Monday Tip-Off: A Requiem for ICQ

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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Are You Modding For The Right Reasons?

Postby Andrew on Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:01 pm

There are still enhancements that can be made, in some cases. Failing that, there are historical mods, NCAA mods, and so forth.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: My Recent Experiences with 2K Pro-Am

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:40 pm

June 13th, 2016: My Recent Experiences with 2K Pro-Am

If you’ve caught some of the recent episodes of the NLSC Podcast hosted by Arcane, Kenny, and myself, you’ll have heard us talking about our recent games of 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16. I realise that audio content isn’t for everyone, and a written article can sometimes be better at starting discussion, since it’s easier to directly quote and respond to each other’s points. To that end, I thought I’d follow on from Kenny’s first official edition of The Sunday Substitute with some of my own thoughts on 2K Pro-Am.

As I’ve said many times before, I’m not a big online gamer. I prefer the franchise mode experience, and I’ve come to quite enjoy the card collecting, team building modes as well. However, playing basketball video games online is significantly more fun when it’s done with friends, so I’ve really enjoyed getting together with Kenny, Arcane, and some other members of our community for a few games each week. As Kenny noted in the Forum, our record isn’t stellar, but we have a good time…for the most part.

So, what are my overall impressions of 2K Pro-Am to date, and what would I like to see done moving forward?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Basketball Gaming in the Offseason

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:01 pm

June 20th, 2016: Basketball Gaming in the Offseason

The 2016 NBA season is in the books, as the Cleveland Cavaliers made history by coming back from a 3-1 deficit to defeat the Golden State Warriors, putting a damper on the Warriors' own historical campaign. For basketball fans - or at least, those of us who are mostly interested in the NBA - so begins the wait until next season, with the Draft, Summer League, and potential offseason movement breaking up the monotony along the way. With the Olympic Games being held this year, we'll also get to watch another international basketball tournament.

For those of us who are also basketball gamers, we have a few things to look forward to as well. It will be some time before we hear anything about NBA Live 17, and we likely won't hear much about NBA 2K17 for at least a couple of months yet, but nevertheless, we have a new game coming out in September. Until then, we obviously have several years' worth of games at our disposal, which can help us get our basketball fix while we wait for the new releases, and the 2017 NBA season.

So, what does the offseason look like when it comes to basketball gaming, and what are some of my own plans?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: What The NLSC Means To Me

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:06 pm

June 27th, 2016: What The NLSC Means To Me

As I write this week's Monday Tip-Off, we're still preparing to move to our new server. We've encountered a couple of snags, but if all goes well, we'll be at our new home within the next couple of days, hopefully with as few interruptions as possible. My apologies for the downtime in the Forum and Downloads section in the past twenty-four hours; I had anticipated a quicker move, and did not want to jeopardise the proceedings that were already underway. There will be some further interruptions and downtime as we complete the move, but if you're reading this, we're either back up and running temporarily, or the move is complete.

In trying to sort out the server move over the weekend, as well as taking care of a couple of other matters, I haven't had an opportunity to prepare a column or video feature for today. With Monday rapidly drawing to a close here in Australia, I've found myself scrambling to find something to write about, while I continue to take care of matters behind the scenes to get the NLSC onto its new hosting. After tossing around a few ideas, one topic came to mind that was quite obvious, given the circumstances.

What does the NLSC mean to me?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: What The NLSC Means To Me

Postby Culture Games on Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:06 pm

I don't know what it means to me or anybody else, but god I know it feels damn good to be back! Longest 5 days ever.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: What The NLSC Means To Me

Postby Andrew on Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:21 pm

Sounds like your feelings towards the site are fairly positive then, which is what we like to hear. :)
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Superstition & Basketball Gaming

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:46 pm

July 4th, 2016: Superstition & Basketball Gaming

Our server move is now complete! While we're still ironing out a few issues and making sure that everything is working as intended, most of the basics seem to be in order. That means I can get back to spending some more time creating content, and actually talking about basketball video games. I've been compiling some ideas for future columns, as well as some videos that I'd like to try to make in the coming weeks. This week, however, a fun idea for a topic came to mind: superstition and basketball gaming.

I don't think of myself as a very superstitious person in general - my uncanny ability to jinx NBA teams aside - but over the years, I've developed a few habits when it comes to basketball video games. It may not be entirely accurate to call all of them superstitions, but it does make for a catchy title, so I'm going to run with it anyway. Basically, they're the little things that I do in the hopes that they'll improve my chances for success on the virtual hardwood.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Enjoying a Flawed Basketball Video Game

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:57 pm

July 11th, 2016: Enjoying a Flawed Basketball Video Game

With message boards and social media providing us with a plethora of platforms to speak out on, we gamers are not shy about expressing our opinions on the games we play. It's a key part of being a gaming community, and it serves an important purpose, given how much contact we now have with video game developers. It's usually a bit easier to talk at length about the things that we don't like rather than the things that we do, but in doing so, we are able to provide constructive feedback. While we may be a niche demographic compared to other genres, the basketball gaming community is no different in that regard.

The basketball games that we play have come a long way over the past couple of decades, and generally speaking, most of us have at least one release that we enjoy. We do have high expectations however, and when a particular title doesn't measure up, we'll certainly express our disappointment. The interesting thing is, although some basketball gamers will indeed put aside a game that they find disappointing, many others do continue to play games despite their frustration with glaring flaws. In short, even when a title is problematic, we often find a way to have fun with it.

So, how do we find ways to enjoy flawed basketball video games?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Where Is The Preview Season?

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:05 pm

July 18th, 2016: Where Is The Preview Season?

If you're a regular listener of the NLSC Podcast, you'll have heard me describe the current time of year as a very quiet period. After the initial flurry of deals, all of the major free agent signings are over and done with. There's been Summer League play, of course, but here in the basketball gaming community, we're anxiously awaiting the start of the preview season. With NBA Live 17 being pushed back to early 2017, we're obviously not going to hear much about it for some time. NBA 2K17 will be dropping in mid September, but details on that release are similarly scarce.

That isn't anything too out of the ordinary, though. Even when both titles have been released around the same time, Visual Concepts has often waited until almost the last minute before finally revealing the juiciest details on the next NBA 2K game. I would suggest that a lot of the time, the information has been worth waiting for, and the success of the series certainly speaks for itself. At the same time, I miss the days of getting a steady flow of information, and feeling really hyped about the upcoming releases.

As such, I find myself asking: where is the preview season?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Reflections on NBA Live Community Events

Postby Andrew on Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:04 pm

July 25th, 2016: Reflections on NBA Live Community Events

When I logged into Facebook this morning, "On This Day" presented me with a look back at previous posts that I'd made on July 25th. As it happens, on this day last year, I made a post letting my friends and family know that I'd be heading to the United States in the near future. The trip was for an NBA Live 16 community event that was being held at EA Tiburon in Orlando, but as I didn't have clearance to talk about it openly just yet, I held back on the details and simply posted a teaser photo. I also had to be very coy on the NLSC Podcast, when discussing upcoming playtesting sessions and expressing a desire to be a part of them.

The NBA Live 16 event was one of the best that I've ever attended. While the game still had a ways to go - then and now - it was fun to get some early hands-on time with it, and experience the improvements. I also really enjoyed having the opportunity to meet with the developers and provide feedback to them directly. On top of all that, the whole event was extremely well-organised, with every detail taken care of, and maximum time allotted for gaming. Past events were fun and productive, but several years of organising them have definitely given EA Sports' community managers the opportunity to make them better and better.

Since it's been almost a year since the last one I attended, I thought that I'd reflect a little upon the NBA Live community events that I've been a part of. Hopefully, last year's won't be the last.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Fun with Basketball Video Game Glitches

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:41 pm

August 1st, 2016: Fun with Basketball Video Game Glitches

Although glitches are generally seen as a problem in gaming - and for good reason - they're not always a bad thing. Sure, they aren't a lot of fun when they cause games to crash and lock up, or ruin features and functionality, but when glitches are relatively harmless, they can be pretty funny. I wouldn't say that it's as common in basketball video games as it is in other genres, but there are even times when bugs and glitches can be advantageous, making certain tasks easier, or even completely bypassing difficult and tedious sections of a game. TV Tropes calls them Good Bad Bugs, and the speedrunning community obviously knows them very well.

A lot of people are probably familiar with the "Jesus Bynum" glitch that drew a lot of negative attention to the NBA Elite 11 demo. Although most people probably never experienced the glitch for themselves, it became a symbol of the game's problems. While NBA Elite 11 was shaping up to be a disappointing game for other reasons before it was ultimately cancelled, the Bynum issue is really more of an example of a glitch that is fun and amusing; something weird that obviously shouldn't be happening, but certainly funny when it does. With that in mind, I thought I'd talk a little about some amusing glitches today, and share a few of my favourites.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Pre-Order Bonuses & Basketball Video Games

Postby Andrew on Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:34 am

August 8th, 2016: Pre-Order Bonuses & Basketball Video Games

By now, you’re probably aware that the 1992 Dream Team will be among the pre-order bonuses for NBA 2K17. While a lot of the pre-order bonuses are more or less cosmetic, adding the Dream Team for the first time since NBA 2K13 is offering users an enticing expansion to the game’s historical content. For at least some basketball gamers who might have been on the fence about pre-ordering the game, it’s a genuine incentive to put their money down. To that end, it’s certainly a smart business decision on the part of Visual Concepts.

However, from the point of view of the consumer, it’s also a disheartening practice that is all too common with video games these days. Whenever content is restricted to being a pre-order bonus – particularly content that feels like it should be included out of the box, and especially if it’s been featured in a previous title – there’s going to be controversy, and goodwill is going to be tested. It does lead me to ask the question: should content like the 1992 Dream Team be pre-order exclusive? For that matter, should basketball video games have pre-order exclusive content at all?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: When Is It Time To Shelve Basketball Games?

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:06 pm

August 15th, 2016: When Is It Time To Shelve Basketball Games?

Last Friday night, the regular NLSC 2K Pro-Am crew got online to play a few games, as we usually do. As we've mentioned on the NLSC Podcast, and in the Forum, our record isn't exactly stellar across our three Pro-Am teams, but we still enjoy getting in some games each week, picking up the occasional win here and there, and joking around on the party chat. We started our most recent session in high spirits, but after only a few games, we were feeling disenchanted and ready to call it a night.

I'm sure that Arcane, Kenny, and I will discuss it in more detail on this week's Podcast, but in short, it was one of our worst sessions of 2K Pro-Am. Aside from our own mistakes - and the usual MyPARK cheese that spills over into 2K Pro-Am - we really seemed to be battling some gameplay quirks in all three contests. I can't speak for the rest of the guys, but when we decided to call it a night early, I found myself wondering if I wanted to keep playing 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16. Mulling that over led me to ponder another question: when is it time to shelve basketball games?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Clickbait & Basketball Gaming

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:21 pm

August 22nd, 2016: Clickbait & Basketball Gaming

At long last, we're on the verge of getting trailers and substantial information on NBA 2K17! It's been a quiet preview season, with gamer frustration coming to a head on social media last week following some ill-advised trolling by 2K community representatives. Many of us have been frustrated at the lack of news and previews, but with less than a month until the Early Tip-Off Weekend, it would seem that the wait is finally over, as the first gameplay trailer is reportedly set to be released this week.

Without much in the way of news, all we've been able to do is wish, want, and speculate. Even in the busier preview seasons of years gone by, a significant part of covering basketball video games has been wondering what if, and talking about what we want to see. When there is news, it's going to be posted and analysed. Should anyone that's producing basketball gaming content secure some kind of an exclusive - a tidbit of information, a developer interview - they're obviously going to push and promote it, us included. All content creators want to build their audience and brand, but there's an underhanded way of doing so.

It's the bane of the Internet, and the basketball gaming community is certainly not immune from it. Today, we're talking about clickbait.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Stephen Curry Layup Glitch in NBA 2K16

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:17 pm

August 29th, 2016: Stephen Curry Layup Glitch in NBA 2K16

A few weeks ago, I talked about having fun with glitches in basketball video games. I posted a video of an amusing glitch that occurred while performing a mid-air adjustment with Stephen Curry's layup package, which saw the ball zoom off the screen before dropping straight back down and through the hoop for two. Since then, I've been able to trigger the glitch on more than one occasion. Quite often, the result is just an unrealistically high arcing adjusted shot, but a few times the ball has once again rocketed off the screen, presumably into the rafters.

To date, I've only encountered and tried to trigger the glitch while shooting around on Arcane's MyCOURT, but I'd love to make it happen in a game of 2K Pro-Am, just to see if it does occur elsewhere. Whenever it has happened while shooting around in MyCOURT, I've made sure to capture a clip, which has allowed me to put together a short reel that I'd like to share with you today.

phpBB [video]
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Pro Stick vs. Shoot Button in NBA 2K

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:41 pm

September 5th, 2016: Pro Stick vs. Shoot Button in NBA 2K

By now, you've probably heard that NBA 2K17 will feature revamped shooting controls on the Pro Stick, with the angle of the stick now determining whether or not your attempt is on target. While many of the early impressions suggest that it's not as complex as it may sound, it's something that basketball gamers will ultimately decide for themselves upon getting their hands on the game. Fortunately, for gamers who prefer to use the Shoot button, Mike Wang made it clear in his developer blog that it's still going to be a viable option in NBA 2K17.

One of the things that made it difficult for me to get into the NBA 2K series all those years ago was its controls. I was accustomed to dribbling controls on the right stick, I didn't care for the original approach to Isomotion, and I felt like the Shot Stick was overkill. With the Shot Stick becoming the Pro Stick in recent editions of NBA 2K, combining dribbling and shooting controls, I've definitely warmed up to the concept. However, when it comes down to it, I still prefer using the Shoot Button. With the changes in NBA 2K17, I now find myself wondering if I'll change my approach.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Why We Don't Charge For Mods

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:29 pm

September 12th, 2016: Why We Don't Charge For Mods

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We have a good thing going here at the NLSC, especially when it comes to our modding community. Although the changes to the file formats beginning with NBA 2K15 PC have presented some challenges, our community remains dedicated to creating some outstanding mods. Fantastic work is also being done to keep old favourites up to date, and breathe new life into the retro basketball gaming experience. We can be proud of the work we do here.

Of course, every hobby or "scene" has its issues, and modding is no different. I've written about some of those issues in previous Monday Tip-Off and Friday Five articles, because I do want to see our community continue to get better and better. With the release of NBA 2K17 and a brand new season of modding looming on the horizon, I thought that I'd dive deeper into the reasons behind some of the rules and procedures in our modding community. This week, I'd like to discuss an issue that came up just the other day, which I realised we've never really explained in detail: why we don't charge for mods.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Realism in Franchise Modes

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:39 pm

September 19th, 2016: Realism in Franchise Modes

As I mentioned in last week's Friday Five, one of my goals for NBA 2K17 is to return to my roots as a franchise gamer, and spend a lot more time in MyLEAGUE. I'm still deciding which team (or teams) I'll control, what kind of moves I might make, and whether or not I'll experiment with league expansion and relocation in my primary MyLEAGUE game. As I mentioned in this thread, I generally prefer to maintain a certain level of realism when I play franchise modes, as I've discovered that making too many trades or using the fantasy draft options quickly leads to boredom, due to the more rapid departure from reality.

Of course, the very nature of franchise modes means that there will generally be some deviation from reality. Whether it's a player's stats, a team's record, or the odd trade here and there, most of our franchise games are not going to be one hundred percent realistic. For many of us, it's those small changes - or if we so choose, big changes - that make franchise modes so fun and enjoyable. At the same time, however, many of us do believe that franchise modes should be as realistic as possible, and are frustrated when our desired level of realism isn't achieved. The question is: what actually constitutes realism in a franchise mode?
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: When EA Sports & Visual Concepts Can't Win

Postby Andrew on Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:14 pm

September 26th, 2016: When EA Sports & Visual Concepts Can't Win

When it comes to basketball video games, we have a responsibility to ourselves as consumers to be honest in our feedback. While it's important to be constructive and refrain from childish insults, we don't do ourselves any favours if we hold back on all negative criticism. Visual Concepts has a quality product in NBA 2K, but there are still areas in which the game can improve. With NBA Live, EA Sports still has a long road ahead of them. In both cases, our suggestions and criticisms can help in the development of future games.

In a previous Monday Tip-Off article, I discussed what it means to give constructive feedback. It's important to keep that in mind when we're talking about what we want out of future releases from EA Sports and Visual Concepts, and I believe that for the most part, we do a great job of compiling useful feedback for both developers. Unfortunately, when it comes to certain issues, it's hard for us to have a unified voice and reach a consensus, due to polarised opinions on certain features. When that happens, it's tough for EA Sports or Visual Concepts to win with basketball gamers.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: How To Choose Teams in Franchise Modes

Postby Andrew on Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:21 am

October 3rd, 2016: How To Choose Teams in Franchise Modes

I've been away camping over the weekend, so it's been a few days since I played NBA 2K17. However, I can guarantee that it won't be long before I'm picking up the controller once more, and returning to the virtual hardwood. So far, I've been playing a lot of MyCAREER and meeting up with the guys to play 2K Pro-Am, but I'm still very keen to return to my roots as a franchise gamer and begin a MyLEAGUE game. Of course, that's something I might still hold off on until the opening night rosters have been pushed through.

In the meantime, I'm still mulling over a few ideas for what I'd like to do with MyLEAGUE. My first choice is always the Chicago Bulls, and their offseason acquisitions have made them an interesting option. I'm intrigued by the possibility of taking control of the Philadelphia 76ers, and I also really like the Charlotte Hornets' branding. The team you choose to play a franchise game with obviously plays a huge role in how much you enjoy the experience, so I thought that for this week's Monday Tip-Off, I'd discuss the selection process and offer up a few tips.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: Why We Give Credit & Ask Permission When Modding

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:54 pm

October 10th, 2016: Why We Give Credit & Ask Permission When Modding

In the twenty years that the NLSC has been around, we've developed our own sense of etiquette in our modding community. For a long time, many of these rules were unwritten, the "done thing" that everyone was expected to know about. That's not really the best approach however, so in my most recent revision to our Forum Rules, I made sure to include information about procedures and etiquette when it comes to modding. To be honest, those unwritten rules were long overdue to be written, in order to cut down on any ambiguity and ensure new modders know about them.

Two of the most important rules in our modding community are giving credit where it's due, and asking permission before using work that isn't open source. Most people seem to agree with the spirit of these rules, but others are occasionally puzzled by our adherence to them, especially if they've been a part of other modding communities that have approached the matter differently. Continuing my series of articles on our modding community here at the NLSC, I'd like to explain why we place so much emphasis on asking for permission and giving appropriate credit when using someone else's work.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: NBA 2K17's Virtual Currency Problem

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:18 pm

October 17th, 2016: NBA 2K17's Virtual Currency Problem

Since the release of NBA 2K17, an issue that's come up a couple of times on the NLSC Podcast is the general reduction in the amount of Virtual Currency that can be earned in a single game. Having spent most of my time so far playing MyCAREER and 2K Pro-Am, this is certainly a problem that I'm very familiar with. Although the MyNBA2K17 app offers additional opportunities to earn Virtual Currency, it doesn't do much to contribute towards the cost of the various in-game items that are purchased with VC.

We're not the only ones complaining about Virtual Currency in NBA 2K17, either. A petition is currently circulating in an effort to get Visual Concepts to re-work or eliminate the VC system in NBA 2K. It's highly unlikely that we'll see the complete removal of Virtual Currency in future iterations of NBA 2K, but given the issues with VC in this year's game, I'd definitely agree that some changes need to be made. While I do have a lot of good things to say about NBA 2K17, the problems with Virtual Currency absolutely need to be highlighted.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: MyCAREER (So Far) in Pictures

Postby Andrew on Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:42 am

October 24th, 2016: MyCAREER (So Far) in Pictures

As I discussed in a recent Friday Five column, despite my resolution to return to my roots as a franchise gamer in NBA 2K17, I’ve been drawn into MyCAREER once again. I’m definitely enjoying the less intrusive storyline, getting to spend more time on the virtual hardwood instead of in cutscenes, and improving my MyPLAYER for use in 2K Pro-Am. With the 2017 season looming, I am looking forward to starting a MyLEAGUE game soon, but I expect that I’ll also continue to play MyCAREER over the next several months.

On top of the endorsement deals that result in billboards, advertisements, and so forth, MyCAREER includes opportunities to develop connections with NBA players and other personalities. Following the completion of your social and business obligations, photographs of magazine covers, advertisements, and certain events you’ve attended can be accessed through the in-game phone. Some of them are pretty funny, while others are somewhat terrifying. Just for fun, I thought I’d share some of my favourite photos so far, with a disclaimer that what is seen cannot be unseen.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: You've Said That Already, We Get It

Postby Andrew on Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:38 pm

October 31st, 2016: You've Said That Already, We Get It

I have a revelation that'll probably make a lot of music fans in our community chuckle. My favourite band is the Barenaked Ladies. What can I say? I was a teenager in the late 90s, "One Week" was a hit, and to this day, I like the stuff they're putting out. Anyway, on the same album as "One Week" was another song that charted: "It's All Been Done". The lyrics deconstruct and critique clichéd romantic gestures, framed in the context of a relationship that spans across reincarnation (or possibly immortality), literally or metaphorically depending on your interpretation. Its conclusion is right there in the title: it's all been done.

What's the point I'm ham-fistedly trying to get at here? Well, when a community or fandom has been around for a while, long-time members are bound to suffer a touch of déjà vu when certain topics arise. The current NLSC Forum has been open since November 2002, so naturally there are going to be some recurring topics. That's to be expected, and to be fair, they're often given a new spin. Unfortunately, some of us do get carried away when it comes to certain subjects, and if we've been around for a while, chances are other people have grown weary of our beating the same drum over and over again. To borrow BnL's lyrics, it's all been done - or rather, said - before.
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Re: Monday Tip-Off: How Danilo Gallinari Became My Least Favourite Teammate

Postby Andrew on Tue Nov 08, 2016 9:47 am

November 7th, 2016: How Danilo Gallinari Became My Least Favourite Teammate

Playing through MyCAREER in NBA 2K17, I’ve learned a few things. One, never underestimate the importance of Badges; they really help give your player an extra boost. Two, when you’re a point guard playing for the Denver Nuggets and you’re looking to rack up a lot of assists, Justice Young and Kenneth Faried will happily oblige with baskets on catch-and-shoot and pick-and-roll opportunities respectively. And three, getting on the Italian cover of NBA 2K17 has clearly gone to Danilo Gallinari’s head…well, his virtual counterpart’s head, at any rate.

Halfway through my rookie season, the Nuggets are clearly the Orange Juice show. Yes, that still sounds a bit silly to say, but the point is, Justice and I have clearly taken over, and the team is thriving as a result. It seems that Danilo Gallinari didn’t get the memo though, because his play and attitude in practice and in games seems to suggest that he believes himself to be the star of the team. He still plays his role and he hasn’t cost us any games – yet, anyway – but there are times when it feels like he’s keen to impeach The President of Basketball. I have nothing against the real Gallo, but in MyCAREER, he’s become my least favourite teammate.
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