NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

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NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

Postby scotchnpancakes on Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:27 pm

I just bought a new laptop, (Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, 4GB DDR2 RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo T6600) and wanted to get into an older version of Live 07'(want the right mix of an updated game, with the ability to run classic 90's rosters/dynasty), but so far i'm having issues just getting through a dynasty game before the infamous "quit game bug" strikes. So far rolling compatibility back to XP Pack 2 or 3(under properties tab of the Live 07 button) doesn't work. And you can't download in safe mode if you have the digital version...anyway, i picked up a cheap cd copy and am hoping that the safe mode installing works for this issue. other than the fact that i can't play a full dynasty game, I like the presentation and the SWASS rosters and patches available. Does anyone have this issue on Windows 7? have you found a fix? if not, any suggestions on what live is worth picking up? (with an emphasis on classic rosters) .
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Re: NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

Postby Andrew on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:05 pm

I know this isn't going to be particularly helpful, but the quit game bug didn't have a standard solution on XP either. Usually a series of re-installs did the trick for most people.
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Re: NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

Postby bbobby on Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:31 am

i had problem with win 7 and nba live 08 pc...
every time out, every qtr break... quit bag...
any answer...?
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Re: NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

Postby Andrew on Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:18 am

Are you trying to play without the disc?
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Re: NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

Postby saharor1 on Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:18 pm

use Compatibility Mode:
1. Right click on the program's shortcut, .exe file, or installation program.

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click on the Compatibility tab. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: If the Compatiblity options are grayed out, then it is a 64 bit program and cannot be changed.

4. To Run a Program in Compatibility Mode -
NOTE: Runs the program using settings from a previous version of Windows. Try this setting if you know the program is designed for (or worked in) a specific previous version of Windows.
A) Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for box. (see screenshot below)

B) Click on the drop down menu arrow and select which version of Windows the program was made for. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: Always pick the latest Windows version the program was written for to have a better chance of it running properly in Windows 7.
MSI files (right screenshot below) will only have the Previous version of Windows option available for it. This option will allow Windows 7 to automatically use the previous version compatibility mode it thinks is best for the MSI file to run properly as. You will not be able to do steps 5 and 6 below.

5. To Change the Settings for a Program -
A) Check or uncheck the settings you want for the program. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: See the table below the screenshot for a description of each setting.

Setting Description
Run in 256 colors Uses a limited set of colors in the program. Some older programs are designed to use fewer colors.
Run in 640 × 480 screen resolution Runs the program in a smaller-sized window. Try this setting if the graphical user interface appears jagged or is rendered improperly.
Disable visual themes Disables themes on the program. Try this setting if you notice problems with the menus or buttons on the title bar of the program.
Disable desktop composition Turns off transparency and other advanced display features. Choose this setting if window movement appears erratic or you notice other display problems.
Disable display scaling on high DPI settings Turns off automatic resizing of programs if large-scale font size (DPI) is in use. Try this setting if large-scale fonts are interfering with the appearance of the program.
6. To Change the Privilege Level of a Program -
NOTE: Runs the program as an administrator. Some programs require administrator privileges to run properly. If you are not currently logged on as an administrator, this option is not available.
A) Check or uncheck the Run this program as an administrator box to enable or disable this option. (see screenshot below)

7. To Change All of These Settings Above for All Users -
NOTE: Lets you choose settings that will apply to all users on this computer.
A) Click on the Change settings for all users button. (See screenshot below)

B) Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 in this window to apply them to all users on the computer. (see screenshot below)

C) Click on OK.

8. Click on OK to apply the changes. (see screenshot below step 3)
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Re: NBA Live 07 on Windows 7.....any ideas???

Postby rafal723 on Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:42 am

When I'm click on the shortcut Live 07, that's starting, afterwards is blach screen and finally error. I tried run as XP, administrator ... What more ? I've got Windows 7.
Sorry for my English. Linsanity (we remember)
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