NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

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NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:46 pm

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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:15 pm

    Author's Forward: So, I'm not entirely sure when the NBA 2K17 Hawks series abruptly stopped, but I know it has been at least 6 months since I have been on. During that time, while my personal life has changed for the better, my connection to this board was still in mind. I used a lot of time editing NBA 2K19 fully expecting and preparing to continue that 2K17 Hawks story into 2K19. I think, as a whole, 2K19 plays so much better than 2K17 that it was just too hard to go back to 2K17 for me. However, I did make the misstep of trying to make improvements on 2K19 based on what I knew from 2K17. Long story short, I spent 6 months or so making a roster to try and create realistic stats. The results were disastrous, as it made 2K19 play like 2K17 out of the box with guards standing at the top of the key for 16 seconds before passing once and taking a contested three.

    So, here very recently, I decided to go back to default rosters. I also got a slider set I like with them which was an unexpected plus at this juncture. Usually, it takes months for me to find one. The only thing left was choosing a team. I still had in mind continuing the Hawks to present day, however, I felt in the end, it wasn't worth the headache of editing around the league. Plus, I wanted Luka, he was my goal even then in 2K17 to pair up with his right-hand man in Pascal Siakam and a 3 & D Taurean Prince. I wanted to eventually home-grow the talent to hopefully have a trio that could take on the league. However, there were so many trades that would have had to take place for that to even be close to realistic, the edits were just too much (especially after losing months to roster editing). So, I thought about what was my favorite series I tried to do here as far as fun and easiest to write. It was the Cleveland Cavaliers 2K17 story focused on LeBron James in a player lock. Despite having the file ultimately lost, I felt I had the most fun doing that with that style despite feeling the most recent Atlanta series being the best I had done graphically.

    With that said, about this series now, I want to make clear it won't be real-life driven in most ways. I won't have Kobe's untimely death for instance, as he will be an ambassador for the NBA, specifically the Lakers. This will also allow Kobe to follow his interest in real-life to coaching his daughter and to his storytelling. Another thing different will be Magic's role. He too will be an ambassador for the Lakers which was something I think he felt more comfortable with. This will avoid the Rob vs. Magic nonsense that occurred at the end of the 2019 season. I will also be bringing in a lot of Lakers greats in advising type roles, as an example, eventually, if the Clippers don't do well, I want to have Jerry West as an acting advisor (similar to his role with the Warriors). With this said, all of this will be while Rob will be the acting final decision-maker at the end of the day. The Lakers just have such a colorful history that I think it provides a lot of storytelling prospects. In regards to the league, I won't be controlling trades or signings but I will report on those using ESPN or FoxSports personalities. Same with injuries.

    All of this said I will go over the Lakers' "off-season moves" here soon in character!

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Playing Style: Player locked on LeBron James, everything else will be CPU ran.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:04 am


    "As promised, 4-time MVP, and 3-time NBA Champion, LeBron James is now entering the room. The cameras, phones, reporters, everyone across the league have set up to record his entrance. Everything is ready for the King to speak in the Lakers' press conference to address his decision to join and continue the iconic purple and gold legacy. Here he is."

    LBJ: "First and foremost, I want to thank Magic and Kobe for sitting down with me during the process. I know they both had other ventures they needed to get to, but their dedication to Lakers Nation is part of what drove me to decide to become part of the Lakers' family. Jeanie, Rob, and Luke has been a big part of this process, as well, as other Lakers' greats such as Diesel calling me and giving his two cents on the organization. All of them, even the big fella, had nothing but great things to say about this high-quality organization. With that said, the second thing I want to talk about before getting started: despite being a really happy day for me and my family with me finding an organization I feel we can call home, I don't want to neglect the Cavalier fans I spent the last four years giving my heart and soul to. I feel like what we accomplished there was nothing short of greatness and I'm honored to be associated with the city. While I want to dedicate this chapter of my career to LA, I would be ultimately dumb to not acknowledge my years becoming the man before you today spent in Cleveland and even learning to win in Miami with D-Wade. I wish nothing but the best for them moving forward. I'll now be answering any questions you guys have for me addressing our team."

    "LeBron, you spoke briefly on it, but what does it mean for you to join a team like this? A team that has not only great talent that is developing but also a team that has a historic sport defining role. What does it mean to have those prior greats contact you and the entire process you spoke on?"

    LBJ: "I've said many times, I am very humbled to be mentioned and have my name there synonymous with greats like Kobe, Magic, the big fella. We as an organization are extremely lucky to have greats there as Ambassadors for us and the League. You guys reported on it, but Kareem also returned home deciding to be apart of our coaching development team for our guys. I think it's also humbling for me to be apart of something special. I knew from the moment Kobe came by, Magic, and the list goes on, decided to have those conversations with me this group of guys have the opportunity to be something special. I look forward to being apart of that every day moving forward."

    "LeBron, welcome to Los Angeles. I want to ask what you consider the biggest hurdle with this move to LA?"

    LBJ: "I think we have a lot of young guys that will have to learn to win. I think that we can all agree and see the talent that is here. We all see the potential, but the process of a winning basketball player is grueling. Talking to Kobe, I think a lot of our guys understand what it will take, but, that improvement day-to-day will be a must for us to succeed at the level we want. We have made moves to make that process easier for ourselves, with vets like JaVale, Rondo, Muscy, Tyson, myself, and that list goes on to help prep these young guys to be ready come time for them. They have to be ready for sure, and I think that will be our biggest test during the season. Learning how to be patient with them, but also being upfront with them about their expectations. I think all of us also know, Lakers Nation isn't about second-round exits or not making the playoffs. Our goal every year is championships."

    "LeBron, with that, said, you have been now to eight consecutive Finals appearances. You have won three of those earning your spot where people expect you to be there year-after-year. What are your expectations this year? Is it a championship or bust?"

    LBJ: "Yes and no. I don't want to back peddle and say our goal isn't a championship, however, goals and expectations are different. I don't expect anything. My expectations are for us just to get better every day. At the end of the day, we earn what we get and what we want. What I know for certain is what I bring to the table. I will bring excellence every day from a mindset standpoint and from a physical one. I think everything else will take care of itself. At the end of the day, there's only one champion. That's the truth. Wins and losses happen along with injuries and things of that nature. However, what we can control is how we prepare every day."

    "Last question."

    "LeBron, have you gotten a sense yet of what kind of team this team will be? I mean, in regards to pace, style of play, have you guys figured out how you are going to play?"

    LBJ: "For myself, I think my style of play never really changes. I'm a team-first guy, and I think I can play with anyone. In regards to the team, just from the outside looking in, I noticed the team excels at a great pace. Offensively, it operates well off fast passes and gives guys like 'Zo especially great rhythm with everything moving. Then for guys like Kuz and B.I. there is definitely a great spark with those guys running. It is something I'm excited about as well. I love running and getting everything moving. So, I think for Luke and our coaching staff, they've already prepared a great system to get all of us involved. From here on, practice-to-game you will see that implemented and practiced at a high level every single day and we will then accomplish what we want to accomplish. Thank you guys for your time, and I will see you through the year."
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:31 am

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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:39 am


    "LeBron, you started the game hot and really just took over from there scoring fifty-one points, having eleven assists and nearly bagging a triple-double. What did you think of your team after this huge output individually?"

    LBJ: "We had some good and some bad that was erased by the win. I'm really happy we got the win, and that is the most important thing. I think individually, they left me open a lot, and my guys did a great job finding me which resulted in my great scoring output. However, as a whole, there were a lot of defensive lapses, bad chemistry offensively trying to get used to one another and our system, that we are going to have to clean up. With that said though, it was very typical of a first game, we will improve."

    "You said some of the bad, what was good? What did you like?"

    LBJ: "I loved the fight we shown at the end of the game to close it out on them. It was a big win for us at their home and especially opening the season on the right footing. I liked that we didn't rely on one guy. You guys talk about my fifty-one but don't give enough love to JaVale for his output. He only missed one shot and was reliable all night for lobs and things of that nature as well as giving so much energy defending the paint. Kuz offensively was a little off tonight, but he made sure he didn't allow it to affect the rest of his game grabbing thirteen off the glass. We defensively bothered Dame and CJ after their hot start. They had a lot of trouble with our size and length at the guard positions, then we rotated well at times when they drove. I think B.I. gave us a great weapon off the bench and picked his spots very well despite not taking a lot of shots. Zo moved the ball well and got all of us really going from the very tip. We had a lot of good tonight for sure."

    "And the bad? Was it just the defensive lapses and bad chemistry?"

    LBJ: "You know, I shouldn't say bad. We had things we should do better and have to avoid like a bad habit. But yeah. We let CJ off a lot of screens and didn't rotate when he moved away from the paint. I think defensively being effort, we just have to have more energy on that side of the floor. We also turned the ball over too much also leading to steals and fast breaks. Individually, I made a few plays that were down the stretch costly but didn't bite us in the end, thanks to our fight. We will have to improve and get out of these habits through this season. We definitely will. We will fight to get better every day. As I said, it is typical of the first game."

    "LeBron, what did you think of Portland? Did they do anything tonight differently against you that you didn't expect?"

    LBJ: "Left me open by playing down from those screens. They kept dropping bigs against me daring me to shoot. They should have known better than give me so many looks at the basket and wide-open from mid and three. I clanged two threes that were give-me, but that defensive scheme was definitely different. They have two big bodies with Nurkic and Kanter that I guess they didn't want to risk foul trouble. Offensively, they played exactly as I am used to them. Those two guards are deadly, and having so many three-point options makes them even more difficult to guard. Despite our defensive lapses at times, they missed a few open shots. They are a team I still think is a powerhouse in this Western Conference."
Last edited by wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:43 am

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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:53 am


    LBJ: "It was a tough loss for us. We had really crawled back to get the lead in the third and had a great showing at that point. We showed a lot of heart at that point keeping them down for a fifteen point stretch. However, it wasn't enough and our shots just weren't falling. That's part of it. I think we also had another bad defensive night. We are working every day to not make that a trend and trying to improve on that end. We are putting in the work so it won't be too much longer we see that in progress. B.I. played very well off the bench, I'm proud of him. We just let the Beard get hot and allowed CP too much freedom in movement. They both really moved the ball to get their offense going, and we suffered for it at the end of the day. We will see what Coach's insights are during vids tomorrow and we are going to come in and get better to be ready for San Antonio."
Last edited by wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:08 am


    Molly: "Welcome to First Take! This morning we start our show with the breaking news of Draymond Green's injury. Following their rout of Denver last night, Draymond Green was reported to have suffered from a fractured left hand and will be out for the foreseeable month. My question to you gentlemen, does this affect the Warriors?"

    Max: "If I may start, I don't think so. I look at this Golden State team and I really don't see any weaknesses with or without Draymond. Now I get it, they started 1-2. I get they are having a few hiccups getting DeMarcus inserted into this lineup. However, they still got DeMarcus Cousins! Stephen A., I don't see any weakness from Golden State as long as those core guys on the offensive end: Steph, KD, Klay, and Boogie are healthy. They are just too talented. Do you realize even with their 'weak' start, they are still shooting 50% from the floor and 43% from three? This team is just going to be scary. I actually see Draymond's injury as a positive for them because it allows Boogie space to step up and learn the system."

    Stephen A.: "Max, for once, I think we are in full agreement. In perhaps one of the most shocking news in sports, you and I agree here about Draymond's injury. However, I do want to emphasize one thing you missed, and that is the possible shink in the armor here. That is the team chemistry aspect. You and I both know the rumors circulating this team coming in the Off-Season. KD, by all reports I've heard surrounding him, is wanting to go to the Knicks. Boogie will want real money as a champion, assuming they win of course. I don't know if all of that turmoil will become something for the Warriors. Plus with Houston obviously improving, Lakers getting the King, I've heard all week about that Jokic becoming a bad boy in Denver from our boy Sir Charles. As a whole, the West is just scary this year."
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:55 am


    LOS ANGELES -- The Lakers have opened the season with phenomenal play thus far. Even in their single loss to the Rockets, they have dominated thanks to their new Superstar acquisition. Tonight against the Spurs seen the same results. LeBron was in a rare form on the defensive end tonight as he stole the ball 7 times tying his career-high. He also had a season-high 17 assists mostly consisting of lobs and bullets in the fast break to Center Javale McGee. The show was a phenomenal one as the end result saw LeBron have another triple-double of 28 points (11-19 FG, 2-5 3P, 4-6 FT), 11 rebounds, and 2 blocks. JaVale finished with 16 on 5 dunks coming from James. Other high men for the Lakers include Kyle Kuzma (18 points), Brandon Ingram (15 points), and Lonzo Ball (8 assists).

    The night wasn't lost on the King as he spoke about the history of the Lakers' fast-break style. "You know, it is pretty awesome being able to move and drive like that. I have a lot of respect for Magic, Kareem, and those 80s Lakers. We have the benefit night-in-night-out to speak to all of them with Magic being in-and-out, Kareem apart of our development squad, and Big Game on the call for us during the games. Showtime wasn't just an offensive philosophy either, people don't realize Pat really utilized a lot of different zones then too. That was unheard of during that time. So I think tonight was a perfect tribute to that style of basketball. We had me, Kuz, Zo, BI, Bulls, KCP, and the MUD squad [referring to Rondo and McGee] on top of it on both sides and we really have played our best basketball so far. That Spurs team is really tough so I'm really proud of my guys tonight and I can speak for all of us saying it is an honor to be able to be linked to former Laker greats. We just have to keep getting better and use this as fuel to realize a barometer of how good we can be today."

    Coach Walton had this to add: "I think we hit everything we could have wanted tonight. Almost everyone but LeBron got hot, and I think with that production, we're very difficult to beat."

    In response to the Spurs' recent woes, Coach Pop disregarded the media tonight and only said: "We aren't hitting shots and we keep throwing the ball to the wrong 23."
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:53 am


    LOS ANGELES -- "You know, he may have been weird. He had us around cannabis' cousin, whatever that means. I grew up in a way: I knew what weed smelled like, man! [laughs] But, that man taught me and the other, and I'll quote Phil, 'pain in the [censored]' [pointing to Kobe] over there how to win. It is an honor and pleasure to be here at his press conference to announce he will be teaching the next crop of Lakers how to win." - Shaquille O'Neal during Phil's press release conference.

    Today was a great day to be apart of Lakers' Nation. The 2000s era is back in LA and Phil Jackson is back in the Lakers mix recently announced to be hired as an executive board member (similar to Mr. Jerry West's role as of late with Golden State and LAC). Phil will be reporting directly to Jeanie and Rob only. According to the presser before the conference, Phil will primarily be a voice at the table, not the final voice. This will be another basketball mind that the Lakers will again be utilizing as the beginning of the year announced Kareem joining back with the Lakers as an Assistant Coach primarily focused around development of talent, Shaquille O'Neal brought on as an Ambassador with the Lakers (following him selling his percentage ownership with the Kings), not to mention Kobe and Magic both have been in the same role as Shaq. To quote Kobe during the press: "Many don't realize this, but Shaq was on the money. Phil was and is a strange dude. We love him, but he's an odd cat. That's just how it is. However, he is sentimental. He realizes the importance of moments. As Shaq alluded to, he and I know Phil's genius potentially better than anyone not named Scottie or Michael. We know him because Phil taught us to appreciate those moments from a tactical perspective. He gave us a blueprint on the floor on how to utilize those moments to our advantage, but more importantly, how to even see them. Most players don't have that tutor to show them how to even recognize those moments to even take advantage of them. This is one of the most important moments with the foundation of how this team will be put together. Fundamentally he is without a doubt the greatest coach of all time. He, despite what nonsense he spewed back in the NYC, is now rightfully back home. Welcome back home, Phil."

    Finally, in the words of Phil Jackson himself: "I want to thank everyone for this minor press. I know Shaq and Kobe were very gracious with their time being here to draw this big of a crowd. I doubt many would want to be here just to hear me speak. I appreciate everything they had to say, and while for you fans it may not be, but for me, it was very emotional to hear what I was able to do for two of the greatest to ever do it. I almost got broken up hearing it from them. It was great. I want to thank the Lakers, Jeanie and Rob being here and for putting this little thing together. I think in the spirit of LA, nothing would be more appropriate than this. To have a press conference to announce an old man will be coming here to sit at a table to talk. [laughs] I kid. It has been a terrific day here, and it is a great honor. While we all know it is a player's game, it is their effort that makes it what it is, those guys who are playing here today are what this is about. It is about the fans here today, and not to glorify me. I appreciate the thoughts here, and I think Kobe and Shaq are right and I can conclude summarizing what they said: it is good to be home. I look forward to helping the Lakers in any and all capacities that I can. I want to let you all know the Lakers are still here going for the gold. Thank you."
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby kibaxx7 on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:24 pm

Looking great already! What a debut for Bron. Will follow for sure.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby Phil89 on Tue Feb 18, 2020 1:48 pm

LeBron going for that triple-double season average (Y)
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:33 am

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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:09 am


    "LeBron, you guys started off the game on an 18-7 run, hitting 5/5 threes. How does it feel having such a hot start?"

    LBJ: "It feels great. I have to say for all of our guys, I'm really impressed by how we started the game against a very agile team. Them starting TJ and Josh together could have created a lot of mismatches, but with us starting B.I. tonight, I think our length really had them expecting a more inside-out game. That allowed a lot of open 3s and quick lobs for JaVale. I was also extremely happy for Zo as he started the game hitting 3 of his 4 3s from the jump. They dared him to shoot and he's been working every day getting those types of looks. He proved tonight he can knock them down in abundance and should really shut up some of his critics. He just had such a hot hand, we fed off him early."

    "LeBron, you mentioned them starting the smaller lineup tonight, do you think that played a hand in the rebound differential?"

    LBJ: "That's a question for them and their coaching staff. From what I saw, DeAndre is a beast. He had 20 boards on his own. I think they may have tried to space the floor for him to get more room around the block. We did what we could to prevent that though, with the ultimate credit going to JaVale, Kuz, and our coaching staff."

    "Tonight, you posted your 3rd triple-double this season. Having played only 4 games, are you trying to be the 3rd player to average a triple-double? Are you going for MVP?"

    LBJ: "You know me. I don't really look for individual accomplishments like that. I think it has been circumstantial in my stats these first few games. I try to create an opportunity for my team in all the ways I can, but I'm not going for the triple-double every night."

    "What about your scoring averages LeBron, tonight's performance has you leading the league so far in scoring. Is this something you expected coming into LA?"

    LBJ: "Not really, no. I think the guys, the coaches, everyone has put me in great positions to score. I've just followed through for them. On our end, before you guys ask, we focused more on stopping them over creating opportunities for my stats to be padded. [laughs]"

    "LeBron, the Lakers have announced Phil Jackson has been added to the mix. With your history with Phil and the back-and-forth you've had with him in the past, does that change your relationship with the Organization?"

    LBJ: "Not at all. We spoke about it before he was brought in, Rob and Jeanie, Kobe even reached out to me. Phil is part of the Lakers' family, and he knows how to win. I think he will be great for our young guys in mentoring them when we're back home, as well as helping the front office with bringing guys in. He has an eye for talent."

    "Last question for LeBron."

    "The Lakers have started 3-1. What do you guys have to do to continue that?"

    LBJ: "Get better everyday. Tonight was a good game for us, but we have to improve game-by-game. Have fewer turnovers, chemistry needs to improve with less blown assignments. Things of that nature. But I believe we are heading in that direction."
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:13 am

spiderxx7 wrote:Looking great already! What a debut for Bron. Will follow for sure.

Thanks! I really appreciate your response! Bron has been killing it for sure. I have been pretty lucky since the defense has been laying off him. I wonder if it is my sliders, but they dare him to shoot a lot. A lot of my shots and fouls are mostly mid-post out with pump-fakes drawing the fouls if they play off too much. Only during the fast breaks do I try and get into the paint. I'm hoping to preserve LeBron for the playoffs in that capacity.

Phil89 wrote:LeBron going for that triple-double season average (Y)

I really appreciate the response! It isn't intentional, but, yeah so far, he's killing it! As I mentioned earlier, the defense really gives him space to dare jump shots. Then when he gets going which draws doubles eventually from screens or mid-post, I get good looks at the assists. I think the sliders really weigh chemistry too because I get all of my turnovers by players moving the wrong way, or it bouncing off JaVale McGee's head (it has happened twice). :lol: I think rebounds have been the weirdest phenomenon with this string of triple-doubles, because, besides the Blazers, they put smaller guys in front of LeBron to box him out (if they do at all). I wonder if it is because they are trying to prevent our better rebounders (JaVale in particular) from getting the ball by putting more than one guy on him.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:04 am


    Charles Barkley: "Ooh what a thumpin' my Nuggets got tonight, boy! Listen, I will be the first to apologize when I'm wrong, so I will admit tonight I was wrong. At the half, I said the Lakers were going to lose tonight, and I will give credit where credit is due. LeBron and those guys really came back. They were shooting 40% at the half and closed out the game shooting 52%. That jump is crazy, Ernie! LeBron was terrific tonight, and everything just worked itself out with the Lakers. I still worry about key things about this team, though. Number one, I worry about their size. They play a 9-man rotation with only 1 true center. JaVale McGee and that's it. Now I get it, the NBA loves to promote small-ball and positionless basketball, but against the key West teams, that won't work."

    Shaquille O'Neal: "It worked tonight, Chuck."

    Charles Barkley: "I mean in the Playoffs, Shaq. Portland has Kanter and Nurkic, Denver has Jokic and Plumlee, Golden State even runs DeMarcus and Looney and Jones! And those are the guys who started all this small-ball and positionless talk! So I don't like the Lakers' size, tonight - with no excuses, Jokic just fouled out early. Otherwise he was putting work on JaVale and Kuzma. Two, my second concern is the LeBron James-heaviness the Lakers' offense relies on. Without LeBron doing literally everything on the court, they just struggle. Like in the first half tonight. Think about this, guys. Tonight at the half, LeBron had 18 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, and 2 steals."

    Kenny Smith: "That is a great half."

    Charles Barkley: "That's right, Kenny! Exactly right. That is a great half. He shot well from the floor was like 2-3 from 3. He literally did everything for the Lakers you could realistically want from your star. They shot 40% because Lonzo was leading that offense. I like Lonzo, he's a good kid, but it's obvious he can't run championship basketball. At least not yet. When they hit the second half, it became the LeBron show like we've been seeing this season. Then all of a sudden, he took over and that offense was a night and day difference and they played amazing. I don't like that from them. I personally think they will make the playoffs obviously, but I think the Warriors, the Rockets, Jazz, even the Nuggets, and the Blazers will all prove to be better teams when it comes to that point. I have them near the bottom of the West in regard to the Playoffs. Right there with the 'Wolves, and Thunder. That's just my opinion though. I don't want to take away from the win tonight with the Lakers. They played phenomenally to close the game out."

    Shaquille O'Neal: "Chuck, I hear you. However, you and I both know this stuff takes time. Look, LeBron is the star player. The others step up playing through him. All the young kids on the team are also improving game-to-game. I don't see it as a problem. Can they play better? Of course. But nothing has been done yet that makes me think they won't make it deep into the Playoffs forbidding any injuries."

    Ernie Johnson: "We will have to see on that guys! Now, we will have to start replaying highlights of the game!"


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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby kibaxx7 on Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:48 am

Always a fan of the Inside crew. Keep it up man!
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:10 am


    "LeBron, tonight was a game you guys looked completely out of it until the 4th. What was your assessment of the game?"

    LBJ: "Before talking about us, I want to acknowledge how great of a team we just won here against tonight. There are obviously having a bit of a down start with their 0-5 record, but that team is full of dogs, man! They are always going after you each possession. Tonight, I don't think any of us really shot well until the 4th because of their tenaciousness. DeMarr proved another reason tonight why he shouldn't have been traded as well on the offensive end. He ended tonight with 46 and willed them to the point where only a few bounces decided the outcome, which fortunately went our way. They're obviously well-coached, with one of the greatest to ever do it leading their helm. On our end, we played very well on the defensive end going down the stretch. I thought a lot of our guys really responded well when our options A, B, and C got taken away from us. When we had to scrap the gameplan and just dig in. I was very proud of our guys tonight and I think we are on the right track."

    "LeBron, you had another high assist performance with 17, tonight. What leads to these types of games for you guys? Are you game-planning to be the primary playmaker?"

    LBJ: "Nah, typically we just feed whatever they give us. Tonight they played me really tough and played physical against me all night. I think we all know the refs weren't calling the hard fouls tonight. We played into that with hitting open shooters. We were unlucky at first as I think as a lot of our shots went in-and-out, which got us a bit out of rhythm until we got to the 4th. At that point, I mean, you can't say enough about JaVale and KCP. Those two guys were the heroes tonight. JaVale got 2 big steals got us in the break where we like to run. We outshot them 20x over by the end due to the fast pace we went there in the 4th thanks to JaVale hitting me on the break and then my size allowed me to see KCP. He just went off there and then going on his hot streak there to get us the lead. I think 7 of my assists were just wild KCP shots. [laughs]"

    "LeBron, tonight you as a team looked slow to start. You all started the game getting 28 points on 40% shooting. The last game had you guys going into the half hitting a low percentage. Do you see this coming as a trend? Do you think you guys were tired from the last back-to-back?"

    LBJ: "I don't think we really fit either. I think we are still just getting into our groove to start the season and getting used to one another. I didn't shoot well tonight, but most of my shots were contested and could have easily been called differently. I think they just played physical defense with us, which had an effect at first. We adjusted and got better going to the next game."

    "Tonight had Rondo out of the lineup and Jones in. The shift in having Jones had KCP playing backup point along with you and Hart playing point. Did you guys gameplan for the Spurs by having a larger lineup?"

    LBJ: "That's a question for Coach. I had nothing to do with that decision."
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:22 pm

spiderxx7 wrote:Always a fan of the Inside crew. Keep it up man!

Thanks! I will! :) I like the Inside Crew a lot also. I actually have been wanting to incorporate them in the opening night game and the Tuesday "Player's Only" edition for a game. However, I just felt I needed more narrative to fit before that.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:58 pm


MINNESOTA -- "I think you have to give him a lot of credit for their success," LeBron noted about his superstar opponent after the game. Tonight, LeBron dazzled as he has done since embracing the purple and gold, matching his averages of 35 points, 13 assists, and also adding 12 rebounds and a block. He did it all for the Lakers, however, he wasn't who the people were going home remembering. Tonight saw Karl-Anthony Towns have an unbelievable game trying to will his team to a win. With 36 points, 17 rebounds, 2 steals, a block and unbelievable shots over 2 to 3 guys, KAT proved he was a superstar. He proved he was an elite big in today's NBA. "I don't think of things like that after a loss," KAT noted, "I think tonight we played well, but our defense in the paint gave us the loss. We let them get to the paint too often."

That isn't even by accident either. The Wolves double-teamed LeBron every chance they could as they left open men around the paint open in lapses on the defensive end. To talk about this strategy, Coach Thibs said: "What can you do against the guy? We started the game putting Cov on him. LeBron went 3-5. Then we placed Gibson on him, we went to a zone and sagged off daring him to shoot. He hit most of those shots. Then we started doubling. I mean you can only play so many defenses."

In response to the win, LeBron had this to say: "I'm really happy that Zo got the game-winning steal and dunk before we went to free throws. He sealed it with his defensive mindedness. Kuz had a great game tonight, JaVale got 21, and BI was super-efficient. All of our guys are getting better. KCP had great defense on Wiggins down the stretch. I mean I could go on and on about our guys. It was a great win, and I like where we are at this point of the season."


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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Sat Feb 22, 2020 4:17 pm



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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:33 am



This might have been my best game of 2K I've played offensively in a while. Everyone was hitting while I played. I didn't even have to take a shot as LBJ until the tail-end of the 1st as Kuzma started 7 points, 3-3. Lonzo started 2-2 with a 3, JaVale hit two alley-oop dunks. It was just crazy how fun it felt and how free. I think realistically, due to Luka fouling out, this was to be an expected blowout. Up until that point, they were actually only 6 points down on average with the worst being a 10-point deficit. Also, defensively, this Mavs team currently constructed doesn't really play well against us, they really need a defensive wing to get Luka off of LeBron.
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Re: NBA 2K19: The LeBron James Finale

Postby wdt92 on Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:00 am


    With less than 4 seconds in the game, LeBron James clinches it with a fadeaway to closeout the hopes of the Blazers. The crowd goes wild to silent as we see the classic LeBron James "dance" that came from his game-winner against the Warriors all those years ago. It was over at the buzzer and the Lakers' win streak lives on while the Blazers have an unfortunate collapse in front of their home crowd.

  • LeBron James (36 points, 11 assists)
  • JaVale McGee (16 Rebounds)
  • CJ McCollum (39 Points)
  • Damian Lillard (35 Points)
  • Al-Farouq Aminu (15 Rebounds)
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