NBA 2K16 Wishlist

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NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Kevin on Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:59 pm

NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Welcome to our official Wishlist thread for NBA 2K16! In this thread, we're compiling constructive feedback for the NBA 2K Development Team, based on what we want to see in NBA 2K16. Having talked to a couple of the developers about the Wishlist in the past, we've devised the following format so that we can provide them with the best, most useful and most comprehensive feedback possible.

Important Notes

Please keep this stuff in mind as you're posting your ideas!

    Post your top ten or fifteen wishes/suggestions for the game, ie. the ten or fifteen most important things that NBA 2K16 needs to do/add/improve upon. If you have a couple of extra points, that's fine, but no more than 20.

    Elaborate and post details where necessary. Don't write an essay, but saying things like "better gameplay" doesn't give enough feedback either. Mention specific issues, along with relevant improvements and fixes you want to see. A few sentences or subpoints are fine and will add clarification.

    Be constructive! No insults, flaming or bashing in this thread. If you're not interested in providing feedback, move along. If you want to vent about NBA 2K15, please do so in one of the impressions threads (or feel free to create a new one); again, this thread is for constructive feedback only. You don't need to sugarcoat things or hold back on talking about stuff that needs to be fixed, just don't be abusive or needlessly snarky.

That's about it. Feel free to start posting your ideas and if you have any further questions, just ask.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: 10-15 items (20 max) is a guide for those who want to post lengthier feedback. If there are only a few things you care to post, ie if your list is only five items, that's no problem, nor is it a problem if you post a few items, then remember some other ideas and post them as a follow-up. If it's constructive feedback, it's welcome; don't feel pressured to fill a quota of suggestions.
Last edited by Kevin on Mon May 11, 2015 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This topic was moved from NBA 2K15 by Andrew on Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:08 am.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Andrew on Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:17 pm

Thanks, stickied for convenience.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby wombatvvv on Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:33 pm

Sorry I didn't see this post when I made my previous post under "Help & Requests". Mods, please delete that one. I'll repost it here instead.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby wombatvvv on Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:35 pm

Hi guys.

I've been playing basketball video games for about 20 years (Lakers vs Celtics was the first one I owned on PC!), and through the years I've always thought there were basic things they could do to make it better. I'm glad to see NBA2K15 is the closest I've seen yet to the ideal BB video game. However, I have a few personal suggestions for future releases I'd like to share. Sorry in advance for the long first post - I'm just passionate about the game. :)

1. realistic body shapes (especially for created players). For some odd reason it seems that in 2K15, you have the ability to tweak tiny details like facial symmetry, but still (and this has been an issue in virtually every bball game I can remember), you have little to zero choice for their body, which is the most important thing! (for 95% of the game, you're looking at their entire body from a distance, not a close up of their slightly-asymmetrical nose or whatever).

For a created player their body shape does not reflect the BMI (relative height to weight ratio). A 6'10 player who weighs 220lbs should be quite lean, but a 5'11 player who weighs 220lbs should be built like a tank. Not only is this still a problem in 2K15, but you don't seem to be able to modify body shape at all apart from shoulder-width, and the default body type your MyPlayer gets is rather scrawny (especially in the arms).

This is even more baffling due to the fact that the AI players have relatively realistic body shapes (just look at Shaq or Karl Malone). Why can't the player select his body shape from one of the pre-made ones in the game, just like we can select our animations, etc.?

2. Player weight (and height) should be taken into account AND effect their attributes. Another problem in every basketball game I can remember.

If you have a guy who has a high BMI (weight to height ratio), they should have their stats capped. So they can never get 99 for speed, quickness or vertical. Likewise, a player who is built like a whisp should never be able to achieve 99 for strength. Same, to a lesser extent goes for height. A guy who is 7'2 should never be able to move the court like Isiah Thomas. Of course, you could get 7 footers who are exceptionally fast and agile, but in their case that would be a 70 or 75 rating, not 98.

This is also a great and realistic way to stop 'player players' creating unrealistic super-humans. Even if you reach your full potential, sacrifices have to made somewhere. If you're 7'0 tall, that maybe speed and agility. If you're 6'1 and 170lbs it's obviously reach and strength. A 6'6, 6'7, 200lbs player could get very high in almost everything, but still not as nippy and coordinated as a Isiah Thomas and still not as strong as Big Baby Davis (and definitely not carry his momentum into contact/driving!)

In my career, height and weight should also effect how difficult it is to upgrade some statistics. If you're a lightweight, it should cost more to upgrade your strength and be cheaper to upgrade your quickness - and visa-versa for heavyweights. For very tall players, it should cost more to upgrade their free throws, ball skills, etc.

3. My Career mode is way too scripted. For my 2c, it would be far better to have much more variety and options in the MyCareer story even if that meant using only still images and subtitle text. Of course it would be great if they were all cut-scenes and voice overs, but I imagine if you're going to add a heap of variety and options that would just be far too much to include. Cut scenes add virtually nothing to gameplay. They're a "nice to have" and that's it. And gameplay is what makes a really great and immersive game, not 3D rendered cut scenes that most people skip through anyway, especially if you already saw it once. For me, a more realistic career mode, with more options, more variety, and more realistic "world reactions" to your court performances and decisions beats cut scenes and player voices by a billion miles.

Also, at the moment, it seems every off-court decision comes down to two options: a) act like an arrogant douche-bag OR b) act like an arrogant douche-bag with a touch of false modesty.

What if you want to play the role of a quiet, lead-by-example type role model player, instead of an arrogant know-all? What if your player is a low-scoring, board-crashing power forward getting the un-glamorous hard work done? Why do you have to act like such a douche to Dante Exum? Why can't you just be modest and/or friendly? It seems at the moment MyCareer is tailored expecting every MyPlayer to be a cocky, high-scoring guard.

And while I'm at it, not every basketball player/fan speaks using ghetto slang. Can we at least have the option to talk like a normal person?

Regardless, it seems whatever you do, the MyCareer "story" pans out exactly the same way. A 10 day contract, another 10-day contract, a one year contract. Half way through the season, no matter what you do, everyone starts treating you like a star player and so on. This should all be variable based upon on court performance and off court decisions. This brings me to my next point...

4. Way too easy to become "the star" in MyCareer. Personally, what I like about NBA2K15 is it seems much more of a simulation than an arcade basketball game. This is great, but the MyCareer story should pan out the same way. If, like most of us, you're not freakishly good at the game (yet), you should be struggling to make the starting line up, even struggling to get a spot on the bench. Especially at the beginning of the game when you have very low statistics. This can be the challenge in itself ... just establishing yourself as a credible player. As it is, it seems you're fast-tracked into the team-leading super-star role by the end of your first season.

Of course, the opposite is also true. If you do happen to be freakishly good at the game (or you play in a easy mode or just start the game with lots of points to spend on upgrades from day 1), then you should be able to play the role of the undiscovered basketball hotshot. But that story line shouldn't be forced. That's what I mean when it comes to variety and options.

I'm guessing the game designers are worried it will be too difficult or no fun for players who don't care about career development and just want to play the role of a star. Well, they can just achieve that just by playing on an easy difficulty level or buying/saving up upgrade money before they start their career. The career mode shouldn't be tailored for players who want to be an instant success on the highest difficulty without putting in the practice.

5. More intelligent coaching directives. For example, you're a board-crashing power forward or center with low play-making skills that happens to pick up a few consecutive offensive boards and put backs resulting in some fast points. Suddenly the coach decides to "Direct the offence through you" ... that's not a very smart coaching decision (and pretty tough on the player when they inevitably fail). Instead, he should just say, "Great work on the boards, keep it up", not ask you to become the play maker all of a sudden.

6. Other minor points

- Dante Exum speaks with a London accent. I thought they used real player voices, but this really stood out to me (especially as an Australian myself). I checked on YouTube to make sure he really doesn't have that accent for some reason (maybe he lived there for a long time) and he doesn't. It's just weird. It would be like if some non-American made a game with a character from Texas who spoke with a Scottish accent. Probably isn't noticeable much to anyone who is not Australian, but just saying... made me snort.

- Rebounding seems way too easy. I'm coming to the close of the first season, and although I did concentrate on creating a rebounding beast, my stats are not yet very good and I'm averaging about 20 rebounds a game.

- Put backs are too difficult. Never managed to even do one. While the A.I. seems to be able to do highlight-reel putback dunks over my head while I'm boxing out.

- Free throws are too difficult ... then too easy. At the start, with no free throw upgrades, it seems extremely difficult to make free throws. I was averaging about 25%. As soon as I upgraded my free throw stat to about 60 it became so easy I'm all of a sudden hitting 90%. It should be easier to start with, then have a much slower improvement curve.

Lastly, this is an idea, rather than an improvement:

Option to start drafted or undrafted. I like the current MyCareer story. However, if for some reason you start the MyCareer mode with lots of "money" or attributes through in-game purchases, earning them in MyPark, or a previous career (I noticed if you play a career and earn money, then start a new MyCareer, you start with all your money from the last one, so can upgrade your player nicely from the first day), then there should be the option of actually getting drafted. This would be really fun.
Last edited by wombatvvv on Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:17 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Kevin on Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:35 pm

wombatvvv wrote:Sorry I didn't see this post when I made my previous post under "Help & Requests". Mods, please delete that one. I'll repost it here instead.
I actually had the idea to make this because I saw the thread that you made. :D
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby wombatvvv on Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:54 pm

Oh cool. Ha! Things happen quickly on this forum!

I noticed there was an NBA2K15 dev posting here somewhere, so who knows ... ideas/suggestions posted here may even be read by someone who matters! :shock: :P
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby MrVinceCarter15 on Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:59 am

1. Allow us to play my career with a rookies or Prime time stars (Vince Carter, Tmac, AI, Shaq, Kobe, Jordan etc. ) with accurate signatures, moves, dunks. It would be so cool
2. Better teammates IQ
3. Retro teams ( raptors 2000 , lakers 2000-02, OKC and many more)
4.More realistic nicknames or be able create one random, and commentators would pronounce it :)
5.more authentic commentators after you are longer in a league and you make a statement that you becoming a superstar, they would start pronouncing different after you make dunk or hit a 3pt. For example Carmelo Annnthony, Kobeee Bryant , VC threeee, may someone of you have noticed
6.body model, looks so unreal , like calf's so huge and whole body doesn't accurate as you choose weight and body type.
7. Draft combine, summer league (interacting with media, couches, staff)
8. MyPlayer big head cheering it should appear after season or two depends on your games, that the crowd starts rising your profile picture (big head)
9. More animations for game routines,celebrations ( rim kissing ) , its just only few that are good in 2k15
10. Bring more rookie stuff *hazing* , bring other teammates shoes, lunch etc.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby wombatvvv on Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:35 am

MrVinceCarter15 wrote:2. Better teammates IQ

+1 here ... they can be pretty dumb in MyCareer mode. Don't give the ball when you're open and then pass it to you when you're trying to battle for position for a rebound.

MrVinceCarter15 wrote:3. Retro teams ( raptors 2000 , lakers 2000-02, OKC and many more)

They already have retro teams. Or am I missing something? I was playing with the '95 Bulls just yesterday.

MrVinceCarter15 wrote:6.body model, looks so unreal , like calf's so huge and whole body doesn't accurate as you choose weight and body type.

Absolutely spot on.

Especially for big players, their body shapes are way off. Just looks like a normal person "scaled up". But really tall people don't actually look like that. Their shoulder width, limb thickness (calfs, like you say), and head size are only slightly larger than an average height person. Their body and limbs are just "longer". In 2K15, they seem to be scaled up in the same proportion as an average person which doesn't look right on, for example Anthony Davis, who in real life looks really slim with long, slim limbs.

FWIW, I read that they're doing full body scans of players for NBA2K16 which would fix this I guess. I just hope your MyPlayer and other created players can modify their body type as well, instead of being stuck with super skinny arms, big calfs and a big head.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby MrVinceCarter15 on Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:45 am

MrVinceCarter15 wrote:3. Retro teams ( raptors 2000 , lakers 2000-02, OKC and many more)

They already have retro teams. Or am I missing something? I was playing with the '95 Bulls just yesterday.

They do , but i wish they have also include raptors Vince Carter era, orlando Tmac time, lakers 2000-03, NJ Nets etc.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby skoadam on Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:59 pm

- FHD courts textures.
- Roster editor as DLC.
- Stop killing modding scene
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby wombatvvv on Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:45 pm

R.e. my first point and the cutscenes and voice overs, firstly I got to the end of the first season and it seems that really is Dante Exum's voice. At the start he sounded like an Englishman for some reason. Maybe they asked him to tone down his accent and that's the best he could do. In any case, all the voice overs are horribly stilted. These guys are definitely not professional actors or voice over specialists. Just another reason to leave it out. Put that money and development time into gameplay and more options and variety in the MyCareer story. If the NBA2K franchise is serious about being a simulation more than an arcade game, they should be looking more at games like Football Manager (which has no fancy graphics or voice overs) for inspiration for MyCareer, not GTA.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Demo21O on Fri May 08, 2015 2:07 am

1. New commentators and highlights
2. FLOP attributes for every player HAHA
3. Real attitude (if possible)
4. Realistic body/muscles/height
5. Has Shaqtin' a fool program (LOL)
6. Realistic playbook
7. Just bring back the current gen graphics for PC mode LOL.
8. Has an flashing announcement in-game when playing season or myCareer
9. Has Sprint Celebrity Game, Degree Shooting Stars and Taco Bell Skills Challenge on ALL-STAR weekend
10. in myCareer, the player can walk outside, can punch anybody just like in GTA hahaha that would be awesome :D
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby iamSamke on Fri May 08, 2015 2:20 am

I like all of yours wishes, Unknown User especially GTA one hahaha
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby FreeAtLast on Sun May 10, 2015 6:06 pm

PC Gaming experience is elevated by adaptability of the game.
Its one of the main reasons guys (including me) are still 2k11, 2k12, 2k14 etc...
Games like Skyrim have been improved considerably. Almost all Bethesda Games are Mod-Friendly.
It takes care of some of 2ks greatest flaws.(Tendencies, CFs, Environment, Framerate etc...)
I remember on of the moderators of this site said i couldnt compare the Effort of Modders with Devs but trust me the research & work put in by Hawk23 & rayhoops is INSANE...)
Also this request will take care of all guys saying i want Pacers(Miller), Suns(Barkley), Raptors (Air-Canada) etc....
Plus Retro Draft class.

How many guys want to create a center against Wilt , Russell ??
How many want to stop those Bulls 3 peat ??
How many want to give Shaq that ring in Orlando ??
How many want to deny Kobe his Rings ??
How many want to be a part of Magic-Bird Rivalry ??


OK so they have had the Customize your shoe for Years.....
They have had the nickname for Years.....


4. ONLINE LEAGUE SIMULATION (with Drafts, Player Development etc...)
The GM Mode was amazing
I hope 2k go one step further and make it simulation online.

I would love to play a League with my Friends where its multiple seasons with the entire My GM simulation
It would give us flexibility with our direction.
Some may want a WIN NOW attitude. Some may BUILD FOR THE FUTURE. Some may TANK. Some may ACQUIRE PROSPECT TALENTS etc.....
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Kevin on Mon May 11, 2015 2:34 am

Something that I kinda thought about when playing MyLeague last night was that I wanted to create my own team to play as/ control as in NBA 2K16. It would be hella cool to just create your own team and you can either select a fantasy draft to make things fairer or maybe compose your team with d-league stars or nba busts.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby FreeAtLast on Mon May 11, 2015 3:53 pm

Heyy one thing that i forgot....


Its Frustrating to play on HOF cause Sessions/Mayo/Collison basically make contested Fadaway 3 pts shots from half court with the shot clock winding down, while Lowry Missing OPEN GODDAMN LAYUPS on the other end.

I dont mind the Offensive Rebound Cheese, Myplayer missing open jumpers, teammates missing consecutive jumpers/3s.
But its frustrating when Deandre Jordan is Knocking Jumpers from 15 ft in your face while your teammates fail to connect on Fastbreak DUNK!!!!!

Also Dont tell me there is no Cheese - watch any of Smoove's Videos

The Following Online Cheese needs to be Worked on
1. Zigzag Cheese
2. Fading 3s - (dont give me the dang bank shots in the past 1 week stat)
3. That Miami Heat Playbook
4. Baseline Cheese
5. AI on teammates that just decided to sag off from Wing Players
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby iamSamke on Mon May 11, 2015 4:05 pm

If there wasn't any cheese's, Chris Smooove wouldn't be that popular. :lol:
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Michael_OS on Tue May 12, 2015 4:19 pm

FreeAtLast wrote:The Following Online Cheese needs to be Worked on
1. Zigzag Cheese
2. Fading 3s - (dont give me the dang bank shots in the past 1 week stat)
3. That Miami Heat Playbook
4. Baseline Cheese
5. AI on teammates that just decided to sag off from Wing Players

2.) Fading 3s are just lucky shots.
3.) Whats wrong with Miami's playbook?
5.)Use Physcal Defense.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby FreeAtLast on Tue May 12, 2015 5:35 pm

Michael_OS wrote:
FreeAtLast wrote:The Following Online Cheese needs to be Worked on
1. Zigzag Cheese
2. Fading 3s - (dont give me the dang bank shots in the past 1 week stat)
3. That Miami Heat Playbook
4. Baseline Cheese
5. AI on teammates that just decided to sag off from Wing Players

2.) Fading 3s are just lucky shots.
3.) Whats wrong with Miami's playbook?
5.)Use Physcal Defense.

2.) Fading 3s are just lucky shots.
Every time someone does the Zigzag at the 3 pt line...they invariably take do the Leaning/Fading 3. Luck isnt that shot going over 50% of the time.
More than def i think it is in 2k program logic that senses my defender of him and allows that shot to go in.

3.) Whats wrong with Miami's playbook?
Haha ur lucky u havent played with one of those basically a confirmed dunk Almost every time with the guy at the baseline cutting in or ur ball handler freeing off of screen. (There is a popular Youtuber who does this 90% of the time....cant remember)

5.)Use Physical Defense
Yeah i always use Phy Def but for some reason when the ball goes to the other side, one of the wing 3 pt shooters is always open. The Defender on him just sags off to go to the paint or off him while the ball handler is executing crossover/ zigzag
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby coffeeandteve on Tue May 19, 2015 11:04 am

wow finally an official 2k16 wishlist.

I posted this list before in another thread previously, so this is basically just copy-paste from that, with edit.

1. Trading mechanism in MyLeague or MyGM
a. 3 way or even more team involved in trading
b. able to involve more than 4 players/picks, as I feel some blockbuster trade needs more than 4 players/picks to be triggered
c. protected draft pick in trading, I don't know if this is hard to be implemented
d. sign-and-trade

2. Gameplay, team, roster
a. if possible, some selected national team is included in the team, and if even more possible, customizing the roster of the national team (some members mentioned there would be license issue, but anyhow it's possible like Euroleague)
b. D-League team roster
c. bring back the create a team options, along with the option to create the jersey, logo, etc.
d. bring back Headband and tattoos option in create a player
e. enable the option to edit a coach or create a coach
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby mastevi on Wed May 20, 2015 2:44 pm

So , my wishlist .( :bowdown: Santa Claus..)

1°- Gameplay ,team,roster

- Euroleague and D league . Mostly if you can sign their players in association mode.
- Summer leagues could be interresting
- protected draft pick in trading
- presence of ten day contract

2°- Make modding or editing easier.

- LIke FM, it could be interresting to have an editor. (Roster and draft..) :bowdown:
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby EMan on Mon May 25, 2015 1:28 pm

I only have one suggestion that has not been mentioned in this thread yet. Coach mode. I'd like it back please. I'd like to coach a team to the Finals. I miss that.

Also seconding the suggestions for 10 day contracts and a realistic D-League with correct rosters.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby MJALLDAY on Wed May 27, 2015 4:08 am

New Michael Jordan cyberface. New retro Bulls jerseys. Better body types. Everyone looks too skinny. I hate when they screw stuff up that they got right in 2k11.
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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby Kevin on Thu May 28, 2015 4:51 pm

1. Better Animations

The "NBA 2K" series has some of the best virtual basketball gameplay in videogame history but that doesn't mean that there aren't occasional hiccups. From players going for rebounds to ball handlers dribbling out of bounds, "NBA 2K16" could stand to have some more fluid motions. When pump faking a shot, a player shouldn't get completely trampled by the defender; he should still try to take the shot to get the foul call. And the series also needs to get rid of player flying into the air and swatting ally-oop passes away.

2. Improved Presentation

2K Sports does a great job with their in-game commentary, perhaps the best in all of sports video games, but the presentation could still be improved. The pre-game show and player introductions are great but more lines can be added to the commentary. Also, a new graphical presentation could be introduced; something more in line with TNT's basketball presentation.
3. Improved MyPlayer Mode

"NBA 2K15's" MyPlayer mode was fun this year but there were still a ton of head-scratching detail. When does a player ever come into the NBA wearing generic sneakers. Your MyPlayer should be allowed to sign a sneaker deal right when your season starts. Also, NBA players do not have to pay for their headbands, arm sleeves, etc., why should your MyPlayer have to?
4. Make MyTeam Less Expensive

"NBA 2K15's" MyTeam mode did a great job at releasing new players and packs but the packs were just too expensive. If users are spending 9,000 VC (virutal currency) they should have a better shot at landing good cards, as well as more cards.
5. More Realistic Trades

One of the best things about playing sports games is getting to run your own team. "NBA 2K15" offered a good RPG-like mode with MyGM and offered a ton of great sliders for MyLeague but the game still needs better trade logic. The NBA trade deadline is usually a crazy time in basketball, "NBA 2K16" should reflect that.

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Re: NBA 2K16 Wishlist

Postby BrotherJRB on Sun May 31, 2015 8:21 am

Play Creator

Play any historical NBA season (fictional players for unlicensed)
2013 is the year?
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