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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Hoops for NES

Postby Andrew on Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:56 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Hoops for NES

Early basketball video games can be difficult to revisit, or truly appreciate if you didn't grow up with them. It wasn't until the mid to late 90s that we started to see titles that resembled modern releases, and it wouldn't be until the 2000s that some of the contemporary mechanics and features were implemented, and their approach codified. Beyond their primitive graphics, early titles can be oddly designed, and cumbersome to play. Depending on your history with the virtual hardwood, the further back you go, the more challenging it may be to have a satisfying retro gaming experience.

However, in evaluating these old basketball games - or indeed, any retro title - we need to keep in mind the technology and design standards of the era. What was once cutting edge has now been surpassed, and certain mechanics and control concepts weren't yet standardised. Nevertheless, there are some games that stand out as true classics, even though they do show their age. Titles such as Double Dribble, Jordan vs. Bird, and Lakers vs. Celtics, are definitely in that category. Today, I'm profiling one of their contemporaries from the late 1980s: Hoops for NES. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: A Tribute to DB Commander

Postby Andrew on Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:52 pm

Wayback Wednesday: A Tribute to DB Commander

There have been a number of important modding tools developed over the years. The early NBA Live editors tipped everything off, bringing modding to games that were definitely not designed with it in mind. They were followed by the NBA Live Toolkit, which made editing the new roster database files so much simpler. The EA Graphics Editor and other tools expanded modding (or patching, as it used to be called) beyond rosters, facilitating a plethora of custom faces, jerseys, courts, and more. When NBA 2K came to PC, REDitor II, RED MC, and other utilities made modding viable.

However, one of the most useful tools in NBA Live modding didn't come from our community. That wasn't unusual of course, as some of our most frequently-used modding tools were originally developed for other EA Sports PC releases. The one that I'm talking about today is a commercial solution, though many of us did stick with the shareware release. That program is DB Commander, developed by T&T Solutions. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Tip-Off Rosters in NBA Live 95 SNES

Postby Andrew on Thu Mar 23, 2023 1:40 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Tip-Off Rosters in NBA Live 95 SNES

Last year, I tried my hand at updating the rosters in the Super Nintendo version of NBA Live 95 so that they were accurate as of the 1995 season. As you may be aware, the console versions of NBA Live 95 featured final 1994 season rosters, whereas the PC version was updated for the current year. Updating the rosters in NBA Live 95 for SNES is a cumbersome task. There are no external ROM hacking tools, rosters can only be customised in Season mode, and only starters can be traded. Ultimately, I was able to update 17 of the 27 teams with a 1995 season starting lineup.

Honestly, that was more success than I was expecting! Mind you, there were plenty of inaccuracies on the bench, with players that I was unable to trade. Reflecting on that experiment, I wondered how much accuracy I could achieve in the rosters - both the starting lineups and the benches - if I went the other way, rolling back the lineups in NBA Live 95 SNES to the beginning of the 1994 season. I don't need much of an excuse to revisit any version of NBA Live 95, so let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: No Portrait Available

Postby Andrew on Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:56 pm

Wayback Wednesday: No Portrait Available

Beyond obvious examples such as dated graphics, fewer modes, and less bonus content, there are some hallmarks that immediately identify basketball video games as old school. They are the approaches and design choices that modern games eschew, either because they're no longer necessary, or newer technology facilitates preferable solutions. These days, you'd never see a Free Agents Pool that's limited to the same number of players as a regular team. No active players will be represented by Roster Players, since the entire league is covered by the current licensing agreement.

That brings us to another staple of old games that we no longer see: a generic portrait for players who are missing a proper one. If you've been playing basketball games for a long time, these players with no available portrait will be part of the nostalgia that you feel for old favourites, whether it's the approach in general or some more specific examples. Don't believe me? Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Somersault Dunks in NBA Jam TE

Postby Andrew on Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:52 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Somersault Dunks in NBA Jam TE

One of the joys of hitting the virtual hardwood is discovering all the moves that you can pull off, and the variety of animations on offer. It’s something that we can take for granted now that hoops titles boast thousands of animations and an array of signature styles. Back when games were far more limited in what they could feasibly include, it was a thrill to discover new moves that we didn’t expect to see. Dunks were of course the premiere highlight, and we all have slams that we’re partial to in our favourite basketball video games.

There are many spectacular slams that I enjoy seeing thrown down by the players I’m controlling, but when it comes to NBA Jam Tournament Edition, I’m particularly fond of the somersault dunks. As a 90s kid who loved basketball and video games, they represented the pinnacle of highlights in a title that was all about over-the-top high-flying dunks. Even when I go back and play NBA Jam TE today, I’m excited whenever I see a player going into a somersault as they leap into the air. I’m sure I’m not alone in appreciating the soaring somersault dunks of NBA Jam TE, so let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA Jam Tournament Edition for PS1

Postby Andrew on Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:29 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA Jam Tournament Edition for PS1

Although it's been surpassed by NBA Jam: On Fire Edition as both my personal favourite and my pick for the best game in the NBA Jam series, I still hold NBA Jam Tournament Edition in extremely high regard. It's a title that I've covered several times here on the NLSC, from reflections while watching a game I'd recorded and an in-depth retrospective, to discussing weird ratings and an error that I somehow overlooked for more than twenty years. In short, NBA Jam TE is a release that I'll eagerly revisit for both content creation purposes, and my own enjoyment.

As I've mentioned in previous features, I grew up playing the PC and Super Nintendo versions of NBA Jam Tournament Edition. Since I've been expanding my collection of basketball video games in recent years, I've sought out the PlayStation version of NBA Jam TE as well. It was the only version that I didn't own for the platforms at my disposal, but late last year, I finally managed to snag a copy at a reasonable price. I noted that since I now had it as part of my collection, I'd be comparing NBA Jam Tournament Edition PS1 to the releases I grew up with, in a future Wayback Wednesday feature. The time has come, so let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Golden Presentation of NBA Live 96 PC

Postby Andrew on Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:53 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Golden Presentation of NBA Live 96 PC

While the Super Nintendo version of NBA Live 95 was the first game in the NBA Live series that I ever played - and one of my first basketball video games, period - NBA Live 96 PC was the first hoops title that I actually owned. I remember the day I got it. It had been featured in an ad that showcased EA Sports' 1996 season lineup, presented as the "EA Sports Countdown". My basketball fandom was now in full swing, and I wanted to be able to hit the virtual hardwood without relying on a weekly video store rental, where my Season save files were constantly at risk of deletion.

It may have taken a boot disk to run it properly on a rapidly aging 486, and at one point I needed to use a scratch repair kit on the CD to get it working again (it's never failed me since). However, from playing to modding, I've spent countless hours with NBA Live 96 PC, solidifying it as one of my all-time favourite games. Obviously I'm partial to it because of the sentimentality of it being one of the first basketball games that I owned, but I still appreciate the game itself: the on-court experience, the season it's set in, and of course, that golden presentation. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA Jam 2010 Retrospective

Postby Andrew on Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:20 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA Jam 2010 Retrospective

Since April 2023 marks the 30th Anniversary of NBA Jam, I was intending to post this feature last week, rather than my look back at the golden presentation of NBA Live 96 PC. However, due to a couple of things getting in the way, it took a bit longer to produce. Of course, I was already well overdue to profile NBA Jam 2010 here in Wayback Wednesday! It's a game that's surrounded by some controversy owing to its connections to NBA Elite 11, which is tremendously unfortunate as EA's NBA Jam was a fantastic reboot of the series. Let's take a look back...way back...

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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA Jam: On Fire Edition Retrospective

Postby Andrew on Wed May 03, 2023 11:25 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA Jam: On Fire Edition Retrospective

Since I profiled the 2010 reboot in last week's Wayback Wednesday, it only makes sense to cap off a month (and a bit) of 30th Anniversary celebrations with a look back at its sequel, NBA Jam: On Fire Edition! As I've said before, On Fire Edition has become my favourite NBA Jam game, and my pick for the best release in the series. That's an opinion that I reiterate in the video, as I point out the enhancements to gameplay and modes that made the game so special. An NBA Jam: On Fire Edition retrospective has been long overdue, so let's take a look back...way back...

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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Loading Screens in Basketball Games

Postby Andrew on Wed May 10, 2023 12:08 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Loading Screens in Basketball Games

While catching up on some Zero Punctuation and Extra Punctuation videos, the one in which Yahtzee is reminiscing about loading screens really spoke to me. And so, once again, I'm shamelessly jumping on a topic that was brought up by a far, far more well-known content creator! It's a topic that I undoubtedly relate to, though. In the video, Yahtzee notes the nostalgia at play here, acknowledging that faster loading times are obviously an improvement. However, for gamers of our generation, they're not just a reminder of youthful excitement, but also examples of creative design.

In particular, Yahtzee notes the use of mini-games and interactive elements on loading screens. This got me thinking about how basketball games have tried to keep us entertained while they load, notably the approach that NBA Live took during the seventh generation. Needless to say, lengthy loading times are not something I want to see return, and they can be an annoyance while retro gaming. There's nevertheless nostalgia there however, and it's interesting that some ideas were dropped before loading times were shortened. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Can You Update NBA Live 99 N64 for 1999?

Postby Andrew on Wed May 17, 2023 2:47 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Can You Update NBA Live 99 N64 for 1999?

While I do have fond and nostalgic memories of the Nintendo 64, it's fair to say that the console hasn't aged as well as other platforms. The 3D era was in its infancy, so on top of graphics that tend to be unappealing nowadays, many games display the teething problems of expanding into a new plane while designing game worlds and gameplay. Some of the best releases do still hold up, though very few of them tend to be sports games. The N64's controller is a major culprit here, as it wasn't ideal for several cross-platform genres.

Nevertheless, I was excited to get NBA Live 99 for N64 for Christmas in 1998. Due to the lockout of course, the game had to launch with final 1998 season rosters. This ultimately wouldn't be a problem on PC, thanks to mods and official patches. As we were a long way from consoles supporting downloadable updates, those platforms were left out in the cold. We had to make do with the default rosters, or try our best to update them ourselves. With that being said, is it possible to make a sufficiently detailed roster update for NBA Live 99 on N64? Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Own the Paint in NBA Live 08

Postby Andrew on Wed May 24, 2023 4:08 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Own the Paint in NBA Live 08

Post play is an aspect of offense that not all basketball video games have been able to satisfactorily represent. Early hoops titles in particular were limited in this area, owing to a lack of animations and physicality. It wasn't until games could feature a variety of moves, and the ability to properly back down and otherwise interact with defenders in the post, that we could really enjoy feeding big men down low. Even then, movement and controls could be clunky, which made posting up far less enjoyable (and viable) than simply driving the lane or taking jumpshots.

NBA Live 08 sought to improve upon post play with Own the Paint. While the name may sound gimmicky now - and certainly drew a few sceptical eye-rolls back in 2007 as well - it was a genuine and admirable effort to expand upon player control in post-up scenarios. I first experienced Own the Paint at the NBA Live 08 Community Event, and was immediately impressed by the new moves that we could pull off. Even after playing NBA 2K games with better post play mechanics, I still appreciate Own the Paint. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Running With The Baby Bulls & Beyond

Postby Andrew on Wed May 31, 2023 12:21 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Running With The Baby Bulls & Beyond

My nostalgia for the NBA and basketball video games doesn't end with the 90s; far from it! Many of my favourite titles were released in the 2000s through to the early 2010s, and I've remained an avid NBA and basketball junkie long after Michael Jordan called it a career. Of course, playing with His Airness on the virtual hardwood required some modding back in the day, owing to his absence from the official roster. When it came to running with Bulls teams in the years that followed, I (usually) didn't have to worry about them missing a prominent player.

Mind you, while all the names might've been accounted for, the talent was certainly lacking. I've previously reflected on the challenges that came with assuming control of my favourite team in the early 2000s; an extraordinarily tough time to be a Bulls fan after experiencing the glory days of MJ! I mentioned in passing that they became far more appealing to play with as the decade wore on, and their rebuilding efforts began to yield better results. Those teams came to be known as the Baby Bulls due to their youth, and while they didn't reach the top of the mountain once more, I did enjoy putting them on the virtual hardwood. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Yinka Dare Portrait Mystery

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:07 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Yinka Dare Portrait Mystery

Just when I think I'm done talking about portraits in NBA Live 96 PC for Wayback Wednesday, another topic comes to mind! It helps that I've connected with Dee to play the game over Parsec on a number of occasions, and even felt compelled to whip up a couple of minimalist roster mods for it to celebrate March Modness earlier this year. NBA Live 96 PC is one of my all-time favourite games, so between all of those hours playing it when it was new, and revisiting it in the years since, I feel as though I know the game inside and out.

Of course, I thought the same thing about NBA Jam Tournament Edition PC and NBA Hangtime for the Nintendo 64, yet I discovered oddities and had them pointed out to me over two decades later! A vague memory of a court bug in NBA Live 96 PC also prompted me to investigate further, and confirm that it wasn't my imagination or a modding error. Since I've been playing NBA Live 96 PC and messing around in its rosters in recent months, I was reminded of another mystery, this time involving the portrait that was used for Yinka Dare. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: 25 Years Since The Last Dance

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:09 pm

Wayback Wednesday: 25 Years Since The Last Dance

I admire fans who continue to support teams that haven't won a championship, or even had the opportunity to compete for one by making it through to the NBA Finals. As rough as it's been to be a Chicago Bulls fan in the 21st century, I'm comforted by the memories of watching their incredible run in the 90s. That's not to say that I don't want to see them get back there, but I had it pretty good growing up as a Bulls fan; far better than fans of most other teams! As such, with so many bandwagoners, and fans that follow players rather than teams, I respect loyalty to clubs despite tough times.

Of course, those memories of the glory days are getting further into the past! To put it into perspective, there were fewer years between Bill Russell's last championship and Michael Jordan's first, than there are between MJ's first ring and today. Sure, that's just how the passage of time works, but it doesn't make it any less wild to get your head around! As the 2000s became the 2010s, and the 2010s became the 2020s, every Bulls title began passing milestones that would've felt like such a long time ago to a kid like me in the 90s. As an adult in 2023, it seems like it was only yesterday! And now, The Last Dance is a quarter of a century old. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Revisiting My 1998 Roster for NBA Live 96 PC

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:24 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Revisiting My 1998 Roster for NBA Live 96 PC

It's overwhelming to think that the NLSC has been around for more than a quarter of a century! Our founders tipped things off in 1996, I took over in 2001, and we're still around all these years later. Through all the ups and downs, moving to different hosts, and putting up with some nonsense along the way, we've managed to outlast a ton of websites. We've also outlasted more than a couple of basketball video game series (and indeed, video game studios and publishers). Unfortunately we've lost some mods and resources along the way, but we've still got some fun stuff from the early days.

To that end, our archives have preserved some of my earliest roster mods for NBA Live 96 PC. Upon discovering the NLSC in 1997 and all of the work that people in the community were doing, I was inspired to try my hand at some modding as well. I released that work through my own site - the NBA Live Domain - and felt immense pride when our founders added it to the database of mods on the NLSC. How do I feel about those mods today? It's been a while since I've played with or taken a long look at them, so I thought I'd start by revisiting my 1998 roster for NBA Live 96, which I actually co-credited to my cousin Clinton. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Atmosphere Settings in NBA Live

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:28 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Atmosphere Settings in NBA Live

Following a decade of duds and dormancy, it's easy to forget how innovative NBA Live was, even after NBA 2K became the premier brand in sim basketball gaming. With that being said, if you're been playing basketball video games long enough to remember a time when NBA Live was still widely considered a viable, or indeed even a preferable choice, you'll probably remember NBA Live 10 as a strong release. I've seen people nominate it as the best game in the series, and while I appreciate it a lot more following last year's retro kick, I'd only go so far as to say it's one of the best.

I do see why many of my fellow gamers give NBA Live 10 the nod, though. It did several things right after a few rough years for the series, and appeared to be steering it in a better direction. NBA Live 10 still holds up today, and boasts a few features that newer releases - including the latest NBA 2K games - actually lack. One example that I've yet to cover in-depth here in Wayback Wednesday is the game's Atmosphere settings. They weren't unique to NBA Live 10, but it could be argued that the first implementation of the concept was the best. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Ben Wallace & NBA Live 07

Postby Andrew on Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:42 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Ben Wallace & NBA Live 07

I had to check the archives to see if I've ever listed my favourite players in any of my articles. The closest I've come was naming my All-Time Starting Five in The Friday Five back in 2014, though I'm not sure I'd still choose that lineup today! One of those players definitely isn't a favourite of mine, while another one is rapidly becoming a former favourite (seriously, Pip: stop it, get some help!). In any event, while my favourites have come up on the NLSC Podcast and I've alluded to them in various articles over the years, I haven't yet dedicated an entire feature to discussing them.

By the same token, I haven't ever discussed my least favourite players, except in passing. One name that you may have heard me mention on our podcast is Ben Wallace. Although I acknowledge his talent and importance as a member of the 2004 Detroit Pistons, I'm absolutely not a fan of Big Ben. That's not to cast aspersions on him personally, as I obviously don't know him. We all have our sporting villains though, and ironically, the four-time Defensive Player of the Year was solidified as one of mine after playing for my favourite team. It's a stint that's represented in one of my all-time least favourite games, NBA Live 07. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: A Forgotten NBA 2K14 MyCAREER

Postby Andrew on Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:38 pm

Wayback Wednesday: A Forgotten NBA 2K14 MyCAREER

I've been having a blast with MyCAREER in the PlayStation 4 version of NBA 2K14 since I revisited it a couple of years ago to write a retrospective. I got hooked on it after giving NBA 2K14 PS4 a second chance following an uncommonly negative first impression, and it's become one of my favourite basketball video games. It's why I'm currently in my sixth season in that MyCAREER, with an eye towards somehow, some way, playing through to the current day. Truly experiencing an NBA career is far more fun than grinding and worrying about the online meta!

However, while that specific game is a fairly recent kick, it wasn't actually my first foray into MyCAREER in NBA 2K14. When it was released, I did begin a new MyCAREER in the PC version of NBA 2K14, intending to continue the fun that I'd had in NBA 2K13. That didn't come to pass, as I struggled to enjoy the game, and didn't warm up to NBA 2K14 until almost a decade later. I did keep the save file though, and it was interesting to revisit it now that I have a more positive view of NBA 2K14. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Weird Stints & Retro Gaming

Postby Andrew on Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:33 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Weird Stints & Retro Gaming

A topic that I've managed to get a ton of mileage out of for Wayback Wednesday is the phenomenon of familiar faces in strange places. It even spawned a companion series: familiar faces back in familiar places! Both are part of the interactive almanac aspect of basketball video games that I've frequently touted. It's what makes revisiting old games and combing through the rosters so much fun, especially when there are weird stints that you've forgotten about. Together, they're a great way for me to indulge my interest in NBA history and basketball video games alike.

However, these weird stints aren't just fodder for creating content. Seeing them in games and reminiscing about them in articles makes me want to spend more time with those titles whenever I'm looking for something to play. That may seem odd, since the players usually aren't in their prime and playing for the team that we mostly associate them with. Needless to say, I enjoy revisiting classic games that capture famous stints too, as they involve historically significant matchups. There are some rather intriguing scenarios involving those weird stints though, so let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Dream Team in NBA 2K17

Postby Andrew on Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:04 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Dream Team in NBA 2K17

They’ve often been cited as the greatest basketball team ever assembled. They swept their way to the gold at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, famously winning by an average of 44 points per game while never calling timeout. Eleven of its players are enshrined in the Basketball Hall of Fame for their individual accomplishments, and the team itself was collectively inducted in 2009. Eight years later, the team would also be inducted into the FIBA Hall of Fame. Simply put, the Dream Team was a squad for the ages.

As far as the virtual hardwood is concerned, the Dream Team has made a handful of official appearances in video games. They were the cover stars of EA Sports’ Team USA Basketball, and were included in NBA 2K13; appearances that I’ve previously covered here in Wayback Wednesday. The most recent game to officially feature the Dream Team was NBA 2K17, an appearance that stands out as somewhat different – and indeed slightly controversial – compared to previous releases. Let’s take a look back…way back…
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: The Folly of Separate Shoot Buttons

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 02, 2023 8:44 pm

Wayback Wednesday: The Folly of Separate Shoot Buttons

If you asked me which basketball video game has had perfect controls and gameplay mechanics, I'd have to say we're yet to see it! Obviously perfection is an unrealistic goal in general, but even if we amend the definition to mean near-perfect and without any major criticisms, I don't believe any title truly qualifies. Even the best basketball games that come extremely close in that regard have had at least one quirk with their controls and mechanics. It may not render them unplayable or unenjoyable, but there's still something about the concept that's flawed.

That's basically how I feel about the separate shoot buttons in older NBA Live games. It initially worked and was a good solution as far as deepening shooting controls, but then was taken to the extreme in NBA Live 07, exposing its flaws. It's an interesting situation though, especially when compared to similar attempts to expand the passing controls. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Inaccuracies in Basketball Games

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:05 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Inaccuracies in Basketball Games

Licensed sports titles are judged differently to other genres of video games. Because they're aiming to depict a real sport played by real athletes, we expect accuracy. Even in arcade games with all of their breaks from reality, there's an expectation that the players will resemble their real life counterparts, and that their ratings will reflect their strengths, weaknesses, and overall style of play. The bar is set much higher in sim titles, especially as technological improvements have led to increasingly realistic graphics and gameplay. Above all, we expect attention to detail.

Of course, none of us are infallible, and thus human error is inevitable. As anyone who's ever worked on a roster mod can attest, it's all too easy to overlook a jersey number, neglect a needed ratings update, or forget to double-check the spelling of a newly-added player's name. That's not even getting into leaving a necessary file out of the update, or any other technical mistakes! Still, it's interesting to discover some of the inaccuracies that made it into the default rosters, especially before official roster updates were commonplace. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA 2K6 Retrospective (Xbox 360)

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:52 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA 2K6 Retrospective (Xbox 360)

As I've said before, as someone who grew up with NBA Live, it took me a while to truly get into the NBA 2K series. There was a sense of brand loyalty, but beyond that, I was accustomed to NBA Live's approach to controls, gameplay mechanics, and modes. I remember trying out the PlayStation 2 version of NBA 2K6, and feeling somewhat underwhelmed. If nothing else, I disliked the Isomotion controls, which remained a barrier to getting into NBA 2K for years to come. I preferred to make the best of some rough NBA Live releases, rather than acclimate to a different game.

Obviously, I've had a change of heart! A handful of NBA 2K titles over the past decade now rank as some of my all-time favourite basketball video games. I've also been able to revisit older NBA 2K titles, and really enjoy them. One older 2K release that I've grown rather fond of is NBA 2K6 for Xbox 360. It seems only fitting, since I've also warmed up to the Xbox 360 version of NBA Live 06 after giving it another look. However, while NBA Live 06 for Xbox 360 may be slightly underrated at times, NBA 2K6 is definitely a stronger all-around game. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA Basketball for Intellivision

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:21 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA Basketball for Intellivision

I've covered some rather old basketball video games for Wayback Wednesday so far, but this is the oldest! Indeed, NBA Basketball for the Mattel Intellivision is one of the earliest hoops games ever made. It's a game that I've planned on covering with a video retrospective for some time now, though I originally envisioned a different context and tone to what I've gone with here. I strongly believe that the approach I ended up taking was the right one, as it pays appropriate tribute to what is an important game in the history of the genre. So, let's take a look back...and I do mean way, way back...

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