Wayback Wednesday: Rolling Rosters Back One Year With Mods

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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA Live 95 SNES vs. Genesis

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:56 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA Live 95 SNES vs. Genesis

Part of me – specifically, my most nostalgic inner child – desperately wants to pretend that the console war between Nintendo and Sega in the 90s wasn’t as petty as the dust-ups over PlayStation and Xbox over the past two decades. I’d like to say that platform warfare in the 90s was all in good fun whereas all the bickering over the 21st century consoles is Serious Business, but that’d be a lie. Sega’s marketing infamously boasted that “Genesis does what Nintendon’t“, while Nintendo hyped up “playing with power” and even welcomed fan art of Mario humiliating Sonic in its official magazines!

Putting aside my own inherent bias as a Nintendo kid and accepting that it may sound wishy-washy, from the perspective of gamers, I think we all benefitted and had a great time regardless of which big corporation we flew the flag for. Both the Genesis and Super Nintendo have classics in their libraries that are still fun to play to this day. It’s also interesting to compare and contrast the different versions of games that appeared on both consoles (and sometimes, they were completely different games!). The SNES and Genesis version of NBA Live 95 are largely the same, but there are some key differences between these 16-bit releases. Let’s take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: 24/7 Mode in NBA 2K

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:44 pm

Wayback Wednesday: 24/7 Mode in NBA 2K

There are many features, modes, and concepts in basketball video games that are older than we may recall. To that point, MyCAREER has been a staple of NBA 2K since its debut as My Player way back in NBA 2K10; a game released in 2009. For that matter, the story-driven approach to MyCAREER has been the standard for over ten years now, debuting in NBA 2K14 Next Gen and appearing in almost three times as many games as the original version of the mode. In short, a single player career mode is nothing new at this point.

However, the concept is even older than that! While we didn't get a fully-fledged NBA-oriented career experience until 2009, earlier games did experiment with single player campaign modes. Indeed, NBA 2K branched out into this area very early on in the series, introducing 24/7 mode in ESPN NBA Basketball (aka NBA 2K4). It was relatively short-lived as it was phased out after NBA 2K7, but it stands as a creative concept that undoubtedly paved the way for modern career modes. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: NBA 2K8 Retrospective (Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3)

Postby Andrew on Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:46 pm

Wayback Wednesday: NBA 2K8 Retrospective (Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3)

The tagline of NBA 2K8 was "It's like that". I find it extremely appropriate, though I guarantee it isn't for the reasons that the marketing department at Take-Two intended. Instead, "it's like that" are the frustrated words that run through my mind whenever I give NBA 2K8 a chance, and it disappoints me once again. Not to spoil the entire retrospective before I get into it, but if NBA 2K6 or NBA 2K7 had been the games to get me into the NBA 2K series - and they may well might've been, had I given them a fair chance back in the day - NBA 2K8 could've turned me off of it again.

Indeed, I'm prepared to call it one of the most overrated games in the entire series. The only reason I hesitate is because after looking at some contemporary reviews, it seems that the criticisms and unfavourable comparisons to its predecessors were being made back then, too. GameTrailers' review even went so far as to call it a serious step backwards, and I'm inclined to agree. It's unfortunate because the game does have a lot of good bones and enticing features, but for me, it's been a major retro basketball gaming disappointment. Let's take a look back...way back...
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Re: Wayback Wednesday: Rolling Rosters Back One Year With Mods

Postby Andrew on Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:36 pm

Wayback Wednesday: Rolling Rosters Back One Year With Mods

Two of the most exciting modding ideas for basketball video games are bringing an old favourite up to date, and winding back the clock in new games with a detailed retro season mod. There's something truly enchanting about a mod so comprehensive that you almost forget that several years - or indeed, decades - separate the game and the season that the roster mod is set in! In comparison, roster mods that just involve rolling the rosters back one year may seem like a more humble affair, particularly if they're completely minimalist and don't include any court, jersey, or logo updates.

And yet, these projects can be immensely satisfying to create and play with! There are reasons that for as long as we've been able to meaningfully customise rosters - with or without the aid of external tools - we've had the idea of rolling back a game's rosters to the previous campaign. In short, it's a combination of some of our favourite aspects of playing and modding basketball video games, to the point where a season needn't be particularly old or established as nostalgic for us to want to re-create it. It's a way of changing things up, so let's look at a popular way to go back, that goes way back!
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