2007 endurance and rythems wishlist

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2007 endurance and rythems wishlist

Postby MrShock on Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:50 pm

I'd like to see where they totally take out the endurance bars. Its almost impossible to get someone 43-45 minutes the way its implemented now. Stamina should not affect your shooting. It should affect your jumping, speed,power and acceleration. It should affect players differently though. Like Shaq should start getting really slow after like 6-8 minutes without a break, but Wade should be able to play an entire half and only lose 2-3 points in all the atheletic abilities if its a normal game. Obviously he's gonna lose up to 5-7 a half if he's playing a run and gun team and doesn't come out.

It should also have an affect as the season goes along. If you played the night before you should lose attributes at a faster pace if you played meangingful minutes in the last game.

Playing tired should also slightly bring up your chance to be injured.

Think about it.....when you see players taken out of games, its usually because of a bad play or foul trouble. Allen Iverson could play 48 min a night, but usually Cheeks likes to give him a chance to rest his legs in the 3rd so he'll be fresh in the 4th.

I'd like to see rythem's in play styles too. Like, if Tyson Chandlers man beats him a couple times in a row on the block, he should become disgusted in the way he's playing and lose some ratings. That would give players reason to take their players out with less focus put on stamina. Same for a player if he goes on a cold streak. A couple minutes on the bench would give them some of their ratings back and calm them down. Get them out of the cold streak. Obviously if he misses his next two or three shots it could come back pretty easy.

Obviously this would work with hot streaks too. Say if Ben Gordon hits a couple three's and makes a nice drive he'll get into a good offensive rythem and his ratings would go up. It would also slow down his fatigue and keep his ratings from dropping as much as if he was playing normal.

Also if a player gets tired enough, not only will they lose a good bit of ratings, their offensive and defensive awareness should go down. They should be less likely to try for a block and more likely to get beat on a drive. They could also be more liable to foul since they are playing "lazy" ball. They shouldn't contest passes and other stuff as much either. Not good help D. not good movement off the ball. They should have their hands on their knee's or hips when they aren't moving to give you an idea they're tired since there's no stamina bar anymore.

That way you would see people put people like AI on easy defensive assignments so they can focus on the offensive side. And if they are tired it wont show as much because their guarding the worst offensive player they can. That would actually give a reason to use people and Iguodala on the other teams super starts. Also defensive minded people should be a little tougher to get disgusted because they know superstars can only be contained.
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:51 pm

Postby ignatu on Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:24 pm

One problem with substition through 2006 is that it seems the computer will return a starter to the lineup only after his replacement gets tired. Starters returning is normally based on the starter getting his rest.
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Joined: Sat Nov 16, 2002 5:40 am

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