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Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:13 am

sticky-fingers wrote:
Roberto wrote:So many days without new screenshots...

[ Image ]

Wow, Griffin looks great!!!!

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:49 am

The crowd looks a bit brighter in that picture. Maybe they did some tweaking but I doubt it.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:56 am

What about graphics, this is of course a theory and my three cents to the discussion.
Don't you think that 2k might downgrading graphics intentionally to use all that later as an upgrade. Take a hair movement, it won't be in 2k18, it was in 2k6 so with 2k23 (for example) they might add this again and sell as a something new. You know what I mean? EA does this with FIFA all the time.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:38 am


Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:04 am

From the MYTeam blog/trailer






Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:46 am

So are we just going to assume that Reggie Bullock hasn't been touched since his first 2k next-gen scan? The man has rocked a unique hairstyle all last season and made huge strides as a player.

2k really dropped the ball this year. I would not be surprised at all if none of the tattoos Ronnie claimed got added did not, in fact, get updated. Although I see Anthony Davis at least may have had his newest added so that is promising.

At least speaking for myself, I'm not sure its worth me putting in the time to improve 2k if the developers themselves aren't willing to put in the work. Granted the 2k face scanned rookies are better than what a modder can make but I don't think that alone justifies a new $60 for me. The gameplay and graphics are why I like 2k. Gameplay is rough, and it looks like graphics are headed down the same path. No updated tattoos, no updated hair more excuses.

For reference:

Current Look Reggie Bullock:


NBA 2k14 Reggie Bullock:


NBA 2k18 Reggie Bullock:


Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:58 am

bluejaybrandon wrote:So are we just going to assume that Reggie Bullock hasn't been touched since his first 2k next-gen scan? The man has rocked a unique hairstyle all last season and made huge strides as a player.

2k really dropped the ball this year. I would not be surprised at all if none of the tattoos Ronnie claimed got added did not, in fact, get updated. Although I see Anthony Davis at least may have had his newest added so that is promising.

At least speaking for myself, I'm not sure its worth me putting in the time to improve 2k if the developers themselves aren't willing to put in the work. Granted the 2k face scanned rookies are better than what a modder can make but I don't think that alone justifies a new $60 for me. The gameplay and graphics are why I like 2k. Gameplay is rough, and it looks like graphics are headed down the same path. No updated tattoos, no updated hair more excuses.

For reference:

Current Look Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

NBA 2k14 Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

NBA 2k18 Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

Lmfao i guess they don't like him or something.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:58 am

bluejaybrandon wrote:So are we just going to assume that Reggie Bullock hasn't been touched since his first 2k next-gen scan? The man has rocked a unique hairstyle all last season and made huge strides as a player.

2k really dropped the ball this year. I would not be surprised at all if none of the tattoos Ronnie claimed got added did not, in fact, get updated. Although I see Anthony Davis at least may have had his newest added so that is promising.

At least speaking for myself, I'm not sure its worth me putting in the time to improve 2k if the developers themselves aren't willing to put in the work. Granted the 2k face scanned rookies are better than what a modder can make but I don't think that alone justifies a new $60 for me. The gameplay and graphics are why I like 2k. Gameplay is rough, and it looks like graphics are headed down the same path. No updated tattoos, no updated hair more excuses.

For reference:

Current Look Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

NBA 2k14 Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

NBA 2k18 Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

Lmfao i guess they don't like him or something.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:04 am

bluejaybrandon wrote:So are we just going to assume that Reggie Bullock hasn't been touched since his first 2k next-gen scan? The man has rocked a unique hairstyle all last season and made huge strides as a player.

2k really dropped the ball this year. I would not be surprised at all if none of the tattoos Ronnie claimed got added did not, in fact, get updated. Although I see Anthony Davis at least may have had his newest added so that is promising.

At least speaking for myself, I'm not sure its worth me putting in the time to improve 2k if the developers themselves aren't willing to put in the work. Granted the 2k face scanned rookies are better than what a modder can make but I don't think that alone justifies a new $60 for me. The gameplay and graphics are why I like 2k. Gameplay is rough, and it looks like graphics are headed down the same path. No updated tattoos, no updated hair more excuses.

For reference:

Current Look Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

NBA 2k14 Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

NBA 2k18 Reggie Bullock:

[ Image ]

Not surprise that no tattoo updates and no hair updates. I said that modders will have a lot of work on that

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:36 am


Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:46 am

I can't tell if that's a new cyberface or just a touch up. It definitely looks better, but it could just be the angle.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:18 am

I'd agree it's one of their better Westbrooks.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:40 pm

It looks like a new, and better Westbrook.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:39 pm

Much improved. At least they gave the stars the attention they deserve. I just wish it trickled down to some of the lesser names.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:20 pm

That's a nice model for Westbrook, looks like a new face scan for him. Also, he is the first player out of all the screens released that does not look like he was molded from clay. Also no exaggerated sweat makes the screen look much better.

Also, from the screenshots from the MyTeam trailer. Curry's face have changed over the years but they are still using the outdated baby face curry in the crowd. At least have those updated with his current portrait picture.
And I have to agree with 2K not even trying to updated lesser known players (even star players like their 2k18 cover star Kyrie when he shaved his facial hair, EA did an update but 2K did not). Which kind of sucks because it shows that they tend not to fix the small details that makes big impact in games. This is the department that EA does better in 2K.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:50 pm

Some people apparently liked the lighting from 3x3 court in MyTeam trailer (Giannis' muslec actually can be seen):


Also the new scoreboard (in higher def):

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:46 am

I'm gonna keep posting it because it continually pisses me off, but anyone who advocates for 2k's art department at this point is objectively moronic. I'm utterly confused as to what these guys do for a full year of development. No faces have been updated outside of those that are scanned in. Like christ 2k, take a little pride in your work and at least put in minimal effort to get haircuts correct at the start of the new season. Modders can pull this off in a day yet 2k can't be bothered to fix it in a full year's time? I'll post examples down below.

I will say it looks like they added DLo's tattoo's but I'm pretty sure it is just because they scanned them in. 2k has become too complacent and is entirely reliant on their "scanning" ability.

Emmanuel Mudiay:


Real Life:


Mario Hezonja:


Real Life:


Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:27 am

bluejaybrandon wrote:I'm gonna keep posting it because it continually pisses me off, but anyone who advocates for 2k's art department at this point is objectively moronic. I'm utterly confused as to what these guys do for a full year of development. No faces have been updated outside of those that are scanned in. Like christ 2k, take a little pride in your work and at least put in minimal effort to get haircuts correct at the start of the new season. Modders can pull this off in a day yet 2k can't be bothered to fix it in a full year's time? I'll post examples down below.

I will say it looks like they added DLo's tattoo's but I'm pretty sure it is just because they scanned them in. 2k has become too complacent and is entirely reliant on their "scanning" ability.

Emmanuel Mudiay:

[ Image ]

Real Life:

[ Image ]

Mario Hezonja:

[ Image ]

Real Life:

[ Image ]

It's a joke, no updates for years in many players. Jamychal Green has tattoos since three years ago and still missing. Same with Harrell, Rozier, Oubre...

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:32 am

Yea this is how they look, when they don't have a scan for a player and they gotta make it on there own.
Luke Kennard, 12th draft pick in last years draft. Doubt, he got fixed in this years game, but there's probably more examples like this in the game.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:05 am

R4zoR wrote:Yea this is how they look, when they don't have a scan for a player and they gotta make it on there own.
Luke Kennard, 12th draft pick in last years draft. Doubt, he got fixed in this years game, but there's probably more examples like this in the game.
[ Image ]

So many

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:28 pm

R4zoR wrote:Yea this is how they look, when they don't have a scan for a player and they gotta make it on there own.
Luke Kennard, 12th draft pick in last years draft. Doubt, he got fixed in this years game, but there's probably more examples like this in the game.
[ Image ]

Yeah I know neither Jonathan Isaac nor Malik Monk were scanned and the result is an abomination similar to that sculpted Kennard. It’s like they have no more artists there and are entirely reliant on the scans. Don’t get me wrong, the scans are good but there has to be a better system in place for when they can’t get a player scanned. I know you fixed Kennard and i don’t know how long that took but you would think they could get a similar level of work completed for the missing players in a year.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Sun Aug 19, 2018 1:10 am

This is the problem with 2K when it comes to lesser known players. They think gamers will not notice. Most NBA 2K/Live gamers are basketball/sports enthusiast, they check every detail from looks, accessories, jerseys, shoes, court, rating, etc. Just because it's a yearly game they can get away with it.
It's a good thing that this game is being released in the PC, which modders can do something about those inaccuracies but how about the console players who can't do anything about it.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:55 am

jayzmagz wrote:This is the problem with 2K when it comes to lesser known players. They think gamers will not notice. Most NBA 2K/Live gamers are basketball/sports enthusiast, they check every detail from looks, accessories, jerseys, shoes, court, rating, etc. Just because it's a yearly game they can get away with it.
It's a good thing that this game is being released in the PC, which modders can do something about those inaccuracies but how about the console players who can't do anything about it.

You're absolutely right which is why I'm coming from PS4 to PC this year.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:22 pm

jayzmagz wrote:Most NBA 2K/Live gamers are basketball/sports enthusiast, they check every detail from looks, accessories, jerseys, shoes, court, rating, etc.

I'd say most players are fairly casuals who barely know players except starting lineups and some older vets.

Re: NBA 2K19 Official Screenshots

Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:55 am

Dommy73 wrote:
jayzmagz wrote:Most NBA 2K/Live gamers are basketball/sports enthusiast, they check every detail from looks, accessories, jerseys, shoes, court, rating, etc.

I'd say most players are fairly casuals who barely know players except starting lineups and some older vets.

Correct. We've got to remember that we here represent an incredibly small percent of serious hardcore NBA gamers in the grand scheme of things. That's not to say that the issues presented aren't valid or correct, because they are, but I guarantee not a single one of my students (every single one of which play 2K and would swear they're serious about it) notices what a lot of us would consider major gaffes, such as what has been mentioned over the last several posts.
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