(63-19) First Round Wraps Up [4-0]

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Re: NLSC Tournament: Round Two

Postby KidJustin on Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:13 am

another double-double :D

wow, the Kene-Martti game was very surprising. cant wait for the matchup against either of these two
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Re: NLSC Tournament: Round Two

Postby karlsanada10 on Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:57 am

Dangit, I lost.-.-

5pts, 5asts, 4reb isn't bad anyway.
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Re: NLSC Tournament: Round Two

Postby Stress Fracture on Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:38 am

karlsanada10 wrote:Dangit, I lost.-.-

5pts, 5asts, 4reb isn't bad anyway.

I need to win, that's why. :razz:

9/23 FG shooting ain't bad. :lol:
benji wrote:LeBron is such a choker. And people were talking about him as an all-time great. As having possibly surpassed Kobe. What a joke.

velvet bliss wrote:Andrew, you the real MVP.

Andrew wrote:He who flops and flails to the Finals and a title, flops and flails best.
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Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby Axel The Great on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:40 pm


Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

"Hi Aaron, how are you doing today?" asked Adriana, the head secretary of the Houston Rockets headquarters. It was the day after the Houston Rockets had defeated the San Antonio Spurs at home, and later on the team would be leaving to Oakland to play the Golden State Warriors the following day. Aaron Brooks had entered Rockets headquarters seeking to speak to Axel, the interim Rockets General Manager.

"I'm doin' aight," Brooks said as if shifting the question aside. "I'm here to see Axel, is he workin' today?"

"The question is when does he not work. He works seven days a week. He's in his office right now, just proceed through," Adriana motioned him towards the hallway that led to Axel's office.

"Cool. I got some unfinished business to settle wit 'em," Brooks muttered.

"You mean to say unfinished whining, Brooksy?" Axel asked from behind Brooks. Brooks turned around and found himself face-to-face with the man he wanted to see. They both had a very bitter expression on their faces. It was as if both of them thought the other smelled like dung.

"I been askin' for my trade outta here, where is it foo'?" Brooks asked Axel in a rude tone.

"Where is it, sir," Axel corrected Brooks. "I'm the manager here, you will speak to me as such. I've told you time and time again, I've been working hard at it but every team seems to want to rip me off. Just because you want a trade it doesn't mean I'm gonna take the first scrub I can trade you for," Axel continued.

"You don't know what you doin'," Brooks said to Axel. "Morey woulda had me outta here by now, but yo' bitchass insists on keepin' me here. I don't wanna be here longer, either trade me now, or there will be hell to pay."

Axel laughed, a very cold, cruel and chill-to-the-bone kind of laugh.

"What kind of hell? What can you do about it Brooksy? If I don't trade you, what are you gonna do, stop playing? Retire? Because if so, you would be doing the NBA-- no, the entire world, a favor by doing so. No one would have to watch you chuck up shots any longer," Axel insulted Brooks.

That insult seemed to have really gotten up Brooks's spine. He made to swing at Axel, but Adriana got up out of her chair just in time to get between them.

"Calm down, boys! Please don't let this get out of hand!" Adriana said desperately. She turned to Axel. "You need to stop running this place like you're Stalin! You're even beginning to anger your own players!" she exclaimed to him.

"And who the hell are you to tell me how to run this place! The fucking phones are ringing, sit yo' big ass down and answer them!" Axel yelled at Adriana.

On the verge of tears, Adriana sat down just as the owner, and last person Axel wanted to see, walked into the room.

"What's all this yelling about?" Leslie Alexander asked. He had a very stern and menacing look on his face.

"Sir, he's yelling at us all over the place. He insulted the way I play basketball, and I don't put up wit dat bullshit," Brooks told Alexander, pointing at Axel. "He just yelled at this beautiful young chick that's right here, and that's called being a dick," he continued, pointing at Adriana.

Alexander gave Axel the same stern and menacing look, but Axel did not seem intimidated. In fact, he gave Alexander that same look back.

"Axel, I gave you this position because I thought you could handle it while Morey is gone. I wanted to see what you could do with your smarts, I know you have potential. It appears to me you're still too immature for this job, and one more incident like this I'm gonna have to---" Alexander did not finish his sentence because Axel interrupted him.

"Fire me?" Axel finished the sentence, laughing the same cruel laugh. It gave Alexander a cold chill down his spine. "If you fired me, who's GM now, Brooks? Adriana? You have any idea how well I've been running this place while Morey's gone? You even said it yourself. 'Hiring Axel was the best thing to happen to this franchise since trading for Kevin Martin'," Axel quoted Alexander, mocking him in an old man voice.

Alexander was shocked at the way Axel had talked back to him. He was at a loss for words. It had never been done by any other GM; they had all respected him.

"Now if this conversation is over, I'm gonna finalize a trade for this shot-chucker so we can move on and finally win a championship," Axel said, and left the room. He left Alexander, Brooks, and Adriana in a state of shock.

Brooks left soon afterwards cursing under his breath, while Alexander and Adriana had a conversation about the way Axel has behaved since running the franchise. She informed the owner how rough he was treating the employees and players, and for the first time, Alexander actually listened.

"If I go anywhere near him, I could just sense a cold and evil aura of authority around him. It's good that a manager is strict, but he's strict beyond the limit. He's a dictator," Adriana said.

"I'm gonna have to take matters into my own hands. This is the last time he'll treat an employee or player like that. I have a plan in mind, and hopefully he'll calm down. I'm also, with the evilness that he's capable of, beginning to think he might have had something to do with Morey's accident," Alexander replied, and left the room as well.

Meanwhile, in Axel's office, Jerome and Dao had sneaked in through the window and were informing Axel of their findings about the Rockets owner and their suspicions of him in the incident of Morey.

"Turns out it's not him. He was at a spa getting a massage when this happened, and he would never have dreamed of harming Morey, he loves the guy as much as he loves you. We also went to interrogate Morey, and we... we did have to tell him that you were a terrible general manager to squeeze something out of him, but he says he didn't see the driver's face or what he looked like, so it looks like we're back to where we started," Jerome said.

"The next step is to interrogate Brad Halstead. He should be down in Rio Grande this week, if you guys are looking to advance, you should head down there," Axel told both Jerome and Dao.

"We just stock up on gas so we ready to go," Dao told Axel as him and Jerome quickly climbed out the window.

"Foo', I swear it's colder in Axel's office than outside, and we in December!" Jerome told Dao as they climbed back down to the ground.

"Psychologically, I did feel cold. Axel is just too much into his new job that it's turned him evil, and that's where the cold comes from," Dao said as they drove away in Jerome's Cadillac Cien.


"Oh fuck you Brooks you shot chucker!" Axel said as he was watching the Rockets against the Lakers at Staples Center. He was at his house watching it on his bedroom TV. He had (to the employees' surprise) worked 9 am to 7 pm that day and had finalized a deal with the Phoenix Suns.

He was shipping Aaron Brooks and Chase Budinger away to Phoenix for Goran Dragic and a first round draft pick for 2012. Suns GM Lance Blanks had been a little reluctant in giving away the first round pick.

"But if you look at the standings, there's a chance that pick will end up being the number one pick next year," Blanks had said over the phone.

"We're handing you two scorers that I think fit in well with your system, and your future point guard in Brooks. In return we're only getting a backup point guard in Dragic, we need some compensation for giving away too much," Axel had replied coolly.

Something about Axel's tone had made Blanks reluctantly agree to including the draft pick. "I'm gonna regret this," he had muttered to himself after he had hung up.

When the game was over, Axel phoned Aaron Brooks right away and informed him of this deal.

"That terrible game you played just now? It's your last with the Houston Rockets. You're heading out to the desert, son, to Phoenix. Be sure to tell Bud about this too because he'll be joining you," Axel said.

"Well about time you do somethin' right for da franchise man," a happy Brooks replied. "Who's comin' over to this hell hole?"

"Goran Dragic. I'm pretty sure he's an upgrade over you, not to mention we got a first round draft pick from the Suns. We win," Axel said, and laughed.

"I'm gon' make it my mission to win as many games as possible in Phoenix so that pick will be as low as possible," Brooks told Axel.

"Good luck with that, then. Kinda hard to win games when you chuck up as many bad shots as you do," Axel said in reply.

"I got Steve Nash on my side," Brooks said in defense, with confidence.

"Probably not for long," Axel replied, and hung up.


The next day, word had gotten out about the first trade of this season. Axel took the day off because he was in a sour mood for some reason, and because since the Rockets were on the road that day, there was no game planning to do.

As he browsed many different websites, he found blogs and such analyzing the trade. Almost every blog he looked into there was comments that said, "THE SUNS WERE RAPED!!!!" and other negatives. Charles Barkley had even labeled the trade "turrible" for one of his former teams. He found many articles that praised how the Rockets were able to get a first round pick from that deal especially since the draft class of 2012 is supposed to be strong.

To top things off, Axel received a phone call from his boss, Daryl Morey, who praised him about the trade.

"Genius! And to think I had plans to fire you! That first round pick will be a valuable asset come this draft. Who do you think we should draft?" Morey had said in excitement.

"Psh. I don't know. With so much to do this past month I haven't even had time to scout college prospects. I was thinking of drafting someone who would benefit from coming off the bench. Someone who wouldn't be able to handle a starting role just yet. A young, raw big man would do, a shot blocker. Andre Drummond seems like the way to go. If we luck into the number one pick, that's who we should go with," Axel said.

"I was thinking either Michael Gilchrist, or I've even heard this "Speed" Ray Cer guy is a dark horse," Morey said.

"Speed Racer? Do you still have the effects of anesthesia on you Morey? There is no Speed Racer anywhere, that's a kid movie," Axel said, puzzled.

"No, Speed is his nickname. First name Ray, last name Cer. He's a blindingly quick scoring guard, he would definitely be great to have," Morey said.

"Never heard of such a player. But it's too early to be thinking about the draft right now, we're not the Toronto Raptors. Right now, it's time to think about winning basketball games to get into the post season," Axel said.

"So I've heard you've been an asshole to the employees in your time as GM," Morey told Axel, changing the subject.

"You were way too soft on them before you went out of action. They were thinking that with me as GM everything would be a blast, but I'm not having any of that shit. We're there to work, not to goof off," Axel said.

"Things will change once I'm back in action," Morey replied.

"And when will that be?" asked Axel.

"Hopefully around April, in time for the playoffs," said Morey.

"We'll see," said Axel. "We'll see." And after hearing Axel's cold laugh, Morey hurriedly hung up.
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Re: NLSC Tournament: Round Two

Postby Axel The Great on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:45 pm

Martti. wrote:Gotta find better chemistry with Martin.

With both of you guys being of a scoring mentality, that will kind of be hard to do. Even with that, you guys still make an awesome team. (Y)
KidJustin wrote:another double-double :D

wow, the Kene-Martti game was very surprising. cant wait for the matchup against either of these two

Agreed, those will be exciting matchups to watch.
karlsanada10 wrote:Dangit, I lost.-.-

5pts, 5asts, 4reb isn't bad anyway.

Good all-around stats. You just didn't have it going like you did last game.
Stress Fracture wrote:9/23 FG shooting ain't bad. :lol:

In this tournament it's sub-par considering last tournament most players shot over 50%. :P

Week Nine recap tomorrow, but in the meantime, enjoy the "evil" chapter of mine. :twisted:
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby Stress Fracture on Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:40 pm

You will really regret on trading Bud. :lol:
benji wrote:LeBron is such a choker. And people were talking about him as an all-time great. As having possibly surpassed Kobe. What a joke.

velvet bliss wrote:Andrew, you the real MVP.

Andrew wrote:He who flops and flails to the Finals and a title, flops and flails best.
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby kibaxx7 on Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:24 am

I wouldn't have traded Bud, either. I'd have traded Lee. :lol:
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby |)e8* on Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:14 am

WHY U YELL AT A CHICK MAN! good trade btw.
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby Martti. on Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:03 am

Nice deal, Phoenix seems to suck in 2K with their current line-up, so well done getting that pick. Sucks to see Bud go.
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby Houndy on Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:21 am

Damn, GM Axel's a bitch :P
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby rise on Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:53 am

Took those words right out of my mouth. Except I was going to say asshole instead of bitch. :lol:
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby Lamrock on Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:30 am

Nice to see the Dragic deal finally go down in this story. Funny how you're turning into Jerry Krause though.
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Re: Chapter 25 - Dragedy of the Suns

Postby Axel The Great on Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:14 am

Thierry • wrote:I wouldn't have traded Bud, either. I'd have traded Lee. :lol:

Stress Fracture wrote:You will really regret on trading Bud. :lol:

I might regret it, but that's where the draft pick balances it out. Phoenix are in last place in the West, what if that pick ends up being #1 overall?
|)e8* wrote:WHY U YELL AT A CHICK MAN! good trade btw.

No one tells me how to do my job. :twisted: Glad you think it's a good trade. (Y)
Martti. wrote:Nice deal, Phoenix seems to suck in 2K with their current line-up, so well done getting that pick. Sucks to see Bud go.

Looking up and down their roster, it's not that hard to see why. They don't have a consistent SF and their best PF is a 64-rated Sean Williams (in my game). Aaron Brooks may end up helping them since he's a really good sim engine player. Bud should also help in the SF hole. Here's hoping they don't improve so the pick ends up being #1 or #2. :D
Houndy wrote:Damn, GM Axel's a bitch :P

z02 wrote:Took those words right out of my mouth. Except I was going to say asshole instead of bitch. :lol:

That he is. :lol:
Lamrock wrote:Nice to see the Dragic deal finally go down in this story. Funny how you're turning into Jerry Krause though.

I remember last season everyone wanted me to trade for Dragic but I denied because I was happy with the roster. Seeing as how Phoenix was doing terrible and how poor AB was shooting this season (37% from the field? :shock: ), that first round pick is ultimately why I went in for the kill.

As for Jerry Krause, I know who he is, but don't understand how my in-story character is like him. :?

Week Nine Recap is ready and will be posted shortly.
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Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby Axel The Great on Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:15 am


[19-7] Houston Rockets 102-89 Golden State Warriors [13-11]

Image Image
Shane Battier again contributing under the radar. | Finally a game high that doesn't belong to Kevin Martin. Monta Ellis went for 30.

Houston dominated the inside in this one, scoring 52 points in the paint which led to 47% shooting from the field. Luis Scola contributed a bunch of those points on the inside. After having a terrible week last week, Scola has rebounded with a 21-point, 13-rebound double-double against Golden State. With an aggressive Scola, the Rockets were in control of the interior all game.

Kevin Martin went about his normal routine scoring a team high 26 points, which is uncharacteristically low if you base it on some of the most recent games. He also had four boards and four assists to go along with that. Shane Battier shot 5/8 from the field en route to 11 points.

For Golden State, only Monta Ellis and Dorell Wright gave the effort on offense. Ellis had a game high 30, while Wright had a double-double of 16 points and 10 rebounds, shooting an efficient 7/13 from the field. Stephen Curry and David Lee scored 12 and 11 respectively, the former shooting a sub-par 5/15, and the latter suffered from foul trouble.

After a relatively close first half, Houston went on a brutal 21-6 run in the third quarter to pull away for good. Golden State had 12 steals but it was still not enough to keep up with the faster-paced Rockets.

Key Performers:
Kevin Martin - 26 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal, 9/19 FG, 7/7 FT
Luis Scola - 21 points, 13 rebounds, 1 assist, 3 steals, 1 block, 9/15 FG, 3/4 FT
Shane Battier - 11 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 block, 5/8 FG
Yao Ming - 10 points, 11 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 blocks, 5/11 FG
Kyle Lowry - 9 points, 9 assists, 3 rebounds, 2 steals, 3/9 FG

Monta Ellis - 30 points, 4 assists, 2 rebounds, 1 steal, 12/26 FG
Dorell Wright - 16 points, 10 rebounds, 2 steals, 7/13 FG
Stephen Curry - 12 points, 7 assists, 4 rebounds, 2 steals, 5/15 FG, 2/4 3P
David Lee - 11 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal, 5/7 FG
Enes Kanter - 7 points, 14 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals, 3/13 FG

Image30 21 30 21 102
Image22 21 21 25 89

[20-7] Houston Rockets 102-105 Los Angeles Lakers [11-15]

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Kevin Martin knocks down a desperation trey. | Luis Scola came up with a huge double-double.
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Kobe scored 26 points in the second half. | Andrew Bynum also had himself a monstrous double-double.

This game came down to the fourth quarter, and that's where the Lakers took complete control. Early on, Los Angeles was bringing it to the Rockets by forcing them to cough up the ball and bad shots. Kobe Bryant hit his first five shots to propel the Lakers to an early lead. The Rockets offered quite a bit of resistance however, as they countered with a 9-0 run to take their first lead. The Rockets barely edged out the Lakers in the first quarter, 23-21.

The second quarter was a game of runs, as the Lakers went on an 18-6 run to take control of the game again, but Houston would counter with an 18-6 run of their own to push for a five-point lead at halftime.

In the third quarter, Bryant brought forth a 16-point effort, but even with that, the Lakers still found themselves down. Kevin Martin had an 11-point quarter, as he would finish with a game high 39 points with an added five assists and four boards. Bryant would finish with 38 points.

The fourth quarter was a showdown to behold. A three-point play from Lamar Odom and a monstrous dunk from Andrew Bynum got Los Angeles pumped for a huge comeback, eventually retaking the lead with about seven minutes left in the game. Next was a bunch of back and forth action between both squads, with neither team able to grip the lead. After Martin gave the Rockets the lead at 95-93 with an easy jumpshot, Bryant answered back with a three-pointer to electrify the entire Staples Center to give the Lakers a 96-95 lead.

After failing to score on their possession, the Rockets gave up an easy layup to Bryant as the Lakers gained a slightly more comfortable lead at 98-95. Martin converted two free throws and an added bucket to have his Rockets up 99-98.

On the next possession, Odom was fouled by Martin, and converted both free throws to give the Lakers a 100-99 lead. Failing to convert another bucket, Houston was forced to foul as they sent rookie Xavier Nelson to the line, who would knock down five out of six in crunch time. Martin scored an improbable three to bring the Rockets to within one, but Nelson kept his cool at the foul line to seal the win for Los Angeles.

Key Performers:
Kevin Martin - 39 points, 5 assists, 4 rebounds, 14/23 FG, 2/4 3P, 9/9 FT
Luis Scola - 15 points, 14 rebounds, 4 assists, 6/13 FG, 3/3 FT
Courtney Lee - 12 points, 3 rebounds, 4/5 FG, 3/3 FT
Yao Ming - 11 points, 10 rebounds, 1 steal, 2 blocks, 5/9 FG
Kyle Lowry - 11 points, 11 assists, 1 rebound, 1 steal, 4/9 FG

Kobe Bryant - 38 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals, 16/25 FG, 5/5 FT
Andrew Bynum - 26 points, 17 rebounds, 12/26 FG
Xavier Nelson - 21 points, 9 assists, 2 rebounds, 2 steals, 7/19 FG, 1/6 3P, 6/8 FT
Lamar Odom - 12 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 4/6 FG, 3/3 FT

Image23 27 25 27 102
Image21 24 24 36 105

[20-8] Houston Rockets 112-85 Sacramento Kings [16-13]

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Play of the Game: Chuck Hayes hits a turnaround jumper. | Kyrie Irving led a futile effort for the Kings.

The jumpshot wasn't falling for the Rockets, but then, how were they able to not only win this game, but blow out the Sacramento Kings? All game long, they were looking for points inside, and their season high 66 points in the paint reflects that. Not only that, the starters were shooting terribly (with the exception of Shane Battier and Yao Ming) from the field. That is where the bench was given the spotlight and green light to score 43 points, a season high. Despite their lack of the jumpshot, Houston still shot 48% from the field.

"We were missing two key players we were used to playing alongside this game," said Shane Battier. "We lacked one player we need to get used to playing," he continued, referring to Goran Dragic. Dragic was not available to play in this game, as he was still getting prepared to change teams. He will play next game against the Charlotte Bobcats.

Things went well for the Kings in the beginning, as they mounted an 14-0 run to counter Houston's 18-8 start, but afterwards fell short shooting just 39% from the field. Kyrie Irving was a big factor with a team high 23 points and eight assists. Jason Thompson played well with 16 points (6/8 shooting) and 11 boards, but he had a terrible six turnovers. Tyreke Evans was the next double-digit scorer with 15.

Speaking of double-digit scorers, Houston only had two of them, Kevin Martin and Luis Scola. Martin had a game high 36, but on an atrocious 12/28 shooting, while Scola had 12. Additionally, all 12 of Houston's players scored three points or more, which shows the all-around team performance in this one.

Key Performers:
Kevin Martin - 36 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals, 2 blocks, 12/28 FG, 11/11 FT
Luis Scola - 12 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists, 4/10 FG
Terrence Williams - 9 points, 1 block, 4/5 FG
Shane Battier - 9 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists, 4/7 FG
Chuck Hayes - 9 points, 4 rebounds, 3/3 FG
Yao Ming - 9 points, 9 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block, 4/6 FG
Patrick Patterson - 8 points, 4 rebounds, 1 steal, 3/6 FG
Kyle Lowry - 3 points, 9 assists, 4 rebounds, 5 steals, 1/7 FG

Kyrie Irving - 23 points, 8 assists, 1 rebound, 5 steals, 9/22 FG, 4/4 FT
Jason Thompson - 16 points, 11 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 6 TO, 6/8 FG, 4/4 FT
Tyreke Evans - 15 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal, 6/21 FG
Jeff Green - 9 points, 6 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 1 block, 4/13 FG

Image27 30 25 30 112
Image26 21 17 21 85
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Re: Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby |)e8* on Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:05 pm

Despite my kinda-chucking we still beat you! yea!
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Re: Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby karlsanada10 on Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:08 am

Xavier Nelson Rookie of the year? :))
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Re: Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby Stress Fracture on Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:13 am

That's just Kobe being Kobe.
benji wrote:LeBron is such a choker. And people were talking about him as an all-time great. As having possibly surpassed Kobe. What a joke.

velvet bliss wrote:Andrew, you the real MVP.

Andrew wrote:He who flops and flails to the Finals and a title, flops and flails best.
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Re: Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby Lamrock on Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:56 am

Shitty you lost to the Lakers. Would be very lame if it went un-avenged and they missed the playoffs.
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Re: Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby kibaxx7 on Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:58 am

Man, those Kings are gonna be scary in a couple of years. Great wins, but Bynum was a monster.
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Re: Lake Showdown [21-8]

Postby Axel The Great on Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:38 am

|)e8* wrote:Despite my kinda-chucking we still beat you! yea!

Kobe bailed you out. :)
karlsanada10 wrote:Xavier Nelson Rookie of the year? :))

Nah, his shooting numbers are scary. They're somewhere around the 35% range. Other than the shooting numbers though, everything else is above average. (Y)
Stress Fracture wrote:That's just Kobe being Kobe.

And that was just K-Mart being K-Mart. :cool:
Lamrock wrote:Shitty you lost to the Lakers. Would be very lame if it went un-avenged and they missed the playoffs.

Yeah, but I kinda had it coming after some beatdowns I've given them in past games from this season and last. That loss is just a minor setback. :)
Thierry • wrote:Man, those Kings are gonna be scary in a couple of years. Great wins, but Bynum was a monster.

Heck yes, those Kings are pretty scary now. If Tyreke would've had it going, that game could have gone a different way. And Bynum is making a push to start over Yao in the ASG.

I should hopefully get Week 10 posted this weekend. After that, it'll be the December Recap. :D
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Ending 2011 Emphatically [24-8]

Postby Axel The Great on Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:27 am


[21-8] Houston Rockets 92-68 Charlotte Bobcats [15-13]

Key Performers:
Luis Scola - 22 points, 10 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 11/17 FG
Kevin Martin - 19 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists, 6/15 FG, 3/6 3P, 4/4 FT
Yao Ming - 18 points, 8 rebounds, 2 assists, 4 blocks, 6/11 FG, 6/7 FT
Kyle Lowry - 14 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal, 2 blocks, 5/7 FG

Stephen Jackson - 22 points, 11 rebounds, 1 assist, 4 steals, 2 blocks, 6/18 FG, 0/6 3P, 10/14 FT
DJ Augustin - 10 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 2/7 FG, 2/5 3P, 4/4 FT
Rafer Alston - 9 points, 2 assists, 4/9 FG
Gerald Henderson - 8 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals, 4/8 FG
Justine Jones - 8 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 block, 1/12 FG, 6/10 FT

Image19 20 22 31 92
Image16 15 15 22

[22-8] Houston Rockets 116-99 Washington Wizards [13-20]

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Kevin Martin did it all in this game. | Dragic's only field goal of the game.
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The Rockets were asleep on defense, and rookie Derrick Williams took advantage. | JaVale McGee notched a double-double.

This appears to have been an easy game for the Rockets, but try telling that to Kevin Martin. Martin lit up the Wizards for a season high 43 points on 16/24 shooting, and without him, Houston would have collapsed completely in this game. Martin's high scoring action kept their lead at double-digits for most of the game, but the Wizards lurked in the shadows and bit them with an unexpected run. Houston's biggest lead was 21, but the Wizards managed to get the margin down to five midway through the fourth. Martin called out his teammates during a post-game conference.

"I can't be bailing everyone out in crunch time. Basketball is a team game, and in moments where the W is slipping from your hands, it's not the time to expect your best player to pull it out, it's when the team has to come together as a unit to win. That's what they (Wizards) were doing, and as a team, they gave us a big scare in the fourth quarter. I'd like to see everyone step up in the future," Martin said.

For the Wizards, Derrick Williams had a career night with 28 points on 11/21 shooting, and was the center piece of Washington's fourth quarter run. However, thanks to Martin's help, the Rockets pulled away when it was necessary to win it by 116-99.

Notes: Houston shot 52% from the field, their highest percentage in recent games, while Washington shot 43%. Washington had pretty poor shooting all around going just 12/19 from the free throw line, and 3/19 from deep. Houston on the other hand went 24/28 from the line, and 8/15 from outside. The Wizards hustled through the game with 15 second chance points compared to just three by the Rockets.

Key Performers:
Kevin Martin - 43 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals, 1 block, 16/24 FG, 3/3 3P, 8/9 FT
Shane Battier - 14 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 block, 5/9 FG
Kyle Lowry - 13 points, 12 assists, 5 rebounds, 2 steals, 1 block, 4/9 FG, 4/4 FT
Luis Scola - 12 points, 5 assists, 4 rebounds, 2/8 FG, 8/10 FT
Yao Ming - 12 points, 9 rebounds, 1 steal, 3 blocks, 6/8 FG

Derrick Williams - 28 points, 1 rebound, 1 steal, 11/21 FG, 2/5 3P, 4/5 FT
Nick Young - 20 points, 7 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 8/24 FG, 1/7 3P, 3/3 FT
John Wall - 11 points, 16 assists, 2 rebounds, 4 steals, 5/11 FG
JaVale McGee - 10 points, 10 rebounds, 5 assists, 1 steal, 1 block, 4/9 FG, 2/6 FT
Andray Blatche - 8 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal, 1 block, 4/9 FG

Image32 30 27 27 116
Image25 21 23 30 99

[23-8] Houston Rockets 112-85 Philadelphia 76ers [15-16]

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Goran Dragic dishes out a season high 10 assists. | Without Andre Iguodala, Evan Turner had to do everything.

The Philadelphia 76ers were without Andre Iguodala whom is out with a Broken Foot but is expected to return to action soon. They would have needed him for every point he could have given them in this game.

Philadelphia started the game terribly in terms of ballhandling, with six turnovers in the first quarter. They had 15 for the game, while Houston only had eight. As a result of their turnovers, Houston came up with 14 steals.

If that wasn't bad enough, Philadelphia's bench only scored 12 points, while Houston's scored 39. Leading the bench for Houston was Patrick Patterson, who scored 14 points and grabbed eight boards and shot 7/9 from the field. Goran Dragic also had a great game with eight points, a season high 10 assists and four boards.

For Philadelphia, Evan Turner scored a game high 34 points on 14/22 shooting, but his effort was not enough as his teammates just did not give him enough help.

"When a young team such as this is missing their veteran leader, it can be tough to play on the road and especially against a great team like Houston," 76ers head coach Doug Collins said. "I think Evan (Turner), did a great job in leading by example, but everyone else was just shut down."

Houston gets an easy win to end the year of 2011, and now they move on to the year 2012 looking to keep piling up the wins and capture the elusive championship.

Key Performers:
Kevin Martin - 33 points, 9 assists, 2 rebounds, 4 steals, 11/19 FG, 10/11 FT
Patrick Patterson - 14 points, 8 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 2 blocks, 7/9 FG
Yao Ming - 13 points, 7 rebounds, 4 blocks, 6/10 FG
Kyle Lowry - 9 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals, 2/10 FG
Luis Scola - 9 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals, 4/10 FG
Shane Battier - 9 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 3/6 FG
Goran Dragic - 8 points, 10 assists, 4 rebounds, 1 steal, 3/7 FG

Evan Turner - 34 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal, 14/22 FG, 4/6 FT
Elton Brand - 12 points, 9 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 1 block, 6/12 FG
Jrue Holiday - 12 points, 13 assists, 5 rebounds, 1 steal, 1 block, 4/8 FG, 4/4 FT
Marreese Speights - 10 points, 3 rebounds, 5/11 FG
Spencer Hawes - 8 points, 8 rebounds, 3/6 FG
Jan Vesely - 8 points, 3 rebounds, 1 assist, 4/6 FG

Image32 27 25 28 112
Image22 21 17 28 85
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Axel The Great
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Re: Ending 2011 Emphatically [24-8]

Postby karlsanada10 on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:45 am

You're killin' all of them. :O Are you playing on HOF?
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Re: Ending 2011 Emphatically [24-8]

Postby Stress Fracture on Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:45 pm

Derrick Williams went to the WIz? Then who did Minnesota get?
benji wrote:LeBron is such a choker. And people were talking about him as an all-time great. As having possibly surpassed Kobe. What a joke.

velvet bliss wrote:Andrew, you the real MVP.

Andrew wrote:He who flops and flails to the Finals and a title, flops and flails best.
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Re: Ending 2011 Emphatically [24-8]

Postby [Hyperize] on Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:04 am

looks like your winningness in live had no problem transferring over to 2k :lol: (it's Hyperize.)... terrific job with the presentation on the recaps (Y) love to see Yao still going strong; one of my favorite players. shame he had to retire
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Re: Ending 2011 Emphatically [24-8]

Postby Axel The Great on Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:30 am

karlsanada10 wrote:You're killin' all of them. :O Are you playing on HOF?

Nope. Playing on All-Star.
Stress Fracture wrote:Derrick Williams went to the WIz? Then who did Minnesota get?

Read the Draft Summary.
.dan wrote:looks like your winningness in live had no problem transferring over to 2k :lol: (it's Hyperize.)... terrific job with the presentation on the recaps (Y) love to see Yao still going strong; one of my favorite players. shame he had to retire

Well this is a surprise, great to see you back. (Y) And yes, the winningness did transfer over, though in Live I'd be like 30-2 or something like that. :lol: Yao is one of the reasons I don't want to upgrade to 2K12; I picture this a different universe in which injuries don't end his career and one in which he will eventually win a championship.

December recap coming in the next couple of days hopefully.
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