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Postby Its_asdf on Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:52 pm

I'm not sure if Laxation is joking or he's giving off vague and unhelpful advice.

By the way Jugs, a hug doesn't really mean much to be honest with you. Girls tend to hug people that are just friends as well, but it's cool that you've at least gotten closer to her.
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Postby Silas on Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:19 pm

Maybe she's just not sure how "into you" she wants to sound. It seems like she has some sort of feelings for you but she doesn't know what level of feelings she has towards you, which is probably why you got the "iuno" answer...

It seems more likely that than, "No but I'm trying to be nice"
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Postby Laxation on Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:23 pm

Silas wrote:Maybe she's just not sure how "into you" she wants to sound. It seems like she has some sort of feelings for you but she doesn't know what level of feelings she has towards you, which is probably why you got the "iuno" answer...

It seems more likely that than, "No but I'm trying to be nice"

A feeling like affection? Affection is what girls feel for friends - attraction is what you want...
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Postby J@3 on Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:37 pm

So you think girls don't show their boyfriends affection?
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Postby koberulz on Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:40 pm

no, because their boyfriends always act like they hate them. why would they?
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Postby Jugs on Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:49 pm

We were sitting on some rail and I put my arm around her and held her and she leaned her head on my shoulder and i put my head on her head. She then put her arm around me and rubbed my back.

Pretty friendly. then I hugged her goodbye.

Speaking of friendly, yeah I reckon I've been friendzoned. I rang her up to get an answer and she told me that it is best if we did it in person.

"experts" are telling me I've been friendzoned while my friends are telling me "then why is she saying that she likes you and spending so much time with you"

Go figure.
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Postby Laxation on Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:52 pm

Heres something someone wrote about being a challenge... Its very dam long, but goes deeper into what Im trying to say


    Challenge. Either you understand it and employ it as part of who you are or you don't. I find that most men simply don't. They don't know about it, they don't get it, or they simply don't do it. Challenge is one of three important traits men must have that I have learned about, and I feel it can make up one third to one half of a successful relationship. I will try to share what it is and how you can be a challenge.

    In a nutshell, being a challenge means you are NOT LIKE EVERY OTHER PERSON and are NOT desperate.

    And let me be VERY clear about this: this is a two-way street. Both men AND women can take a lesson from this.

    Where did I learn about challenge? I was fortunate to learn about it both in theory and in real life. In theory, I read it from gleaning information from other relationship gurus and advice web sites. However, I *really* learned it when I walked my dogs.


    These are my two Great Danes with my friends who, coincidentally, I met while walking my dogs.

    A funny thing happens when you walk down the street with two dogs that stand over three feet tall and weigh 165 pounds each. People either avoid you like crazy or are drawn like moths to a bright light. I have found that on average when I walk down the street alone there is a 0% chance of being approached by anyone. Walking with the dogs increases that to about 30% of people passing by. Yes, about 30% of people will stop and talk to me. Now this is where it gets interesting.

    Remember, I want you to focus on the human interactions here, the personality, the psychology behind people's actions so do a little reading between the lines.

    NOTE: To preface this, think about the dogs and their hander - ANY handler as I have found out - and an attractive woman, and how there might be a similarity between them from a psychological point of view. They both draw people to them and people try to be social. This is where things start to fall apart.

    Before I had my dogs, I simply blended into the crowd. And, of course, I still do when I am without them.

    But … WITH my dogs, people walk right up to me. All sorts of people. Old, young, gay, straight, crippled, athletes, kids, men, women, fat, smokin' hot, black, white, Chinese, whatever. They start talking, they ask questions or sometimes try to make a joke. They immediately assume I am friendly and social and without so much as two seconds hesitation they just start talking. To me, this was stunning, this was amazing. (This is partially because when I owned my dogs to begin with I never lived near any place busy. That changed when I moved after my divorce and ended up in the middle of a trendy restaurant district. Every Sunday morning I would walk my dogs to a local bakery and get them a doggy biscuit.) At first, I felt like a new person. I was suddenly the center of attention like I had never been before. I had *never* been approached by anyone *ever* in public. Never. Not once. And I still can quietly blend into the crowd if I leave the dogs at home.

    This is handy – I can choose when I want to be approached by people and when I don’t want to. And this is a point to think about.

    >> Question: Can a woman turn off the fact that she is a woman to get people to leave her alone? No. She cannot, so as a result she may be approached every day even if she is not in the mood, tired of it, or otherwise wants privacy. Many men are not respectful of this and approach women when they have not given any signals to do so. Women dress down (sweats, baggy clothes) to try and fly under the radar, but it does not always work.

    People were so friendly I was amazed. They asked questions, made jokes, socialized with the dogs and myself, and generally were very kind. Some people were afraid. Some people got drooled on (by the dogs, not me!) and some people go stepped on. Some people got knocked over, and some gave my dogs treats or water. Some people wanted their picture taken with the dogs. Yes, these dogs are definitely unusual.

    However, after a few weeks the novelty began to wear off.

    I realized that people asked the SAME questions over and over. Albeit I had met hundreds of unique and different human beings, they said the EXACT SAME THING AS THE OTHERS. "How can this be?" I thought to myself. Out of billions of human beings on the planet, how can they all be so similar? How can they be so alike? How can they say the exact same questions? How is it that I can look at them at almost read their mind and KNOW what they are going to say?


    People, you are not so unique. You are not so different. After owning my dogs for 5 years now I realize we are all very limited in so many ways. Just like so many of us do not know what kind of dogs they were, we also do not know how to be social. We do not know how to stand out from the crowd. We do not know how to be different, be creative, be above average.

    Imagine my disappointment when I started to grow weary of walking my dogs knowing I would be bombarded with the same questions over and over and over ... and over.... Suffice to say there is a 90% or greater chance someone will say "Nice horses!"

    Or ...

    Where's the saddle?
    How much do they weigh?
    How much do they eat?
    Where do they sleep?
    How do you give them a bath?

    Look, I won't bore you ... because these people, us, you, we, them, everyone is BORING. The questions are so rote and boring I've seriously considered putting all the questions on a t-shirt and wearing it when I go out. There are about 40 questions or comments people will make and I've heard 'em all!

    Now here is something to think about. If 90% of people make horse comments and jokes, then what are the chances that you are in that 90th percentile? And if you talk to women and try to pick them up, what's the chances that you are in that 90th percentile STILL?

    Not once has anyone ever said “So how many folks have made the horse comment in the past 10 minutes? 200?” If I ever heard that, I’d know I was in the presence of someone who knew what I was going through. All of the sudden, I would know this person was smarter than the average Joe. I would want to get to know them more because I would assume they were like me in some ways.

    And I'd probably laugh.


    They were arrogant and funny. They were above the bar because they had been pestered by all the idiots of the world. And that is the next step for someone who is constantly bothered by people: Challenge.

    We’re BORED.


    Okay, now that you've had a lesson in dogs, let's go back and think about this from a different perspective: That of the woman.

    Okay guys, you're horny and don't lie to me and say you're not. You want sex. Fine, we're programmed like that for some reason and that is not the point. The point is every woman you meet KNOWS the one of 40 lines you are going to say. She's been approached by every idiot male since about the age of 13 or so. Guys have been hitting on her EVERYWHERE she goes. EVERY day. I am lucky that I can leave the dogs at home. Imagine not being able to hide from the dirty old men, the disgusting frat boys, or the shy "let's be friends" adult-children guys. You know they are going to try and trick you into having sex with them. Either they’ll try some line, or they’ll try to be your best friend only to try and kiss you in 6 months. You KNOW what they are going to say, you KNOW what they want, and you KNOW you're not interested.

    Why? Because she's just met another "guy" and she is going to lump you in the pile of "guy" like every other guy. Just like I do with every other "person" I meet.


    Come back to doggy land for a few minutes.

    Now who are the people who stick out in my mind? Well, there were a few. There was the girl who asked me where I got them (California for one) and then asked WHERE in California. I told her “Near San Francisco.” She repeated, “Okay, but WHERE?”

    Where? No one asked what city I got them in, no one cared. It was clear she had a reason – she must know the area.

    I told her. Well, it turns out she went to high school at the rival high school where I grew up. All of the sudden we were connecting about ourselves and NOT the dogs. We talked about it. We talked about growing up there. And then she disappeared. And returned a minute later with her phone number written on a piece of paper.

    And I called her and asked her on a date.

    The other one was the young woman who I met at Petsmart. She asked me what kind of dogs they were and I laughed at her and said "Wait, you work HERE and don't know?" The conversation quickly became personal and I ended up asking for her number and going on a date. And now we are engaged to be married.

    She was the one in a million person who was different.


    So what happened there? She was DIFFERENT. She asked about ME. She made a connection to something OTHER than something completely obvious (the dogs) and instead made a connection to ME.

    She didn’t kiss my ass, she didn’t ask me the same dumb questions the other 5 people around me were asking, she didn’t even care about the dogs. She had a brain and used it.

    I frequent some other forums and give advice. Someone posted this exchange recently and it was BEAUTIFUL.

    some guy wrote:i was at a party the other day and a very popular, great looking girl was there and she had a belt with sea shells on it.
    me: "that’s a really interesting belt"
    her: "thanks"
    me: "you must love the beach"
    her: "I do!!!"
    me: "so are you more of a surfing-beach person or a tanning-beach person?"
    her: "tanning, definitely"
    me: "well that’s nice, but it won’t help you lose an extra pound or two"
    her: "omg you're such an asshole!" *laughs*
    her all over me

    Whoa. What happened here? That went so fast that most of you guys are going to miss it. Most of you women are going to attack him for being a jerk. But you know what? Well over 90% of communication is non-verbal. You're just reading what happened. You were not there. You did not see the eye contact. You did not see the body language. So just STOP and see the beauty of the conversation.

    In so many ways that TINY exchange is pure beauty. And you would do good to stop and think about everything that it says.

    On that particular forum, another member said "That's where I would get slapped" and another said "WTF? That's not good game." Don't get stuck on the game comment but realize ... it was beautiful. I replied:

    Actually, that is VERY good game. Why? Simply because he noticed something about her that had sentimental or personal value. He did NOT make the mistake most guys make which is to say "You're really hot" or something else. He took a genuine interest in something ABOUT her, made a connection to her PERSONAL life by using his brain and actually *thinking* for a moment. This clearly established himself as someone with well developed social skills, and he made it clear he was not some jerk. Then he poked fun at her in a way that was clearly not offensive to her. She laughed and that was the point.

    That is way to short to sum it up, but let me tell you ... after the previous 100 guys had walked up to her and said:

    You're hot.
    You're beautiful
    Great party, can I get you a drink?
    Hi, what's your name?
    Hey, what are you drinking?
    Hey, what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
    Hey, wanna go for a ride in my BMW?

    Or any other number of COMPLETE BALONEY lines you better bet she's going to be more than excited when someone comes up and says something...

    >>> DIFFERENT <<<

    I tell you what, if someone, ANYone had ever come up to me, once, EVER, and said "Nice Chihuahua's." I would have laughed my head off. If anyone had said "What are you compensating for?" in reference to having a small penis, I would have fallen down laughing. And I would have been immediately ATTRACTED to that person.


    Because they just proved to me that they UNDERSTAND THE CURSE OF HAVING PEOPLE ALL OVER YOU. They would have just shown they are on the same level as me. They would have been ...



    Okay, now that we have that down, let's discuss challenge.

    Challenge is the art of NOT being like everyone else. Challenge is the art of understanding that people are idiots and you're different. Challenge is also the fine art of NOT throwing yourself at someone. It’s backing off, relaxing, taking your time, and understanding that you can actually get better results with LESS effort.

    Yeah, jump all over my for calling people idiots, but if you are reading this you understand that we are all very limited in our skills and have a lot to learn. Heck, I'm a complete idiot. If I don't do something boneheaded at least once a week it would be a miracle. But who better to listen to? Folks, I've been there. I know what I am talking about because I am just a normal stupid guy. And now I am a little less stupid for understanding how women feel.

    NOTE: If you ever REALLY want to know what it's like to be a woman, dress up as sharp as you can and spend a night - the WHOLE night - in a gay club. You will be hit on a dozen times. You will hear the same lines over and over. You will be completely repulsed. And you will learn in one night how never to treat a woman.


    So what is a challenge?

    Don't you get it yet? A challenge is a guy who doesn't do whatever everyone else does. A challenge is a guy who does not fawn over a woman, does not try to initiate sex right away, who is different.

    I will give you an example:

    Recently my fiancé and I went into a high-end jewelry store to (1) get her engagement ring cleaned and (2) look at wedding bands for me. As we went in, I walked towards the repair desk and was approached by a very attractive young woman. I mean, she was easily a 9 on a scale of 1-10, the kind of woman you rarely meet.

    Stop. Wait. Now, in your head, what do you say to her? Make a mental note of it before you continue reading. If you were like I used to be you would lock up, avoid her, or say something stupid.



    Okay, think of how you would have handled it. Remember, she's smokin' hot!



    Okay, now most customers walk up and say "Hi, how are you, I'm looking for xyz" or something, right?

    Or maybe you avoided her altogether. Okay, that’s fine, I’ve done that.

    I am sure there are only 40 things that customer say to her, or ANY other employee at the store. And she knows them all. This is dog walking 101 here.

    So what did I say?

    I said "Hi, we're here for the buy one, get one free sale. Can you show me some items on special?" (Remember this is a jewelry store, and they NEVER do sales like that.)

    The look on her face was a completely blank. Classic. Now this is HUGE. Suffice to say there are TONS of details behind this, but what just happened was her auto-pilot turned off and now she was confused. (On a side note, this is also a well known hypnotic technique used by many groups to subvert rational thinking; but I won't describe how to do that, you don't need to know how anyway.) She actually was woken up from her "boredom" state of being at work. Her auto-pilot turned off because I just did NOT ask one of the 40 questions she was expecting. She could NOT go into her sales pitch. She could NOT recite from memory one of her 40 replies. She actually had to THINK.

    Boom. I was a CHALLENGE.

    I stood there for about 3 seconds as she tried to figure out how to reply. Clearly she wanted to be professional (remember, upscale store), but at the same time was not sure I was serious, but couldn't risk offending me. This is ALSO huge. All of the sudden her brain had to go from a dead stop to 100%.

    I leaned in a little and in a lower voice said "This is when you are supposed to point and say 'Actually Sir, that is next door.' You need to work on your sense of humor a little I think." [NOTE: Next door was a McDonalds.]

    Oh. She looked out the window. She smiled.

    She got it.

    The look on her eyes. Relief. Happiness. A joke. She was off the hook. She lit up like a light bulb and that was that. She was now TOTALLY awake. I went from there.

    At that time if I had wanted to I could have made small talk, asked for her number, and gotten a date with her, probably in less than 2 minutes.


    Because I was DIFFERENT. I made her THINK. I did not do what every other person does. I was a challenge.


    Now let’s go over some things that are NOT a challenge:

    1. You talk to a woman for a few weeks or months and tell her everything about yourself.
    2. You get her number and then call her to talk. Like friends.
    3. You call her and get her voice mail and leave a long, rambling, boring message.
    4. You call her more than once without waiting for her to return your first call.
    5. You follow her around in a sense – always visit her at work, drop by her house unannounced, email her frequently, call her frequently
    6. You supplicate yourself to her such as buying things for her, doing things for her and expect nothing in return
    7. You do not joke, flirt, tease, or poke fun at things with her.
    8. You ask her on a date to dinner and a movie.
    9. You act serious or boring all the time

    Here’s a motto I learned to help you be more of a challenge:

    The less you talk, the longer you last.

    Heads up guys, this is probably your number one issue. You talk too much and you’re boring. Talk less and be less serious. BACK OFF in a sense. You don't need to tell her everything about your life. In fact, some people who know me don't even know what I do for a living or how old I am. I've never told them and it *doesn't* matter anyway.

    You also need to make yourself LESS available. When you ask a woman out on a date, you need to take charge (women like that) and let her know when you are going. You also need to blow through excuses. For example:

    Him: Hey Cindy, how’s it going?
    Her: Great! How about you?
    Him: Hey, I think you should go on a date with me. This Thursday at 6:00 at Starbucks on E street. What do you say?
    Her: Oh, I can’t make that night, I have plans.
    Him: That’s too bad for you, that’s the only night I have free.
    Her: Really? Well, maybe I can make some time…
    Him: Maybe? Hey, this isn’t high school, you need to make up your mind!
    Her: Well I have this thing I have to do…
    Him: What, shampoo your cat? Come on, don’t give me some tired old excuse. If you give me one more excuse you’ll have to buy, okay? So… Thursday, 6:00, yeah?
    Her: Well… yeah, sure! I’ll be there.
    Him. Awesome! I knew you had it in you.

    Now there is a lot more to that tiny exchange, and yes it is very similar to a real world example, so let’s briefly go over the details:

    Him: Hey Cindy, how’s it going?
    Her: Great! How about you?
    [Small talk]

    Him: Hey, I think you should go on a date with me. This Thursday at 6:00 at Starbucks on E street. What do you say?
    [Makes his intentions clear – asked her on a “date” and knew the time and place]

    Her: Oh, I can’t make that night, I have plans.
    [Excuse. You have not sufficiently judged or raised her interest level. She does not want to go because she thinks you’re boring.]

    Him: That’s too bad for you, that’s the only night I have free.
    [Take charge, made yourself LESS available.]

    Her: Really? Well, maybe I can make some time…
    [Shifts now, because you did not ask when she has time {For you? Never!} but kept your schedule instead.]

    Him: Maybe? *laugh* Hey, this isn’t high school, you need to make up your mind! I need a yes or no here!
    [Blows through the lame excuse.]

    Her: Well I *do* have this thing I have to do but I might…
    [Excuse. Still unsure, going on auto-pilot to get rid of you.]

    Him: What, shampoo your cat? *laugh* Come on, don’t give me some tired old excuse. If you give me one more excuse you’ll have to buy, okay? So… Thursday, 6:00, yeah?
    [Blows through excuse AND sets up that she’ll HAVE to go with you in order to pay you back (“you’ll have to buy”) and assumes it will happen.

    NOTE: I cannot believe how many women will actually pay your way *if* she thinks you are fun to be with. This is a sign of her valuing your presence and worth.

    Her: Well… yeah, sure! I’ll be there.
    Him. Awesome! I knew you had it in you.
    [Closed the deal]

    Was this so hard? No, it was easy. All it took was a sense of humor, playfulness, and a little determination.

    Remember, most people give up after the first excuse. What’s the challenge there? None. Excuses are like real-world debates. You have to work through them, you have to make her think, YOU have to think, and you have to be smart enough to be one step ahead of the other person.

    You have to wake up and wake HER up. THINK. Use that brain of yours.

    Sure, you’ll flub some of these attempts, but that is when you hang up the phone and analyze the situation for 10-20 minutes. Ask yourself what you said, judge her reaction, and then think what you could have done wrong. Did you offend her? Did you make a lame joke? Did you make her uncomfortable? Whatever you did that got a negative reaction … don’t do it again!

    For reference, talking about SEX at ANY stage of the game, even when you are dating, BF/GF, or married, is generally a BIG turn off for women. I heard that *supposedly* it is the #1 most hated thing women encounter.

    So, what have we learned?

    Don’t be desperate. Relax. Don’t chase. Give her a hard time in a FUNNY way. Be confident. Ask her out and blow through excuses. If you get more than 2-3 excuses and don’t get a FIRM 100% “Yes, I will be there” from her then blow her off. If you get there and she does not show up within 15-25 minutes, LEAVE. Do not wait for her. Do not call the day of/day before to “confirm the date.” Either she is going to be there or not. No excuses and no permission to back out at the last minute should be granted (unless a real emergency comes up, obviously.)

    Okay, now with that said, you need to understand that this is a tiny slice of challenge. It is not a 100% guide. It is not 50% even, and even then you need to read between the lines. The whole point of challenge is to NOT be boring.

    Be yourself, but be different than the average Joe, but fun to be with.

    Be a challenge!


    There are varying degrees of challenge that women respond to. Some women do not care much for it, and are perfectly happy with a nice mellow life. Others need hard-core out of this world challenge. However, one thing is for sure, no woman likes the anti-challenge guy.

    To give an example, I am going to share with you how to GET RID OF A WOMAN.

    When I was in college, many years ago, I had a pager. Well, one day I got a page from a number I did not recognize. I called it and it was a girl I did not know. For whatever reason we started talking, even though it was a wrong number. We ended up chatting for about ten minutes, and then we hung up. I thought nothing of it. Just a random stranger.

    Well, the next day she paged me again. So I called, we chatted a little more, nothing big. Then she paged me again the same day. Well, okay, I called her again. Then she paged me a third time. Okay, this is too much, I did not call her back.

    She paged me again. Then later again. Then over and over and over. I must have gotten 50 pages in an hour. It was nuts! Finally, I called her to tell her to stop. She wanted a date. I said no.

    Big mistake!

    Over the next week she hounded me by paging me hundreds if not thousands of times. I had to turn my pager off, and when I would turn it on it would start again. I could not believe it. Here was a woman who had no clue what I looked like or who I was who was stalking me. She managed to get my home number. She started to call me now. It was unbelievable.

    Finally, I got a clue. I decided to relent. I called her and said "You win, let's go on a date." She was thrilled. So we set up a date and time.

    Then, completely serious, I asked if she wouldn't mind paying because I was just a little short on money this week. She hesitated, and then I worked my magic and talked her into it. "I'll make it up to you, it'll be a great time, I won't buy anything expensive, don't worry!" so she agreed. We talked some more and I just flirted and made small talk.

    Later, she called but I did not pick up. She started calling over and over again, it was stupid but I had a plan. After about 2 hours I called her back and asked her what was up. Nothing, of course, she just wanted to talk. I told her I had been working on my car. Then we talked for another 5 minutes or so and I asked her if ... if she wouldn't mind picking me up for our date. "Why?" she asked. I then sheepishly told her that my car was broken, and that I was trying to fix it, but needed a part for it. Problem was that it was kind of an expensive part and since I hadn't gotten paid yet, I couldn't fix the car. So after a few questions, she agreed to pick me up. So then I asked if she would mind "loaning" me the money to buy the car part. I told her I could pay her back when I got paid in a week. We talked about it for a while and she said she'd think about it. We hung up.

    *I* called *her* this time. We talked some more.

    Then I asked her if I could borrow $1500 because I was behind on my rent. And I had actually lost my job because my car broke down a few weeks ago and I have not been able to fix it. I faked a little crying and then "got it together." I offered to let her move in and not charge her *much* rent if she wanted, since I had a spare room in my apartment. My last roommate moved out because they said I was charging them too much, don'tcha know? But I *had* to, I told her, because I had lost my job and needed the money.

    She said she'd think about it, but wasn't sure. And that she had to go.

    I called her again, later that day, and left a message asking if she had thought about loaning me the money, and I couldn't wait for our date. Then I called her a few more times, leaving more messages about how much I liked her and couldn't wait to meet her.

    Funny, I never heard from her again.

    What happened? Anti-challenge. I was a leech. I was trying to suck her into my life and people resist. Here she went from paging me 1000 times a day to never talking to me in the matter of a day, just based on what I said. In reality, I never lost my job or had a problem with my rent, but she thought I was some loser who would always be borrowing money and could not drive her anywhere. Women don't go for that.
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Postby Nick on Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:39 am

A lot of that makes sense. I definetly believe in seperating yourself from the crowd. Sometimes challenge isb't the only way though.

Also this article is assuming that the girl is someone who gets hit on constantly. So yeah, more generalisations.

But reading this, it sorta makes sense as to why my fling last year failed. I initially met her because i initial convo seperate me completely from the crowd, but as i grew to like her i became obsessive and was just another guy again. Hmm.
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Postby shadowgrin on Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:27 am

Long post Laxation. That was almost half of the page in 1024x768 resolution.

I doubt the "technique" mentioned would work on sensitive shy types.

If you ever REALLY want to know what it's like to be a woman, dress up as sharp as you can and spend a night - the WHOLE night - in a gay club. You will be hit on a dozen times. You will hear the same lines over and over. You will be completely repulsed. And you will learn in one night how never to treat a woman.

Now that's something new. :lol:
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Postby Matt on Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:21 am

I doubt the "technique" mentioned would work on sensitive shy types.

actually it does......but when you reach a certain age, you find that there are very few, if any, shy types.
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Postby J@3 on Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:16 am

If you ever REALLY want to know what it's like to be a woman, dress up as sharp as you can and spend a night - the WHOLE night - in a gay club. You will be hit on a dozen times. You will hear the same lines over and over. You will be completely repulsed. And you will learn in one night how never to treat a woman.

Lol @ the assumption that gay people have no standards and would just hit on any random guy in a suit.
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Postby bigh0rt on Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:50 am

This is the point where I abandon this thread... :surrender:
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Postby Laxation on Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:05 am

Nick wrote:Also this article is assuming that the girl is someone who gets hit on constantly. So yeah, more generalisations.

Well, personally, I have a thing for hot women. Hot women get hit on a lot...

shadowgrin wrote:Long post Laxation.

Its from somewhere else... I just copied it here because its so useful
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Postby Jugs on Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:38 pm

1. You talk to a woman for a few weeks or months and tell her everything about yourself.
2. You get her number and then call her to talk. Like friends.
4. You call her more than once without waiting for her to return your first call.
5. You follow her around in a sense – always visit her at work, drop by her house unannounced, email her frequently, call her frequently
6. You supplicate yourself to her such as buying things for her, doing things for her and expect nothing in return
8. You ask her on a date to dinner and a movie.

Guilty :( . lmao.

But i do act playful and I aint always a serious boring motherfucker.
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Postby Matt on Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:42 pm

. You follow her around in a sense – always visit her at work, drop by her house unannounced, email her frequently, call her frequently

that's called stalking
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Postby lassen24 on Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:58 pm

I swore to myself that I would never post in this thread.
Anyways, I go out with 3-4 chicks a year, and one method that really works is pretending you're interested in someone else. Then other chicks want you more.

Like one time, I went out with the girls best freind a few times, only to get closer to the chick i actually wanted to bone. And 2 weeks later she was all over me.

But right now I have a bit of a dilema. I met these 2 girls at my school who are best freinds. They're both super hot, but I wanna get with the one, more so then the other. So I hit on them both for a while, then started paying a little less attention to the one I want, and hit on the other one more. Problem is, I was super drunk and told the one I like, that i like the other one :lol: . And the next day we were drunk (again) and I told her that i didn't like her freind anymore. So now I can't hit on her freind anymore which takes away my strategy. What do I do now?
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Postby Christopherson on Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:21 pm

1. You talk to a woman for a few weeks or months and tell her everything about yourself.
2. You get her number and then call her to talk. Like friends.
4. You call her more than once without waiting for her to return your first call.
5. You follow her around in a sense – always visit her at work, drop by her house unannounced, email her frequently, call her frequently
6. You supplicate yourself to her such as buying things for her, doing things for her and expect nothing in return
8. You ask her on a date to dinner and a movie.

Thats odd, those are the things that got me married to my smokin hot wife... The thing to remember is that High School and the real world are two different worlds. The shit that works in high school DOES NOT work in the real world.
Go Zags!
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Postby dada on Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:45 pm

lassen24 wrote:I swore to myself that I would never post in this thread.
Anyways, I go out with 3-4 chicks a year, and one method that really works is pretending you're interested in someone else. Then other chicks want you more.

Like one time, I went out with the girls best freind a few times, only to get closer to the chick i actually wanted to bone. And 2 weeks later she was all over me.

But right now I have a bit of a dilema. I met these 2 girls at my school who are best freinds. They're both super hot, but I wanna get with the one, more so then the other. So I hit on them both for a while, then started paying a little less attention to the one I want, and hit on the other one more. Problem is, I was super drunk and told the one I like, that i like the other one :lol: . And the next day we were drunk (again) and I told her that i didn't like her freind anymore. So now I can't hit on her freind anymore which takes away my strategy. What do I do now?
Just go in for the kill and call it a day.
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Postby Nick on Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:50 pm

lassen24 wrote:I swore to myself that I would never post in this thread.
Anyways, I go out with 3-4 chicks a year, and one method that really works is pretending you're interested in someone else. Then other chicks want you more.

Like one time, I went out with the girls best freind a few times, only to get closer to the chick i actually wanted to bone. And 2 weeks later she was all over me.

But right now I have a bit of a dilema. I met these 2 girls at my school who are best freinds. They're both super hot, but I wanna get with the one, more so then the other. So I hit on them both for a while, then started paying a little less attention to the one I want, and hit on the other one more. Problem is, I was super drunk and told the one I like, that i like the other one :lol: . And the next day we were drunk (again) and I told her that i didn't like her freind anymore. So now I can't hit on her freind anymore which takes away my strategy. What do I do now?

No offense but i'm glad your manipulative stratergy has bitten you in the ass. :lol:
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Postby bigh0rt on Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:56 pm

Christopherson wrote:
1. You talk to a woman for a few weeks or months and tell her everything about yourself.
2. You get her number and then call her to talk. Like friends.
4. You call her more than once without waiting for her to return your first call.
5. You follow her around in a sense – always visit her at work, drop by her house unannounced, email her frequently, call her frequently
6. You supplicate yourself to her such as buying things for her, doing things for her and expect nothing in return
8. You ask her on a date to dinner and a movie.

Thats odd, those are the things that got me married to my smokin hot wife... The thing to remember is that High School and the real world are two different worlds. The shit that works in high school DOES NOT work in the real world.

Eh, it does for those who never grow out of the mentality, which is unfortunately more than we'd like to believe.
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Postby Laxation on Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:36 pm

Nick wrote:No offense but i'm glad your manipulative stratergy has bitten you in the ass. :lol:

If it works... :lol:

Your best bet is to just ask out the one you like... How old are you too? If you are going out with 3-4 women a year (I assume theyre relationships?) then you probably need to do something different to keep them around a little longer...
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Postby lassen24 on Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:12 am

Haha yeah I do deserve to be bitten in the ass. But I'm only 16. I'm just gonna go for the one then.
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Postby Nick on Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:25 pm

More success with MSN girl. Saw her again last night. We actually hooked up this time, so we're more than just friends. Made out for a good 2 or 3 hours. Hottttt girly...


Laxation wrote:
Jugs wrote:I found my balls tonight.

She didn't say no. But she didn't say yes. She said it was a confusing answer lol. But we proceeded to spend most of the night together. Then I finally hugged her lol.

My forecast is I'll be receiving a yes. lol.

Jugs... jugs, jugs, jugs, jugs...

If she liked you, why would it be so confusing to say yes? The only confusing thing to do is find a nice way to say, "You're such a good friend, but..."

I wish you listened to me, for your sake

From the sounds of things, seems you were right on the money.
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Postby Jugs on Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:30 pm

I'm sorry ladies of the NLSC (and coolmac) but I, in fact, are taken.

She said yes.
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Postby bigh0rt on Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:48 pm

am taken. :wink:

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