Kari Scoreboards - ESPN 2021(updated to finals) / TNT / NBC SNF / FOX / 2k20

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Re: Karis Scoreboards - AIO Scoreboard pack - ESPN / TNT / NBC SNF / 2k20

Postby poldyman23 on Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:28 am

Dee4Three wrote:I figured out the wipe situation. It is tied into the gooeyoverlaysstatic.iff. Here is a screenshot of a quick TNT wipe I made.

[ Image ]

I overwrote these files in that archive. I may not have had to overwrite all three, but this method did work. Either way, we can make wipes now.


I love that!
Can you share that Watermark and Wipe to put in my 2K20 game please?
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Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2024 8:56 am


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