Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:27 pm

The men are definitely in a worse position. It helps that the women who were called up basically built the division and made it more relevant than ever in the WWE, while the men had more established names to compete with (as you noted). Joe's had it the best as of late since he's at least been in the title picture. Having the Universal title off TV (again) doesn't help matters, but there's a general lack of care given to angles outside of the main event picture.

See, that was the great thing about the Attitude Era: multiple angles we could be interested in. Sure, professional wrestling was really hot at the time, competition from WCW certainly played a role, and it didn't hurt that the product pushed the envelope a little bit more. However, the fact that there were at least three or four long-running angles that were entertaining and held our attention meant the whole show felt relevant. Today's product doesn't need to be raunchy to be good; indeed, some of the raunchier stuff in the Attitude Era led to some of the silliest and worst angles of the time. But you do need to effectively use all your talent, and have good angles outside of the main event/world title picture.

Becky Lynch has been the best thing going in a long time, and while we might say that's a low bar, she's well above it. I think the only other really good angle they've got going at the moment is Rollins and Ambrose. It does suffer a little from being a rehash of when The Shield first broke up and it was Rollins who turned heel, but even then there's a "turnabout is fair play" aspect to it, as well as a rawness (especially in light of Roman Reigns' diagnosis and subsequent sabbatical). Daniel Bryan's heel turn might turn out to be another good angle, but yeah, a lot of characters are just in limbo right now.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby shadowgrin on Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:43 pm

Vince not a fan of Owens' ringwork.

Nakamura a flop in the main roster, still with the WWE because boss shovel doesn't want to admit his investment in one of the biggest names in Japan is a failure. Also rumors of WWE gonna make a scouting and training center in Japan, having someone like Nakamura still with the company would help a lot in attracting talent.

I like what WWE is doing with Balor in trying to find a gimmick for him other than being a demon, don't want to be too reliant on that gimmick, just look what happened to Bray Wyatt.

Joe's overrated imo. Styles > Samoa 4lyf
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:00 pm

Wyatt needs a repackage. I heard a rumour that they might be looking to reform the Wyatt Family for the umpteenth time, which is probably the best they can do with the character at this point, but that's not a good sign.

Weak booking aside, they never gave him enough of a motivation or direction. Was he trying to dominate the competition and win championships? Take over the WWE? Destroy the WWE? Ruin lives? Recruit people to his cult? They touched on all of those ideas at some point, what with briefly bringing Daniel Bryan into the fold (fortunately short-lived) and then Randy Orton (except surprise, Randy was playing him all along), and of course he did get a brief run with the WWE Championship. His character was generally directionless though, and after a while, the mystique wears off and generically creepy promos just seem like filler.

The stuff with Matt Hardy was entertaining for how WONDERFULLY bizarre it was, and the novelty of seeing Matt bring the BROKEN/WOKEN stuff to WWE. Aside from that, they've really dropped the ball with Bray Wyatt. Even that angle had the potential to change up his character, what with being thrown in the Lake of Reincarnation and all.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:38 am

I think Vince is still not ready to give the main titles to Japanese stars, hence Asuka and Nakamura not winning them. And I agree with Andrew that female NXT call-ups did indeed fill up the women's division with able performers. Though I still think Becky is the hottest thing going in the main roster right now.

Also agreed that the Rollins/Ambrose feud felt like it's a 2015 rehash of the feud only with a role reversal.

Looking at how NXT was booked for yesterday's Takeover, the storylines lined up on the card smoothly (given they only have 5 Takeover shows a year) -- compared to how the main roster booked the past 5-6 weeks, stuff really felt rushed. And speaking of Takeover...

HOLY SMOKES, WHAT A TAKEOVER. Velveteen Dream stood out again. And it seems like Aleister Black would remain with NXT up to Royal Rumble weekend as he's probably cashing his rematch clause against Ciampa. The War Games match is an absolute wreck (in a great way), although I found it funny that when Dunne's caged was double-locked, they could've just lifted the cage since it's open from below. :lol: I thought the NXT Women's title match could've been longer given the 2-out-of-3 falls stipulation, and I was right about Io Shirai coming out for the save against the Horsewomen shenanigans. Looks like Kairi would also be staying with NXT to continue on the feud.

EDIT: Lars Sullivan is called up to the main roster.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:18 am

Oh, now they're acknowledging that Nia is the cause of Becky's injury, and she's getting booed really loudly.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:20 am

Nia's been playing it up on social media, too. I guess it helps her heel heat, but does little for her legitimate backstage heat.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:06 am

Nice match between Rollins and Nakamura, and it's really funny that they don't count Smackdown's win on the pre-show. Way to go, main roster.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:24 am

Well, he's not coming back anytime soon.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:26 am

Raw up 3-nothing with three matches left, if Smackdown wins the next three and the pre-show win doesn't count, what's the point of this? :lol:
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:29 am

Velveteen Dream is becoming "Mr. Takeover" despite not winning any matches

I agree, the shows need multiple storylines that are interesting. They seem to be quick to pull the plug on hot storylines that people are tuning in to watch. Or just too slow to capitalize on one.

In the 90s, big stars didn't need to be in the title picture to have interesting stories
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:40 am

Might just skip the rest of the show and just get to work. :lol:

The tight schedule of the PPVs didn't help booking the roster as it really does look rushed. NXT benefits from the long, drawn-out storylines because of how much Takeover shows they have a year.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:42 am

Which is why I think the supposed need for the brand split and two world titles is overblown, as it was for many years during the original run. They had some huge names in the 90s, and the titles they had at the time more than sufficed. And of course, the Universal title has barely been on TV for the past year and a bit, making it a moot point anyway.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:27 pm

*kept watching anyway*

Raw winning again, so according to WWE canon, it's 4-0 for Raw. The show should be canceled by now.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:33 pm

Clean sweep by Raw. What the fuck is this shit. :lol: Way to go, main roster booking.

EDIT: So sick and tired of Brock.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:46 pm

A desperate attempt to make out like it's the better of the two shows, that's what it is.

So Charlotte turned heel and the crowd was kind of into it? Hope that doesn't end up derailing Becky's push. They've probably got the face and heel alignments right (finally), but they can still mess it up with terrible booking. Then again, they're on Smackdown and not RAW, so there's a chance they don't blow it.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:49 pm

Yeah that was kind of weird that they got into charlotte's beating of ronda, but I felt them kinda turning on ronda early, so maybe' it's not about charlotte but more on ronda, epscially the way she's been selling the fight against becky.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby shadowgrin on Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:43 pm

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:26 pm

Probably going to be zero dollars if he keeps burning his bridges in the business. You'd think he'd have more sense after all that happened, but I guess you can't teach that.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:36 pm

"If I have a dime for every time I make a fuss and get kicked out, I'd get.... ZERO DIMES!!!"
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:37 am

Apparently Braun's dealing with an elbow injury. No confirmation that he's definitely out of TLC - right now WWE are apparently just hedging their bets - but he can't catch a break.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:46 am

He scraped an elbow on the steps running into them during the attack last night, but most likely the injury is for storyline purposes

Curious to see how they play the Charlotte turn tonight as they barely even mentioned it last night. Props to Ronda who I'd say that was her first legit (non-squash) match and she got the hell beat out of her. I think they'll play it like Becky trusted Charlotte to win and she let Becky down so they'll continue to feud, hopefully leading to a TLC title match at the ppv
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:45 am

That particular injury is kayfabe, but apparently he may need elbow surgery, so it's a way of writing him off and explaining his absence if it comes to that.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:25 am

And also LOL to the fact that Stephanie said that Braun will indeed get the title match at the Royal Rumble, confirming Brock's non-appearance until after the new year. Way to go, main roster!
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:02 am

Not to mention that once again, she undermines her GM and makes him look toothless. Whether the GM is face or heel, she's now three for three in that regard.
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