Monday Tip-Off: A Requiem for ICQ

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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Jerseys I've Worn In MyCAREER

Postby Andrew on Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:23 pm

Monday Tip-Off: The Jerseys I've Worn In MyCAREER

Retrospectives are usually the domain of Wayback Wednesday, but this is a topic that feels more suitable to tipping off the week with. Kenny has previously reflected on some of his most memorable experiences in MyCAREER, which highlights how many different jerseys his MyPLAYERs have worn. Now that I've mostly moved on from the mode, I also find myself looking back at my favourite MyCAREER games, and my preferred approach. Suffice to say that I wasn't as adventurous as Kenny as far as playing around with different builds, or taking my talents to different teams!

With that being said, I did end up wearing a few teams' jerseys throughout my various MyCAREER games. I'm glad that I did. As is the case with my franchise gaming over the years, the temptation of playing with the Chicago Bulls and leading them back to the top has been too strong to pass up. However, just as I've enjoyed dabbling with using other teams in season and franchise modes, eschewing the Bulls' jerseys for another uniform in MyCAREER has also been rewarding. While I like the ability to choose my destination, there's authenticity in the Draft having uncertainty. Thanks to donning a variety of jerseys, I've made some great memories in MyCAREER games.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Worst Game Ever...Until Next Year

Postby Andrew on Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:14 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Worst Game Ever...Until Next Year

There are apologists in the basketball gaming community, who shamelessly shill and defend NBA 2K at every turn. Of course, there are also haters who are disinterested in offering fair and constructive criticism. You've got also got fans who can sometimes be overzealous in looking at things through rose-coloured glasses, and critics who don't necessarily take certain factors into account. There are many opinions that are expressed loudly, and they aren't always the most nuanced takes. Thanks to their volume however, they're the ones that stand out, even if they're in the minority.

And then, there's the alleged phenomenon of every NBA 2K being labelled the worst in the series, only to be praised when the next game is released. Frankly, this notion that the community bashes every single game before retroactively loving it isn't fair or accurate. If you go back to some user reviews of older games, you'll find plenty of positivity. However, there's truth in saying that some gamers seemingly dislike every new release, while others appear to change their tune years later. It leads to criticism being downplayed on the basis that "every new game is always hated". We even see developers allude to that notion when defensively duelling with disgruntled gamers.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Look Beyond What You See

Postby Andrew on Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Look Beyond What You See

I'll be honest: I never thought that I'd be quoting Rafiki in an article about basketball video games. The sentiment fits though, so hey, hakuna matata. As in the metaphor that's repeated a few times during the course of The Lion King 1½, there's value in looking beyond the superficial aspects of basketball video games. That's not to say that graphics aren't in any way important. They form our first impressions of a new title, and when a new generation launches, we do expect to see some sort of leap as far as the graphics are concerned.

As such, I'm not trying to dismiss criticism of - or downplay disappointment in - the graphics of NBA 2K on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X (or any other game, for that matter). However, there's a reason we have a long-running gag on the NLSC Podcast about cancelling pre-orders if a new game doesn't feature any shoelace physics. It's easy for me to say because I grew up with games that look extremely primitive now, but we can get too caught up in visual details that are inconsequential in the long run. Whether critiquing a game or simply seeking to enjoy it, I'd suggest that you'll gain far more valuable insights and satisfaction if you look beyond what you see.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: 20 Classic Jerseys I Want to See in NBA 2K

Postby Andrew on Mon Feb 14, 2022 6:14 pm

Monday Tip-Off: 20 Classic Jerseys I Want to See in NBA 2K

NBA 2K has an impressive array of classic jerseys. It's yet another example of how the series has gone above and beyond with extra content, especially when compared to recent NBA Live titles. Of course, NBA Live once included a large range of classic jerseys, even bringing them back in NBA Live 10 after they fell by the wayside in the seventh generation releases. Unfortunately, recent NBA Lives have only included the throwbacks that will be worn on Hardwood Classics Nights during the season they're set in. Conversely, NBA 2K's selection of retro uniforms is extremely comprehensive.

With that being said, it's definitely not complete. As of NBA 2K22, there are several classic jerseys that are still missing from the selection of retros. I'm not just talking about short-lived alternates or special event jerseys, though I'd certainly love to see them added as well. There are some prominent uniforms, including primary home and away jerseys, that haven't yet been featured in NBA 2K. Now, the selection that we currently have is great, minor inaccuracies aside. Many eras are accounted for, and some teams are fairly close to complete, at least when it comes to primary uniforms. Nevertheless, I'd love to see future NBA 2K games add these 20 classic jerseys.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Hacking MyCAREER in Older Games

Postby Andrew on Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:07 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Hacking MyCAREER in Older Games

Here at the NLSC, our stance on hacking modes such as MyCAREER and MyTEAM has been the same as our policy on piracy: we don't support it. Since we already walk a fine line with modding, we try to stay on the right side of both the law and our host's terms of service, in order to avoid any unwanted repercussions. On top of that, there's also the matter of fairness. While we can understand wanting to stick it to a Triple-A publisher by hacking MyCAREER or MyTEAM for content and in-game currencies, it's also upsetting the competitive balance, and ruining things for your fellow gamers.

To that end, recounting my experiences hacking a MyCAREER save probably seems quite hypocritical. Here I am preaching fairness, while going against our own rules and community philosophy; talk about double standards! If you're grumbling, I can appreciate where you're coming from. However, there is a distinct difference between hacking to gain advantages in the connected modes of MyCAREER while the servers are still online, and messing around with an offline save years later. In fact, that's a distinction that we can perhaps draw in our rules moving forward, because at a certain point, hacking MyCAREER for your own enjoyment does become fair game.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K Has All The Leverage Over Cheesers

Postby Andrew on Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:49 pm

Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K Has All The Leverage Over Cheesers

The December patch for NBA 2K22 Next Gen included an attempt to reduce cheese in the online scene. More specifically, it addressed exploits with quick left and right bursts - the infamous "zigzag cheese" - that has been contributing to a homogenised, unrealistic style of play. Needless to say, the cheesers weren't pleased. There were more than a couple of angry comments, usually along the lines of how NBA 2K had been ruined, and that video games shouldn't have to be realistic. It's clear that a vocal contingent of online NBA 2K gamers are in favour of utilising cheesy tactics.

As someone who has been turned off the online scene due to its toxicity and style, and believes that a sim game should maintain a base level of realism and strategy, my response is: tough cheese! A truly competitive scene should facilitate different styles of play, and discourage easily repeatable exploits. Mastering a single move and then proceeding to spam it over and over again is hardly skilful. It certainly isn't basketball either, and while there's value in taking liberties with realism, a sim game should still be realistic at its core. That the developers have taken a stand against cheesers does suggest that they believe this as well, but to that end, it's vital that they stand firm.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Greed of Attribute Upgrades

Postby Andrew on Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:53 am

Monday Tip-Off: The Greed of Attribute Upgrades

So, you may have two questions. First, why am I still talking about MyCAREER when I've moved on from the mode? Second, do I think that I'm revealing some shocking truth here? To answer the first question, I am still playing the mode in NBA 2K14. Additionally, having spent many years playing MyCAREER, I have thoughts on how it can improve. I want it to be as good as it possibly can be for everyone who plays it, and I believe in advocating for my fellow gamers. If nothing else, if you're feeling frustrated with the situation, it may help to know that you're not alone.

That leads into the answer to the second question. Gamers - and not just basketball gamers, mind you - have a tendency to be temporarily outraged at injustices, only to quickly move on and seemingly forgive and forget; at least until the issue affects them once again. It's important that we keep discussing these matters, and that we get to the heart of the issues. It's no secret that all of the modes in NBA 2K that utilise Virtual Currency are a cash grab, because recurrent revenue mechanics are the major money-makers for publishers. I've previously discussed the rising cost of MyCAREER, but the greed goes beyond that when you realise attribute upgrades are now pointless.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Shot Aiming Is A Hit & Miss Idea

Postby Andrew on Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:15 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Shot Aiming Is A Hit & Miss Idea

There's been a lot of talk about the skill gap in NBA 2K in recent years, as you would expect with a greater emphasis on the online competitive scene. Much has been said about the need to separate the good from the great, the scrubs from the elite, and truly celebrate and reward stick skills on the virtual hardwood. Mind you, several gamers push back on the idea of proper matchmaking, so I do question how "competitive" the scene really is. Many of the mechanics that those gamers champion are likewise of questionable value when it comes to the skill gap, and overall quality of gameplay.

Shot aiming is a prominent and somewhat controversial example. On paper, it's a good idea. It's more skilful then simply pressing and holding a button, and one could argue that it's trying to emulate actual basketball skills and technique. In practice, it's seldom worked out as well as intended, and developers have ended up shelving the concept quite quickly each time it's been attempted. I have some mixed feelings about shot aiming. I can see the logic behind the idea, but its repeated shortcomings leave me sceptical that it can truly work. Furthermore, I'm bothered by the elitism that it fosters, and the notion that any objections or criticism of it indicates a lack of skill.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Aiming For Stats & Records

Postby Andrew on Mon Mar 21, 2022 3:52 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Aiming For Stats & Records

Not to sound like a grumpy old man or anything, but there's a big emphasis on stats and records in the NBA these days. That's not to say they weren't ever relevant, or something that fans and players alike never cared about. Wilt Chamberlain was very much aware of his stats and records, so this mentality predates the three-point era, let alone the past couple of generations. However, it does seem like everyone is obsessed with numbers these days - including rather obscure statistical achievements - to the point where actually winning games and even championships seems secondary.

It's interesting how this mentality also applies to basketball gaming. Of course, we've long used hoops games to put up crazy numbers, leading to a big night for players in real life to be referred to as a "video game performance". A handful of video games over the past couple of generations have even challenged us to put up stats and beat NBA records for Trophies and Achievements. The funny thing is that it's not always easy to post ridiculous numbers on the virtual hardwood, or to replicate the feats of NBA greats and record holders. Also, while it's fun to try alone, chasing records and stats can be a disastrous approach in online play, coming at the expense of winning.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: And The Adventure NBA 2K14

Postby Andrew on Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:18 pm

Monday Tip-Off: And The Adventure NBA 2K14

On the NLSC Podcast, Dee4Three observed that he hasn't seen anyone warm up to a game as quickly and enthusiastically as I have with NBA 2K14. It's a fair statement! There are other games that I've developed more of an appreciation for, but few of them have gone from "I accept it's good, but it's not for me" to "This is one of my all-time favourite games" the same way that NBA 2K14 has. I don't know if it's nostalgia for a era in the NBA I liked better, the fact that it's one of the last games that came out when I was in my 20s, or my lukewarm reaction to NBA 2K22, but that's how I feel.

Actually, that's selling the game short. Those are definitely factors, of course, but the PlayStation 4/Xbox One version of NBA 2K14 was simply a tremendous game. I had my reasons for not playing it as much back in the day, but to that point, I'm making up for some lost time now. However, it's surprising that I'm spending that time playing MyCAREER, given my burnout on the mode. I even titled my recap of getting into it last year as "One MyCAREER For The Road", figuring that it would close the book on my interest in career mode play. Instead, I've found myself picking it up again. The adventure continues, and I honestly don't feel ashamed or embarrassed about that.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: My Basketball Video Game Collection (2022 Edition)

Postby Andrew on Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:38 pm

Monday Tip-Off: My Basketball Video Game Collection (2022 Edition)

Back in March, I tweeted out a photo of my entire physical basketball video game collection, with some follow-up screenshots of the digital releases I own. I'm proud of my collection and satisfied in how I've been able to amass it, so I was pleased with the reception. While collecting is something that I do for my own enjoyment - and create content for the NLSC, of course - I was naturally hoping that my fellow hoops gamers would be impressed and get a kick out of the photo. I wanted it to inspire nostalgia, intrigue, and yes, a slight touch of good-natured envy. I'd say mission accomplished!

Given the old maxim of a picture being worth a thousand words, I could just leave it at those Tweets. However, I would like to talk a little more about my basketball video game collection, and provide a comprehensive listing as it's impossible to get every title to be clearly visible in one photo. There are also a few digital releases that I didn't display in my follow-up screenshots, including a couple I neglected to mention since they're standalone releases and not on a digital platform such as Steam, Xbox Live, or the PSN Store. Finally, it's been almost seven years since I wrote about my basketball video game collection, and I've been able to make some exciting additions since then.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Fantasy Concepts In Sim Games

Postby Andrew on Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:37 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Fantasy Concepts In Sim Games

The concept of "sim" in basketball and sports gaming raises many questions. Just how much realism should a game strive for? For that matter, what is "sim"? Obviously it implies realism, but just how closely should it resemble reality? Does it mean accurate down to the last detail, or can it take some liberties for the sake of accessibility and enjoyment? It's a balancing act that sim games have been attempting for decades now. From a gamer's perspective, we can sometimes tailor the experience through the use of gameplay sliders, but they aren't available in all modes.

Of course, when it comes to fantasy concepts in sim games, the issue goes beyond the action between the lines. Franchise modes are based on real aspects of the NBA, but they invite us to create our own reality with fictional results and player movement. When we place ourselves into the games to play out a career and participate in the connected online modes, it's indulging a fantasy. Realism also goes out the window with the card collecting modes, where we can assemble fantasy lineups with players from different decades. Even the All-Time and All-Decade teams count as fantasy concepts in sim games! The question is: can we, or indeed should we, draw a line?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Choose Your Own Adventure

Postby Andrew on Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:19 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Choose Your Own Adventure

When I discussed playing through a second season in NBA 2K14's MyCAREER and my enthusiasm for embarking on a third campaign, I mentioned that I would have some decisions to eventually make. Right now, I'm enjoying being a member of the virtual Philadelphia 76ers in the 2016 season, coming off back-to-back titles and a triumphant rise to superstardom. However, I can never rule out the possibility of playing for another team, with the Chicago Bulls being a prime candidate. If nothing else, I'd appreciate seeing some new uniforms from game to game!

However, moving on in NBA 2K14's MyCAREER isn't as easy as it is in later games. Glancing at my rookie contract, it may be a while before I'm able to pursue any other career opportunities outside of the City of Brotherly Love. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it's based on reality. At the same time, it gets in the way of that "choose your own adventure" aspect of role-playing in basketball video games. It's not the only mode that's placed restrictions on how it can be played, and how much freedom you have to seek out desirable scenarios. This can be frustrating, yet also an interesting and challenging part of the single player career and franchise experiences alike.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Mentoring Terry Hanson & Making a Star

Postby Andrew on Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:13 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Mentoring Terry Hanson & Making a Star

I've always enjoyed generated rookies in franchise modes, and later career modes as well. While NBA 2K's franchise modes have allowed for custom Draft Classes - and this customisation is important to have - I personally prefer fictional players as the years progress. They become Virtual Hardwood Legends in our save files, weaving stories of Hall of Famers, breakout stars, and unfortunate busts. We can do that with actual NBA players too, of course, but generated rookies are a blank slate with no real world comparisons. We can completely indulge our imaginations with them.

Terry Hanson is a generated rookie in Year 3 of my NBA 2K14 MyCAREER, a game that I just can't get enough of right now. To date, I've done all the things that all of us always do in the NBA side of MyCAREER. I've set records, averaged a triple-double, and won championships. I've levelled up my MyPLAYER, maxing out at 97 Overall, as was the case with some builds in NBA 2K14. I've turned my avatar into an All-Star and punched his ticket to Springfield when the time comes to hang it up. Inevitably, if we play NBA MyCAREER long enough, we'll fulfil a destiny of superstardom that's at the heart of the story. Now I'm writing a new chapter: making Terry Hanson a star.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Could College Basketball Be EA Sports' Niche?

Postby Andrew on Mon May 02, 2022 8:12 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Could College Basketball Be EA Sports' Niche?

Excluding the mobile version of NBA Live, we haven't seen a new basketball video game from EA Sports since 2018. There was time when such a thing seemed like an unthinkable prospect. Sure, NBA Live had had a rough release here or there, and NBA 2K steadily rose to become the premier brand by the end of the 2000s. We still expected a basketball game from EA, though; two in fact! With the NCAA series ending in 2009, and NBA Live missing several years beginning with the cancellation of NBA Elite 11, we've grown accustomed to their hoops titles being benched.

Not everyone has a problem with that. For some gamers, it's EA Sports' just deserts after failing to develop a satisfactory basketball title, or perhaps moving away from the PC platform (or indeed, both). I do understand that sentiment. However, for all the good things that NBA 2K has done, we've seen the downside of 2K having a virtual monopoly over the virtual hardwood. Unfortunately, while there would be a benefit to competition and choice in the space, NBA Live has not been able to deliver and be that viable alternative. With that in mind, eschewing the NBA in favour of a new college basketball game could prove to be EA Sports' best move at this juncture.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Community, Or The Wrong Parts of It?

Postby Andrew on Mon May 09, 2022 2:19 pm

Monday Tip-Off: The Community, Or The Wrong Parts of It?

Even though everyone in the basketball gaming community shares a common passion, we're not always on the same page. We're divided along several lines: mode of choice, online or offline gaming, ideal controls and mechanics, how much realism the games should have, and so on. This makes it impossible for anyone to speak on behalf of the entire community, and no one person's vision alone is right for basketball gaming. In turn, developers have many voices to listen to - some offering up conflicting feedback - and so are guaranteed to disappoint a contingent of the fanbase with certain choices.

While we collectively understand that, in our disappointment and indeed our outrage, it's difficult to accept. When we're disappointed and angry - whether it's about video games or anything in life - we want to lay blame. We point the finger at developers, the suits, and even ourselves. In all three cases, that blame isn't entirely misplaced. However, when it comes to blaming ourselves, we're talking about a much larger group; a group that has less control than the other two, and is less likely to be wholly in agreement. As such, when we blame what we see as an undesirable aspect of NBA 2K on the community, we're often pointing the finger at the wrong parts of it.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Hey, That Meme Looks Familiar!

Postby Andrew on Mon May 16, 2022 4:52 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Hey, That Meme Looks Familiar!

It's good advice to be careful about what you put out there on the internet. We're not always as anonymous as we think, and poor behaviour can come back to haunt us. In general, it's prudent to exercise caution in sharing personal information and even photos, as it can compromise one's safety. It's something to keep in mind when you're a content creator, even in a niche community. Someone with an axe to grind may be petty enough to use it to directly harass you, or talk trash about you elsewhere online. I've encountered both during my time running the NLSC.

On a lighter note, when it comes to the content you create for one and all to see, you never know where it will end up. It's both exciting and humbling when something gains traction, as my article on the Rising Cost of MyCAREER did last year, or when your work is referenced, as a WhatCulture video did with a post about NBA Elite 11. On the other hand, it's funny when parts of your content end up being recycled, or shared outside of the original context. In particular, I've seen some of my screenshots show up in other articles, or on social media. And, speaking of the latter, there's one familiar screenshot that has been used in a meme shared by several accounts.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Guess It Is A Barbie Dress-Up Game

Postby Andrew on Mon May 23, 2022 7:17 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Guess It Is A Barbie Dress-Up Game

There's an online maxim to the effect of "the internet doesn't forget". In short, it refers to how the comments and content that we post online is there in perpetuity, and may reflect poorly upon us when it's rediscovered years later. Celebrities have lost face (and gigs) when old Tweets have resurfaced. Everyday people have had difficulty in their offline lives after they've gone viral for the wrong reasons. I've been contacted by a few former community members asking if we can scrub their posts from the Forum, as they don't want youthful silliness to affect their future job prospects.

Controversy has a way of following people long after they've apologised and atoned, or indeed, allegations have been proven false. As they say, mud sticks. However, one might suggest that that's fair if the person in question has remained unapologetic, and the problematic situation persists. It's certainly fair to keep bringing up an issue that people try to sweep under the rug. That happens far too often within the basketball gaming community, where outrage over persistent problems is fleeting. It's why every so often, I'll bring up the time that Ronnie 2K made a snarky comment about NBA 2K not being a Barbie dress-up game; especially now that it's kind of turned into one.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Year 3 in NBA 2K14 MyCAREER

Postby Andrew on Mon May 30, 2022 9:57 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Year 3 in NBA 2K14 MyCAREER

How enthusiastic was I to dive into Year 3 of my NBA 2K14 MyCAREER game? Well, it was only at the end of March that I was recapping Year 2, and noting how the adventure continues in the mode. By mid May, I'd played through another 82 games, and tipped off my third postseason. I found myself under the weather with a couple of illnesses and ailments this past month, and playing MyCAREER served as "comfort food". I was already keenly playing through the third season from the time I posted my last recap, but that did allow the journey to move along even swifter.

Entering Year 3 of NBA 2K14 MyCAREER, I had a few goals. I wanted to beat the previous year's record of 72-10, establishing a new mark for excellence in the regular season. Obviously, I wanted to win a third consecutive championship, and take home another MVP trophy. While I'd already averaged a triple-double in Year 2, ticking off that familiar goal, it was still my aim to post big numbers once again. However, I also had some - shall we say - less selfish goals. I also wanted to get Carmelo Anthony more involved in the offense, and to help Terry Hanson win the Rookie of the Year award. So, how did Year 3 of my NBA 2K14 MyCAREER ultimately turn out?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Worst Virtual NBA Finalists

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:55 pm

Monday Tip-Off: The Worst Virtual NBA Finalists

Simulation engines are far from infallible. They already have a tough task as far as generating realistic results, given that the actual NBA can produce some unexpected outcomes. However, some of the results we see in our virtual seasons are definitely unrealistically favourable to upsets and underdogs. It makes me wonder about the articles that simulate the forthcoming season in NBA 2K. Did they run with the first simulation, or did they have to keep trying until the game produced more believable results, with realistic NBA Finalists and Champions?

Having finished seasons in multiple games, I've encountered a variety of virtual NBA Finalists, including a few surprising ones. The Minnesota Timberwolves in Year 3 of my NBA 2K14 MyCAREER would definitely qualify as such a squad. Indeed, when I mentioned to Dee4Three that they were my opponent, and sent him a screenshot of their roster, he observed that they were a strong candidate for the worst team to ever make the NBA Finals. Dee suggested that they merited a closer look in an article, and I liked the idea; especially as it got me thinking about some of the other virtual NBA Finalists I've faced in games, and whether any were as weak as those Timberwolves.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Free-to-Play & Triple-A Basketball Games

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:14 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Free-to-Play & Triple-A Basketball Games

It's no secret that NBA Live, once the brand leader in sim NBA video games, has been struggling for well over a decade. It hit a low point with the failed attempt to rebrand and revamp the series with NBA Elite 11, one that it hasn't been able to recover from to date. With its inability to topple NBA 2K, or even just make some inroads into gaining a bigger share of the market, I've seen people suggest that the console version of NBA Live become a free-to-play title. The argument is that it would be a lower risk, and encourage more gamers to give it a try.

Interestingly, I've also seen suggestions that NBA 2K become a free-to-play game. In this case, the suggestion has nothing to do with quality, but rather finance. As you're undoubtedly well aware, the nature of NBA 2K being an annual release means that in modes such as MyCAREER and MyTEAM, there's a reset on our progress with each new game. That means more grinding, and more money spent. With annual sports titles often being derided as glorified roster updates, it's no surprise that a free-to-play model, or perhaps a new game every few years with subscriptions for updates in between, are ideas that have been floated. I certainly have some thoughts on that.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Free-to-Play & Triple-A Basketball Games

Postby Ermolli on Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:32 am

Andrew wrote:Monday Tip-Off: Free-to-Play & Triple-A Basketball Games

It's no secret that NBA Live, once the brand leader in sim NBA video games, has been struggling for well over a decade. It hit a low point with the failed attempt to rebrand and revamp the series with NBA Elite 11, one that it hasn't been able to recover from to date. With its inability to topple NBA 2K, or even just make some inroads into gaining a bigger share of the market, I've seen people suggest that the console version of NBA Live become a free-to-play title. The argument is that it would be a lower risk, and encourage more gamers to give it a try.

Interestingly, I've also seen suggestions that NBA 2K become a free-to-play game. In this case, the suggestion has nothing to do with quality, but rather finance. As you're undoubtedly well aware, the nature of NBA 2K being an annual release means that in modes such as MyCAREER and MyTEAM, there's a reset on our progress with each new game. That means more grinding, and more money spent. With annual sports titles often being derided as glorified roster updates, it's no surprise that a free-to-play model, or perhaps a new game every few years with subscriptions for updates in between, are ideas that have been floated. I certainly have some thoughts on that.

Definitely agree with the article. 2K doesn't need to go Free-To-Play, while it could attract new players who could spend VC since the game would be free, the other non-VC modes would suffer and those who buy the game for that would have little incentive to do so.

If any of those two decides to go F2P, I could see them going like eFootball (formerly PES) is doing right now: card-collecting mode only with an exhibition mode consisting in a few teams. In theory there would be a franchise mode in a year but it would be almost two years since its launch, so you can see where their focus is.

I wish that if Live comes back (really hope they do), they don't take that approach but I can see it being the easiest one to come back and potentially the most profitable. I guess that unfortunately it's where the industry is right now and until it's regulated it won't change.

Plus, another disadvantage of going Free-To-Play is the constant changes that could happen to gameplay and the inability to play the version you like the most. For example, if you don't like 2K22 you could play the previous game or other retro games. If you don't like the latest F2P version of their game (in case it's going multiyear), then you wouldn't be able to play for instance the Year 1 version of the game. And I don't see them having sliders if they go that way.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Free-to-Play & Triple-A Basketball Games

Postby Andrew on Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:10 am

Absolutely. It'd get in the way of retro gaming, or even just the option of sticking with last year's game if you don't like the current product. We often focus on the drawbacks of annual releases, but a F2P game or a release every few years that gets updated for the new season would have its disadvantages, too.

NBA Live does seem far more likely to become F2P should it returns to console/PC at some point, if only to test the waters at first. I still think it'd ultimately be a mistake, not being the alternative that people want, and likely being unimpressive in general.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Born To Be A Retro Gamer

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:17 pm

Monday Tip-Off: Born To Be A Retro Gamer

Outside of firing up NBA 2K22 to get screenshots or investigate its latest updates, I haven't played the game for months. Not on PC, not on PlayStation 4, and not on PlayStation 5. I don't feel compelled to grind and level up a player in MyCAREER, or to jump into The Rec. There are aspects of MyTEAM that I like, but I don't fancy putting in the time to collect cards that I won't be able to use come NBA 2K23. I'd start a MyLEAGUE or MyNBA with the Chicago Bulls, but honestly, I don't enjoy the gameplay enough in either version of NBA 2K22 to do so.

Instead, I've been spending my time playing through multiple seasons in NBA 2K14's MyCAREER. I've revisited other standout games from yesteryear, such as NBA Live 10 and NBA Live 06. Quite simply, I've found far more enjoyment and satisfaction in doing that than trying to find a way to have fun with NBA 2K22. It's not that I refuse to play new games, or that I haven't enjoyed more recent releases. I also don't believe that older games were, without exception, all flawless masterpieces; they weren't. I do find it easy to go back to old favourites however, as well as give other retro titles a second look. When I think back, I may have always been destined to be a retro gamer.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: The Habit Basketball Gamers Can't Break

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:37 pm

Monday Tip-Off: The Habit Basketball Gamers Can't Break

By now, many of the basic concepts and mechanics in basketball video games are well-established. That familiarity allows experienced virtual hardwood gamers to get acclimated with new titles swiftly, and in turn, enjoy them sooner. To that point, when there are major changes to an aspect of the core mechanics, it's far more likely that the initial impressions will be negative, or at least mixed. Sometimes this is because the changes that have been implemented failed to improve upon the previous concepts. Other times, it reveals our inflexibility regarding certain habits.

There's one habit in particular that I believe most of us have trouble breaking. It's not entirely our fault, of course. Basketball video games encourage us to make habitual use of this mechanic. It represents a core aspect of playing the sport, and allows us to perform advanced moves. We've always had to be careful about how we use it, as its short-term benefits are balanced by finite availability and long-term drawbacks. As sim games in particular have become even more realistic and sophisticated, overuse of this mechanic has been exposed as a bad habit. I am of course referring to sprinting - or turbo, as it's also been called - and our tendency to constantly move at top speed.
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