by mp3 on Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:28 pm
Unfortunately the league has turned into was is a year long allstar game, no rivalries, too friendly and if we remember back to the days where players Luke Mutumbo and Mourning were making the allstar teams based on there defence more than anything but in the allstar game they would play the least amount of minutes because in the game there play style (defensive shot blockers) were deemed useless in the way the allstar game would be played with run and gun zero defence well unfortunately that's all year round now but the thing that made the league great was players wanting to dunk on people and the players that always jumped to block shot, that's what I always liked about players like Chris Dudley, Mutumbo, Mourning, Shawn Bradley, Chris Gatling etc because they dared to jump and it put fans on the edge of there seats.
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