Get the application here! It is FREE!
Manni Live
Hi all,
If you have not noticed, I have been gaming with many different members of the NLSC community. How? PARSEC!
This is a free application that allows you (securely) to connect with people all around the world and play games right off of a desktop. Let me give you an example:
I say "Hey Simonn-Lee, want to play 2K17?"
He says "Sure!"
Simonn-Lee jumps on Parsec, hits connect on my desktop link, I accept his connection, and he can now see my desktop.... it is that easy. Just a reminder, I live an hour outside of Boston, and Simonn-Lee lives in China. We have already played a game of NBA 2K17, and it worked like a charm.
Once someone connects to you (Or you connect to them), the gamepad you use will automatically be identified as if you were playing locally. Andrew and I have played with him using a generic gamepad, and a PS5 controller, and most people I have connected with use Xbox 360 or Xbox One WIreless controllers.
Here are the settings that I recommend for EVERYONE, they have worked 100% of the time with all users I have connected with regardless of location or internet speed, and whether I or them was the host. Below you will see the appropriate Host and Client settings, this only takes a minute to set up:
Note: You may say "My monitor only does 60 fps, and my bandwidth is lower, how is that going to work?". Trust me.... these are the optimal settings, and every time I adjust them I don't have the same quality of performance, and neither does the client. Please use the settings I provided below for the best experience.
Client Settings

Host Settings

Network Settings

In order to connect with someone, it is really simple. After you add them as a friend, they will show up with their Parsec user name under a CPU icon. You would just hit connect, and they would just accept the invite on their end.

Here is a list of my current friends on Parsec. The icon you see on the left is what I click to view them, or add a new friend.

A note about controllers
Sometimes when you get into a game, it takes a few seconds for the clients controller to be recognized. If it isn't recognized after 60 seconds or so, just jump out of the game and jump back in, it should be recognized at that point. If it is still not recognized, Just have the client disconnect from Parsec and reconnect.
A note about sudden connection performance drop
If for some reason your connection isn't great, you and the client both should restart your CPU's. That worked when Andrew and I once had a sluggish connection
Hope all of this helps.
People, lets play these games! The opportunities are endless here! This means you can play all the classic titles that are no longer offline with or against eachother... AND WITH MODS!!
DISCORD INVITE LINK: https://discord.gg/HF3pVw5qa5
Some examples of games I have played with the community: