BoJack Horseman

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BoJack Horseman

Postby Andrew on Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:52 pm

The NLSC and BoJack Horseman? What is this, a crossover episode?

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So, BoJack Horseman began in 2014 and ended in 2020. To that end, this thread is very late to the party. However, I finally binged the series over the course of a week late last year, and felt that we needed a topic here to reflect on it. Because man...what a show!

I'll try to avoid/hide spoilers because if you haven't watched it, it's worth going back and checking out from start to finish. It's hilarious, heavy, poignant, thought-provoking...just very well-written and entertaining television. Because of that, some of the discourse I've seen online is a bit pretentious and snobby, acting as if it's the only brilliance that TV has ever produced. That would be giving it too much credit and many other fantastic shows too little, but it's absolutely worthy of high praise. I was hooked once I finally got into it, and although I was sorry to reach the end when I got to the final episode, it avoided the trap of running for too long, unlike so many of my other favourite shows.

In a medium and genre that's often all about self-contained episodes and the status quo, you can't help but admire BoJack's story arcs for its major characters, and its consistency in moving forward rather than hitting the reset button. Again, that's not to say it's the only way to do TV or comedy, but it allowed them to tell in-depth stories that a lot of shows don't, while still allowing many episodes to stand by themselves to be re-watched on a whim. While there's certainly less comedy in the later seasons, there are still laughs, and the storytelling more than makes up for when episodes are heavy on drama and light on humour.

BoJack himself is a fascinating character. He's not necessarily a likeable protagonist, yet glimpses of his childhood through flashbacks and the darker side of the entertainment industry clearly taking their toll on him does keep him somewhat sympathetic. Even when his past misdeeds come to a head in the final season, there's an element of unfairness, despite his comeuppance being warranted. He's not a good person - though he tries, sometimes, sort of, not really as hard as he should - but he's also made a scapegoat for the ills of his profession and bad decisions of others, by people who are more interested in having someone take the fall and advance their careers in the process, rather than fix the underlying problems. BoJack is a symptom, not the disease, and a victim in his own right. Of course, he's also done some pretty lousy things, so you can't feel too bad for him. For me, it's how he was brought down, rather than that he was, though again, he deserves it.

I also really admire the creativity of the writers in experimenting with different concepts, including an episode that had virtually no dialogue, and one that was basically a monologue ("Free Churro", where he delivers his mother's eulogy). The sharp wit, the insightful commentary on addiction, mental health, destructive behaviour, and even dementia, combined with great storytelling, make it a must-watch. I've seen some people say that the first few episodes drag, and I'd agree that it's still finding its way a bit. However, I still believe they're really good episodes, and "BoJack Hates the Troops" in particular is spot on with its commentary. The show also treats its supporting characters extremely well, giving them story arcs that are just as well-crafted and entertaining/heart-wrenching as BoJack's story.

I could go on and on, but I should probably wait until someone else jumps in to talk about the finer points of the show. Once again though, I'm glad I finally sat down and watched it, and can't recommend it enough. As I said, it can be quite heavy - especially towards the end - but it's a great journey. It left me wishing that some of my other favourite shows that were likewise brilliant at their peak didn't run so long past their prime. The Simpsons is still my all-time favourite show and I maintain that its best seasons/episodes hold their own against any other comedy series. After watching BoJack Horseman, though, I'm bummed that The Simpsons probably won't ever have the amazing finale that BoJack did. I guess that's difficult to say when that day hasn't come yet, but as far as finishing on a high before the quality slipped, they have missed the boat on that one.

Anyway, give BoJack Horseman a shot if you haven't already. Also, Michelle Branch's cover of America's "A Horse with No Name" is fantastic.

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Re: BoJack Horseman

Postby Lamrock on Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:58 pm

I absolutely adore this show. When it first came out, I didn't really like it. Watched the first couple episodes and thought it was just Family Guy with swearing, but when the second season came out and multiple friends were singing its praises, I gave it another shot.

It took me until halfway through the first season to get into it but once I did I was hooked. The Simpsons (90s of course) is a pretty apt comparison as the writing is fantastic and the attention to detail (so many gags, visual and otherwise, can be missed and add so much to repeat viewings) are exceptional.

So of course it's a good show but what makes it stand out for me, for better or for worse, is how relatable it is... BoJack is obviously not a good guy, but I've never seen a more relatable character on a TV show. It is the most spot-on depiction of depression I've seen in a medium.. His narcissism and self destructive behavior, and the guilt he feels for all of it and his generally futile attempts to better himself resonate with me in a way that makes me feel icky but also heard...

The other characters are great as well. Despite being cartoon characters (many of them anthropomorphic) they feel quite real. The only one that doesn't really do it for me is Todd but he does provide a nice contrast to everyone else.

So yeah, wonderful show. Takes some investment to get into and it is pretty dark at times, but it's one of my all-time favorites
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Re: BoJack Horseman

Postby Andrew on Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:59 am

Right? Its handling and depiction of mental health is insightful and poignant. It makes you feel for, and to an extent cheer for, a character who is otherwise not particularly admirable. Diane's arc is fantastic too, and she's obviously a much more likeable character to begin with. Just great commentary on the human condition throughout the entire cast. They even got some ace representation in there with Todd, which I can't relate to personally, but it is nevertheless absolutely important and not very often seen in fiction.

Speaking of swearing, the decision to only use "fuck" in moments where a relationship was permanently ended or altered was very creative and clever. I'm not offended by swearing - I'm an Aussie, after all - but it can be used as a crutch for shock value humour, and eventually the shock wears off. BoJack used it as a great storytelling tool, tapping into the raw emotion of profanity. It's the difference between punctuating a really good dirty joke with blue language, and a kid swearing to impress other kids. BoJack was the former, a lot of adult-oriented animated shows are the latter.

As someone who's lost a friend to suicide and wondered about their thought process leading up to that, "The View From Halfway Down" hits close to home. As you said, it's extremely relatable in the way it handles heavier topics. And yet, it still manages to be witty and funny too, so it's not just wallowing in misery for the sake of it.
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