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Re: WWE 2K

Postby [Q] on Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:34 am

Lol Dame Lillard a dlc character for this game
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby [Q] on Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:03 am

Battlegrounds is going to be free on PSN next month. I wonder how easy it is to unlock DLC characters for free and if it's q tough grind
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:40 am

I saw that when I looked up the July games yesterday. I'll certainly check it out for free, and keep my expectations low.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby [Q] on Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:07 am

2k is smart in releasing old games for free then raking in money through microtransactions
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:56 pm

Absolutely. Same approach as briefly giving away NBA 2K21 when it came to Epic. It boosts engagement numbers and brand awareness if nothing else. I mean, everything I've seen and heard has turned me off buying Battlegrounds, but I'll check it out if it's free. I claimed 2K21 on Epic and I already own the game on Steam, PS4, and PS5. People love freebies.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby [Q] on Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:14 am

I tried some of Battlegrounds and my god there's so much to unlock (as expected, much like Playgrounds). I was able to level up and complete challenges to get 3000 "Battle Bucks" to unlock Cesaro, but there's a ton of major and top characters that cost 12000 to unlock and that's not including the alternate costumes.

The game itself isn't that fun or revolutionary. To me, it feels a lot like Playgrounds in the sense that they try to be arcadey but it's just a bit too complicated to make it legitimately fun. Admittedly, I didn't play enough to really learn the buttons but it feels like a lot of button mashing (and at some points useless button mashing)

I really enjoyed the old WWF Wrestlefest arcade game as a kid and I wish they'd do a new version of that.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:48 am

That's pretty much been the verdict so far. Saber Interactive and arcade games that don't quite live up to the hype; name a more iconic duo.

(Damn you, WWE).
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby bigh0rt on Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:30 am

I would settle for an updated WCW/nWo Revenge or WWF WrestleMania 2000 type game. Obviously not just an update like you see online, but that basic gist. It felt like they captured simplicity of play, while still making it feel fun and dynamic. Maybe the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:58 am

Apparently the new AEW game is being developed along those lines. And of course, Pro Wrestling X is still in the works, though it's been well over a decade at this point, and the latest public release still feels like a tech demo in many respects.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:37 pm

I've been hearing good things about WWE 2K22, and considering there are some released wrestlers still in the roster like that I like (i.e. The IIconics, now The IInspiration) as well as other faves who are still in the company, I'm thinking about picking it up. The problem is that 2K had to 2K it up with the pre-order bonuses and absurdly expensive DLC packs. This wasn't the year to push their luck with goodwill, but again, 2K is going to 2K, so I'm not shocked that they did. Still, I'm waiting for a sale at this point, having soured on the series that much. There was a time when I pre-ordered the WWE games as I did the NBA titles, but the trust and value for money hasn't been there.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby jubba910 on Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:56 am

Andrew wrote:I've been hearing good things about WWE 2K22, and considering there are some released wrestlers still in the roster like that I like (i.e. The IIconics, now The IInspiration) as well as other faves who are still in the company, I'm thinking about picking it up. The problem is that 2K had to 2K it up with the pre-order bonuses and absurdly expensive DLC packs. This wasn't the year to push their luck with goodwill, but again, 2K is going to 2K, so I'm not shocked that they did. Still, I'm waiting for a sale at this point, having soured on the series that much. There was a time when I pre-ordered the WWE games as I did the NBA titles, but the trust and value for money hasn't been there.

My biggest problem with the WWE 2K series is the lack of ability to create actual stories. I've been playing 2K19 for 4 years now (Almost exclusively Universe Mode) and there's all the customisation you could want in terms of creating shows from arenas to championships, but every show can only have three rivalries running concurrently.

It puts the onus back on the player to basically keep their own note of their booking without any input from the game itself. There needs to be more harmony between you having an idea of what you want to do in your head and the game assisting you and giving you ideas. I've seen universe gameplay from 2K22 and it's only been increased to 4 per show. It's completely unrealistic to think that only 3-4 storylines/rivalries are running concurrently on one show whilst everyone else sits in flux.

Another alternative to this is just bringing back Story Mode. I didn't really touch 2K14 as much as most did (Only got back into WWE mid-2014), but from what I've seen online that story mode feature allowed you to create storylines and such in immense detail.

IMO unless the rivalry system is upgraded/fixed I don't feel the need for an upgrade, or until they shut the servers off for 2K19...But then again the PC versions mod community can bypass this.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:18 pm

The cynical fan in me wants to say that limiting rivalries/feuds like that is a realistic aspect of WWE's booking at times, but all jabs aside, that is definitely unfortunate. I need to go back and play some of the early to mid-2010s WWE games, as I didn't spend as much time with them as earlier ones. Even though their campaign/story modes were mostly on rails with some branching, I have a lot of nostalgia for them; even that crazy story where Candace Michelle is transforming people with her magic wand (which turns out to be a concussion/coma dream, but still). The later games did do a tremendous job with the showcases, though.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby jubba910 on Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:43 pm

That is true, but also there's 6 championship slots, what are you meant to do for the 1-3 other slots, or any rivalry not involving a championship? It's just poor logic.

I played a ton of SVR/SVR06/SVR07 and even played 2011 when I wasn't really a huge fan of wrestling and their story modes are great for a nostalgia kick.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby [Q] on Sat May 07, 2022 1:41 am

This actually looks fun from the outside looking in. Sounds like they had to improve on the disaster that was 2k20 and took the year off to focus on the new generation of consoles.

That said, I don't really play wrestling games anymore but I would check it out if it was given away for free on Playstation Plus at some point in the future
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Sat May 07, 2022 7:56 am

I wouldn't be able to pass that up either, though I still always add the free games out of habit, no matter what they are.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Skysect on Wed Jan 29, 2025 5:21 am

pre-ordered WWE 2K25 today. I am buying this every year too. But I want to ask one thing could we need to backup something like rosters for this game too ? Like in NBA 2K games ? People are saying backups are only for community creations etc. I don't want to lose anything after those server shutdowns.
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Re: WWE 2K

Postby Andrew on Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:40 pm

I don't think there's an equivalent to that, since any new wrestlers/roster updates are either created or DLC that's always associated with your account.
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