Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:12 pm

Yeah I actually enjoyed Evolution way more than I expected. Crowd was pretty hot from the start, too. There were some very, very obvious botches (Alicia Fox breaking the count way too late when the ref counted, the table not breaking when Charlotte did a moonsault on Becky, referee seeing the interference on Shayna's behalf, Sasha's way too short of a tope con giro after the slight hesitation, and not giving Becky and Charlotte the main event spot).

Becky's way too hot now, and that Last Man Standing match was wonderful. There was a spot where Charlotte has Becky in the Figure 8 with the ladder between them, and the referee (I think it was Chioda) subtly kicked the chair several times for Becky to reach.

EDIT: Show mostly feels like an NXT production, from the cheesy rock first segment all the way to the lights dimming when the contenders for the title are introduced.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:30 pm

Lol the kicking the chair was clutch. Most casual fans would not have noticed even though it was in plain view in the shot. I like how the table didn't break and instead of trying the same thing again, Charlotte did something different but equally spectacular

Yeah I dunno what fox was doing other than sitting on the apron when she was supposed to break that up. They kept touting her as the longest tenured female on the roster, well it's no wonder she is still at the bottom of the roster after all these years
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:59 pm

Oh yeah, props to Charlotte on not doing the moonsault again and instead of going for a rolling senton which I thought would have put enough weight onto the table so it breaks. Great call on that one.

Yeah can't believe Fox is still going, and it has been 10 years since she began and I thought the ref should have just gone for the three-count so that Fox would not have looked at fault for coming in way too late to break the pin.

Also, thoughts on the Storm/Shirai match: I thought it was good, but could have been better. I think their time was cut off short. Same with Sane and Baszler's match. I kinda felt both matches were short.

Seems like both Kairi and Shayna won't be coming up soon (which I also thought is the right thing to do), and Shayna would have the rest of her pals as stablemates. Kairi would then have to pair with Io Shirai to even stand a chance.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:24 am

I could see horsewomen vs io sane and Mia yim

Is it just me or were you also very disappointed they changed io's very catchy entrance music from the Mae young classic? Lol

I remember thinking the storm io match was just the right amount of time knowing how early in the card it was. They had enough time for one false finish and a rebuttal and then the real finish

I get annoyed when matches end in interference, because I feel kinda cheated lol so I'm glad that sane and Shayna match didn't go on longer

Also, looks like Becky might finally be allowed to make that turn. Her IG post today acknowledged the fans that came along the journey with her
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:57 am

I thought it was a great show with a great crowd; it should become an annual event. Some of the matches could have benefited from having more of a story heading into the event, but they were entertaining nevertheless. Sure, there were a few botches - Alicia Fox missing her cue being the worst one - but that's professional wrestling. Fans tend to focus on it more when it's women's matches, and without getting into a whole debate about it, I believe it's fair to say that critique often isn't in good faith. But yeah, Fox missing that was up there with Mick Foley erroneously counting to three back at Hell in a Cell.

Becky/Charlotte was awesome. Again, they tried to paint Becky as the heel in the wrong, though that kind of changed towards the end of the match and Cole's comments as Becky held up the belt on the ramp did hint at a different direction. Not to beat a dead horse, but the character work and matches have carried the feud in the face of creative trying to tell a story that the crowd isn't buying.

Ronda's setup to the armbar, that small package slam/driver off the second rope, was really cool. I really like that they've been having those innovative spots in her matches, so it's not just a case of her pummelling opponents and then making them tap. Her selling is among the best in the division as well. She is going to have to lose eventually though, and it's crucial they book that properly. Look how they botched the end of Asuka's streak.

Again, great show, and I'm in favour of it being an annual event.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:22 pm

I do appreciate her being a fighting champion and actually wanting to be there to compete, despite her Superman status
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:57 pm

She also sells a lot more than someone like Brock Lesnar, and far better to boot. It definitely helps that she was a fan of professional wrestling growing up, so she has an appreciation for the business beyond dollars on top of the legitimacy of her accomplishments in judo and MMA.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:29 am

[Q] wrote:Is it just me or were you also very disappointed they changed io's very catchy entrance music from the Mae young classic?

Oh, that's why it sounded so different! I thought it was just me, but now that you said it, I think she should've just kept her theme from MYC. Kairi also reverted to her first post-MYC theme yesterday.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby shadowgrin on Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:21 am

Despite the criticisms of Charlotte's booking (which is mostly in due part to creative) in can't be disputed that she's always willing to take most of the punishment for spots in her matches.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:33 am

Definitely. She delivers on her ring work, and she takes some impressive bumps.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:29 am

So...DX goes over because of course,Lesnar squashes Braun in less than three minutes to win the Universal Championship, and Shane McMahon wins the World Cup. The women's locker room should feel very smug right now. Evolution destroys Crown Jewel.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:32 am

They wheeled out Hulk Hogan probably because that's what the royal family wanted after Cena and Bryan pull out. Controversial, but I guess it's better than murdering a journalist
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:51 am

Good thing I didn't watch it. Any match worth taking a look at?

Heard somewhere that Shane winning that joke of a tournament leads to a Shane heel turn (hence that ultimatum on the Smackdown weeks ago that the Smackdown guy that loses the final would get fired), putting Shane in that typical heel authority figure role again whom a babyface will ultimately defeat probably around WrestleMania time.

Hopefully that "Best in the World" trophy and title sticks with him so that they book it and somehow get either Jericho back. Heck even Punk, too.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:46 am

Show overall was pretty terrible. I skipped through most of it. I wanted to see how Kurt would do and he did better than his previous matches. Undertaker looked the best he's been in a while but I wound up falling asleep during that match. Honestly I was way more excited for the women's ppv than this. Wasn't really looking forward to seeing any of these matches
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:15 am

Thanks, Q. I planned to watch that live but it was scheduled 12 midnight here. Pissed that Braun still hasn't won that title.

So what happens now? AJ would lose again vs Brock in Survivor Series?
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:35 am

Honestly I don't know if they'll do AJ vs Brock. Brock might just say no and they stick AJ in the survivor series match. I don't know what they'll do with Ronda vs Becky since they're both hot right now and neither one can take a loss right now. I think they'll have a match and when they're ready to end it, Charlotte will come in and interfere for a DQ/no contest to protect everyone.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:40 am

Yeah, a dirty finish to protect both Ronda and Becky sounds like the likely outcome. I don't fancy the idea of AJ jobbing to Lesnar again, but if that match gets booked, I assume that's how it'll go down.

I don't really like the idea of a Shane heel turn. Heel authority figures are beyond played out at this point, and it's been refreshing to have a face in charge on Smackdown.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:02 pm

Another thought about Crown Jewel was it was nice to see entrances with pyro once again. I had forgotten what that was like.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:35 am


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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:11 am

Maths checks out. (Y)
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:25 pm

phpBB [video]

Neville in a Dragon Gate house show. Scary sell!
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:59 pm

That's just messed up, man.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:10 pm

Becky Lynch can do no wrong. She gets busted open during a segment and it actually makes her more endearing lol
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:02 pm

She's one of the best things going in WWE right now, if not the best. The Man, if you will.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:03 pm

But damn it, I hope she doesn't get booked to lose on Survivor Series. I'm fine with a screwy draw or no-contest as both women are being booked as "hot" now, although I'll have to argue that Becky is organically more over than Ronda.
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