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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby shadowgrin on Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:51 pm

JaoSming2KTV wrote:its fun on a bun
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Kenny on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:28 pm

The X wrote:badreligionau, so you were previously printing Government propaganda for Bligh & her cronies (or any politician for that matter)? :shake:

I was an apprentice, so for the most part, I wasn't printing it :P
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Andrew on Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:39 pm

The X wrote:badreligionau, so you were previously printing Government propaganda for Bligh & her cronies (or any politician for that matter)? :shake:

Come now, that's like blaming someone working at Maccas for obesity. ;)
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby koberulz on Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:07 pm

Just picked this up for $600:
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Andrew on Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:50 pm

Awesome. (Y)
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby deihatein on Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:24 am

Andrew wrote:Awesome. (Y)
shadowgrin wrote:Quick question: who is better in basketball, a black dude or a pinoy dude. If you thought or considered for a moment that it's the black dude then you're also a little bit racist.

End of any racist discussion.

Pinoy > Dallas Mavericks
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Lean on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:21 pm

It's raining like crazy here for almost three weeks now.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Patr1ck on Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:09 am

It was 92 degrees and I get a flash flood warning on my phone for my area. I play some max Payne 3 and then take a break to go outside. It's now pouring rain. It's about time, too.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby kevin02 on Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:31 pm

One day of school this week. Going to school tomorrow, and then Wednesday I leave for Springfield, Massachusetts for the Hall of Fame enshrinement!
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Andrew on Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:40 am

Nice, have a great trip! :)
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby [Q] on Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:13 pm

went to see Girl Talk in concert tonight. it was SICK. it was virtually a 2 1/2 hour non-stop party
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby rise on Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:04 pm

God damn it I am pissed off right now. The Gamecocks game was so bad it made me want to punch Connor Shaw or small fluffy animals (meh what's the difference?) in the face. Then I decided to play my player in 2k13. Lost by two to the fucking Lakers who destroyed my ass in the 4th quarter. Kobe had 49 points on the nights and we lost by two because Rondo decided to do some iso shit in the final 20 seconds of the game and air balled a fifteen foot pull up jumper in Dwight Howard's face at the buzzer. Fuck this shit and fuck the fact I can't post this is in the old Letting off Steam thread to make my rant seem less bitchy to the general public.

EDIT: Extra profanity to show how fucking pissed off I am.


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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Houndy on Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:31 am

LOL As a LSU fan, Shaw did pretty okay, he's better than Mettenberger because well.... he can't throw worth shit. But Jeremy Hill,....
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Lean on Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:33 pm

Got to hate work these past few days. Working overtime + four more hours total travel time between home and the office makes me want to file for a vacation leave for twenty straight days.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby hova- on Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:38 am

Never thought that would happen to me, but yeah, after 4 1/2 years of a great relationship I'm up to break up with my girlfriend. Or let's speak true words: she cheated on me. She cheated on me by meeting with another guy (apparently they did not have sex). She told me after their first meeting that she might have more feelings for him and she does not know what is wrong with her, that she somehow lost her feelings for me.

That was in late August, and since I was loving her so much I had no problems to forgive her that mistake. But the big problem was, that she simply could not stay away from him. He really had a crush on her and somehow she liked how he tried to get her so much, whilst I was pretty hurt and tried to convince her to stay with me. So she was pending between the both of us ... after 4 1/2 years with me and like ... 10 days with him. That really hurt.

On September 10th we were like separated but still writing and talking every day. My girlfriend went on to study in Paris and she said that she was hoping that she could finally get a clear mind without seeing me or the other guy. So I thought "okay, let's try this, maybe when you come back for one week in October you will know that you really love me and not him"

During the first two weeks of her stay in Paris she really messaged me a lot. "I miss you etc etc", but at first I was just relieved with her being away, because the situation at home with her and the guy was too much for me. So I did not really write back a lot and stuff because I thought some distance would be good to find out if we love each other. I was still missing her though, just felt kinda relieved that everything was so quiet compared to the days before.

And then - I accidentely found out that he was visiting her in Paris - while she had said to me I should not come to Paris, because we need some distance. When I told her that I had found out she said "Oh, I did not want this - he just came here etc etc. I love you. Thats why I did not tell you that he was here, I thought you would leave me immediately then."
Okay Okay, I said, and I told her she has to break ties with him and we could still be together if she did so. She said yes and I thought, wow, this time she will really do it. Because shes still loving me.

So next thing was, that she was still writing comments below facebook pics of him like "baby you look good" and stuff. I told her that this does not make any sense and she told me she wanted to get rid of him, but it's so difficult because she does not want to hurt him. She promised me to do so and after one week she said they had no contact and she told him that she does not want any more contact and he was angry and the whole thing is done. Of course I thought she was honest ...

Well, today, I received a SMS that surely wasn't meant to be for me, just because of the content and how she wrote it. "Baby how are you. How was work today. I love you". (I had no work this day - well, I'm a student ... and she never calls me baby) Well, I wrote back that this SMS was not meant for me and then she noticed that she sent it to the wrong guys. She told me that she feels so sry and it's best for all of us if she does not have contact to anybody now.

So, she will come back for one week in two weeks. I don't know what to do now. She's playing with me, I'm not dumb, I know that - but after 4 1/2 years it's so tough to end this relationship, especially when she is saying "I love you" today and "I still love him" tomorrow. What shall I do? I don't know. This was just to write everything down because I hate my situation and I only have like two people to talk to, because I don't want anybody to know yet that our "ideal" (that's what everybody was saying) relationship will find an end soon.

She is hurting me so much, but I still love her and I like her family and we always have been the perfect partners for all the others watching us. She was my first girlfriend. I have never even dated any other girl. But I also know that this relationship will never be as it has been before and eventually might end anyway. The worst thing is, that she has never been like that. She was so faithful. It seems like she turned around 360°. I always thought it could happen that I might cheat on her, just because I'm a man and you know how men are (especially when it comes to sex). There had never been any signs that she could leave me.

So if you have been tough enough to read through all this - you might as well post a reply ;) thanks guys
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby shadowgrin on Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:07 am

The evidence is there.
You know it.
She knows it.
The other dude knows it.
You're just denying/delaying the appropriate course of action because of this...
hova- wrote:She was my first girlfriend. I have never even dated any other girl.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Jackal on Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:35 am

That sucks huge monkey cock man, seriously sounds really odd how she changed her colors so fast.

All I can suggest is to cut off ties with her, as much as the thought of not being with her hurts because you love her so much and the time you've invested in the relationship seems like something worth fighting's not worth it.

Ask yourself this; will you ever really trust her again? She could be out at the Albert Heijn and you'd be like hmm, who is she flirting with?

I know a lot of factors are weighing on your mind; her family, how your relationship is perceived by others...but fuck all of that. Be upfront about the situation, she fucked you over.

Sulk mope and be miserable for a while, I'm sure we've all done it. Then get awesome and find the new love of your life. If a douchebag like me can find that person, you surely can. (B)
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Houndy on Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:43 am

That sucks ass man.... don't get played like that :evil:
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Andrew on Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:47 am

Sorry to hear that, hova-. I wouldn't be inclined to take her back as she's proven herself untrustworthy and frankly, a little immature too if that's how she's handling things in a long term relationship. I'd say she's thrown up enough red flags at this point and it's time to move on, don't set yourself up to be hurt even more.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Houndy on Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:53 am

Man I'm struggling in school...

It seems to be the subjects Im used to excelling at (Math and English) are the ones I'm struggling at. Geometry hit me like a storm, and I'm currently failing it... English I've been getting a constant B and well, I'm pretty damned shamed. Plus my sports life is going my way either, with missing the GW shot and just flat out struggling... it's been a shit October
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Lean on Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:24 am

That's just heavy, hova-.

You've given her all the chances to redeem herself. The damage has been done. It's alright to feel upset now, but remember to pull yourself up and move on. She picked her choice anyways.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby [Q] on Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:32 pm

Jackal wrote:All I can suggest is to cut off ties with her, as much as the thought of not being with her hurts because you love her so much and the time you've invested in the relationship seems like something worth fighting's not worth it.

I would agree. she obviously was not good at hiding him from you (or she didn't care if you found out, or "accidentally" let you find out to test you). in any case, it's not good for you so it's best to move on and see what else is out there. your time is too valuable to be wasting it on someone who doesn't deserve it
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Oznogrd on Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:31 pm

Heed the words of my uncle. Get out of there.

hova- ive gone through something really similar for different reasons recently but ive been in those shoes before. You can never get the trust back. Its hard because everything was so perfect and im sure after 4.5 years its hard to remember what life was like without her. But sometimes you do what you gotta do.

Break up, call some friends, go have lots of beer. Do your best to focus on other things and itll happen again. Im pretty sure you're younger than me so you got time.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby hova- on Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:16 am

Thanks for your kind words guys. I'm pulling pretty much out of this. But I will wait until she's back in 1 1/2 weeks and talk to her face-to-face. You're right, it does not make any sense at all to stay with here or to try to re-establish something that is already broken.

Right now I am heavily trying to not write back when she messages me and also to not fall into any sarcastical comments or insults - I want to finish this one classy - something she could not do. And I think after a while she will remember that classy finish when she's single again (I really heavily doubt that they will come along well, he's so different to us) and she will regret how she could leave such a good guy I am (not in every category for sure, but I think I handled the whole situation well)

Thanks guys.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby shadowgrin on Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:23 pm

hova- wrote:I'm pulling pretty much out of this. You're right, it does not make any sense at all to stay with here or to try to re-establish something that is already broken.

I want to finish this one classy - something she could not do. And I think after a while she will remember that classy finish when she's single again (I really heavily doubt that they will come along well, he's so different to us) and she will regret how she could leave such a good guy I am (not in every category for sure, but I think I handled the whole situation well)

Yet here you are with your fantasy scenario hoping that she'll go back to you in the future.
Stop it with those thoughts. Don't make yourself a doormat.

hova- wrote:I will wait until she's back in 1 1/2 weeks and talk to her face-to-face.

Right, talk. ANGRY BREAK UP SEX!11!1!! :cheeky: :hump:
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