Comics Thread?

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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby Oznogrd on Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:05 pm

Invincible was alright, i'm not hooked yet.

Why did no one tell me Flash Thompsons Venom had no legs out of the suit?

Saga has been good to great but i'm only about 4 issues in. Way better than Y: The Last Man. Actually has me intrigued.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby shadowgrin on Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:39 am

Oznogrd wrote:Why did no one tell me Flash Thompsons Venom had no legs out of the suit?

It's the war man. No one here wants to remind you of the war again where it still causes you to wake up in the middle of the night sweating bullets when you remember and have nightmares about it.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby Oznogrd on Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:25 am

Fair enough

OK Saga is fantastic. One of the best things I've read in awhile..and ive read all of it that exists already *sigh*
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby shadowgrin on Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:32 pm

Bat-Cow? Seriously Grant Morrison?
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby Oznogrd on Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:03 am

shadowgrin wrote:Bat-Cow? Seriously Grant Morrison?

Yeah I read the bat-epic of morrison and I still dont really see what all the fuss was about. I thought it was kinda shitty and he copped out to register an emotional response in a similar manner to Joss. Give me Snyder Batman any day.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby benji on Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:00 pm

Morrison is kinda crazy vegan or something.

I read all of Green Lantern from Rebirth to Blackest Night.

And these.

Revolver (Matt Kindt) - This was pretty good, will have to look into Super Spy I guess now.
Neonomicon (Alan Moore) - No longer in the Greenville library and kinda weird, but whatever. It was decent enough.
Storm Season - A Derrick Storm Mystery ("Richard Castle") - I didn't realize they were making comics out of these. Yes, it's THAT Richard Castle.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby Oznogrd on Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:21 pm

So I read all of Catwoman V2 a couple weeks ago.

Not bad..Oddly, I liked the second half more than the first after Brubaker was gone, but I have weird taste.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby KrazyTomKrazy on Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:05 pm


Anyone else read this? I haven't really read the new 52 Batman but I like this side edition of the Riddler. I know a few other villains have their editions as well.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby Oznogrd on Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:13 pm

Getting proud of my comic's library.

Batman: The Black Mirror
Eternals-Neil Gaiman
The Batman Handbook (not comic but still)
The Sandman Companion
The Gunslinger Born
V for Vendetta
Preacher (full series, 9 volumes)
Deadpool Classic 1-2
Deadpool and Cable (full series, 3 volumes)
Venom volume 1
Invincible volume 1-4
Saga Volume 1-2
The League of Extraoridinary Gentlemen Volume 1
Planetary Volume 1-3
Witchfinder Volume 1
Sandman Volume 1-4
Scud the Disposable Assassin (Whole Shebang)
Transmetropolitan volume 1-3, 5

Sure is pretty to look at.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby benji on Wed May 06, 2015 1:29 pm

Wow, so almost two years.

Let's see....

Everything up to Flashpoint, then Flashpoint, and then almost everything since the New 52 started.

The Owls and The Joker have made for a compelling run on the Batman books. Batman Eternal was a waste. Zero Year I'm still iffy on.

Future's End and World's End disappointed, as did Trinity War and Forever Evil, because they both led to nothing. Earth 2 as a whole was somewhat interesting.

Convergence is the worst major DC event ever. The Multiversity was Seven Soldiers times ten Grant Morrison crazy but the end reveal was worth it all.

The Injustice Comic is more interesting than the game. Star Trek Ongoing > the films.

I re-read all of Fables/Jack of Fables/Cinderella/Fairest/The Literals since the Grand Finale of the series comes next month and I don't think I had gone past issue 100 even.

The Unwritten was good, then stupid, then awesome, then incredibly stupid, then dumb, then why.

Redid Powers as well, though I was totally shocked when the fifth (FIFTH!) restart of the series ran into a months plus delay. (lol nope)

Irredeemable and Incorruptible are pretty awesome and then go insanely stupid. Actually this is a common trend in everything comics it seems. Kick-Ass/Hit-Girl is another good example. Though its ending wasn't too horrible.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby benji on Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:36 pm

Alright, lets see...Fables ended, and I thought it was not what I wanted, but really an ideal ending for it. It was Fables, not the grim dark storyline that had been pushing the book after issue 100.

I finally read Transmetropolitan. I love how fucking archaic it is already.

League of Extraordinary Gentleman. I did not need to see Allan Quartermann naked. Hyde and the Invisible Man were my favs.

Been keeping up with all the New 52 Batman books, the new Batman and Robin Eternal weekly is better than the first set. Although can we finally get to the end of Gordon Bats already?!?

I re-read The Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Knight Strikes Again in preparation for DK III: The Master Race. The first issue of the latter is basically what you'd expect.

The Massive and DMZ. The Massive got stretched too far and basically had no real plot. DMZ had some odd sudden character personality changes and the start of it was way better than bringing everything to a head. Why did the entire Free States collapse when Manhattan, the DMZ, get overrun by the U.S. Military? How did the U.S. Military keep its firepower when the Free States seized all the military bases?

Re-read the Sandman in preparation for doing what Oz did above, and that was tackling Lucifer. Man did that book lose the plot within like five issues lol, not saying it was bad just that it almost immediately went off the rails from the premise into holy crap nutsville. Worth it.

The first Legion Lost was a great little series.

The Invisibles is Grant Morrison with no editor pretty much. I feel like he wasn't even reading the previous issues as he wrote it. Oh, Grant.

Will be exploring Elementals, Ex Machina, Loveless, Global Frequency, Grayson, and The Dreaming. Also Abbadon, which I might read now. Invincible maybe, I did start The Authority.

The Darkseid War is kinda funny. I have no idea what to make about the Batgirl reboot into Batgirl of Burnside. Batman Europa could be pretty good.

Need to clean up and organize my crap. So I can figure out exactly what's here in full and what's incomplete smatterings. Like Hellblazer which I put off until it finished and now I have a bunch of pieces of it I'm sure. And sorting out Deadpool's series is a task unto itself.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby shadowgrin on Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:26 am

Someone needs to explain to me how the hell 616 and 1610 coming to life together after all that shit in Secret Wars.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby Cpt(K) on Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:54 am

Interesting, and I'm curious. Does anyone read manga, which is sort-of like a comic?

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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby benji on Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:18 pm

benji wrote:Will be exploring Elementals, Ex Machina, Loveless, Global Frequency, Grayson, and The Dreaming. Also Abbadon, which I might read now.

Abbadon was okay.

Global Frequency was a decent idea written like garbage. I think Warren Ellis is sometimes too far up his own ass to understand how to plot things out.

Grayson was/is fun, but randomly lost the plot between writers.

Loveless could make a pretty awesome movie, especially if you stripped out parts considering it doesn't feel finished anyway.

Ex Machina was interesting but didn't grab me like DMZ or Loveless did.

DK III: The Master Race actually isn't that bad. Maybe it's because Miller wasn't left alone.

Reading The Authority now.

Also, re-read The Multiversity in proper order, and it's more awesomer than I thought.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby benji on Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:22 pm

Also, we need to discuss this.

Just five years after Flashpoint eliminated the entire D.C. Canon up to that point and launched the New 52. And just a year after Convergence restored the infinite multiverse than existed before THE ORIGINAL Crisis. DC is launching "Rebirth" which renumbers a whole bunch of stuff like Action Comics and Detective Comics back to their original numberings, and resets the entire universe back to before Flashpoint. Except in certain cases. Because now all books are severed from a single canon.

They basically have rewrote the DC Universe back to before the First Crisis completely. Everything's canon, unless it isn't in that moment.

And they told Morrison and Waid to fuck off when they proposed this as Hypertime years ago, so Morrison went ahead and did it anyway on his Batman run, and then wrote The Multiversity to establish it for when DC went even farther with Convergence.

Thankfully, I've cleaned up enough of DC that I'm actually back to the state I was at pre-Final Crisis where I was waiting for issues/stories which I always hate after the fact. (Except for doing things like going back through non-JLA character runs. Some of which I do want to do, like Suicide Squad.) So it's time to ruin my life by beginning to consume the archives of Marvel and Ultimate Marvel more closely now that they're getting their own slate cleaning which will provide an "Endpoint" like Flashpoint did.
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Re: Comics Thread?

Postby benji on Thu Aug 18, 2016 7:59 pm

some of the other stuff i plowed through recently, i think can put it into tiers

top tier:
Wool (which is an altered adaption of a self-published e-book/novel series and stuff but I only found that out after I read it)
American Vampire (First set of "volumes", first five collected editions, not Second Cycle yet)
Sleeper (though i probably shouldn't have read this after Velvet AND Criminal AND Fatale AND The Fade Out...overdosing on Brubaker, but it was a nice coda to me having finally read through The Authority last year)
Captain America: Man Out of Time
The Walking Dead (Ongoing) - Mainly, I came back to this after five years away or so. The TV show actually caught up and got past where I had stopped years back. I liked the time skip. Also the establishing of a world outside of Rick and whoever he's hanging out with this arc.
The Infinite Horizon

pretty good but depends on when u ask:
Marvel 1602 (Gaiman mini-series)
Eternals (Gaiman mini-series)
The Fade Out

decent to good:
The Wake
Prophet (Brandon Graham), second collected "Brothers"
More old 1960's Marvel from the Masterworks collection

Prophet, first collection "Remission"
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