as college basketball titles. This also includes a few games from the NBA series, and today, I'm profiling NBA 07 with an in-depth retrospective. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Revisiting NBA Live 18

Postby Andrew on Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:23 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Revisiting NBA Live 18

It's fair to say that NBA Live didn't live up to expectations on the eighth generation. We were hoping for a fresh start after NBA Elite 11 torpedoed the series during the seventh generation, but instead there were numerous unsuccessful attempts to rebuild. However, there were some flashes of brilliance and genuinely good ideas, which only makes the shortcomings of those eighth gen NBA Live titles more frustrating. Now that several years have passed and the weight of new game expectations has been lifted, those positive aspects do stand out, and can be appreciated.

As such, when I revisit an eighth generation NBA Live, I'm sometimes left surprised by how much I enjoyed dusting it off. While these second looks haven't changed my mind to the same extent as NBA Live 10 or the Next Gen version of NBA 2K14, I do come away thinking that some of them hold up better than I remembered. This was true after Dee and I revisited NBA Live 18 using Parsec and the Xbox App, and had a really fun game. Indeed, I ended up picking up where I left off in Ultimate Team, and it inspired me to reconsider my previous critique. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Misuse of Legends in NBA Live

Postby Andrew on Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:25 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Misuse of Legends in NBA Live

If you remember hitting the virtual hardwood before NBA Live 2000 was released, then you’ll recall what a big deal it was when Legends were announced for the game. Sure, we had modding, and even on console Create-a-Player could be used to make some serviceable retro players, but now they were going to be right there in the game by default! They’d have proper faces, and their names would be called by the PA Announcer and commentators. And of course, Michael Jordan would at long last appear in an NBA Live game. It was huge news, and a landmark feature.

Considering that EA Sports had found themselves in hot water after trying to sneak some Legends into the 16-bit version of NBA Live 96, it seemed like something that would never happen. That made the official inclusion of Legends even more special, and it’s why I won’t take historical content for granted. However, it’s fair to say that over the years, NBA Live didn’t do as much with the Legends as they possibly could have, leaving the door open for NBA 2K to blow us away with retro content and features. Even before that though, NBA Live was dropping the ball with throwback players. Let’s take a look back…way back…
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Original All-Time Teams in NBA 2K

Postby Andrew on Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:37 am

Wayback Wednesday: The Original All-Time Teams in NBA 2K

The concept of All-Time Teams is naturally a staple of sports discussion. Which franchise could field the best lineup with all the players that have ever worn their uniform? Who can boast the best all-time starting lineup? Who would prevail in a showdown of stars, if they could all be together on the team in their prime? Such What Ifs are impossible to conclusively prove in reality, but they're a great idea for fantasy matchups in video games. Even in the early days of NBA Live modding, the community was creating Legends and All-Time Teams rosters.

Those projects have remained popular over the years, so it's no surprise that with all of the other historical content in NBA 2K, All-Time squads were eventually added for each franchise. As I noted when I covered those teams in a previous article, while the concept was nothing new, it saved us a lot of time by ensuring that certain players and assets would be in the game by default. However, I neglected to mention that NBA 2K18 wasn't the first game in the series to feature All-Time Teams, as a few such squads were unlockable in earlier releases. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Long-Gone Players in NBA 2K11

Postby Andrew on Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:14 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Long-Gone Players in NBA 2K11

Even in the early days of basketball gaming, it wasn’t unusual for players who were no longer in the league to make it into the active rosters of a title. Usually, this was due to the roster cut-off date, and the timing and circumstances of their departure. However, they were often still on a team’s roster. When games began including a Free Agents Pool, it was generally empty by default. By the early 2000s though, it had become far more common to see a selection of players in the Free Agents Pool who were unsigned when the game’s rosters were finalised; a trend that continues today.

We’ve never been told the exact circumstances that allow players to appear as free agents, but we can make some educated guesses. Extrapolating from the names we’ve seen in the Free Agents Pool over the years, it appears that they must have been under contract at the end of the previous season, signed to a guaranteed contract during a game’s development (but released before the rosters were finalised), or retired with time left on their deal. That accounts for most free agents in games over the years, but there are exceptions. Notably, the selection of Free Agents in NBA 2K11 includes a few players who were long-gone by that point. Let’s take a look back…way back…
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Debuting in Games Before the NBA

Postby Andrew on Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:40 am

Wayback Wednesday: Debuting in Games Before the NBA

Every offseason, there's a new crop of players - both drafted and undrafted - that will make their debut in the real NBA and on the virtual hardwood alike. To that point of course, barring Summer League play, basically all NBA players will be debuting in games before the real NBA, and have done so as long as titles with updated rosters have been released before the season tips off. However, there are players whose real life debuts came well after their first appearance in a video game. For the purposes of this article, this is what I mean when I say "debuting in games before the NBA".

This includes players that missed what should've been their rookie season, and future NBA players who made cameos through other means. These appearances can make it difficult to remember exactly when certain players debuted or were drafted, since we recall playing with them in video games much earlier. There are also fun examples of bonus content leading to pre-NBA cameos for players who would become noteworthy names, and in some cases, major stars. It's a lengthy list, so settle in as we take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Players From NBA 2K14 Still Active in 2023

Postby Andrew on Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:27 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Players From NBA 2K14 Still Active in 2023

Can you believe that NBA 2K14 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is coming up on ten years old? As I’ve discussed in previous articles and on the NLSC Podcast, it took me a while, but I’ve certainly warmed up to the landmark release! However, while the game itself still holds up extraordinarily well, the snapshot of the NBA that it captures is naturally now quite outdated. A recent perusal of the default rosters made it clear just how much turnover there is in the league over the span of a decade. In fact, some sweeping changes occurred not too long after NBA 2K14’s release!

How many players from the default rosters of NBA 2K14 PS4/X1 are still active as of 2023? Just 73 as of writing, though others were still active as of last season, and may still find a spot in the NBA. When I made a similar comparison with NBA Live 10 back in 2021, only 44 players from the 2010 campaign were still in the league. On top of that, less than 20 players had stints that spanned from the launch of the PS4 and X1 through to the arrival of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Indeed, including a couple that I forgot, only five players are still with the same team a decade later. As we prepare to tip off another NBA campaign, let’s also take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Class of 2003 & Video Games

Postby Andrew on Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:14 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Class of 2003 & Video Games

Somehow, it’s been twenty years since the Class of 2003 – widely considered to be one of the best NBA Draft Classes of all time – debuted in the NBA. Only one player from that Draft – LeBron James – is still active, and now playing in his 21st season. With the retirement of Andre Iguodala and Udonis Haslem, he officially became the league’s oldest player. This is something I’ve been trying to get my head around and make peace with. After all, I’m a couple of months older than LeBron, which means I’ve reached the point where I’m older than all active NBA players. Old head indeed!

This day was bound to come, of course, but it’s not something you really think about when you’re a hardcore basketball fan in your late teens or early twenties. However, the entry of the Class of 2003 into the NBA two decades ago was one of my first “Oh, I’m not exactly a kid anymore” moments. More than starting to go out to clubs and pubs, staying up as late as I wanted, or any other rites of passage, realising that there were now NBA players who were my age made me feel…well, not that I was grown up, but definitely in the next stage of life! Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Investigating NBA Live 2002 Codes

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:27 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Investigating NBA Live 2002 Codes

Here’s a statement that will blow your mind: you can’t believe everything that you read on the internet. I’ll give you a moment to recover from the utter shock of that revelation! In all seriousness, it’s hardly a secret that the internet is as convenient a means of spreading misinformation as it is researching verifiable facts and figures. I’m not going to delve into the Big Issues here, because that’s beyond our scope as a site dedicated to basketball gaming, and I’m not looking to court controversy. Of course, there’s plenty of hoaxes and misinformation when it comes to video games.

All genres of games are subject to what TV Tropes creatively dubs an “Urban Legend of Zelda“. Indeed, the Zelda series itself has one of the all-time famous video game hoaxes, namely the claim that the Triforce was obtainable in Ocarina of Time. Hoops titles have their own urban legends, from claims of certain players being hidden in NBA Jam when they weren’t, to supposedly unlockable modes that in reality would be too big of a selling point to tuck away as an obscure secret. And of course, like other genres, there have been fake cheat codes. I’ve discovered some questionable codes for NBA Live 2002 that bear investigating, so let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Re-Playing the 1995 Season in NBA Live 95 PC

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:57 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Re-Playing the 1995 Season in NBA Live 95 PC

As I’ve said, I was born to be a retro gamer. My introduction to gaming was through a console that was already outdated, and even in the late 90s I was sticking with and going back to old favourites. The family’s aging 486 PC and the Nintendo 64 being the console I owned were also factors, especially when it came to basketball gaming. I didn’t have much choice without the hardware to play the newest NBA Live, nor could I convince my folks that I needed yet another basketball video game (“you’ve already got plenty!”). Nevertheless, my collection began when I was a teenager.

One of the most exciting pickups was NBA Live 95 PC. The Super Nintendo version of NBA Live 95 had been my introduction to 5v5 sim basketball games, but it was a frequent video store rental. NBA Live 96 was the first game I owned on PC, and also one of the first basketball video games that I actually owned, period. It was by chance that I happened across a copy of NBA Live 95 PC one school holidays, and as soon as I had it, it entered the rotation of games that my cousin Clinton and I played as often as we could. We eventually decided to re-play the 1995 season, and it became one of my all-time favourite hoops gaming experiences. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Keyboard Controls & PC Basketball Gaming

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:54 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Keyboard Controls & PC Basketball Gaming

Believe it or not, keyboard controls are still supported as of NBA 2K24 PC! If you take a look at the system requirements, you’ll see that a dual analog gamepad is only “highly recommended” to play the game. Of course, this is probably underselling the importance of such a peripheral in modern releases. Gameplay is unquestionably designed around the use of a dual analog gamepad, and has been since NBA Live introduced Freestyle Control. On top of that, based on a couple of Forum posts, NBA 2K24 has some issues with configuring its limited keyboard controls.

There was a time when keyboard controls were more than sufficient for PC basketball gaming; even in titles that recommended a gamepad. As a long-time PC gamer, I’m no stranger to using keyboard controls in a variety of titles, including basketball games. There have even been times when I’ve opted for the keyboard on the virtual hardwood despite having a gamepad, including retro gaming sessions nowadays. They have had their advantages, but also their share of drawbacks, even long before hoops games were designed for a controller with dual joysticks. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: My 1998 Season in NBA Live 96 PC

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:21 pm

Wayback Wednesday: My 1998 Season in NBA Live 96 PC

I'll readily admit that sometimes it’s difficult to get my head around the fact that it’s been over 25 years since The Last Dance came to an end. To put it into perspective, in 1998, that would’ve been the equivalent of looking back at the New York Knicks’ 1973 championship season! It doesn’t feel like such ancient history when your own nostalgia is involved, and as a Chicago Bulls fan, the 1998 season is naturally quite memorable for me. Those memories also involve the virtual hardwood, as it was during the 1998 season that I made my first roster updates for NBA Live 96 PC.

It was also one of the first seasons that I tried to play along with in a video game. Not in NBA Live 98, mind you. Unfortunately, our family’s aging PC couldn’t handle that game, as I found out firsthand when I tried running the demo! Instead, I used NBA Live 96 PC and my aforementioned 1998 season roster update. Although it was ultimately another season that I didn’t complete, it’s nevertheless one of my favourite basketball gaming experiences, thanks to all of the effort that I put into it beyond simply playing the games. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Famous Numbers, Not So Famous Players

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:43 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Famous Numbers, Not So Famous Players

There was a commemorative magazine published not long after the Chicago Bulls won their fifth NBA championship. As an avid fan, I read it cover to cover until it was no longer pristine. On top of recapping the championship season, the magazine delved into the history of the Bulls. I was fascinated to learn that although Michael Jordan became the last and most famous Bull to wear number 23, he was the seventh player in club history to don it. You have to remember that in 1997, such information wasn’t readily available and accessible in less than a minute!

That tidbit of Bulls and MJ trivia has stuck with me. The longer I’ve been a basketball fan, and the more players that I’ve seen come and go, the more I’ve seen other stars end up sharing their number with far less distinguished NBA alumni. Like so much other historical trivia, these examples frequently present themselves whenever I’m revisiting an old video game, and see players in the rosters that I haven’t thought about in years. While they may not have reached the same level of fame and success as the stars who donned those jerseys, there’s still that connection to their famous peers and their iconic numbers. Let’s take a look back…way back…
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: My NBA Live 2002 Kings Franchise

Postby Andrew on Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:18 pm

Wayback Wednesday: My NBA Live 2002 Kings Franchise

It recently occurred to me that while I have mentioned my NBA Live 2002 Franchise with the Sacramento Kings in previous articles – including a re-creation of it for our 20th Anniversary of NBA Live content – I’ve never actually profiled it for Wayback Wednesday. Writing about it as an example of a failed basketball gaming idea, and in a handful of other features, had me thinking that I’d already covered it in detail. That really isn’t the case though, and since I’ve reflected on my other memorable season, franchise, and career mode games, it’s only fair that it gets a proper retrospective, too!

On top of that, on a recent dig through my archives, I unearthed some screenshots and an article from my “coverage” of that NBA Live 2002 Kings Franchise, similar to the story topics in our Forum. Not only is it a blast from the past to see those again after all this time, but for the purposes of a retrospective like this, they also allow me to recall some details that have slipped my mind over the years. What I haven’t forgotten though is how much fun that NBA Live 2002 Kings Franchise was, at a time when I definitely sought distractions…even when I probably shouldn’t have been! Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Fun Cheat Codes in NBA Live 98

Postby Andrew on Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:45 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Fun Cheat Codes in NBA Live 98

For those of us who grew up in a time long before premium downloadable content and microtransactions, cheat codes are incredibly nostalgic. Whether they helped us to beat a difficult level, unlocked bonus content, or altered the gameplay in some way, cheat codes were fun and empowering. When you discovered a code or other secret, whether it was via word of mouth or printed in a gaming magazine, you couldn’t wait to try it out! Of course, there were also countless urban legends and hoaxes, as well as erroneous listings that weren’t properly vetted.

Indeed, I’ve previously debunked a handful of fake codes for NBA Live 2002. As I said at the time, while it was satisfying to do the research and get that confirmation, it’s disappointing that the game didn’t hold any cool secrets. Fortunately, there are other basketball games that have entertaining hidden content to discover! This does include sim titles, and one game with a number of fun cheat codes is NBA Live 98. Both the PC and PlayStation version of the game include bonus content and features that are hidden behind codes, and if you grew up with either release, you probably have fond memories of unlocking them. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Crazy Create-a-Player Accessories

Postby Andrew on Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:43 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Crazy Create-a-Player Accessories

It’s stating the extremely obvious to say that basketball video games have become far more realistic over the years. From graphics and animations to AI and content, the advances in tech have facilitated sim games that resemble real life far more closely. That’s not to say that older games didn’t do their best, and sim titles were definitely aimed at hardcore hoop heads more so than arcade games such as NBA Jam. They were still video games at the end of the day though, and as such, sometimes featured elements that weren’t so serious.

A great example is the crazy accessories that were often available in Create-a-Player. I’m talking about the accessories that you’d never see an NBA player wearing during a game, but were nevertheless available to assign in Create-a-Player in many old sim games, such as the early NBA Live releases. They’re something that we don’t see today; at least in traditional gameplay. They’re a relic of 90s basketball gaming, and looking back, their phasing out heralded a shift towards a more realistic approach. It was the right move, but they did serve a purpose. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA Live 10 Demo Impressions

Postby Andrew on Wed Dec 27, 2023 1:35 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA Live 10 Demo Impressions

As I note in the introduction of every Wayback Wednesday, one of the goals of this feature is to repost old articles, particularly ones that are no longer accessible in our archives thanks to switching content management systems a couple of times over the years. It’s probably my most-overlooked Wayback Wednesday concept, as there are plenty of old titles to profile, as well as other topics related to retro basketball gaming. Still, it’d be a shame to leave these early attempts at original content rotting away in the archives. They’re a part of our history, and cover some interesting topics, too.

One such article is my original impressions of the NBA Live 10 demo. NBA Live 10 is a game that I’ve come to appreciate even more in recent years, after initially souring on it due to issues with its second patch. I’ve spoken at length about losing interest in the game, and my subsequent change of heart as it entered my retro basketball gaming rotation, but what were my first hands-on impressions of the NBA Live 10 demo? How do they differ from my post-launch impressions, and how I feel about the game today? Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Minimalist Modding & Retro Gaming

Postby Andrew on Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:46 am

Wayback Wednesday: Minimalist Modding & Retro Gaming

It’s no secret that just as mods can enhance the most recent basketball video games, they can also breathe new life into old favourites. This obviously goes beyond the virtual hardwood. I remember discovering custom WADS for Doom II way back in 1998 that changed Doomguy and the enemies into characters from The Simpsons and South Park. I wasn’t really playing Doom II anymore, but learning about those mods and seeing what they were capable of encouraged me to dust it off so that I could try them out. It’s a great example of mods making an old game fresh and new again.

Of course, even without custom maps, those were still larger projects, akin to a current or retro season roster for an older basketball game. Those are fantastic and I absolutely support them; especially given my renewed interest in retro basketball gaming after a few years of feeling underwhelmed by the latest NBA 2K! However, minimalist modding can also freshen up older games and make them even more fun to revisit. Indeed, whenever I get hooked on an old game, I can’t help thinking about ways to change things up with some minimalist modding in order to expand upon the retro basketball gaming experience. Let’s look at a fun way to go back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Throwback Stints in NBA Live 06 Xbox 360

Postby Andrew on Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:11 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Throwback Stints in NBA Live 06 Xbox 360

Tinkering with the rosters to set up fun scenarios and minimalist modding projects has become a staple of my retro basketball gaming. I enjoy the challenge of seeing what can be done with the assets I have at my disposal, and it’s gratifying whenever I’m able to cobble together something that I can at least get a game or two out of. Some attempts are more successful than others as far as creating playable scenarios, but if nothing else, I’ll get some interesting screenshots out of my endeavours. That’s what happened while I was on my extended retro kick with NBA Live 06 for Xbox 360.

While exploring the idea of a makeshift classic teams roster – something that fell apart thanks to a roster editing glitch that can happen way too easily – I ended up placing a number of players on their former teams, and taking some screenshots. I wasn’t sure what I’d do with those screens, but I didn’t want my efforts to go to waste, and figured that they’d come in handy for an article somewhere down the line. I may find further use for them yet, but for now, here are some throwback stints that I set up in the Xbox 360 version of NBA Live 06. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Team Rankings & Overall Ratings

Postby Andrew on Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:13 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Team Rankings & Overall Ratings

It’s interesting how we get attached to the little details in our favourite basketball video games, particularly the ones that served as our introduction to the genre! I can trace many of my preferences related to presentation and UI to NBA Live 96 PC as it was one of the first 5-on-5 sim games that I played, and it was also the very first one that I owned rather than just frequently renting. To that point, growing up with NBA Live conditioned me to expect teams to be sorted alphabetically by location. 2K’s method of sorting by team name thus felt strange at first, though I’m used to it now.

Another detail that I really enjoyed in the early NBA Live games was the rankings that appeared on team selection screens. Mind you, while I associate them with NBA Live given that it was the series that I primarily played as a young basketball gamer, many sim titles ranked and rated the teams in both individual categories and overall. These rankings gave way to Overall Ratings similar to the ones that players have, which didn’t feel as special, but are also nostalgic in their own way. Let’s take a look back…way back…
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Revisiting the Lockout Season in NBA Live 99

Postby Andrew on Wed Jan 24, 2024 12:34 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Revisiting the Lockout Season in NBA Live 99

It’s been 25 years since a lockout led to NBA games being cancelled for the first time, with the threat of an entire season being lost. I’ll admit that I wasn’t paying attention to the looming labour crisis as a teenage Chicago Bulls fan in 1998. I was focused on following the action, hoping that Michael Jordan would win another scoring title and the Bulls would end the year as champions once more. The rumours that concerned me were that it would be The Last Dance, which it obviously was. Furthermore, the magazines I was reading weren’t really covering it, and NBA Action definitely wasn’t!

Fortunately, the season was saved when ultimatums were issued – though, it wouldn’t be the last labour dispute – and the 1999 lockout ended on January 20th, 1999. On top of shortening the 1999 campaign to 50 games, it also meant that video games such as NBA Live had to launch with final 1998 season rosters. Fortunately for PC gamers, EA Sports released an official patch that not only fixed a few bugs, but updated the game for the new season. As such, NBA Live 99 PC in its updated state does preserve the rosters from a weird, yet memorable season. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA in the Zone Retrospective

Postby Andrew on Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:45 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA in the Zone Retrospective

The sim-arcade hybrid genre of basketball video games is one that I’ve really come to appreciate in recent years. I didn’t play many of them growing up, as I preferred NBA Live for its more realistic approach to the sim style, and NBA Jam for its definitive arcade experience. While I ultimately still prefer games that are firmly sim or arcade in their style of play, sim-arcade hybrid titles undoubtedly have their place. The best ones strike a fun balance between a realistic depiction of basketball, and exaggerating the action for looser, up-tempo gameplay that takes a few liberties with accuracy.

Because they occupy a middle ground between simulation and arcade games, there are a handful of games that could be considered sim-arcade hybrids. And 1 Streetball is definitely in the conversation, mixing 5-on-5 gameplay with some power-ups and slightly exaggerated dunks. NBA Live 2003’s wackier elements arguably make it a candidate, though it’s still mostly sim at its core. When I think of prime examples of sim-arcade hybrid games though, Konami’s hoops titles are what come to mind, and that includes NBA in the Zone. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Trade Confirmation in NBA Live 2000 Franchise

Postby Andrew on Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:58 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Trade Confirmation in NBA Live 2000 Franchise

The evolution of basketball video games has resulted in the revamping or complete disappearance of features, both big and small. To that end, if you’re a veteran of the virtual hardwood, there’s bound to be at least one feature from an old favourite that you miss in newer titles. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t take long for a useful feature or gameplay mechanic to disappear. We’ve seen numerous short-lived features, some of which are unique to the games they appear in. They may not be popular or even absolutely necessary, but our desire to see them return makes them Wishlist staples.

I have a shortlist of such features, but one of the first that always comes to mind is the trade confirmation pop-up in the very first Franchise mode in NBA Live 2000. It was such a fantastic detail, yet it was gone the very next year, and has never returned in any games since. Not only that, but the concept doesn’t seem to have ever been picked up by NBA 2K, or the Season and Franchise modes in any other series for that matter. This may seem like a very esoteric feature to cover, but if you’ve played Franchise in NBA Live 2000, you’ll know why it matters. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Rare Valentine’s Day Jersey

Postby Andrew on Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:17 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Rare Valentine’s Day Jersey

Happy Valentine’s Day, basketball gamers! Obviously, today is generally all about spending time with a significant other rather than hitting the virtual hardwood, unless of course that’s an activity that you enjoy together! For the people in our community who are doing something romantic today, all the best wishes to you and your partner. For anyone who doesn’t have a special someone today – and would like one – chin up, and don’t stress! These things happen in their own time. In the meantime, if you don’t have any plans today, by all means indulge in one of your hobbies.

Basketball gaming is the hobby that we focus on in our community, but since this week’s Wayback Wednesday has fallen on Valentine’s Day, it’s only appropriate that I cover a topic that’s related to both. No, this isn’t a profile of Derrick Rose, Kevin Love, or even Denzel Valentine! As I said, I’m taking a look back at a special jersey that New Orleans once wore – albeit when they were the Hornets and briefly playing in another city entirely – that celebrated matters of the heart, in more ways than one. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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