Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby bigh0rt on Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:40 am

I feel like I'm being suckered in, but I'm actually pretty excited for WM.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:06 am

Looking at the card, pretty much everything is a title match, thanks to the brand split and additional championships.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby bigh0rt on Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:22 am

Andrew wrote:Looking at the card, pretty much everything is a title match, thanks to the brand split and additional championships.

There can be lame championship matches, so that's not what's got me. It's that most of the matches have some real, genuine excellent potential. For me Owens v. Jericho is the real Main Event. I couldn't care less about Goldberg v. Lesnar, and am concerned about the potential for disaster with Styles v. McMahon (though I think Styles can drag him through something entertaining enough, and it's a shame the best man in the entire company isn't in a major match/story line), but pretty much the rest of the card has some real good potential to possibly steal the show. I'd love to see the monster final acceptance of Reigns as a heel v. Taker, who we all know I can barely stand to watch anymore. Let Reigns bury him and finally start embracing the monster heel.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:32 am

Shawn Michaels was reportedly offered by the WWE to be AJ Styles' Wrestlemania opponent, though HBK is strict about his retirement I believe.

Would be so awesome if Daniel Bryan would be the one in the match vs. AJ instead of Shane, though.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby bigh0rt on Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:12 am

I'm sure I'll be massively let down multiple times on the evening, as always seems to be the case. But at least there's some excitement potential going in, which I don't remember feeling last year. The storylines for the Women's matches aren't great, and it feels like a lot were thrown in so they could get the women on the card without having more than 2 matches, but there's great workers there so there's potential for a great match. The Battle Royal has the potential to be a nice spot for Braun Strowman. Over the last year or two Cena has really grown on me, and I thoroughly enjoy just about everything he does nowadays, being away from the main championship scene. I don't expect that match to be terrible, and the spots the Miz has done have been wonderful. Neville v. Aries has the possibility of being absolutely fantastic; show stealing potential. I enjoy heel Neville; at least he's got some direction, and an avenue to build his character with the Cruiserweights. I hope he retains in classic underhanded heel fashion after a memorable match. It feels like it's time for Enzo and Cass to get their tag team title run, though as much as I enjoy Seamus and Cesaro, I feel they take away from the match. Like the women, it feels like a way the company is just trying to shoehorn more superstars onto the card. Still, it should be an enjoyable match; I have trouble imagining a stinker here. Ambrose v. Corbin is strangely one of the other few matches I just don't care about. Ambrose just doesn't do it for me, and Corbin doesn't and hasn't since his NXT days. I just don't buy either of their shticks. I feel the WWE wasted a good opportunity to take Ambrose into the bad ass anti-conformity face like they did with Steve Austin, but with a different spin, and they (or maybe he) just haven't really done a good job with it. As I mentioned before, Owens v. Jericho is my Main Event. I can't wait. Jericho is still the best on the mic that wrestling has to offer, and I think they put on an absolute show and build Owens even bigger. I'm also legitimately excited for the prospects of Wyatt v. Orton. Been a Bray fan since I first got back to watching wrestling a few years ago, and think his character has really been built well over the past several months. I do wish he still had the other 2 main Wyatt members to do his bidding, similar to the Mideons and Visceras of the Ministry of Darkness, but he's great, and I think would be a great, new era gimmick to replace the Undertaker.

Also, you have to wonder who may show up that isn't listed on the card. Where is Finn Balor in terms of recovery? Any chance we see him? Anyone else?
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby zzcoolj21 on Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:26 am

bigh0rt wrote:Also, you have to wonder who may show up that isn't listed on the card. Where is Finn Balor in terms of recovery? Any chance we see him? Anyone else?

Finn's been doing house shows for a few weeks now. Might be saving him for Raw after Mania.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:48 am

bigh0rt wrote:
Andrew wrote:Looking at the card, pretty much everything is a title match, thanks to the brand split and additional championships.

There can be lame championship matches, so that's not what's got me. It's that most of the matches have some real, genuine excellent potential. For me Owens v. Jericho is the real Main Event. I couldn't care less about Goldberg v. Lesnar, and am concerned about the potential for disaster with Styles v. McMahon (though I think Styles can drag him through something entertaining enough, and it's a shame the best man in the entire company isn't in a major match/story line), but pretty much the rest of the card has some real good potential to possibly steal the show. I'd love to see the monster final acceptance of Reigns as a heel v. Taker, who we all know I can barely stand to watch anymore. Let Reigns bury him and finally start embracing the monster heel.

Goldberg/Lesnar is going to be a mess. It's probably going to be short, not very entertaining to watch, and either way, a part timer keeps RAW's world title. It's not a good situation all around.

I agree that Styles should be working with a full-time wrestler, but the angle itself is a high profile one in its own right. That's always going to be the case when a McMahon is involved.

From all accounts, you won't have to suffer Taker much longer, as Wrestlemania 33 is pretty much all but confirmed to be his final match. I just hope he gets a decent send-off and that the rub is worth it for Reigns. They absolutely have to push him as a heel, though. He's already failing to get face reactions, and while people have pointed out Cena's mixed reactions for close to a decade now, he moves more merchandise and in general makes it work better than Reigns has. They need to learn from their mistakes with Cena, and create main event stars that get the intended reactions, rather than settling for "Eh, some people like him, some don't". Cena still draws, I'm not sure Reigns does.

Owens/Jericho should be the match of the night, both in terms of storyline and in-ring work.

bigh0rt wrote:I'm also legitimately excited for the prospects of Wyatt v. Orton. Been a Bray fan since I first got back to watching wrestling a few years ago, and think his character has really been built well over the past several months. I do wish he still had the other 2 main Wyatt members to do his bidding, similar to the Mideons and Visceras of the Ministry of Darkness, but he's great, and I think would be a great, new era gimmick to replace the Undertaker.

While I don't think he'll ever truly replace Undertaker, Bray does have the potential to kind of be the next generation of that dark/anti-hero gimmick. I still think his character has lacked direction and motivation for much of his run, but things have come together a little with the title win and Orton angle. The smarks are kind of a problem, though. I mean, yes, he deserves a push, but chanting "you deserve it" after he won the championship? The guy is meant to be a heel! Sometimes, I think smarks can be too smart for their own good.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:33 am

Definitely looking forward to Owens Jericho. Also AJ and Shane. Will be cool to experience the undertaker entrance in person as well even if he can't do much in the ring anymore.
Can we get a hardys sighting too please? Or Kurt angle in ring work
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:34 am

Apparently the Hardys could still be going to WWE at some point. I could see Angle having a segment that perhaps includes some kind of altercation, but he hasn't been cleared yet. Perhaps Summerslam?
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:36 pm

Also read somewhere that the Hardys are in a legal dispute with TNA because of the Broken gimmick. TNA claims that they own the gimmick and place TM's on every YouTube video there is from Impact Wrestling that featured the Hardys.

I'm also looking forward to Owens vs Jericho, and I also believe that it would have more weight if they're fighting for the Universal Championship. I'm still not sold on giving Goldberg the title and then dropping off to Brock.

If this WrestleMania is really going to be Undertaker's last, they should make the most out of it and make Reigns heel.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:22 pm

Last I read, the legal issues have now been sorted. Matt's wife owns the trademarks now.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby JaoSming on Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:48 pm

Taz had an awesome idea last week on his show to get Finn into the Brock/Goldberg match as a triple threat to give him the title back and protect Goldberg from being exposed as a 2-move guy, especially now. Gives the fans a match that is more than 2 minutes and continues his story line.....

....but hearing over and over again that Brock is supposed to just murder everyone until Roman saves the day next year at WM (similar to what was supposed to happen 2 years ago before the cash-in call) obviously conflicts with that idea....

I'm actually really surprised how little I care about NXT going into the next Takeover. Loving what I see from Nakamura, Roode, Asuka, Ember Moon, Kay/Payton, the tag teams, Sanity, even Cien..... just, nothing story-wise going on for me.

WM Predictions
I think Mojo is winning ARMBAR. Would love to see him turn and go against Ryder when he comes back.... but I think he'll just have a "building" year like Corbin this year off ARMAR.

Enzo & Cass are winning the Raw Tag Titles. Hopefully losing them back to The Club Monday.... As much as I'd love to see Finn & The Club together in WWE, I don't see heel Finn being a thing after a comeback....and I don't see them wanting to make The Club a good-guy team.

Friggin Austin Aries at Wrestlemania. I can't wait to see him win. Loved him in TNA, can't wait to see him try to make the cruiserweights past Neville's old school heel promos every night promoting 205 Live.

I really hope Asuka debuts and wins in Smackdown's women's match. Her continuing her streak on the main roster allows for more non-title feuds, but if she doesn't debut I think Becky wins it back. They're definitely having surprises here, so maybe Lita (worked an indie recently) or that celebrity that gets WM matches....Eva probably. Hopefully no Naomi....they might expect a "hometown" reaction with her and I don't think they'll get it.

Corbin over Ambrose. Hopefully it's a hardcore match. Hopefully this ends up being what the Brock match could have been last year. I'd like to see Corbin fighting Harper for a bit and Ambrose moving up to the main title picture again, except properly this time. Less goofy, and more Mankind IMO.

Cena & Nikki with the big proposal after. This is actually one of my favorite things going into WM, even though it's very telegraphed. Miz & Maryse have been killing it. Hopefully Nikki retires after this though (dem promos) and we get a nice break from Cena for a few months until Summerslam.

Owens hopefully kills Jericho. Just, straight kill him. If Jericho wins it will be just as big of a headscratcher as Styles' match last year.

Sasha winning by turning on Bayley. But I see this backfiring, they somehow fucked up Bayley's charm lately so people are just going to be indifferent towards her and still cheer Sasha. At the same time, I can't wait to see Bayley Sasha III.

Shane is beating AJ. I have a feeling this is going to be a wicked awesome match (read: spot-fest) but I have a bad feeling that the teasing of Sami to Smackdown and AJ to Raw was foreshadowing. Hopefully a Club reunion on Raw to against Finn would be fun to watch, but Finn would have to win that since he's coming back. And with no title on Raw because of part-timers....I'd rather AJ stay on Smackdown.....but I just don't think that'll happen.

Roman retiring Undertaker. I think it's not going to be bad, but I mean, how can Roman beating up Undertaker be good? Based on the Roman vs Brock rumor for next year, I'm going to guess Roman beats Owens, HHH, AJ (if he ends up on Raw), and Braun a second time in the next year to build him up for Brock.

Brock beating Goldberg. Quick. I'm guessing 5 suplexes, & 3 F5s. F it, here's the match, Spear, Jackhammer, kickout, Spear reversal to suplexes, F5, F5, F5, pin. I'm guessing Brock holds the title until next year, with only 6 PPV matches until then. Beating Roman at Summerslam, and let's say KO (clean), Finn (with Club interference), Seth Rollins (clean), AJ (clean, if on Raw), and maybe Nakamura? (actual good match)

And Orton beating Bray. I really really really hope this match is amazing. The one I got to see in person at No Mercy was good....but I want great here. I love the theory from Rowan's Twitter. During this whole angle there was video of him moving a body bag and saying shit like 2 people knowing is too many people. I think he moved Sister Abigail from the fire and this reuinites the family.... or not. I dunno.

Again, I'm really surprised at how much I'm looking forward to WM even though it's supposed to be more mainstream focused than hardcore focused. I'm OK with Roman & Brock winning again just because no matter how much Raw gets fucked up, I'll still have Smackdown's greatness.

For callups.....
Nakamura to Raw....with feuds against KO, Finn, & AJ (if traded).
The Revival to Smackdown....hopefully learning from mistakes with The Ascension. I really like what the Uso's are doing right now, but these guys could be an awesome secondary team to have on the show.
Asuka to Smackdown. Just killing everyone, never losing, only losing in non-finishes or 3rd/4th person getting pinned.

Draft Whenever the hell this will be....maybe in a few months?
DIY to Smackdown
Cien to Raw

Random Callups Sometime in the next year.
Kay & Royce to Smackdown
Hideo to Smackdown
Roddy Strong to 205/Raw
Mark Andrews to 205/Raw
No Way Jose to Raw

And for Raw/Smackdown Swaps...
Sami to Smackdown
Nia to Smackdown
Bo to Smackdown
Cesaro to Smackdown
AJ to Raw
Becky to Raw
Apollo to Raw
Ryder to Raw

For the Hardys......I'd love for them to keep the Broken stuff in WWE, but I doubt it will happen. My ideal would be continuing the quest for gold and going against all 3 brands, appearing and disappearing randomly with all their "matches" being self-contained Network specials from the compound and other zany places like the WWE warehouse, offices, or in streets. How awesome would it be to see the old Smackdown or Raw stage/titantrons again because the Hardys teleported there?
....but we're probably going to get vanilla Hardys back on Raw similar to the Dudley's last run. Not getting my hopes up for them at all. Excited, curious, but reserved I guess.

I dunno. It's a fun time of year for this speculation/fantasy stuff.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:32 pm

I tend to agree with those predictions.

I know I've said it before, but Lesnar destroying everyone is beyond stale. The most interesting thing that's happened with him is getting dominated by Goldberg, and that's kind of trading one problem for another...or a couple of problems really, since by extension, it makes the people Lesnar has destroyed look even worse. I guess he's probably still a draw, but I personally have no interest in any of his programs. People praise Heyman's work on the mike, and he certainly gets a reaction, but even that seems like the same old speech every single time to me. There's no intrigue, suspense, originality, or compelling in-ring work in any of Lesnar's angles. I can only roll my eyes at the thought of him winning the belt, and barely appearing on TV...again.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby JaoSming on Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:41 am

...that tease

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:04 am

I really hope they keep AJ on Smackdown, though moving Sami and Cesaro from Raw is a great idea and can do a lot of potential main event matches.

I wanted to make my predictions after this week's Raw, Smackdown and NXT episodes, but what the hell:


(I've got to admit that the 2014-2015 NXT is the best time period the brand had)

SaNiTY vs Tye Dillinger, No Way Jose, Roderick Strong & Ruby Riot: Faces win

Get this feud over with and put Dillinger on the NXT title picture already!

Andrade “Cien” Almas vs. Aleister Black: Black goes over

Shame that Cien would be fed for a debut match.

NXT Tag Team Championship Elimination Match: #DIY

DIY goes over after eliminating The Revival.

NXT Women's Championship: Ember Moon

Asuka's promo from the last week's episode of NXT emphasized that there would be "no Eclipse", which probably translates to her being pinned by Ember after an Eclipse.

NXT Championship Match: Bobby Roode

Roode retains and this will be Nakamura's send-off to the main roster, and I do hope Nakamura ends up on Smackdown. Raw's pretty much crowded with the top-tier former NXT stars.



Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Braun Strowman

Braun had a great run since the draft, and looking back he did good work only to be halted by Reigns again. Maybe pitting him against the Undertaker would have helped his career, but putting him over on the battle royal doesn't seem bad for him.

Seth Rollins vs Triple H: Seth Rollins

Undertaker vs Roman Reigns: Roman Reigns

Have him retire the Undertaker, and turn him heel. Make him a dominant heel that Owens never was.

Raw Tag Team Championships: Enzo and Cass

As much as I love for Gallows and Anderson to retain, I think they would be giving it to Enzo and Cass for a big moment. The two never won the NXT tag titles and given their popularity with the crowd, I think the WWE would go with them and give them a title run. Heck, let Enzo take the pinfall victory, too.

Cruiserweight Championship: Austin Aries

This match would probably be the show-stealing match with Aries going over.

United States Championship: Kevin Owens

This is my main event for Raw. Again, the stakes would have been higher story-wise if they could have made it a title vs. title match. And this match would probably Chris' last before he goes on tour with Fozzy again. I also want Owens to re-brand the US title to the Canadian Championship.

Raw Women's Championship: Sasha Banks

Sasha turns on Bayley with the backstabber/Bank Statement combo. Charlotte will be taken out by Dana to start a feud of their own. I would rather have just a one-on-one match with Charlotte as the champion and Bayley as her challenger, then Bayley would have had a bigger moment.

Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar

I honestly don't care about the Lesnar-Goldberg feud. And I also feel bad for Wyatt, because as much as the WWE says that the Orton-Wyatt match will be the main event, that's really not gonna happen.

Cena/Bella vs Miz/Maryse: Cena/Bella

Cena and Nikki winning and a proposal after the match. I have to agree with Jon on how much flare Miz and Maryse has brought into the feud because of their promos.

AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon: AJ Styles

I'm also agreeing with Jon in thinking that this would be a spot-fest, but with AJ going over. I'm still hoping that there would be a last-minute change and have Daniel Bryan go against Styles instead of Shane, though.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship: The Revival

With no clear direction yet on where this match would go, I think it will turn out as a gauntlet match like they did in the Elimination Chamber PPV. If The Revival won't debut here, this match would probably be relegated on the pre-show.

Smackdown Women's Championship: Naomi or Asuka

Regardless of the results from NXT Takeover, I think Asuka will make an appearance on the Smackdown Women's Championship match as the last entrant (I'm thinking this match will be a gauntlet match, or probably there will be a last-minute change and make it a battle royal again). It's either Asuka or a returning Naomi for a hometown crowd reaction.


WWE Championship: Bray Wyatt

Just for once, give Wyatt a victory at Wrestlemania. Bring Rowan back and show that Abigail is with him and was never burned down by Orton. I'm also expecting an interference by Harper at some point.

I also predict another Rock segment. And where do Zayn, Joe, and Finn fit in the event?

As for the call-ups, I predict that Nakamura, Asuka and The Revival are going up. But I do hope they also slow down on calling talent up as the main roster's getting pretty crowded with most of them not being used properly (The Ascension, Tyler Breeze, etc)
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:54 am

JaoSming wrote:...that tease

[ Image ]

It's either one hell of a tease, or a red herring setting up brutal disappointment. Hoping for the former.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:55 pm

Aries is definitely winning at WM. Funny I actually don't mind him, even though in NXT I hated him. Didn't watch TNA when he was there.
Asuka winning the SD title? I think there's a good chance she drops here title to Ember Moon the night before, so that could free her up for a call up and win. Otherwise, I'd like to see Becky get it back. If Naomi is healthy (which she might be, considering they haven't mentioned her at all) they might have her win it back for the hometown reaction. Plus, she didn't get a real title run either. Wonder what they'll be doing with all of the old women's wrestlers they've even contacting. Could it be for this match?
Corbin is a virtual lock for wining the IC belt. They've been pushing him for this moment.
Cena & Nikki are going to win as well. It would be hilarious if he proposed. I hate the Miz, but their Total Bellas spoof was gold
Not sure who wins Raw Women's title (please not Charlotte again) but I agree they've fucked up with both Sasha and Bayley (and Dana Brooke) so far.
I'm torn whether I want to see a quick match or not for the Universal title. I'd feel cheated if it were like a minute, but then again I don't know if a long match would be any good.

I'm a bit more optimistic on the Hardys. I think they come back and beat the Usos for the title. American Alpha gets traded for Gallows and Anderson to put AA with Kurt Angle the new Raw GM. Hardys are too big of stars not to bring back for WM. WWE has let them do their thing for years without wanting them back but the broken gimmick got so over that WWE wanted them back. I think they will also keep the Broken gimmick going as they have seem to be winning the war, especially on the trademark stuff. Matt currently owns the trademark but it's up for review before it gets confirmed. I don't think they'd be fighting this if their TNA contract gave up their rights to their creations. Seems like they had a bit more creative freedom, so they probably had a special deal with TNA. They'd sell so much fucking Broken merch, Vince has $$ in his eyes when he thinks about how many Delete shirts they'd sell, how many Broken Matt wigs they'd sell, how many Brother Nero arm sleeves they'd sell. Plus I think Matt would want at least a short run with it in WWE to see how far he could take it. Eventually, I think he'd come up with something else as they've probably worked out some sort of creative clause in their deal. If WWE is wary of using it before Matt Hardy wins his case, I think it's possible they come back as the Hardy Boyz until that point and then they become broken.

I hope Nakamura debuts on Raw the day after and becomes a mega star. I hope Finn gets back in the Universal title picture when he shows up on Raw and gets the run that he deserves. Joe probably interferes and beats up Rollins at some point. Finn for the save?
I hope Cesaro gets traded to SD and becomes the main eventer that he should've been all along. Vince must really not like the guy.
I hope Hideo returns and makes a run for the NXT title. Man, he had just come back from the shoulder when that newb dumped him on his neck. I was so mad, I didn't get to see him live at the show I went to last year. Hope he comes back and hits the GTS on everybody.

I'll hopefully have some videos or pictures to post next week when I get back from Orlando. (Y)
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:15 am

The Cruiserweight Title match and the Smackdown Women's Title match are now both moved to the pre-show.

I've rewatched Wrestlemania 23 again on the Network, and I remembered how hyped I was for that year's Wrestlemania just because of the theme song and the first promo they used:

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]

I miss this kind of music for Wrestlemania. Heck even for the Big Four PPVs.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:18 am

Looks like Naomi was healthy like I thought and so looks like no asuka call up for now.

No SmackDown tag title match? Can we get a hardys appearance on Tuesday??
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:28 am

On one hand, it's a shame to see title matches relegated to the pre-show. On the other hand, there's so many titles right now to the point where nearly every match is a title match, so it was kind of inevitable.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:51 am

Went to an indie show headlined by Cody Rhodes. Actually got to take a picture of him and Brandi outside. He took a powerbomb from inside the ring to the outside through a table. Brandi took a bump into a pile of thumb tacks. Ryback went up against colt cabana and Tommy dreamer had a hardcore match
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:12 am

It was just announced that there will be new belts tonight at Takeover for all of the winners of the championship matches. Probably to distance the Women's Championship away from the leaked Paige videos?

[Q] wrote:Brandi took a bump into a pile of thumb tacks.

:shock: Damn!
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby JaoSming on Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:30 am

Damn indeed
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:15 am

Man they did really zoomed in on dat ass. Nice touch on the Triforce on her boots, I think Cody had that on his, too.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:30 am

There's a big dude with glasses in the center of that video on the left side of those turnbuckles. I was right behind him

My cousin got to meet joey Ryan outside and bought a shirt from him. He's a really nice dude
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