This patch updates the 2D crowd in NBA Live 07 so that it will look slightly lighter.
Since EA Sports put a very dark arena lighting in all their stadiums, this patch will only make them appear slightly lighter, since white will appear grey and colours will appear faded. It also varies from arena to arena, so the crowd in Miami will appear lighter than the one in Los Angeles. There's nothing I can do about that though; at least not until I figure out how to edit the arena lightings...
To install the patch, just place the .fsh files into your \NBA LIVE 07\SGSM\ folder. The \NBA Live 07\ folder is the one where you installed the game (During a regular installation, its C:/Program Files/EA Sports/NBA LIVE 07), not the NBA Live 07 folder under 'My Documents'. If you want to remove the patch, just remove the same files.<br><br>