Specific Case

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Specific Case

Postby NewHere001 on Mon May 02, 2022 1:42 am

Unsure where to look to get this information, but can anyone help me out with my very specific use case?

I wanna play NBA 2k17 with the 2021-2022 rosters, and use those updated rosters to play MyCareer. Is this possible? How would I go about implementing this? First and foremost, how are people able to play NBA 2k17 on PC? I've looked everywhere on the internet with no luck.
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Re: Specific Case

Postby Andrew on Mon May 02, 2022 8:51 pm

NBA 2K17 is still playable through Steam if you own it, or can get hold of a key through a reseller (though there's always a certain amount of risk in dealing with resellers). It's no longer available through the Steam store, since online support was discontinued some years back. This also means that the MyCAREER experience that's still available is the stripped-down offline version.

There's no in-game method of using custom rosters in MyCAREER. If there's a 2022 season mod available, it might be possible to use external means to load custom rosters into MyCAREER, though I'm not certain that it is. As MyCAREER wasn't intended to use custom rosters, there's no guarantee that there wouldn't be issues and glitches, even if it is possible.

Unfortunately I can't be more specific than that because I don't know for sure if it's possible, but if it is, it would be through external manipulation (a trainer, Cheat Engine, etc). If you don't yet own NBA 2K17 PC, the only legal way to get it (which is the only way we support/allow discussion of here) would be through a reseller, since it's no longer listed in the store. It can still be installed through Steam if you own it though, so as long as you can get your hands on a key, it will activate.
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