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Re: A Legend Is Born III - NBA Draft: Hype It Up!

Postby Fresh8 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:54 pm

Valor wrote:I'll wait for the other ones to be posted before submitting my scores (Y)

Yep. No articles to be submitted once the next Chapter goes up.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - NBA Draft: Hype It Up!

Postby The X on Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:44 pm

This sucks, Draft should've been up a day ago. Nobody cares about these scrub rookies that don't stand up against the Moore's, Must's & Watson's Super Class (not to mention a guy named Moses) :wink:
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - NBA Draft: Hype It Up!

Postby Fresh8 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:08 pm

Sorry X, these 'scrubs' need a little association time so this is their time to shine. Your free agency will come in due time.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - NBA Draft: Hype It Up!

Postby The X on Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:36 pm

I don't really care about my free agency per se, just the off-season coverage. I should've told you to put all the updates up in one lump then others in a lump in a week or so. My bad (N)
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - NBA Draft: Hype It Up!

Postby Fresh8 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:42 pm

It will come. :)

I had to finish this next update before I moved on anyways.

As I said earlier - too bad about real life commitments.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - NBA Draft: Hype It Up!

Postby Fresh8 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:35 pm

Chapter 21

“I will need to seriously consider this offer,” Sit said to Dolan.
The Knicks owner didn’t want to push the issue; he only had one shot to get Sit into his organisation so there was no room for screwing up. Dolan finished his glass of champaign. Sit got up and grabbed a second round of oysters.
“I could get used to this though,” he commented as he sat down with his plate of food, “So you’re going to pay to get me out of my contract? I don’t think Seattle would let me go that easily.”
Dolan played with his re-filled glass, the champaign swirled dangerously around the top edge of the glass, “You have my word. I think David would be behind the cause as well. I don’t think we will have too much resistance.”
“Interesting,” Sit pondered aloud.
“As long as you can bring Reshawn Tyson here,” Dolan stated, “I don’t mind what it takes to get you into the Knicks front office.”
“I like your passion but what if I can’t bring Tyson?” Sit asked.
“We’d still be happy to have you on-board.”
A few hours later, Sit touched back down in Seattle. He would return to Stealth headquarters and continue with looking at draft prospects ahead of the NBA draft. He also convinced another team to make a deal with him. He then spoke to Coach Karl about how to help the team get to the next level. It was back to work as usual and as if the talk with Mr Dolan had never happened.

Ty was being courted by a couple of teams. Not many of them actually had the cap space to sign him. Dallas were the first ones to call. The Mavs held a genuine interest in him. It was a shame that Ty didn’t return mutual feelings.
“He will fit right in here at Dallas,” Mark Cuban was trying to convince Ty’s agent.
His agent laughed, “Come on man. He’s not going to be balling in Texas.”
“But he’s going to be the face of the franchise.”
“He’s getting that anywhere he goes.”
“We got a great team. He can win.”
“With a bunch of 40 year olds?”
Cuban tried to continue, “We got a few young guys here...”
Ty’s agent hung up on him.
Other teams called including Charlotte, Chicago, New York and Washington. All of them needed Ty to be signed and then traded to them. It was too much trouble so his agent said no straight away. He wasn’t going to make it any harder on himself. It was already difficult enough to arrange a deal with a single team. It would be too complicated to make a sign and trade happen. For Ty’s agent, that was a last resort. He couldn’t care less were Ty went as long as he got his paycheque.
“Look man,” the agent was on the phone to Michael Jordan, “I told you. My client don’t want to play for your shitty team. You treat your stars like shit.”

“Just between you and me,” Sit was in a meeting with Ty’s agent, “What do you think about Ty being in New York?”
“To be honest, I think he would be great there. Endorsements, Madison Square Garden... I’m not sure about winning,” the agent was interested in where this was going, “You got something lined up?”
“No, not really,” Sit admitted.
“Why did you ask then?” the agent felt like Sit was wasting his time.
“Something could happen,” Sit shrugged.
“There’s something that I don’t know?”
Sit changed the direction of the topic, “What about staying with the Stealth?”
“Not preferable.”
“It’s where the dollars are at.”
“You know that he doesn’t care about that.”
Sit smiled, “Well, an extra year of security and a hundred million bucks are pretty hard to argue against.”
“You’re right,” the agent conceded.
Sit bargained, “Think about how much more commission you’re going to make.”
The agent smiled, “You know me well.”
“We’re all human,” Sit had a bit of his coffee, “Anyway you can convince him?”
“He’s pretty stubborn,” the agent stated.
“Well, when the right time comes, you and he both know the offer is on the table. We’re offering him that max contract.”
Sit finished his coffee and got up to leave. A few nights later Sit would attend the NBA Draft in New York. Coby Clark was selected with the number one overall pick. The Stealth had three draft picks. The last pick of the first round was used on a power forward by the name of Jamaal Garrett. Sit liked his size and ability on the glass. The second pick of the second round also belonged to Seattle. Sit used that one on a forward Peter Carpenter who was an adept three point shooter and perimeter defender. The very last pick of the Draft came around and Sit looked at who was left.
“Oh, what the heck!” Sit said as he sent a message to the front of the room to pick Rich Tyler; a little known Aussie swingman who really wasn’t that good.
Sit felt obliged to give his countryman a chance; just like how James Dolan was ready to move heaven and earth to give him a shot.

Ty and his agent had been to Memphis to visit the Grizzlies. He knew it wasn’t for him. His shortlist thus came down to two more teams: Orlando and Phoenix. He visited Phoenix first. The Suns were a team in tatters with no standout talent except for Baron Davis and even he was getting on in age.
“We have great facilities here,” new Phoenix Suns GM Charles Barkley said to him, “If we have you here Rayshawn...”
“Reshawn,” Ty reminded him.
“Raaayshawn,” Barkley was struggling, “We wouldn’t be turrible. You feeling me?”
Ty looked around the practice gym and turned to Barkley, “It’s a nice place. What’s the team going to be like if I join?”
“Not turrible?” Barkley wasn’t too quick of a thinker.
“That’s nice...” Ty mumbled to himself.
He looked over at his agent who walked over, “It’s great to come and look at what you’ve got here Charles. We will keep in touch.”
Barkley wasn’t even listening as he was stuffing his face with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Ty and his agent zipped across to Orlando. They were only there for a few hours before they would need to fly back to Seattle; there was no time for Disneyland. Dwight Howard and Jameer Nelson were part of the recruiting team. Ty still remembered Howard’s hard foul on him that rendered him hurt two seasons ago on the eve of the postseason. Howard had heard nothing but bad things about Ty from Durant. However, he was nice to Ty while he was there under the orders of the Magic front office.
“No hard feelings?” Howard said to Ty.
Ty knew what he was referring to and shook his hand, “I don’t even know what you are talking about.”
Howard forced a smile, “I’d love to have you here with the Magic. We need a quality player to get us to the next level.”
Ty nodded, “Thanks.”
After a tour of the facilities and then a little mingling with his potential new teammates, Ty and agent were back to Seattle. After that flight, they zipped to Stealth headquarters for a meeting with GM Sit. On the way, Ty was briefed on his options so far.
“Barkley is a bit loopy,” the agent said.
“And overweight,” Ty pointed out.
“That too. But Phoenix can offer you the second most amount of money. They can build a team around you from scratch. They will treat you well. Orlando has the smallest offer but they have a fairly good team there. I think you are the missing piece of the puzzle.”
“Ok,” Ty was digesting all of the information, “And what about Seattle?”
“That’s easy,” his agent said, “The most money. Maybe a shot at a title.”
“Durant is a dickhead,” Ty shook his head, “I’m thinking no deal.”
His agent pat Ty on the back, “Man, just listen to what Sit has to say. Maybe it will change your mind.”
“Doubt it,” Ty replied, looking out the window and knowing deep down that he already had his mind made up.

Sit made his spiel to Ty and his agent.
“I drafted you and we’ve been through a lot together,” Sit stated, “It would be terrible if you walked away from what we have built here in Seattle. The offer is on the table Ty. You can’t argue against the money man. We’ve got a team that can contend right now. You can’t get that anywhere else.”
The agent got out of his seat and said to Sit, “Ok, that’s enough. I think Ty will need a little time to consider everything.”
Sit nodded and got up too, “Let me know as soon as you can. I know that you’ve done a lot of travelling. I just hope you think about what you have here in this city. There are a lot of people that want to see you stay here.”
Ty’s agent shook Sit’s hand. He turned and walked out the door. Ty stood up and shook Sit’s hand too. He let go of Sit’s hand and began to leave.
Sit called out to him, “We’re the best situation Ty.”
Ty kept walking.

Sit was on the phone to Andray Blatche’s agent, “Yes, we do want him to come in here and have a workout. We want to see what kind of form and shape he is in.”
He listened intently and replied, “Yes, I understand. Look, he will get a deal if you just convince him to come here.”
The call last another few seconds, “Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you. See you.”
Sit put the phone down and spun around in his chair. He reached out and grabbed the front of his desk to stop him from spinning. He then grabbed his half empty can of Coke. His other hand went straight for the remote. There was nothing good on tv. He left it on another re-run of Back to the Future. The phone rang. Sit paused the tv and answered the phone.
The office was dimly lit and Sit leaned forward to switch his desk light on.
“Yep, this is him speaking.”
Sit smiled as he heard the following words, “So how about that contract?”
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby The X on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:10 pm

As expect, Coby Clark goes first. I wonder who the Rockets will get.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby Fresh8 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:13 pm

The X wrote:As expect, Coby Clark goes first. I wonder who the Rockets will get.

You get two good players. (Y)
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby George7 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:16 pm

shadowGrinch, thanks!Nice too see I'm out of Grinch's hate radar.
Didn't knew that there was a rookie with a blog before though.

So Ty is back to the Stealth along with you?
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby hova- on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:22 pm

Sit writing at its best. Sad to see Clark not going to the Raptors. I'm really looking forward to what Ty's gonna do, I guess he will be with the Stealth again.

Chuck's a decent GM :D

keep it up, lovely story (Y)
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby Fresh8 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:31 pm

Thanks hova. One thing: Coby Clarke is a Raptor.

Anyway, there's 2 significant things that have happened in chapter 21. Can anyone spot and guess them?
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby |)e8* on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:57 pm

Blatche is going to Seattle i guess? And U drafted an aussie?
Thank you maksie for this kick-ass sig
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby Houndy on Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:09 am

Great chapter.. As usual.

Ty Won't go to Seattle, and Blatche is coming to Seattle
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby George7 on Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:13 am

You wrote that "He also convinced another team to make a deal with him"
What kind of deal?This might be the one

The other is not so clear.Pausing the TV? :P Drafting an Aussie,who is maybe an NLSC draftee?

Reading it again,I think that you are going to sign with another team following Tyson. That last phrase really is complicating. The contract that NY offered you,or the other team you said?

BTW,when are you going to post the draft results?
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby puttincomputers on Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:20 am

Hey did i see a Australian looking guy hanging around up here in Minnesota a few days ago?
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby Martti. on Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:38 am

1) Ty had already made up his mind + Durant's a dick = He's gone.
2) You got Blatche. Or the agent of the 29th overall pick called and wants a rookie contract. :P

I hope the rookies work out for you. And that Seattle gets a good replacement for Ty, Blatche just wants a triple-double.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby hova- on Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:46 am

Sit wrote:Thanks hova. One thing: Coby Clarke is a Raptor.

Anyway, there's 2 significant things that have happened in chapter 21. Can anyone spot and guess them?

Mixed it up, thought someone else got the 1st pick. Then let's rock. C&C on fire.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby shadowgrin on Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:06 am

George7 wrote:Didn't knew that there was a rookie with a blog before though.

Not a blog. Somehow Hasheem Thabeet came to mind when I looked at your article.
Some of you may know that Thabeet sent out e-mails to various schools in the U.S. so he could play ball. Your letter/blog seemed like you were selling yourself to the NBA teams, same way Thabeet was trying to sell his skills to the schools he contacted.
Let's not hope you perform like Thabeet when you are drafted. :lol:

The only negative thing I could think about your article is do you really have to suck up to Sit to that 2nd paragraph stating how you like the Stealth?
Suuuck uuup! If you wrote that you like the defending NBA champions or the team that lost to the champs, that would have been more acceptable for me. Suuuck uuup!
Your article doesn't have a nice flow on reading it, though that may be excused since the draftee is a foreigner and adds to the realism for his way of writing 'english'.

Nationalist sentiments. *yawn*
Not a big fan of pitiful and whiny human interest stories either. Only good thing about what you wrote is that you kept it short, so that none of us had to endure whatever hell you were planning for with that article.

First part of the article was interesting though I can sense a little bit of being a Sit copycat there, still interesting.

Second part, the article just went downhill. I don't want to read what your stats or GPA were in college, because most people know that success in college means shite in the NBA.
The second part just reeks of the draftee being full of himself. You make Chara and Durant look lovable with your "my stats are this and that" approach.

The biggest error of your article? NOT WRITING THE DRAFTEE'S OWN DAMN NAME! How the fuck are people supposed to know who you are?
I assumed that maybe the entire article is some sort of diary that's why the name isn't mentioned, but that just reinforces that you're full of yourself with the stats mention. Most NBA players don't even recall the exact value of the stat they produced.
The most obvious thing to assume to would be that the article is a sort of interview piece, but how hard is it to insert the draftee's name in the article? And telling the scout of your exact stats? The draftee is definitely full of himself I say. You think NBA scouts don't know the numbers that the draftees produced?
Fail I say.

I will be judging only on a 1 or 10 value. So if you sucked in a particular category that Sit provided, there's no in-betweens. It's either 1 or 10 only. I may add or subtract a point if there's some good or bad thing that catches my attention.

Will PM Sit.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby George7 on Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:05 am

shadowGrinch wrote:
George7 wrote:Didn't knew that there was a rookie with a blog before though.

Not a blog. Somehow Hasheem Thabeet came to mind when I looked at your article.
Some of you may know that Thabeet sent out e-mails to various schools in the U.S. so he could play ball. Your letter/blog seemed like you were selling yourself to the NBA teams, same way Thabeet was trying to sell his skills to the schools he contacted.
Let's not hope you perform like Thabeet when you are drafted. :lol:

The only negative thing I could think about your article is do you really have to suck up to Sit to that 2nd paragraph stating how you like the Stealth?
Suuuck uuup! If you wrote that you like the defending NBA champions or the team that lost to the champs, that would have been more acceptable for me. Suuuck uuup!
Your article doesn't have a nice flow on reading it, though that may be excused since the draftee is a foreigner and adds to the realism for his way of writing 'english'.

I just tried to mix my article,with the story line.Just to make it seem relative to the 2013-14 season in Sit's Association. It seems that it didn't worked out that good :mrgreen: .
In fact,they were eliminated by the champs.

BTW,found that Landry Fields has a rookie blog on Knicks site.

As for the writing side.I have a proficiency degree on English Language,but on that particular moment,I really couldn't organize my thoughts that good.Maybe I can fix it on a next article.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby shadowgrin on Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:24 am

George7 wrote:As for the writing side.I have a proficiency degree on English Language,but on that particular moment,I really couldn't organize my thoughts that good.Maybe I can fix it on a next article.

I prefer if you not fix it for a season or two (if Sit continues that long). It works well in staying with the character of your player, like most new foreign players in the NBA.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby hova- on Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:30 am


Relevance: I don't see that much relevance to the story. But I think it's pretty tough to get an article about your alter ego done and use content of the story in it. 2/5

Communication: Imho the article is pretty mixed up. The start is okay, but afterwards it's getting a bit bemusing, no clear structure in there if you ask me. 2/5

Enjoyability: I did not like it at all. You're doing it for your country ... that sounds pretty heroic, but I would have liked to hear more about your country / background. Maybe you could have added something about where you are from etc. 2/5

Grade: 6/15 ---> not very good I guess. I will go on with George's article later.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby Fresh8 on Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:53 am

George is the closest so far!

Spot on about the trade!

And yes, the statement is the other significant happening!

Can anyone guess what exactly happened? Big points up for grabs. George is closest atm.
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby newc on Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:18 am

At the end the guy, who calls Sit and says "What about that contract?" isn't a player, it's the guy from New York, trying to convince Sit to come to the Big apple :)

or maybe it's not New York now...
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby Houndy on Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:28 am

@ Shadow

Like you said it did not include my name, as the story was in First Person. The stats thing however, you could say I was reading from what my agent told me. Remember, I am a mid to last round pick, so hd doesn't know anything about me :wink:

Overall, I respect what you said
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Re: A Legend Is Born III - Chapter 21: Decisions

Postby hova- on Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:47 am


Relevance: Well, you mentioned the Stealth and tried to create at least a bit of a relation to the story. As I said before, it's a tough task. 3/5

Communication: The structure is good, the blog idea is okay. I don't like how it sounds pretty unrealistic that you are talking about your skills etc. A blog for me is more for off-court things and about stories you experience and want to share. Still I like this one more than Dare's. 3/5

Enjoyability: Well, it's pretty okay I guess. Still far away from the great writers in this section (like the thread creator for example) Still since it's better than Dare's, you get more points. 3/5

Grade: 9/15 ---> I am way too generous on this one, but at least your article's better than Dare's.


Relevance: Good job on mentioning Coby Clark. But I think that's still not enough to get the full score. At least you kind of have a plan of how the college season was last season which seems to fit well into the story. 4/5

Communication: It's a nice lil story of your life and I like it, but as Shadow said, the whole interview is a bit weird. Knowing all your stats and your complete biography, sounds like you learned it by heart. Just weird. 3/5

Enjoyability: In a way the article is definitely better than the other articles. But that's also because the others aren't very good. I think it was pretty play. 4 is way too high but as you were better than George and dare, you'll get that 4. 4/5

Grade: 11/15 ---> My scores are way too high. But this is the best of those three not so good pieces.
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