All-Time Teams Roster for NBA Live 96 PC - Work In Progress!

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All-Time Teams Roster for NBA Live 96 PC - Work In Progress!

Postby Andrew on Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:12 am


All-Time Teams Roster

As you may have heard on the NLSC Podcast, Dee4Three and I are working on an All-Time Teams Roster for NBA Live 96 PC! NBA Live 96 is actually the game that led me to discover the NLSC and get into NBA Live modding way back in the day, so it seemed only fitting to use it as a springboard to get back into some modding.

What can you expect from the All-Time Teams Roster?

  • 29 All-Time Teams, Full of Franchise Legends!
  • No duplicates, to ensure unique match-ups and facilitate Season play!
  • Custom portraits by Dee4Three!
  • All-Time East & West teams for the ultimate interconference showdown!
Any limitations?

  • NBA Live 96 PC assumes all players are drafted in the 20th Century. Therefore, players drafted in 2000 and beyond will have incorrect Draft Years (1903, 1915, etc).
  • The art files are very finicky, so most likely the logos and other team assets will remain as they are.
  • There's a finite number of player heads, so in some cases, it's a matter of doing the best we can to replicate a player's look (e.g. using a flat top rather than a big afro).
How will I run the game?

NBA Live 96 is a DOS game, and thus can be run under DOSBox. We'll provide a comprehensive guide closer to release!

When will the project be released?

There's no set date as yet, but we're constantly working on the project. We'd like to ensure that all starters have proper portraits before any initial release.


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